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Scala example source code file (StandardDefinitions.scala)

This example Scala source code file (StandardDefinitions.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

classsymbol, definitionsapi, doubleclass, list, modulesymbol, nonemodule, standardtypes, termsymbol, type, vararityclassapi

The StandardDefinitions.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky
package scala
package reflect
package api

 * <span class="badge badge-red" style="float: right;">EXPERIMENTAL</span>
 * All Scala standard symbols and types.
 * These standard definitions can accessed to using `definitions`.
 * They're typically imported with a wildcard import, `import definitions._`, and are
 * listed in [[scala.reflect.api.StandardDefinitions#DefinitionsApi]].
 *  @group ReflectionAPI
trait StandardDefinitions {
  self: Universe =>

  /** A value containing all standard definitions in [[DefinitionsApi]]
   *  @group Definitions
  val definitions: DefinitionsApi

  /** Defines standard symbols (and types via its base trait).
   *  @group API
  trait DefinitionsApi extends StandardTypes {
    /** The module class symbol of package `scala`. */
    def ScalaPackageClass: ClassSymbol

    /** The module symbol of package `scala`. */
    def ScalaPackage: ModuleSymbol

    /** The class symbol of core class `scala.Any`. */
    def AnyClass   : ClassSymbol

    /** The class symbol of core class `scala.AnyVal`. */
    def AnyValClass: ClassSymbol

    /** The class symbol of core class `java.lang.Object`. */
    def ObjectClass: ClassSymbol

    /** The type symbol of core class `scala.AnyRef`. */
    def AnyRefClass: TypeSymbol

    /** The class symbol of core class `scala.Null`. */
    def NullClass   : ClassSymbol

    /** The class symbol of core class `scala.Nothing`. */
    def NothingClass: ClassSymbol

    /** The class symbol of primitive class `scala.Unit`. */
    def UnitClass   : ClassSymbol

    /** The class symbol of primitive class `scala.Byte`. */
    def ByteClass   : ClassSymbol

    /** The class symbol of primitive class `scala.Short`. */
    def ShortClass  : ClassSymbol

    /** The class symbol of primitive class `scala.Char`. */
    def CharClass   : ClassSymbol

    /** The class symbol of primitive class `scala.Int`. */
    def IntClass    : ClassSymbol

    /** The class symbol of primitive class `scala.Long`. */
    def LongClass   : ClassSymbol

    /** The class symbol of primitive class `scala.Float`. */
    def FloatClass  : ClassSymbol

    /** The class symbol of primitive class `scala.Double`. */
    def DoubleClass : ClassSymbol

    /** The class symbol of primitive class `scala.Boolean`. */
    def BooleanClass: ClassSymbol

    /** The class symbol of class `scala.String`. */
    def StringClass : ClassSymbol

    /** The class symbol of class `java.lang.Class`. */
    def ClassClass  : ClassSymbol

    /** The class symbol of class `scala.Array`. */
    def ArrayClass  : ClassSymbol

    /** The class symbol of class `scala.List`. */
    def ListClass   : ClassSymbol

    /** The module symbol of module `scala.Predef`. */
    def PredefModule: ModuleSymbol

    /** The module class symbol of package `java.lang`. */
    def JavaLangPackageClass: ClassSymbol

    /** The module symbol of package `java.lang`. */
    def JavaLangPackage: ModuleSymbol

    /** The module symbol of module `scala.Array`. */
    def ArrayModule: ModuleSymbol

    /** The method symbol of method `apply` in module `scala.Array`. */
    def ArrayModule_overloadedApply: TermSymbol // todo. fix the bug in Definitions.getMemberMethod

    /** The method symbol of method `apply` in class `scala.Array`. */
    def Array_apply: TermSymbol // todo. fix the bug in Definitions.getMemberMethod

    /** The method symbol of method `clone` in class `scala.Array`. */
    def Array_clone: TermSymbol // todo. fix the bug in Definitions.getMemberMethod

    /** The method symbol of method `length` in class `scala.Array`. */
    def Array_length: TermSymbol // todo. fix the bug in Definitions.getMemberMethod

    /** The method symbol of method `update` in class `scala.Array`. */
    def Array_update: TermSymbol // todo. fix the bug in Definitions.getMemberMethod

    /** A dummy class symbol that is used to indicate by-name parameters.
     *  {{{
     *  scala> class C { def m(x: => Int) = ??? }
     *  defined class C
     *  scala> import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
     *  import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
     *  scala> val m = typeOf[C].member(newTermName("m")).asMethod
     *  m: reflect.runtime.universe.MethodSymbol = method m
     *  scala> m.params(0)(0).info
     *  res1: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = => scala.Int
     *  scala> showRaw(m.params(0)(0).info)
     *  res2: String = TypeRef(
     *      ThisType(scala),
     *      scala.<byname>, // <-- ByNameParamClass
     *      List(TypeRef(ThisType(scala), scala.Int, List())))
     *  }}}
    def ByNameParamClass: ClassSymbol

