Scala example source code file (Importers.scala)
The Importers.scala Scala example source codepackage scala package reflect package internal import scala.collection.mutable.WeakHashMap import scala.ref.WeakReference import scala.reflect.internal.Flags._ // SI-6241: move importers to a mirror trait Importers { to: SymbolTable => override def mkImporter(from0: api.Universe): Importer { val from: from0.type } = ( if (to eq from0) { new Importer { val from = from0 val reverse = this.asInstanceOf[from.Importer{ val from: to.type }] def importSymbol(their: from.Symbol) = their.asInstanceOf[to.Symbol] def importType(their: from.Type) = their.asInstanceOf[to.Type] def importTree(their: from.Tree) = their.asInstanceOf[to.Tree] def importPosition(their: from.Position) = their.asInstanceOf[to.Position] } } else { // todo. fix this loophole assert(from0.isInstanceOf[SymbolTable], "`from` should be an instance of scala.reflect.internal.SymbolTable") new StandardImporter { val from = from0.asInstanceOf[SymbolTable] } } ).asInstanceOf[Importer { val from: from0.type }] abstract class StandardImporter extends Importer { val from: SymbolTable protected lazy val symMap = new Cache[from.Symbol, to.Symbol]() protected lazy val tpeMap = new Cache[from.Type, to.Type]() protected class Cache[K <: AnyRef, V <: AnyRef] extends WeakHashMap[K, WeakReference[V]] { def weakGet(key: K): Option[V] = this get key flatMap WeakReference.unapply def weakUpdate(key: K, value: V) = this.update(key, WeakReference(value)) } // fixups and maps prevent stackoverflows in importer var pendingSyms = 0 var pendingTpes = 0 lazy val fixups = scala.collection.mutable.MutableList[Function0[Unit]]() def addFixup(fixup: => Unit): Unit = fixups += (() => fixup) def tryFixup(): Unit = { if (pendingSyms == 0 && pendingTpes == 0) { val fixups = this.fixups.toList this.fixups.clear() fixups foreach { _() } } } object reverse extends from.StandardImporter { val from: to.type = to // FIXME this and reverse should be constantly kept in sync // not just synced once upon the first usage of reverse for ((theirsym, WeakReference(mysym)) <- StandardImporter.this.symMap) symMap += ((mysym, WeakReference(theirsym))) for ((theirtpe, WeakReference(mytpe)) <- StandardImporter.this.tpeMap) tpeMap += ((mytpe, WeakReference(theirtpe))) } // ============== SYMBOLS ============== protected def recreatedSymbolCompleter(my: to.Symbol, their: from.Symbol) = { // we lock the symbol that is imported for a very short period of time // i.e. only for when type parameters of the symbol are being imported // the lock is used to communicate to the recursive importSymbol calls // that type parameters need to be created from scratch // because otherwise type parameters are imported by looking into owner.typeParams // which is obviously unavailable while the completer is being created try { my setFlag Flags.LOCKED val mytypeParams = their.typeParams map importSymbol new LazyPolyType(mytypeParams) with FlagAgnosticCompleter { override def complete(my: to.Symbol): Unit = { val theirCore = their.info match { case from.PolyType(_, core) => core case core => core } my setInfo GenPolyType(mytypeParams, importType(theirCore)) my setAnnotations (their.annotations map importAnnotationInfo) markAllCompleted(my) } } } finally { my resetFlag Flags.LOCKED } } protected def recreateSymbol(their: from.Symbol): to.Symbol = { val myowner = importSymbol(their.owner) val mypos = importPosition(their.pos) val myname = importName(their.name) val myflags = their.flags def linkReferenced(my: TermSymbol, their: from.TermSymbol, op: from.Symbol => Symbol): Symbol = { symMap.weakUpdate(their, my) my.referenced = op(their.referenced) my } val my = their match { case their: from.MethodSymbol => linkReferenced(myowner.newMethod(myname.toTermName, mypos, myflags), their, importSymbol) case their: from.ModuleSymbol => val ret = linkReferenced(myowner.newModuleSymbol(myname.toTermName, mypos, myflags), their, importSymbol) ret.associatedFile = their.associatedFile ret case their: from.FreeTermSymbol => newFreeTermSymbol(myname.toTermName, their.value, their.flags, their.origin) setInfo importType(their.info) case their: from.FreeTypeSymbol => newFreeTypeSymbol(myname.toTypeName, their.flags, their.origin) case their: from.TermSymbol => linkReferenced(myowner.newValue(myname.toTermName, mypos, myflags), their, importSymbol) case their: from.TypeSkolem => val origin = their.unpackLocation match { case null => null case theirloc: from.Tree => importTree(theirloc) case theirloc: from.Symbol => importSymbol(theirloc) } myowner.newTypeSkolemSymbol(myname.toTypeName, origin, mypos, myflags) case their: from.ModuleClassSymbol => val my = myowner.newModuleClass(myname.toTypeName, mypos, myflags) symMap.weakUpdate(their, my) my.sourceModule = importSymbol(their.sourceModule) my case their: from.ClassSymbol => val my = myowner.newClassSymbol(myname.toTypeName, mypos, myflags) symMap.weakUpdate(their, my) if (their.thisSym != their) { my.typeOfThis = importType(their.typeOfThis) my.thisSym setName importName(their.thisSym.name) } my.associatedFile = their.associatedFile my case their: from.TypeSymbol => myowner.newTypeSymbol(myname.toTypeName, mypos, myflags) } symMap.weakUpdate(their, my) markFlagsCompleted(my)(mask = AllFlags) my setInfo recreatedSymbolCompleter(my, their) } def importSymbol(their0: from.Symbol): Symbol = { def cachedRecreateSymbol(their: from.Symbol): Symbol = symMap weakGet their match { case Some(result) => result case _ => recreateSymbol(their) } def recreateOrRelink: Symbol = { val their = their0 // makes their visible in the debugger if (their == null) null else if (their == from.NoSymbol) NoSymbol else if (their.isRoot) rootMirror.RootClass // !!! replace with actual mirror when we move importers to the mirror else { val isModuleClass = their.isModuleClass val isTparam = their.isTypeParameter && their.paramPos >= 0 val isOverloaded = their.isOverloaded var theirscope = if (their.owner.isClass && !their.owner.isRefinementClass) their.owner.info else from.NoType val theirexisting = if (isModuleClass) theirscope.decl(their.name).moduleClass else theirscope.decl(their.name) if (!theirexisting.exists) theirscope = from.NoType val myname = importName(their.name) val myowner = importSymbol(their.owner) val myscope = if (theirscope != from.NoType && !(myowner hasFlag Flags.LOCKED)) myowner.info else NoType val myexisting = { if (isModuleClass) importSymbol(their.sourceModule).moduleClass else if (isTparam) (if (myowner hasFlag Flags.LOCKED) NoSymbol else myowner.typeParams(their.paramPos)) else if (isOverloaded) myowner.newOverloaded(myowner.thisType, their.alternatives map importSymbol) else { def disambiguate(my: Symbol) = { val result = if (their.isMethod) { val localCopy = cachedRecreateSymbol(their) my filter (_.tpe matches localCopy.tpe) } else { my filter (!_.isMethod) } assert(!result.isOverloaded, "import failure: cannot determine unique overloaded method alternative from\n "+ (result.alternatives map (_.defString) mkString "\n")+"\n that matches "+their+":"+their.tpe) result } val myexisting = if (myscope != NoType) myscope.decl(myname) else NoSymbol if (myexisting.isOverloaded) disambiguate(myexisting) else myexisting } } myexisting.orElse { val my = cachedRecreateSymbol(their) if (myscope != NoType) { assert(myscope.decls.lookup(myname) == NoSymbol, myname+" "+myscope.decl(myname)+" "+myexisting) myscope.decls enter my } my } } } // end