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Scala example source code file (Printers.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Printers.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

boolean, list, name, nosymbol, select, string, tree, typedef, unit, valdef

The Printers.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

// todo. we need to unify this prettyprinter with NodePrinters

package scala
package reflect
package internal

import{ OutputStream, PrintWriter, StringWriter, Writer }
import Flags._
import scala.compat.Platform.EOL

trait Printers extends api.Printers { self: SymbolTable =>

  //nsc import treeInfo.{ IsTrue, IsFalse }

  /** Adds backticks if the name is a scala keyword. */
  def quotedName(name: Name, decode: Boolean): String = {
    val s = if (decode) name.decode else name.toString
    val term = name.toTermName
    if (nme.keywords(term) && term != nme.USCOREkw) "`%s`" format s
    else s
  def quotedName(name: Name): String = quotedName(name, decode = false)
  def quotedName(name: String): String = quotedName(newTermName(name), decode = false)

  private def symNameInternal(tree: Tree, name: Name, decoded: Boolean): String = {
    val sym     = tree.symbol
    def qname   = quotedName(name.dropLocal, decoded)
    def qowner  = quotedName(, decoded)
    def qsymbol = quotedName(sym.nameString)

    if (sym == null || sym == NoSymbol)
    else if (sym.isErroneous)
      s"<$qname: error>"
    else if (sym.isMixinConstructor)

  def decodedSymName(tree: Tree, name: Name) = symNameInternal(tree, name, decoded = true)
  def symName(tree: Tree, name: Name) = symNameInternal(tree, name, decoded = false)

  /** Turns a path into a String, introducing backquotes
   *  as necessary.
  def backquotedPath(t: Tree): String = {
    t match {
      case Select(qual, name) if name.isTermName  => s"${backquotedPath(qual)}.${symName(t, name)}"
      case Select(qual, name) if name.isTypeName  => s"${backquotedPath(qual)}#${symName(t, name)}"
      case Ident(name)                            => symName(t, name)
      case _                                      => t.toString

  class TreePrinter(out: PrintWriter) extends super.TreePrinter {
    protected var indentMargin = 0
    protected val indentStep = 2
    protected var indentString = "                                        " // 40

    printTypes = settings.printtypes.value
    printIds = settings.uniqid.value
    printOwners = settings.Yshowsymowners.value
    printKinds = settings.Yshowsymkinds.value
    printMirrors = false // typically there's no point to print mirrors inside the compiler, as there is only one mirror there
    printPositions = settings.Xprintpos.value

    def indent() = indentMargin += indentStep
    def undent() = indentMargin -= indentStep

    def printPosition(tree: Tree) = 
      if (printPositions) comment(print(
    protected def printTypesInfo(tree: Tree) = 
      if (printTypes && tree.isTerm && tree.canHaveAttrs)
          print("{", if (tree.tpe eq null) "<null>" else tree.tpe.toString, "}")

    def println() = {
      while (indentMargin > indentString.length())
        indentString += indentString
      if (indentMargin > 0)
        out.write(indentString, 0, indentMargin)

    def printSeq[a](ls: List[a])(printelem: a => Unit)(printsep: => Unit): Unit =
      ls match {
        case List() =>
        case List(x) => printelem(x)
        case x :: rest => printelem(x); printsep; printSeq(rest)(printelem)(printsep)

    def printColumn(ts: List[Tree], start: String, sep: String, end: String) = {
      print(start); indent(); println()
      printSeq(ts){print(_)}{print(sep); println()}; undent(); println(); print(end)

    def printRow(ts: List[Tree], start: String, sep: String, end: String): Unit = {
      print(start); printSeq(ts){print(_)}{print(sep)}; print(end)

    def printRow(ts: List[Tree], sep: String): Unit = printRow(ts, "", sep, "")

    def printTypeParams(ts: List[TypeDef]): Unit =
      if (ts.nonEmpty) {
        print("["); printSeq(ts){ t =>
          if (t.mods.hasFlag(CONTRAVARIANT)) {
          } else if (t.mods.hasFlag(COVARIANT)) {
        }{print(", ")}; print("]")

    def printLabelParams(ps: List[Ident]) = {
      printSeq(ps){printLabelParam}{print(", ")}

    def printLabelParam(p: Ident) = {
      print(symName(p,; printOpt(": ", TypeTree() setType p.tpe)

    protected def parenthesize(condition: Boolean = true, open: String = "(", close: String = ")")(body: => Unit) = {
      if (condition) print(open)
      if (condition) print(close)

    protected val commentsRequired = false

    protected def comment(body: => Unit) =
      parenthesize(commentsRequired, "/*", "*/")(body)

    protected def printImplicitInParamsList(vds: List[ValDef]) =
      if (vds.nonEmpty) printFlags(vds.head.mods.flags & IMPLICIT, "")

    def printValueParams(ts: List[ValDef], inParentheses: Boolean = true): Unit =
        printSeq(ts){printParam}{print(", ")}

    def printParam(tree: Tree) =
      tree match {
        case vd @ ValDef(mods, name, tp, rhs) =>
          print(symName(tree, name)); printOpt(": ", tp); printOpt(" = ", rhs)
        case TypeDef(mods, name, tparams, rhs) =>
          print(symName(tree, name))
          printTypeParams(tparams); print(rhs)