    /** A dummy class symbol that is used to indicate repeated parameters
     *  compiled by the Java compiler.
     *  {{{
     *  class C {
     *    public void m(Object... x) {}
     *  }
     *  }}}
     *  {{{
     *  scala> import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
     *  import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
     *  scala> val m = typeOf[C].member(newTermName("m")).asMethod
     *  m: reflect.runtime.universe.MethodSymbol = method m
     *  scala> m.params(0)(0).info
     *  res1: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = <repeated...>[Object]
     *  scala> showRaw(m.params(0)(0).info)
     *  res2: String = TypeRef(
     *      ThisType(scala),
     *      scala.<repeated...>, // <-- JavaRepeatedParamClass
     *      List(TypeRef(ThisType(java.lang), Object, List())))
     *  }}}
    def JavaRepeatedParamClass: ClassSymbol

    /** A dummy class symbol that is used to indicate repeated parameters
     *  compiled by the Scala compiler.
     *  {{{
     *  scala> class C { def m(x: Int*) = ??? }
     *  defined class C
     *  scala> import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
     *  import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
     *  scala> val m = typeOf[C].member(newTermName("m")).asMethod
     *  m: reflect.runtime.universe.MethodSymbol = method m
     *  scala> m.params(0)(0).info
     *  res1: reflect.runtime.universe.Type = scala.Int*
     *  scala> showRaw(m.params(0)(0).info)
     *  res2: String = TypeRef(
     *      ThisType(scala),
     *      scala.<repeated>, // <-- RepeatedParamClass
     *      List(TypeRef(ThisType(scala), scala.Int, List())))
     *  }}}
    def RepeatedParamClass: ClassSymbol

    /** The module symbol of module `scala.List`. */
    def ListModule: ModuleSymbol

    /** The method symbol of method `apply` in class `scala.List`. */
    def List_apply: TermSymbol // todo. fix the bug in Definitions.getMemberMethod

    /** The module symbol of module `scala.collection.immutable.Nil`. */
    def NilModule: ModuleSymbol

    /** The class symbol of class `scala.Option`. */
    def OptionClass: ClassSymbol

    /** The module symbol of module `scala.None`. */
    def NoneModule: ModuleSymbol

    /** The module symbol of module `scala.Some`. */
    def SomeModule: ModuleSymbol

    /** Function-like api that lets you acess symbol
     *  of the definition with given arity and also look
     *  through all known symbols via `seq`.
    abstract class VarArityClassApi extends (Int => Symbol) {
      def seq: Seq[ClassSymbol]

    /** Function-like object that maps arity to symbols for classes `scala.ProductX`.
     *   -  0th element is `Unit`
     *   -  1st element is `Product1`
     *   -  ...
     *   - 22nd element is `Product22`
     *   - 23nd element is `NoSymbol`
     *   - ...
    def ProductClass: VarArityClassApi

    /** Function-like object that maps arity to symbols for classes `scala.FunctionX`.
     *   -  0th element is `Function0`
     *   -  1st element is `Function1`
     *   -  ...
     *   - 22nd element is `Function22`
     *   - 23nd element is `NoSymbol`
     *   - ...
    def FunctionClass: VarArityClassApi

    /** Function-like object that maps arity to symbols for classes `scala.TupleX`.
     *   -  0th element is `NoSymbol`
     *   -  1st element is `Tuple1`
     *   -  ...
     *   - 22nd element is `Tuple22`
     *   - 23nd element is `NoSymbol`
     *   - ...
    def TupleClass: VarArityClassApi

    /** Contains Scala primitive value classes:
     *   - Byte
     *   - Short
     *   - Int
     *   - Long
     *   - Float
     *   - Double
     *   - Char
     *   - Boolean
     *   - Unit
    def ScalaPrimitiveValueClasses: List[ClassSymbol]

    /** Contains Scala numeric value classes:
     *   - Byte
     *   - Short
     *   - Int
     *   - Long
     *   - Float
     *   - Double
     *   - Char
    def ScalaNumericValueClasses: List[ClassSymbol]

  /** Defines standard types.
   *  @group Definitions
  trait StandardTypes {
    /** The type of primitive type `Unit`. */
    val UnitTpe: Type

    /** The type of primitive type `Byte`. */
    val ByteTpe: Type

    /** The type of primitive type `Short`. */
    val ShortTpe: Type

    /** The type of primitive type `Char`. */
    val CharTpe: Type

    /** The type of primitive type `Int`. */
    val IntTpe: Type

    /** The type of primitive type `Long`. */
    val LongTpe: Type

    /** The type of primitive type `Float`. */
    val FloatTpe: Type

    /** The type of primitive type `Double`. */
    val DoubleTpe: Type

    /** The type of primitive type `Boolean`. */
    val BooleanTpe: Type

    /** The type of core type `Any`. */
    val AnyTpe: Type

    /** The type of core type `AnyVal`. */
    val AnyValTpe: Type

    /** The type of core type `AnyRef`. */
    val AnyRefTpe: Type

    /** The type of core type `Object`. */
    val ObjectTpe: Type

    /** The type of core type `Nothing`. */
    val NothingTpe: Type

    /** The type of core type `Null`. */
    val NullTpe: Type

Other Scala source code examples

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