recreateOrRelink val their = their0 symMap.weakGet(their) match { case Some(result) => result case None => pendingSyms += 1 try { val result = recreateOrRelink symMap.weakUpdate(their, result) result } finally { pendingSyms -= 1 tryFixup() } } } // ============== TYPES ============== def recreateType(their: from.Type): Type = their match { case from.TypeRef(pre, sym, args) => TypeRef(importType(pre), importSymbol(sym), args map importType) case from.ThisType(clazz) => ThisType(importSymbol(clazz)) case from.SingleType(pre, sym) => SingleType(importType(pre), importSymbol(sym)) case from.MethodType(params, result) => MethodType(params map importSymbol, importType(result)) case from.PolyType(tparams, result) => PolyType(tparams map importSymbol, importType(result)) case from.NullaryMethodType(result) => NullaryMethodType(importType(result)) case from.ConstantType(constant @ from.Constant(_)) => ConstantType(importConstant(constant)) case from.SuperType(thistpe, supertpe) => SuperType(importType(thistpe), importType(supertpe)) case from.TypeBounds(lo, hi) => TypeBounds(importType(lo), importType(hi)) case from.BoundedWildcardType(bounds) => BoundedWildcardType(importType(bounds).asInstanceOf[TypeBounds]) case from.ClassInfoType(parents, decls, clazz) => val myclazz = importSymbol(clazz) val myscope = if (myclazz.isPackageClass) newPackageScope(myclazz) else newScope val myclazzTpe = ClassInfoType(parents map importType, myscope, myclazz) myclazz setInfo GenPolyType(myclazz.typeParams, myclazzTpe) // needed so that newly created symbols find their scope decls foreach importSymbol // will enter itself into myclazz myclazzTpe case from.RefinedType(parents, decls) => RefinedType(parents map importType, importScope(decls), importSymbol(their.typeSymbol)) case from.ExistentialType(tparams, result) => newExistentialType(tparams map importSymbol, importType(result)) case from.OverloadedType(pre, alts) => OverloadedType(importType(pre), alts map importSymbol) case from.ImportType(qual) => ImportType(importTree(qual)) case from.AntiPolyType(pre, targs) => AntiPolyType(importType(pre), targs map importType) case their: from.TypeVar => val myconstr = new TypeConstraint(their.constr.loBounds map importType, their.constr.hiBounds map importType) myconstr.inst = importType(their.constr.inst) TypeVar(importType(their.origin), myconstr, their.typeArgs map importType, their.params map importSymbol) case from.AnnotatedType(annots, result) => AnnotatedType(annots map importAnnotationInfo, importType(result)) case from.ErrorType => ErrorType case from.WildcardType => WildcardType case from.NoType => NoType case from.NoPrefix => NoPrefix case null => null } def importType(their: from.Type): Type = { tpeMap.weakGet(their) match { case Some(result) => result case None => pendingTpes += 1 try { val result = recreateType(their) tpeMap.weakUpdate(their, result) result } finally { pendingTpes -= 1 tryFixup() } } } // ============== TREES ============== def recreatedTreeCompleter(their: from.Tree, my: to.Tree): Unit = { if (their.canHaveAttrs) { if (my.hasSymbolField) my.symbol = importSymbol(their.symbol) my.pos = importPosition(their.pos) (their, my) match { case (their: from.TypeTree, my: to.TypeTree) => if (their.wasEmpty) my.defineType(importType(their.tpe)) else my.setType(importType(their.tpe)) case (_, _) => my.tpe = importType(their.tpe) } } } def recreateTree(their: from.Tree): to.Tree = their match { case from.ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, impl) => new ClassDef(importModifiers(mods), importName(name).toTypeName, tparams map importTypeDef, importTemplate(impl)) case from.PackageDef(pid, stats) => new PackageDef(importRefTree(pid), stats map importTree) case from.ModuleDef(mods, name, impl) => new ModuleDef(importModifiers(mods), importName(name).toTermName, importTemplate(impl)) case from.noSelfType => noSelfType case from.pendingSuperCall => pendingSuperCall case from.ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) => new ValDef(importModifiers(mods), importName(name).toTermName, importTree(tpt), importTree(rhs)) case from.DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) => new DefDef(importModifiers(mods), importName(name).toTermName, tparams map importTypeDef, mmap(vparamss)(importValDef), importTree(tpt), importTree(rhs)) case from.TypeDef(mods, name, tparams, rhs) => new TypeDef(importModifiers(mods), importName(name).toTypeName, tparams map importTypeDef, importTree(rhs)) case from.LabelDef(name, params, rhs) => new LabelDef(importName(name).toTermName, params map importIdent, importTree(rhs)) case from.Import(expr, selectors) => new Import(importTree(expr), selectors map importImportSelector) case from.Template(parents, self, body) => new Template(parents map importTree, importValDef(self), body map importTree) case from.Block(stats, expr) => new Block(stats map importTree, importTree(expr)) case from.CaseDef(pat, guard, body) => new CaseDef(importTree(pat), importTree(guard), importTree(body)) case from.Alternative(trees) => new Alternative(trees map importTree) case from.Star(elem) => new Star(importTree(elem)) case from.Bind(name, body) => new Bind(importName(name), importTree(body)) case from.UnApply(fun, args) => new UnApply(importTree(fun), args map importTree) case from.ArrayValue(elemtpt ,elems) => new ArrayValue(importTree(elemtpt), elems map importTree) case from.Function(vparams, body) => new Function(vparams map importValDef, importTree(body)) case from.Assign(lhs, rhs) => new Assign(importTree(lhs), importTree(rhs)) case from.AssignOrNamedArg(lhs, rhs) => new AssignOrNamedArg(importTree(lhs), importTree(rhs)) case from.If(cond, thenp, elsep) => new If(importTree(cond), importTree(thenp), importTree(elsep)) case from.Match(selector, cases) => new Match(importTree(selector), cases map importCaseDef) case from.Return(expr) => new Return(importTree(expr)) case from.Try(block, catches, finalizer) => new Try(importTree(block), catches map importCaseDef, importTree(finalizer)) case from.Throw(expr) => new Throw(importTree(expr)) case from.New(tpt) => new New(importTree(tpt)) case from.Typed(expr, tpt) => new Typed(importTree(expr), importTree(tpt)) case from.TypeApply(fun, args) => new TypeApply(importTree(fun), args map importTree) case from.Apply(fun, args) => their match { case _: from.ApplyToImplicitArgs => new ApplyToImplicitArgs(importTree(fun), args map importTree) case _: from.ApplyImplicitView => new ApplyImplicitView(importTree(fun), args map importTree) case _ => new Apply(importTree(fun), args map importTree) } case from.ApplyDynamic(qual, args) => new ApplyDynamic(importTree(qual), args map importTree) case from.Super(qual, mix) => new Super(importTree(qual), importName(mix).toTypeName) case from.This(qual) => new This(importName(qual).toTypeName) case from.Select(qual, name) => new Select(importTree(qual), importName(name)) case from.Ident(name) => new Ident(importName(name)) case from.ReferenceToBoxed(ident) => new ReferenceToBoxed(importTree(ident) match { case ident: Ident => ident }) case from.Literal(constant @ from.Constant(_)) => new Literal(importConstant(constant)) case theirtt @ from.TypeTree() => val mytt = TypeTree() if (theirtt.original != null) mytt.setOriginal(importTree(theirtt.original)) mytt case from.Annotated(annot, arg) => new Annotated(importTree(annot), importTree(arg)) case from.SingletonTypeTree(ref) => new SingletonTypeTree(importTree(ref)) case