    def printBlock(tree: Tree) =
      tree match {
        case Block(_, _) =>
        case _ =>
          printColumn(List(tree), "{", ";", "}")

    private def symFn[T](tree: Tree, f: Symbol => T, orElse: => T): T = tree.symbol match {
      case null | NoSymbol => orElse
      case sym             => f(sym)
    private def ifSym(tree: Tree, p: Symbol => Boolean) = symFn(tree, p, false)

    def printOpt(prefix: String, tree: Tree) = if (tree.nonEmpty) { print(prefix, tree) }

    def printModifiers(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers): Unit = printFlags(
      if (tree.symbol == NoSymbol) mods.flags else tree.symbol.flags, "" + (
        if (tree.symbol == NoSymbol) mods.privateWithin
        else if (tree.symbol.hasAccessBoundary)
        else ""

    def printFlags(flags: Long, privateWithin: String) = {
      val mask: Long = if (settings.debug) -1L else PrintableFlags
      val s = flagsToString(flags & mask, privateWithin)
      if (s != "") print(s + " ")

    def printAnnotations(tree: MemberDef) = {
      // SI-5885: by default this won't print annotations of not yet initialized symbols
      val annots = tree.symbol.annotations match {
        case Nil  => tree.mods.annotations
        case anns => anns
      annots foreach (annot => print(s"@$annot "))

    private var currentOwner: Symbol = NoSymbol
    private var selectorType: Type = NoType

    protected def printPackageDef(tree: PackageDef, separator: String) = {
      val PackageDef(packaged, stats) = tree
      print("package ", packaged); printColumn(stats, " {", separator, "}")

    protected def printValDef(tree: ValDef, resultName: => String)(printTypeSignature: => Unit)(printRhs: => Unit) = {
      val ValDef(mods, name, tp, rhs) = tree
      printModifiers(tree, mods)
      print(if (mods.isMutable) "var " else "val ", resultName)

    protected def printDefDef(tree: DefDef, resultName: => String)(printTypeSignature: => Unit)(printRhs: => Unit) = {
      val DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tp, rhs) = tree
      printModifiers(tree, mods)
      print("def " + resultName)
      vparamss foreach {printValueParams(_)}

    protected def printTypeDef(tree: TypeDef, resultName: => String) = {
      val TypeDef(mods, name, tparams, rhs) = tree
      if (mods hasFlag (PARAM | DEFERRED)) {
        printModifiers(tree, mods)
        print("type ")
      } else {
        printModifiers(tree, mods)
        print("type " + resultName)
        printOpt(" = ", rhs)

    protected def printImport(tree: Import, resSelect: => String) = {
      val Import(expr, selectors) = tree
      // Is this selector renaming a name (i.e, {name1 => name2})
      def isNotRename(s: ImportSelector): Boolean = == nme.WILDCARD || == s.rename

      def selectorToString(s: ImportSelector): String = {
        val from = quotedName(
        if (isNotRename(s)) from
        else from + "=>" + quotedName(s.rename)
      print("import ", resSelect, ".")
      selectors match {
        case List(s) =>
          // If there is just one selector and it is not renaming a name, no braces are needed
          if (isNotRename(s)) print(selectorToString(s))
          else print("{", selectorToString(s), "}")
        // If there is more than one selector braces are always needed
        case many =>
          print("{", ", ", "}"))

    protected def printCaseDef(tree: CaseDef) = {
      val CaseDef(pat, guard, body) = tree
      print("case ")
      def patConstr(pat: Tree): Tree = pat match {
        case Apply(fn, args) => patConstr(fn)
        case _ => pat

      print(pat); printOpt(" if ", guard)
      print(" => ", body)

    protected def printFunction(tree: Function)(printValueParams: => Unit) = {
      val Function(vparams, body) = tree
      print(" => ", body, ")")
      if (printIds && tree.symbol != null)
          print("#" +

      if (printOwners && tree.symbol != null)
          print("@" +

    protected def printSuper(tree: Super, resultName: => String, checkSymbol: Boolean = true) = {
      val Super(This(qual), mix) = tree
      if (qual.nonEmpty || (checkSymbol && tree.symbol != NoSymbol)) print(resultName + ".")
      if (mix.nonEmpty) print(s"[$mix]")

    protected def printThis(tree: This, resultName: => String) = {
      val This(qual) = tree
      if (qual.nonEmpty) print(resultName + ".")

