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Scala example source code file (Constants.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Constants.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

annotation, boolean, bytetag, chartag, constant, doubletag, error, floattag, inttag, longtag, shorttag

The Constants.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package scala
package reflect
package internal

import java.lang.Integer.toOctalString
import scala.annotation.switch

trait Constants extends api.Constants {
  self: SymbolTable =>

  import definitions._

  final val NoTag      = 0
  final val UnitTag    = 1
  final val BooleanTag = 2
  final val ByteTag    = 3
  final val ShortTag   = 4
  final val CharTag    = 5
  final val IntTag     = 6
  final val LongTag    = 7
  final val FloatTag   = 8
  final val DoubleTag  = 9
  final val StringTag  = 10
  final val NullTag    = 11
  final val ClazzTag   = 12
  // For supporting java enumerations inside java annotations (see ClassfileParser)
  final val EnumTag    = 13

  case class Constant(value: Any) extends ConstantApi {
    import java.lang.Double.doubleToRawLongBits
    import java.lang.Float.floatToRawIntBits

    val tag: Int = value match {
      case null         => NullTag
      case x: Unit      => UnitTag
      case x: Boolean   => BooleanTag
      case x: Byte      => ByteTag
      case x: Short     => ShortTag
      case x: Int       => IntTag
      case x: Long      => LongTag
      case x: Float     => FloatTag
      case x: Double    => DoubleTag
      case x: String    => StringTag
      case x: Char      => CharTag
      case x: Type      => ClazzTag
      case x: Symbol    => EnumTag
      case _            => throw new Error("bad constant value: " + value + " of class " + value.getClass)

    def isByteRange: Boolean  = isIntRange && Byte.MinValue <= intValue && intValue <= Byte.MaxValue
    def isShortRange: Boolean = isIntRange && Short.MinValue <= intValue && intValue <= Short.MaxValue
    def isCharRange: Boolean  = isIntRange && Char.MinValue <= intValue && intValue <= Char.MaxValue
    def isIntRange: Boolean   = ByteTag <= tag && tag <= IntTag
    def isLongRange: Boolean  = ByteTag <= tag && tag <= LongTag
    def isFloatRange: Boolean = ByteTag <= tag && tag <= FloatTag
    def isNumeric: Boolean    = ByteTag <= tag && tag <= DoubleTag
    def isNonUnitAnyVal       = BooleanTag <= tag && tag <= DoubleTag
    def isAnyVal              = UnitTag <= tag && tag <= DoubleTag

    def tpe: Type = tag match {
      case UnitTag    => UnitTpe
      case BooleanTag => BooleanTpe
      case ByteTag    => ByteTpe
      case ShortTag   => ShortTpe
      case CharTag    => CharTpe
      case IntTag     => IntTpe
      case LongTag    => LongTpe
      case FloatTag   => FloatTpe
      case DoubleTag  => DoubleTpe
      case StringTag  => StringTpe
      case NullTag    => NullTpe
      case ClazzTag   => ClassType(typeValue)
      case EnumTag    => EnumType(symbolValue)

    /** We need the equals method to take account of tags as well as values.
    // !!! In what circumstance could `equalHashValue == that.equalHashValue && tag != that.tag` be true?
    override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match {
      case that: Constant =>
        this.tag == that.tag && equalHashValue == that.equalHashValue
      case _ => false

    def isNaN = value match {
      case f: Float  => f.isNaN
      case d: Double => d.isNaN
      case _ => false

    def booleanValue: Boolean =
      if (tag == BooleanTag) value.asInstanceOf[Boolean]
      else throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a boolean")

    def byteValue: Byte = tag match {
      case ByteTag   => value.asInstanceOf[Byte]
      case ShortTag  => value.asInstanceOf[Short].toByte
      case CharTag   => value.asInstanceOf[Char].toByte
      case IntTag    => value.asInstanceOf[Int].toByte
      case LongTag   => value.asInstanceOf[Long].toByte
      case FloatTag  => value.asInstanceOf[Float].toByte
      case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double].toByte
      case _         => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a Byte")

    def shortValue: Short = tag match {
      case ByteTag   => value.asInstanceOf[Byte].toShort
      case ShortTag  => value.asInstanceOf[Short]
      case CharTag   => value.asInstanceOf[Char].toShort
      case IntTag    => value.asInstanceOf[Int].toShort
      case LongTag   => value.asInstanceOf[Long].toShort
      case FloatTag  => value.asInstanceOf[Float].toShort
      case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double].toShort
      case _         => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a Short")

    def charValue: Char = tag match {
      case ByteTag   => value.asInstanceOf[Byte].toChar
      case ShortTag  => value.asInstanceOf[Short].toChar
      case CharTag   => value.asInstanceOf[Char]
      case IntTag    => value.asInstanceOf[Int].toChar
      case LongTag   => value.asInstanceOf[Long].toChar
      case FloatTag  => value.asInstanceOf[Float].toChar
      case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double].toChar
      case _         => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a Char")

