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Scala example source code file (HasFlags.scala)

This example Scala source code file (HasFlags.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

absoverride, accessboundarytype, boolean, defaultmethod, list, long, second, string, stringbuilder, use

The HasFlags.scala Scala example source code

package scala
package reflect
package internal

import Flags._

/** Common code utilized by Modifiers (which carry the flags associated
 *  with Trees) and Symbol.
trait HasFlags {
  type AccessBoundaryType
  type AnnotationType

  /** Though both Symbol and Modifiers widen this method to public, it's
   *  defined protected here to give us the option in the future to route
   *  flag methods through accessors and disallow raw flag manipulation.
   *  And after that, perhaps, on some magical day: a typesafe enumeration.
  protected def flags: Long

  /** Access level encoding: there are three scala flags (PRIVATE, PROTECTED,
   *  and LOCAL) which combine with value privateWithin (the "foo" in private[foo])
   *  to define from where an entity can be accessed.  The meanings are as follows:
   *  PRIVATE     access restricted to class only.
   *  PROTECTED   access restricted to class and subclasses only.
   *  LOCAL       can only be set in conjunction with PRIVATE or PROTECTED.
   *              Further restricts access to the same object instance.
   *  In addition, privateWithin can be used to set a visibility barrier.
   *  When set, everything contained in the named enclosing package or class
   *  has access.  It is incompatible with PRIVATE or LOCAL, but is additive
   *  with PROTECTED (i.e. if either the flags or privateWithin allow access,
   *  then it is allowed.)
   *  The java access levels translate as follows:
   *  java private:     hasFlag(PRIVATE)                && !hasAccessBoundary
   *  java package:     !hasFlag(PRIVATE | PROTECTED)   && (privateWithin == enclosing package)
   *  java protected:   hasFlag(PROTECTED)              && (privateWithin == enclosing package)
   *  java public:      !hasFlag(PRIVATE | PROTECTED)   && !hasAccessBoundary
  def privateWithin: AccessBoundaryType

  /** A list of annotations attached to this entity.
  def annotations: List[AnnotationType]

  /** Whether this entity has a "privateWithin" visibility barrier attached.
  def hasAccessBoundary: Boolean

  /** Whether this entity has ANY of the flags in the given mask.
  def hasFlag(flag: Long): Boolean

  /** Whether this entity has ALL of the flags in the given mask.
  def hasAllFlags(mask: Long): Boolean

  /** Whether this entity has NONE of the flags in the given mask.
  def hasNoFlags(mask: Long): Boolean = !hasFlag(mask)

  /** The printable representation of this entity's flags and access boundary,
   *  restricted to flags in the given mask.
  def flagString: String = flagString(flagMask)
  def flagString(mask: Long): String = calculateFlagString(flags & mask)

  /** The default mask determining which flags to display.
  def flagMask: Long = AllFlags

  /** The string representation of a single bit, seen from this
   *  flag carrying entity.
  def resolveOverloadedFlag(flag: Long): String = Flags.flagToString(flag)

  // Tests which come through cleanly: both Symbol and Modifiers use these
  // identically, testing for a single flag.
  def hasAbstractFlag    = hasFlag(ABSTRACT)
  def hasAccessorFlag    = hasFlag(ACCESSOR)
  def hasDefault         = hasFlag(DEFAULTPARAM) && hasFlag(METHOD | PARAM) // Second condition disambiguates with TRAIT
  def hasEnumFlag        = hasFlag(ENUM)
  @deprecated("Use isLocalToThis instead", "2.11.0")
  def hasLocalFlag       = hasFlag(LOCAL)
  def isLocalToThis      = hasFlag(LOCAL)
  def hasModuleFlag      = hasFlag(MODULE)
  def hasPackageFlag     = hasFlag(PACKAGE)
  def hasStableFlag      = hasFlag(STABLE)
  def hasStaticFlag      = hasFlag(STATIC)
  def isAbstractOverride = hasFlag(ABSOVERRIDE)
  def isAnyOverride      = hasFlag(OVERRIDE | ABSOVERRIDE)
  def isCase             = hasFlag(CASE)
  def isCaseAccessor     = hasFlag(CASEACCESSOR)
  def isDeferred         = hasFlag(DEFERRED)
  def isFinal            = hasFlag(FINAL)
  def isArtifact         = hasFlag(ARTIFACT)
  def isImplicit         = hasFlag(IMPLICIT)
  def isInterface        = hasFlag(INTERFACE)
  def isJavaDefined      = hasFlag(JAVA)
  def isLabel            = hasAllFlags(LABEL | METHOD) && !hasAccessorFlag
  def isLazy             = hasFlag(LAZY)
  def isLifted           = hasFlag(LIFTED)
  def isMacro            = hasFlag(MACRO)
  def isMutable          = hasFlag(MUTABLE)
  def isOverride         = hasFlag(OVERRIDE)
  def isParamAccessor    = hasFlag(PARAMACCESSOR)
  def isPrivate          = hasFlag(PRIVATE)
  @deprecated ("Use `hasPackageFlag` instead", "2.11.0")
  def isPackage          = hasFlag(PACKAGE)
  def isPrivateLocal     = hasAllFlags(PrivateLocal)
  def isProtected        = hasFlag(PROTECTED)
  def isProtectedLocal   = hasAllFlags(ProtectedLocal)
  def isPublic           = hasNoFlags(PRIVATE | PROTECTED) && !hasAccessBoundary
  def isSealed           = hasFlag(SEALED)
  def isSpecialized      = hasFlag(SPECIALIZED)
  def isSuperAccessor    = hasFlag(SUPERACCESSOR)
  def isSynthetic        = hasFlag(SYNTHETIC)
  def isTrait            = hasFlag(TRAIT) && !hasFlag(PARAM)

  def isDeferredOrDefault  = hasFlag(DEFERRED | DEFAULTMETHOD)
  def isDeferredNotDefault = isDeferred && !hasFlag(DEFAULTMETHOD)

  def flagBitsToString(bits: Long): String = {
    // Fast path for common case
    if (bits == 0L) "" else {
      var sb: StringBuilder = null
      var i = 0
      while (i <= MaxBitPosition) {
        val flag = Flags.rawFlagPickledOrder(i)
        if ((bits & flag) != 0L) {
          val s = resolveOverloadedFlag(flag)
          if (s.length > 0) {
            if (sb eq null) sb = new StringBuilder append s
            else if (sb.length == 0) sb append s
            else sb append " " append s
        i += 1
      if (sb eq null) "" else sb.toString

  def accessString: String = {
    val pw = if (hasAccessBoundary) privateWithin.toString else ""

    if (pw == "") {
      if (hasAllFlags(PrivateLocal)) "private[this]"
      else if (hasAllFlags(ProtectedLocal)) "protected[this]"
      else if (hasFlag(PRIVATE)) "private"
      else if (hasFlag(PROTECTED)) "protected"
      else ""
    else if (hasFlag(PROTECTED)) "protected[" + pw + "]"
    else "private[" + pw + "]"
  protected def calculateFlagString(basis: Long): String = {
    val access    = accessString
    val nonAccess = flagBitsToString(basis & ~AccessFlags)

    if (access == "") nonAccess
    else if (nonAccess == "") access
    else nonAccess + " " + access

  // Guess this can't be deprecated seeing as it's in the reflect API.
  def isParameter = hasFlag(PARAM)

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala HasFlags.scala source code file:

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