    protected def printBlock(stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree) =
      printColumn(stats ::: List(expr), "{", ";", "}")
    def printTree(tree: Tree) = {
      tree match {
        case EmptyTree =>

        case cd @ ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, impl) =>
          printModifiers(tree, mods)
          val word =
            if (mods.isTrait) "trait"
            else if (ifSym(tree, _.isModuleClass)) "object"
            else "class"

          print(word, " ", symName(tree, name))
          print(if (mods.isDeferred) " <: " else " extends ", impl)

        case pd @ PackageDef(packaged, stats) =>
          printPackageDef(pd, ";")

        case md @ ModuleDef(mods, name, impl) =>
          printModifiers(tree, mods)
          print("object " + symName(tree, name), " extends ", impl)

        case vd @ ValDef(mods, name, tp, rhs) =>
          printValDef(vd, symName(tree, name))(printOpt(": ", tp)) {
            if (!mods.isDeferred) print(" = ", if (rhs.isEmpty) "_" else rhs)

        case dd @ DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tp, rhs) =>
          printDefDef(dd, symName(tree, name))(printOpt(": ", tp))(printOpt(" = ", rhs))

        case td @ TypeDef(mods, name, tparams, rhs) =>
          printTypeDef(td, symName(tree, name))

        case LabelDef(name, params, rhs) =>
          print(symName(tree, name)); printLabelParams(params); printBlock(rhs)

        case imp @ Import(expr, _) =>
          printImport(imp, backquotedPath(expr))

        case Template(parents, self, body) =>
          val currentOwner1 = currentOwner
          if (tree.symbol != NoSymbol) currentOwner = tree.symbol.owner
          printRow(parents, " with ")
          if (body.nonEmpty) {
            if ( != nme.WILDCARD) {
              print(" { ",; printOpt(": ", self.tpt); print(" => ")
            } else if (self.tpt.nonEmpty) {
              print(" { _ : ", self.tpt, " => ")
            } else {
              print(" {")
            printColumn(body, "", ";", "}")
          currentOwner = currentOwner1

        case Block(stats, expr) =>
          printBlock(stats, expr)

        case Match(selector, cases) =>
          val selectorType1 = selectorType
          selectorType = selector.tpe
          print(selector); printColumn(cases, " match {", "", "}")
          selectorType = selectorType1

        case cd @ CaseDef(pat, guard, body) =>

        case Alternative(trees) =>
          printRow(trees, "(", "| ", ")")

        case Star(elem) =>
          print("(", elem, ")*")

        case Bind(name, t) =>
          print("(", symName(tree, name), " @ ", t, ")")

        case UnApply(fun, args) =>
          print(fun, " <unapply> "); printRow(args, "(", ", ", ")")

        case ArrayValue(elemtpt, trees) =>
          print("Array[", elemtpt); printRow(trees, "]{", ", ", "}")

        case f @ Function(vparams, body) =>

        case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
          print(lhs, " = ", rhs)

        case AssignOrNamedArg(lhs, rhs) =>
          print(lhs, " = ", rhs)

        case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
          print("if (", cond, ")"); indent(); println()
          print(thenp); undent()
          if (elsep.nonEmpty) {
            println(); print("else"); indent(); println(); print(elsep); undent()

        case Return(expr) =>
          print("return ", expr)

        case Try(block, catches, finalizer) =>
          print("try "); printBlock(block)
          if (catches.nonEmpty) printColumn(catches, " catch {", "", "}")
          printOpt(" finally ", finalizer)

        case Throw(expr) =>
          print("throw ", expr)

        case New(tpe) =>
          print("new ", tpe)

        case Typed(expr, tp) =>
          print("(", expr, ": ", tp, ")")

        case TypeApply(fun, targs) =>
          print(fun); printRow(targs, "[", ", ", "]")

        case Apply(fun, vargs) =>
          print(fun); printRow(vargs, "(", ", ", ")")

        case ApplyDynamic(qual, vargs) =>
          print("<apply-dynamic>(", qual, "#", tree.symbol.nameString)
          printRow(vargs, ", (", ", ", "))")

        case st @ Super(This(qual), mix) =>
          printSuper(st, symName(tree, qual))

        case Super(qual, mix) =>
          print(qual, ".super")
          if (mix.nonEmpty)
            print("[" + mix + "]")

        case th @ This(qual) =>
          printThis(th, symName(tree, qual))

        case Select(qual: New, name) if !settings.debug =>

        case Select(qualifier, name) =>
          print(backquotedPath(qualifier), ".", symName(tree, name))

        case id @ Ident(name) =>
          val str = symName(tree, name)
          print( if (id.isBackquoted) "`" + str + "`" else str )

        case Literal(x) =>

        case tt: TypeTree =>
          if ((tree.tpe eq null) || (printPositions && tt.original != null)) {
            if (tt.original != null) print("<type: ", tt.original, ">")
            else print("<type ?>")
          } else if ((tree.tpe.typeSymbol ne null) && tree.tpe.typeSymbol.isAnonymousClass) {
          } else {

        case an @ Annotated(Apply(Select(New(tpt), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), args), tree) =>
          def printAnnot() {
            print("@", tpt)
            if (args.nonEmpty)
              printRow(args, "(", ",", ")")
          print(tree, if (tree.isType) " " else ": ")

        case SingletonTypeTree(ref) =>
          print(ref, ".type")

        case SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier, selector) =>
          print(qualifier, "#", symName(tree, selector))

        case CompoundTypeTree(templ) =>

        case AppliedTypeTree(tp, args) =>
          print(tp); printRow(args, "[", ", ", "]")

        case TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi) =>
          // Avoid printing noisy empty typebounds everywhere
          // Untyped empty bounds are not printed by printOpt,
          // but after they are typed we have to exclude Nothing/Any.
          if ((lo.tpe eq null) || !(lo.tpe =:= definitions.NothingTpe))
            printOpt(" >: ", lo)

          if ((hi.tpe eq null) || !(hi.tpe =:= definitions.AnyTpe))
            printOpt(" <: ", hi)

        case ExistentialTypeTree(tpt, whereClauses) =>
          printColumn(whereClauses, " forSome { ", ";", "}")