    def intValue: Int = tag match {
      case ByteTag   => value.asInstanceOf[Byte].toInt
      case ShortTag  => value.asInstanceOf[Short].toInt
      case CharTag   => value.asInstanceOf[Char].toInt
      case IntTag    => value.asInstanceOf[Int]
      case LongTag   => value.asInstanceOf[Long].toInt
      case FloatTag  => value.asInstanceOf[Float].toInt
      case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double].toInt
      case _         => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not an Int")

    def longValue: Long = tag match {
      case ByteTag   => value.asInstanceOf[Byte].toLong
      case ShortTag  => value.asInstanceOf[Short].toLong
      case CharTag   => value.asInstanceOf[Char].toLong
      case IntTag    => value.asInstanceOf[Int].toLong
      case LongTag   => value.asInstanceOf[Long]
      case FloatTag  => value.asInstanceOf[Float].toLong
      case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double].toLong
      case _         => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a Long")

    def floatValue: Float = tag match {
      case ByteTag   => value.asInstanceOf[Byte].toFloat
      case ShortTag  => value.asInstanceOf[Short].toFloat
      case CharTag   => value.asInstanceOf[Char].toFloat
      case IntTag    => value.asInstanceOf[Int].toFloat
      case LongTag   => value.asInstanceOf[Long].toFloat
      case FloatTag  => value.asInstanceOf[Float]
      case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double].toFloat
      case _         => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a Float")

    def doubleValue: Double = tag match {
      case ByteTag   => value.asInstanceOf[Byte].toDouble
      case ShortTag  => value.asInstanceOf[Short].toDouble
      case CharTag   => value.asInstanceOf[Char].toDouble
      case IntTag    => value.asInstanceOf[Int].toDouble
      case LongTag   => value.asInstanceOf[Long].toDouble
      case FloatTag  => value.asInstanceOf[Float].toDouble
      case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double]
      case _         => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a Double")

    /** Convert constant value to conform to given type.
    def convertTo(pt: Type): Constant = {
      val target = pt.typeSymbol
      if (target == tpe.typeSymbol)
      else if (target == ByteClass && isByteRange)
      else if (target == ShortClass && isShortRange)
      else if (target == CharClass && isCharRange)
      else if (target == IntClass && isIntRange)
      else if (target == LongClass && isLongRange)
      else if (target == FloatClass && isFloatRange)
      else if (target == DoubleClass && isNumeric)

    def stringValue: String =
      if (value == null) "null"
      else if (tag == ClazzTag) signature(typeValue)
      else value.toString()

    @switch def escapedChar(ch: Char): String = ch match {
      case '\b' => "\\b"
      case '\t' => "\\t"
      case '\n' => "\\n"
      case '\f' => "\\f"
      case '\r' => "\\r"
      case '"'  => "\\\""
      case '\'' => "\\\'"
      case '\\' => "\\\\"
      case _    => if (ch.isControl) "\\0" + toOctalString(ch.toInt) else String.valueOf(ch)

    def escapedStringValue: String = {
      def escape(text: String): String = text flatMap escapedChar
      tag match {
        case NullTag   => "null"
        case StringTag => "\"" + escape(stringValue) + "\""
        case ClazzTag  =>
          def show(tpe: Type) = "classOf[" + signature(tpe) + "]"
          typeValue match {
            case ErasedValueType(clazz, underlying) =>
              // A note on tpe_* usage here:
              // We've intentionally erased the type arguments to the value class so that different
              // instantiations of a particular value class that erase to the same underlying type
              // don't result in spurious bridges (e.g. run/t6385.scala). I don't think that matters;
              // printing trees of `classOf[ValueClass[String]]` shows `classOf[ValueClass]` at phase
              // erasure both before and after the use of `tpe_*` here.
            case _ => show(typeValue)
        case CharTag   => "'" + escapedChar(charValue) + "'"
        case LongTag   => longValue.toString() + "L"
        case EnumTag   =>
        case _         => String.valueOf(value)
    def typeValue: Type     = value.asInstanceOf[Type]
    def symbolValue: Symbol = value.asInstanceOf[Symbol]

     * Consider two `NaN`s to be identical, despite non-equality
     * Consider -0d to be distinct from 0d, despite equality
     * We use the raw versions (i.e. `floatToRawIntBits` rather than `floatToIntBits`)
     * to avoid treating different encodings of `NaN` as the same constant.
     * You probably can't express different `NaN` varieties as compile time
     * constants in regular Scala code, but it is conceivable that you could
     * conjure them with a macro.
    private def equalHashValue: Any = value match {
      case f: Float  => floatToRawIntBits(f)
      case d: Double => doubleToRawLongBits(d)
      case v         => v

    override def hashCode: Int = {
      import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3._
      val seed = 17
      var h = seed
      h = mix(h, tag.##) // include tag in the hash, otherwise 0, 0d, 0L, 0f collide.
      h = mix(h, equalHashValue.##)
      finalizeHash(h, length = 2)

  object Constant extends ConstantExtractor

  implicit val ConstantTag = ClassTag[Constant](classOf[Constant])

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Constants.scala source code file:

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