Scala example source code file (Constants.scala)
The Constants.scala Scala example source code/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Martin Odersky */ package scala package reflect package internal import java.lang.Integer.toOctalString import scala.annotation.switch trait Constants extends api.Constants { self: SymbolTable => import definitions._ final val NoTag = 0 final val UnitTag = 1 final val BooleanTag = 2 final val ByteTag = 3 final val ShortTag = 4 final val CharTag = 5 final val IntTag = 6 final val LongTag = 7 final val FloatTag = 8 final val DoubleTag = 9 final val StringTag = 10 final val NullTag = 11 final val ClazzTag = 12 // For supporting java enumerations inside java annotations (see ClassfileParser) final val EnumTag = 13 case class Constant(value: Any) extends ConstantApi { import java.lang.Double.doubleToRawLongBits import java.lang.Float.floatToRawIntBits val tag: Int = value match { case null => NullTag case x: Unit => UnitTag case x: Boolean => BooleanTag case x: Byte => ByteTag case x: Short => ShortTag case x: Int => IntTag case x: Long => LongTag case x: Float => FloatTag case x: Double => DoubleTag case x: String => StringTag case x: Char => CharTag case x: Type => ClazzTag case x: Symbol => EnumTag case _ => throw new Error("bad constant value: " + value + " of class " + value.getClass) } def isByteRange: Boolean = isIntRange && Byte.MinValue <= intValue && intValue <= Byte.MaxValue def isShortRange: Boolean = isIntRange && Short.MinValue <= intValue && intValue <= Short.MaxValue def isCharRange: Boolean = isIntRange && Char.MinValue <= intValue && intValue <= Char.MaxValue def isIntRange: Boolean = ByteTag <= tag && tag <= IntTag def isLongRange: Boolean = ByteTag <= tag && tag <= LongTag def isFloatRange: Boolean = ByteTag <= tag && tag <= FloatTag def isNumeric: Boolean = ByteTag <= tag && tag <= DoubleTag def isNonUnitAnyVal = BooleanTag <= tag && tag <= DoubleTag def isAnyVal = UnitTag <= tag && tag <= DoubleTag def tpe: Type = tag match { case UnitTag => UnitTpe case BooleanTag => BooleanTpe case ByteTag => ByteTpe case ShortTag => ShortTpe case CharTag => CharTpe case IntTag => IntTpe case LongTag => LongTpe case FloatTag => FloatTpe case DoubleTag => DoubleTpe case StringTag => StringTpe case NullTag => NullTpe case ClazzTag => ClassType(typeValue) case EnumTag => EnumType(symbolValue) } /** We need the equals method to take account of tags as well as values. */ // !!! In what circumstance could `equalHashValue == that.equalHashValue && tag != that.tag` be true? override def equals(other: Any): Boolean = other match { case that: Constant => this.tag == that.tag && equalHashValue == that.equalHashValue case _ => false } def isNaN = value match { case f: Float => f.isNaN case d: Double => d.isNaN case _ => false } def booleanValue: Boolean = if (tag == BooleanTag) value.asInstanceOf[Boolean] else throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a boolean") def byteValue: Byte = tag match { case ByteTag => value.asInstanceOf[Byte] case ShortTag => value.asInstanceOf[Short].toByte case CharTag => value.asInstanceOf[Char].toByte case IntTag => value.asInstanceOf[Int].toByte case LongTag => value.asInstanceOf[Long].toByte case FloatTag => value.asInstanceOf[Float].toByte case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double].toByte case _ => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a Byte") } def shortValue: Short = tag match { case ByteTag => value.asInstanceOf[Byte].toShort case ShortTag => value.asInstanceOf[Short] case CharTag => value.asInstanceOf[Char].toShort case IntTag => value.asInstanceOf[Int].toShort case LongTag => value.asInstanceOf[Long].toShort case FloatTag => value.asInstanceOf[Float].toShort case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double].toShort case _ => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a Short") } def charValue: Char = tag match { case ByteTag => value.asInstanceOf[Byte].toChar case ShortTag => value.asInstanceOf[Short].toChar case CharTag => value.asInstanceOf[Char] case IntTag => value.asInstanceOf[Int].toChar case LongTag => value.asInstanceOf[Long].toChar case FloatTag => value.asInstanceOf[Float].toChar case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double].toChar case _ => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a Char") } def intValue: Int = tag match { case ByteTag => value.asInstanceOf[Byte].toInt case ShortTag => value.asInstanceOf[Short].toInt case CharTag => value.asInstanceOf[Char].toInt case IntTag => value.asInstanceOf[Int] case LongTag => value.asInstanceOf[Long].toInt case FloatTag => value.asInstanceOf[Float].toInt case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double].toInt