        // SelectFromArray is no longer visible in scala.reflect.internal.
        // eliminated until we figure out what we will do with both Printers and
        // SelectFromArray.
        // case SelectFromArray(qualifier, name, _) =>
        //   print(qualifier); print(".<arr>"); print(symName(tree, name))

        case tree =>
          xprintTree(this, tree)

    def print(args: Any*): Unit = args foreach {
      case tree: Tree =>
      case name: Name =>
      case arg =>
        out.print(if (arg == null) "null" else arg.toString)

  // it's the printer for AST-based code generation
  class CodePrinter(out: PrintWriter, printRootPkg: Boolean) extends TreePrinter(out) {
    protected val parentsStack = scala.collection.mutable.Stack[Tree]()

    protected def currentTree = if (parentsStack.nonEmpty) Some( else None

    protected def currentParent = if (parentsStack.length > 1) Some(parentsStack(1)) else None

    protected def printedName(name: Name, decoded: Boolean = true) = {
      import Chars._
      val decName = name.decoded
      val bslash = '\\'
      val brackets = List('[',']','(',')','{','}')

      def addBackquotes(s: String) =
        if (decoded && (decName.exists(ch => brackets.contains(ch) || isWhitespace(ch)) ||
          (name.isOperatorName && decName.exists(isOperatorPart) && decName.exists(isScalaLetter) && !decName.contains(bslash))))
          s"`$s`" else s

      if (name == nme.CONSTRUCTOR) "this"
      else addBackquotes(quotedName(name, decoded))

    protected def isIntLitWithDecodedOp(qual: Tree, name: Name) = {
      val qualIsIntLit = qual match {
        case Literal(Constant(x: Int)) => true
        case _ => false
      qualIsIntLit && name.isOperatorName

    override protected val commentsRequired = true

    protected def needsParentheses(parent: Tree)(insideIf: Boolean = true, insideMatch: Boolean = true, insideTry: Boolean = true,
        insideAnnotated: Boolean = true, insideBlock: Boolean = true, insideLabelDef: Boolean = true, insideAssign: Boolean = true) = {
      parent match {
        case _: If => insideIf
        case _: Match => insideMatch
        case _: Try => insideTry
        case _: Annotated => insideAnnotated
        case _: Block => insideBlock
        case _: LabelDef => insideLabelDef
        case _: Assign => insideAssign
        case _ => false

    protected def checkForBlank(cond: Boolean) = if (cond) " " else ""
    protected def blankForOperatorName(name: Name) = checkForBlank(name.isOperatorName)
    protected def blankForName(name: Name) = checkForBlank(name.isOperatorName || name.endsWith("_"))

    protected def resolveSelect(t: Tree): String = {
      t match {
        // case for: 1) (if (a) b else c).meth1.meth2 or 2) 1 + 5 should be represented as (1).+(5)
        case Select(qual, name) if (name.isTermName && needsParentheses(qual)(insideLabelDef = false)) || isIntLitWithDecodedOp(qual, name) => s"(${resolveSelect(qual)}).${printedName(name)}"
        case Select(qual, name) if name.isTermName => s"${resolveSelect(qual)}.${printedName(name)}"
        case Select(qual, name) if name.isTypeName => s"${resolveSelect(qual)}#${blankForOperatorName(name)}%${printedName(name)}"
        case Ident(name) => printedName(name)
        case _ => render(t, new CodePrinter(_, printRootPkg))

    protected def emptyTree(tree: Tree) = tree match {
      case EmptyTree | build.SyntacticEmptyTypeTree() => true
      case _ => false

    protected def originalTypeTrees(trees: List[Tree]) =
      trees.filter(!emptyTree(_)) map {
        case tt: TypeTree => tt.original
  	    case tree => tree

    val defaultClasses = List(tpnme.AnyRef)
    val defaultTraitsForCase = List(tpnme.Product, tpnme.Serializable)
    protected def removeDefaultTypesFromList(trees: List[Tree])(classesToRemove: List[Name] = defaultClasses)(traitsToRemove: List[Name]) = {
      def removeDefaultTraitsFromList(trees: List[Tree], traitsToRemove: List[Name]): List[Tree] =
        trees match {
          case Nil => trees
          case init :+ last => last match {
            case Select(Ident(sc), name) if traitsToRemove.contains(name) && sc == nme.scala_ =>
              removeDefaultTraitsFromList(init, traitsToRemove)
            case _ => trees

      removeDefaultTraitsFromList(removeDefaultClassesFromList(trees, classesToRemove), traitsToRemove)

    protected def removeDefaultClassesFromList(trees: List[Tree], classesToRemove: List[Name] = defaultClasses) = 
      originalTypeTrees(trees) filter {
        case Select(Ident(sc), name) => !(classesToRemove.contains(name) && sc == nme.scala_)
        case _ => true

    protected def syntheticToRemove(tree: Tree) = 
      tree match {
        case _: ValDef | _: TypeDef => false // don't remove ValDef and TypeDef
        case md: MemberDef if md.mods.isSynthetic => true
        case _ => false