from.SelectFromTypeTree(qual, name) => new SelectFromTypeTree(importTree(qual), importName(name).toTypeName) case from.CompoundTypeTree(templ) => new CompoundTypeTree(importTemplate(templ)) case from.AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args) => new AppliedTypeTree(importTree(tpt), args map importTree) case from.TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi) => new TypeBoundsTree(importTree(lo), importTree(hi)) case from.ExistentialTypeTree(tpt, whereClauses) => new ExistentialTypeTree(importTree(tpt), whereClauses map importMemberDef) case from.EmptyTree => EmptyTree case null => null } def importTree(their: from.Tree): Tree = { val my = recreateTree(their) if (my != null) { addFixup(recreatedTreeCompleter(their, my)) tryFixup() // we have to be careful with position import as some shared trees // like EmptyTree, noSelfType don't support position assignment if (their.pos != NoPosition) { my.setPos(importPosition(their.pos)) } } importAttachments(their.attachments.all).foreach { my.updateAttachment(_) } my } // ============== MISCELLANEOUS ============== def importAttachments(attachments: Set[Any]): Set[Any] = attachments.collect { case ia: ImportableAttachment => ia.importAttachment(this) } def importAnnotationInfo(ann: from.AnnotationInfo): AnnotationInfo = { val atp1 = importType(ann.atp) val args1 = ann.args map importTree val assocs1 = ann.assocs map { case (name, arg) => (importName(name), importAnnotArg(arg)) } val original1 = importTree(ann.original) AnnotationInfo(atp1, args1, assocs1) setOriginal original1 } def importAnnotArg(arg: from.ClassfileAnnotArg): ClassfileAnnotArg = arg match { case from.LiteralAnnotArg(constant @ from.Constant(_)) => LiteralAnnotArg(importConstant(constant)) case from.ArrayAnnotArg(args) => ArrayAnnotArg(args map importAnnotArg) case from.ScalaSigBytes(bytes) => ScalaSigBytes(bytes) case from.NestedAnnotArg(annInfo) => NestedAnnotArg(importAnnotationInfo(annInfo)) case from.UnmappableAnnotArg => UnmappableAnnotArg } // todo. careful import of positions def importPosition(their: from.Position): to.Position = their.asInstanceOf[Position] // !!! todo: override to cater for PackageScopes def importScope(decls: from.Scope): Scope = newScopeWith(decls.toList map importSymbol: _*) def importName(name: from.Name): Name = if (name.isTypeName) newTypeName(name.toString) else newTermName(name.toString) def importModifiers(mods: from.Modifiers): Modifiers = new Modifiers(mods.flags, importName(mods.privateWithin), mods.annotations map importTree) def importImportSelector(sel: from.ImportSelector): ImportSelector = new ImportSelector(importName(sel.name), sel.namePos, if (sel.rename != null) importName(sel.rename) else null, sel.renamePos) def importValDef(tree: from.ValDef): ValDef = importTree(tree).asInstanceOf[ValDef] def importTypeDef(tree: from.TypeDef): TypeDef = importTree(tree).asInstanceOf[TypeDef] def importMemberDef(tree: from.MemberDef): MemberDef = importTree(tree).asInstanceOf[MemberDef] def importTemplate(tree: from.Template): Template = importTree(tree).asInstanceOf[Template] def importRefTree(tree: from.RefTree): RefTree = importTree(tree).asInstanceOf[RefTree] def importIdent(tree: from.Ident): Ident = importTree(tree).asInstanceOf[Ident] def importCaseDef(tree: from.CaseDef): CaseDef = importTree(tree).asInstanceOf[CaseDef] def importConstant(constant: from.Constant): Constant = new Constant(constant.tag match { case ClazzTag => importType(constant.value.asInstanceOf[from.Type]) case EnumTag => importSymbol(constant.value.asInstanceOf[from.Symbol]) case _ => constant.value }) } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala Importers.scala source code file: |
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