case _ => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not an Int") } def longValue: Long = tag match { case ByteTag => value.asInstanceOf[Byte].toLong case ShortTag => value.asInstanceOf[Short].toLong case CharTag => value.asInstanceOf[Char].toLong case IntTag => value.asInstanceOf[Int].toLong case LongTag => value.asInstanceOf[Long] case FloatTag => value.asInstanceOf[Float].toLong case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double].toLong case _ => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a Long") } def floatValue: Float = tag match { case ByteTag => value.asInstanceOf[Byte].toFloat case ShortTag => value.asInstanceOf[Short].toFloat case CharTag => value.asInstanceOf[Char].toFloat case IntTag => value.asInstanceOf[Int].toFloat case LongTag => value.asInstanceOf[Long].toFloat case FloatTag => value.asInstanceOf[Float] case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double].toFloat case _ => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a Float") } def doubleValue: Double = tag match { case ByteTag => value.asInstanceOf[Byte].toDouble case ShortTag => value.asInstanceOf[Short].toDouble case CharTag => value.asInstanceOf[Char].toDouble case IntTag => value.asInstanceOf[Int].toDouble case LongTag => value.asInstanceOf[Long].toDouble case FloatTag => value.asInstanceOf[Float].toDouble case DoubleTag => value.asInstanceOf[Double] case _ => throw new Error("value " + value + " is not a Double") } /** Convert constant value to conform to given type. */ def convertTo(pt: Type): Constant = { val target = pt.typeSymbol if (target == tpe.typeSymbol) this else if (target == ByteClass && isByteRange) Constant(byteValue) else if (target == ShortClass && isShortRange) Constant(shortValue) else if (target == CharClass && isCharRange) Constant(charValue) else if (target == IntClass && isIntRange) Constant(intValue) else if (target == LongClass && isLongRange) Constant(longValue) else if (target == FloatClass && isFloatRange) Constant(floatValue) else if (target == DoubleClass && isNumeric) Constant(doubleValue) else null } def stringValue: String = if (value == null) "null" else if (tag == ClazzTag) signature(typeValue) else value.toString() @switch def escapedChar(ch: Char): String = ch match { case '\b' => "\\b" case '\t' => "\\t" case '\n' => "\\n" case '\f' => "\\f" case '\r' => "\\r" case '"' => "\\\"" case '\'' => "\\\'" case '\\' => "\\\\" case _ => if (ch.isControl) "\\0" + toOctalString(ch.toInt) else String.valueOf(ch) } def escapedStringValue: String = { def escape(text: String): String = text flatMap escapedChar tag match { case NullTag => "null" case StringTag => "\"" + escape(stringValue) + "\"" case ClazzTag => def show(tpe: Type) = "classOf[" + signature(tpe) + "]" typeValue match { case ErasedValueType(clazz, underlying) => // A note on tpe_* usage here: // // We've intentionally erased the type arguments to the value class so that different // instantiations of a particular value class that erase to the same underlying type // don't result in spurious bridges (e.g. run/t6385.scala). I don't think that matters; // printing trees of `classOf[ValueClass[String]]` shows `classOf[ValueClass]` at phase // erasure both before and after the use of `tpe_*` here. show(clazz.tpe_*) case _ => show(typeValue) } case CharTag => "'" + escapedChar(charValue) + "'" case LongTag => longValue.toString() + "L" case EnumTag => symbolValue.name.toString() case _ => String.valueOf(value) } } def typeValue: Type = value.asInstanceOf[Type] def symbolValue: Symbol = value.asInstanceOf[Symbol] /** * Consider two `NaN`s to be identical, despite non-equality * Consider -0d to be distinct from 0d, despite equality * * We use the raw versions (i.e. `floatToRawIntBits` rather than `floatToIntBits`) * to avoid treating different encodings of `NaN` as the same constant. * You probably can't express different `NaN` varieties as compile time * constants in regular Scala code, but it is conceivable that you could * conjure them with a macro. */ private def equalHashValue: Any = value match { case f: Float => floatToRawIntBits(f) case d: Double => doubleToRawLongBits(d) case v => v } override def hashCode: Int = { import scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3._ val seed = 17 var h = seed h = mix(h, tag.##) // include tag in the hash, otherwise 0, 0d, 0L, 0f collide. h = mix(h, equalHashValue.##) finalizeHash(h, length = 2) } } object Constant extends ConstantExtractor implicit val ConstantTag = ClassTag[Constant](classOf[Constant]) } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala Constants.scala source code file: |
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