    override def printOpt(prefix: String, tree: Tree) = 
      if (!emptyTree(tree)) super.printOpt(prefix, tree)

    override def printColumn(ts: List[Tree], start: String, sep: String, end: String) = {
      super.printColumn(ts.filter(!syntheticToRemove(_)), start, sep, end)

    def printFlags(mods: Modifiers, primaryCtorParam: Boolean = false): Unit = {
      val base = AccessFlags | OVERRIDE | ABSTRACT | FINAL | SEALED | LAZY
      val mask = if (primaryCtorParam) base else base | IMPLICIT

      val s = mods.flagString(mask)
      if (s != "") print(s"$s ")
      // case flag should be the last
      if (mods.isCase) print(mods.flagBitsToString(CASE) + " ")
      if (mods.isAbstractOverride) print("abstract override ")

    override def printModifiers(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers): Unit = printModifiers(mods, primaryCtorParam = false)

    def printModifiers(mods: Modifiers, primaryCtorParam: Boolean): Unit = {
      def modsAccepted = List(currentTree, currentParent) exists (_ map {
        case _: ClassDef | _: ModuleDef | _: Template | _: PackageDef => true
        case _ => false
      } getOrElse false)

      if (currentParent.isEmpty || modsAccepted)
        printFlags(mods, primaryCtorParam)
        List(IMPLICIT, CASE, LAZY, SEALED).foreach{flag => if (mods.hasFlag(flag)) print(s"${mods.flagBitsToString(flag)} ")}

    def printParam(tree: Tree, primaryCtorParam: Boolean): Unit =
      tree match {
        case vd @ ValDef(mods, name, tp, rhs) =>
          val mutableOrOverride = mods.isOverride || mods.isMutable
          val hideCtorMods = mods.isParamAccessor && mods.isPrivateLocal && !mutableOrOverride
          val hideCaseCtorMods = mods.isCaseAccessor && mods.isPublic && !mutableOrOverride

          if (primaryCtorParam && !(hideCtorMods || hideCaseCtorMods)) {
            printModifiers(mods, primaryCtorParam)
            print(if (mods.isMutable) "var " else "val ");
          print(printedName(name), blankForName(name));
          printOpt(": ", tp);
          printOpt(" = ", rhs)
        case TypeDef(_, name, tparams, rhs) =>
        case _ =>

    override def printParam(tree: Tree): Unit = {
      printParam(tree, primaryCtorParam = false)

    protected def printArgss(argss: List[List[Tree]]) =
      argss foreach {x: List[Tree] => if (!(x.isEmpty && argss.size == 1)) printRow(x, "(", ", ", ")")}

    override def printAnnotations(tree: MemberDef) = {
      val annots = tree.mods.annotations
      annots foreach {annot => printAnnot(annot); print(" ")}

    protected def printAnnot(tree: Tree) = {
      tree match {
        case treeInfo.Applied(core, _, argss) =>
          core match {
            case Select(New(tree), _) => print(tree)
            case _ =>
        case _ => super.printTree(tree)

    override def printTree(tree: Tree): Unit = {
      try {
      } finally parentsStack.pop()

    def processTreePrinting(tree: Tree): Unit = {
      tree match {
        // don't remove synthetic ValDef/TypeDef
        case _ if syntheticToRemove(tree) =>

        case cl @ ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, impl) =>
          if (mods.isJavaDefined) super.printTree(cl)
          // traits
          val clParents: List[Tree] = if (mods.isTrait) {
            // avoid abstract modifier for traits
            printModifiers(tree, mods &~ ABSTRACT)
            print("trait ", printedName(name))

            val build.SyntacticTraitDef(_, _, _, _, parents, _, _) = tree
          // classes
          } else {
            printModifiers(tree, mods)
            print("class ", printedName(name))

            val build.SyntacticClassDef(_, _, _, ctorMods, vparamss, earlyDefs, parents, selfType, body) = cl

            // constructor's modifier
            if (ctorMods.hasFlag(AccessFlags)) {
              print(" ")
              printModifiers(ctorMods, primaryCtorParam = false)

            def printConstrParams(ts: List[ValDef]): Unit = {
              parenthesize() {
                printSeq(ts)(printParam(_, primaryCtorParam = true))(print(", "))
            // constructor's params processing (don't print single empty constructor param list)
            vparamss match {
              case Nil | List(Nil) if (!mods.isCase && !ctorMods.hasFlag(AccessFlags)) =>
              case _ => vparamss foreach printConstrParams

          // get trees without default classes and traits (when they are last)
          val printedParents = removeDefaultTypesFromList(clParents)()(if (mods.hasFlag(CASE)) defaultTraitsForCase else Nil)
          print(if (mods.isDeferred) "<: " else if (printedParents.nonEmpty) " extends " else "", impl)

        case pd @ PackageDef(packaged, stats) =>
          packaged match {
            case Ident(name) if name == nme.EMPTY_PACKAGE_NAME =>
              printSeq(stats) {
              } {
            case _ =>
              printPackageDef(pd, scala.util.Properties.lineSeparator)

        case md @ ModuleDef(mods, name, impl) =>
          printModifiers(tree, mods)
          val Template(parents, self, methods) = impl
          val parWithoutAnyRef = removeDefaultClassesFromList(parents)
          print("object " + printedName(name), if (parWithoutAnyRef.nonEmpty) " extends " else "", impl)

        case vd @ ValDef(mods, name, tp, rhs) =>
          printValDef(vd, printedName(name)) {
            // place space after symbolic def name (val *: Unit does not compile)
            printOpt(s"${blankForName(name)}: ", tp)
          } {
            if (!mods.isDeferred) print(" = ", if (rhs.isEmpty) "_" else rhs)

        case dd @ DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tp, rhs) =>
          printDefDef(dd, printedName(name)) {
            if (tparams.isEmpty && (vparamss.isEmpty || vparamss(0).isEmpty)) print(blankForName(name))
            printOpt(": ", tp)
          } {
            printOpt(" = " + (if (mods.isMacro) "macro " else ""), rhs)

        case td @ TypeDef(mods, name, tparams, rhs) =>
          printTypeDef(td, printedName(name))

        case LabelDef(name, params, rhs) =>
          if (name.startsWith(nme.WHILE_PREFIX)) {
            val If(cond, thenp, elsep) = rhs
            print("while (", cond, ") ")
            val Block(list, wh) = thenp
            printColumn(list, "", ";", "")
          } else if (name.startsWith(nme.DO_WHILE_PREFIX)) {
            val Block(bodyList, ifCond @ If(cond, thenp, elsep)) = rhs
            print("do ")
            printColumn(bodyList, "", ";", "")
            print(" while (", cond, ") ")
          } else {
            print(printedName(name)); printLabelParams(params);

        case imp @ Import(expr, _) =>
          printImport(imp, resolveSelect(expr))

        case t @ Template(parents, self, tbody) =>
          val body = treeInfo.untypecheckedTemplBody(t)
          val printedParents =
            currentParent map {
              case _: CompoundTypeTree => parents
              case ClassDef(mods, name, _, _) if mods.isCase => removeDefaultTypesFromList(parents)()(List(tpnme.Product, tpnme.Serializable))
              case _ => removeDefaultClassesFromList(parents)
            } getOrElse (parents)

          val primaryCtr = treeInfo.firstConstructor(body)
          val ap: Option[Apply] = primaryCtr match {
              case DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, Block(ctBody, _)) =>
                val earlyDefs = treeInfo.preSuperFields(ctBody) ::: body.filter {
                  case td: TypeDef => treeInfo.isEarlyDef(td)
                  case _ => false
                if (earlyDefs.nonEmpty) {
                  printColumn(earlyDefs, "", ";", "")
                  print("} " + (if (printedParents.nonEmpty) "with " else ""))
                ctBody collectFirst {
                  case apply: Apply => apply
              case _ => None

          if (printedParents.nonEmpty) {
            val (clParent :: traits) = printedParents

            val constrArgss = ap match {
              case Some(treeInfo.Applied(_, _, argss)) => argss
              case _ => Nil
            if (traits.nonEmpty) {
              printRow(traits, " with ", " with ", "")
          /* Remove primary constr def and constr val and var defs
           * right contains all constructors
          val (left, right) = body.filter {
            // remove valdefs defined in constructor and presuper vals
            case vd: ValDef => !vd.mods.isParamAccessor && !treeInfo.isEarlyValDef(vd)
            // remove $this$ from traits
            case dd: DefDef => != nme.MIXIN_CONSTRUCTOR
            case td: TypeDef => !treeInfo.isEarlyDef(td)
            case EmptyTree => false
            case _ => true
          } span {
            case dd: DefDef => != nme.CONSTRUCTOR
            case _ => true
          val modBody = (left ::: right.drop(1))
          val showBody = !(modBody.isEmpty && (self == noSelfType || self.isEmpty))
          if (showBody) {
            if ( != nme.WILDCARD) {
              print(" { ",;
              printOpt(": ", self.tpt);
              print(" =>")
            } else if (self.tpt.nonEmpty) {
              print(" { _ : ", self.tpt, " =>")
            } else {
              print(" {")
            printColumn(modBody, "", ";", "}")

        case bl @ Block(stats, expr) =>
          printBlock(treeInfo.untypecheckedBlockBody(bl), expr)

        case Match(selector, cases) =>
          /* Insert braces if match is inner
           * make this function available for other cases
           * passing required type for checking
          def insertBraces(body: => Unit): Unit =
            if (parentsStack.nonEmpty && parentsStack.tail.exists(_.isInstanceOf[Match])) {
            } else body

          val printParentheses = needsParentheses(selector)(insideLabelDef = false)
          tree match {
            case Match(EmptyTree, cs) =>
              printColumn(cases, "{", "", "}")
            case _ =>
              insertBraces {
                printColumn(cases, " match {", "", "}")

        case cd @ CaseDef(pat, guard, body) =>

        case Star(elem) =>
          print(elem, "*")

        case Bind(name, t) =>
          if (t == EmptyTree) print("(", printedName(name), ")")
          else if (t.exists(_.isInstanceOf[Star])) print(printedName(name), " @ ", t)
          else print("(", printedName(name), " @ ", t, ")")

        case f @ Function(vparams, body) =>
          // parentheses are not allowed for val a: Int => Int = implicit x => x
          val printParentheses = vparams match {
              case head :: _ => !head.mods.isImplicit
              case _ => true
          printFunction(f)(printValueParams(vparams, inParentheses = printParentheses))

        case Typed(expr, tp) =>
          def printTp = print("(", tp, ")")

          tp match {
            case EmptyTree | build.SyntacticEmptyTypeTree() => printTp
            // case for untypechecked trees
            case Annotated(annot, arg) if (expr ne null) && (arg ne null) && expr.equalsStructure(arg) => printTp // remove double arg - 5: 5: @unchecked
            case tt: TypeTree if tt.original.isInstanceOf[Annotated] => printTp
            case Function(List(), EmptyTree) => print("(", expr, " _)") //func _
            // parentheses required when (a match {}) : Type
            case _ => print("((", expr, "): ", tp, ")")

        // print only fun when targs are TypeTrees with empty original
        case TypeApply(fun, targs) =>
          if (targs.exists(emptyTree(_))) {
          } else super.printTree(tree)

        case Apply(fun, vargs) =>
          tree match {
            // processing methods ending on colons (x \: list)
            case Apply(Block(l1 @ List(sVD: ValDef), a1 @ Apply(Select(_, methodName), l2 @ List(Ident(iVDName)))), l3)
              if sVD.mods.isSynthetic && treeInfo.isLeftAssoc(methodName) && == iVDName =>
              val printBlock = Block(l1, Apply(a1, l3))
            case Apply(tree1, _) if (needsParentheses(tree1)(insideAnnotated = false)) =>
              parenthesize()(print(fun)); printRow(vargs, "(", ", ", ")")
            case _ => super.printTree(tree)

        case UnApply(fun, args) =>
          fun match {
            case treeInfo.Unapplied(body) =>
              body match {
                case Select(qual, name) if name == nme.unapply  => print(qual)
                case TypeApply(Select(qual, name), args) if name == nme.unapply || name == nme.unapplySeq =>
                  print(TypeApply(qual, args))
                case _ => print(body)
            case _ => print(fun)
          printRow(args, "(", ", ", ")")  

        case st @ Super(This(qual), mix) =>
          printSuper(st, printedName(qual), checkSymbol = false)

        case th @ This(qual) =>
          if (tree.hasExistingSymbol && tree.symbol.isPackage) print(tree.symbol.fullName)
          else printThis(th, printedName(qual))

        // remove this prefix from constructor invocation in typechecked trees: this.this -> this
        case Select(This(_), name @ nme.CONSTRUCTOR) => print(printedName(name))

        case Select(qual: New, name) =>

        case Select(qual, name) =>
          def checkRootPackage(tr: Tree): Boolean = 
            (currentParent match { //check that Select is not for package def name
              case Some(_: PackageDef) => false
              case _ => true
            }) && (tr match { // check that Select contains package
              case Select(q, _) => checkRootPackage(q)
              case _: Ident | _: This => val sym = tr.symbol
                tr.hasExistingSymbol && sym.isPackage && != nme.ROOTPKG
              case _ => false

          if (printRootPkg && checkRootPackage(tree)) print(s"${printedName(nme.ROOTPKG)}.")
          val printParentheses = needsParentheses(qual)(insideAnnotated = false) || isIntLitWithDecodedOp(qual, name)
          if (printParentheses) print("(", resolveSelect(qual), ").", printedName(name))
          else print(resolveSelect(qual), ".", printedName(name))

        case id @ Ident(name) =>
          if (name.nonEmpty) {
            if (name == nme.dollarScope) {
            } else {
              val str = printedName(name)
              val strIsBackquoted = str.startsWith("`") && str.endsWith("`")
              print(if (id.isBackquoted && !strIsBackquoted) "`" + str + "`" else str)
          } else {

        case l @ Literal(x) =>
          import Chars.LF
          x match {
            case Constant(v: String) if {
              val strValue = x.stringValue
              strValue.contains(LF) && strValue.contains("\"\"\"") && strValue.size > 1
            } =>
              val splitValue = x.stringValue.split(s"$LF").toList
              val multilineStringValue = if (x.stringValue.endsWith(s"$LF")) splitValue :+ "" else splitValue
              val trQuotes = "\"\"\""
              print(trQuotes); printSeq(multilineStringValue) { print(_) } { print(LF) }; print(trQuotes)
            case _ =>
              // processing Float constants
              val printValue = x.escapedStringValue + (if (x.value.isInstanceOf[Float]) "F" else "")

        case an @ Annotated(ap, tree) =>
          val printParentheses = needsParentheses(tree)()
          parenthesize(printParentheses) { print(tree) }; print(if (tree.isType) " " else ": ")

        case SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier, selector) =>
          print("(", qualifier, ")#", blankForOperatorName(selector), printedName(selector))

        case tt: TypeTree =>
          if (!emptyTree(tt)) print(tt.original)   

        case AppliedTypeTree(tp, args) =>
          // it's possible to have (=> String) => String type but Function1[=> String, String] is not correct
          val containsByNameTypeParam = args exists treeInfo.isByNameParamType

          if (containsByNameTypeParam) {
            printRow(args.init, "(", ", ", ")")
            print(" => ", args.last, ")")
          } else {
            if (treeInfo.isRepeatedParamType(tree) && args.nonEmpty) {
              print(args(0), "*")
            } else if (treeInfo.isByNameParamType(tree)) {
              print("=> ", if (args.isEmpty) "()" else args(0))
            } else

        case ExistentialTypeTree(tpt, whereClauses) =>
          print("(", tpt);
          printColumn(whereClauses, " forSome { ", ";", "})")

        case EmptyTree =>

        case tree => super.printTree(tree)

  /** Hook for extensions */
  def xprintTree(treePrinter: TreePrinter, tree: Tree) =
    treePrinter.print(tree.productPrefix+tree.productIterator.mkString("(", ", ", ")"))

  def newCodePrinter(writer: PrintWriter, tree: Tree, printRootPkg: Boolean): TreePrinter =
    new CodePrinter(writer, printRootPkg)

  def newTreePrinter(writer: PrintWriter): TreePrinter = new TreePrinter(writer)
  def newTreePrinter(stream: OutputStream): TreePrinter = newTreePrinter(new PrintWriter(stream))
  def newTreePrinter(): TreePrinter = newTreePrinter(new PrintWriter(ConsoleWriter))

  /** A writer that writes to the current Console and
   * is sensitive to replacement of the Console's
   * output stream.
  object ConsoleWriter extends Writer {
    override def write(str: String) { Console.print(str) }

    def write(cbuf: Array[Char], off: Int, len: Int) {
      write(new String(cbuf, off, len))

    def close = { /* do nothing */ }
    def flush = { /* do nothing */ }

  def newRawTreePrinter(writer: PrintWriter): RawTreePrinter = new RawTreePrinter(writer)

  // provides footnotes for types and mirrors
  import scala.collection.mutable.{Map, WeakHashMap, SortedSet}
  private val footnoteIndex = new FootnoteIndex
  private class FootnoteIndex {
    private val index = Map[Class[_], WeakHashMap[Any, Int]]()
    private def classIndex[T: ClassTag] = index.getOrElseUpdate(classTag[T].runtimeClass, WeakHashMap[Any, Int]())
    private val counters = Map[Class[_], Int]()
    private def nextCounter[T: ClassTag] = {
      val clazz = classTag[T].runtimeClass
      counters.getOrElseUpdate(clazz, 0)
      counters(clazz) = counters(clazz) + 1

    def mkFootnotes() = new Footnotes
    class Footnotes {
      private val footnotes = Map[Class[_], SortedSet[Int]]()
      private def classFootnotes[T: ClassTag] = footnotes.getOrElseUpdate(classTag[T].runtimeClass, SortedSet[Int]())

      def put[T: ClassTag](any: T): Int = {
        val index = classIndex[T].getOrElseUpdate(any, nextCounter[T])
        classFootnotes[T] += index

      def get[T: ClassTag]: List[(Int, Any)] =
        classFootnotes[T].toList map (fi => (fi, classIndex[T].find{ case (any, ii) => ii == fi }.get._1))

      def print[T: ClassTag](printer: Printers.super.TreePrinter): Unit = {
        val footnotes = get[T]
        if (footnotes.nonEmpty) {
          footnotes.zipWithIndex foreach {
            case ((fi, any), ii) =>
              printer.print("[", fi, "] ", any)
              if (ii < footnotes.length - 1) printer.print(EOL)

  // emits more or less verbatim representation of the provided tree
  class RawTreePrinter(out: PrintWriter) extends super.TreePrinter {
    private var depth = 0
    private var printTypesInFootnotes = true
    private var printingFootnotes = false
    private val footnotes = footnoteIndex.mkFootnotes()

    def print(args: Any*): Unit = {
      // don't print type footnotes if the argument is a mere type
      if (depth == 0 && args.length == 1 && args(0) != null && args(0).isInstanceOf[Type])
        printTypesInFootnotes = false

      depth += 1
      args foreach {
        case expr: Expr[_] =>
          if (printTypes) print(expr.staticType)
        case EmptyTree =>
        case self.noSelfType =>
        case self.pendingSuperCall =>
        case tree: Tree =>
          def hasSymbolField = tree.hasSymbolField && tree.symbol != NoSymbol
          val isError = hasSymbolField && ( string_== nme.ERROR)
            preamble = _ => {
              if (printPositions) print(
              if (printTypes && tree.tpe != null) print(tree.tpe)
            body = {
              case name: Name =>
                if (isError) {
                  if (isError) print("<")
                  if (isError) print(": error>")
                } else if (hasSymbolField) {
                  tree match {
                    case refTree: RefTree =>
                      if ( != print("[", tree.symbol, " aka ",, "]")
                      else print(tree.symbol)
                    case defTree: DefTree =>
                    case _ =>
                } else {
              case Constant(s: String) =>
                print("Constant(\"" + s + "\")")
              case Constant(null) =>
              case Constant(value) =>
                print("Constant(" + value + ")")
              case arg =>
            postamble = {
              case tree @ TypeTree() if tree.original != null => print(".setOriginal(", tree.original, ")")
              case _ => // do nothing
        case sym: Symbol =>
          if (sym == NoSymbol) print("NoSymbol")
          else if (sym.isStatic && (sym.isClass || sym.isModule)) print(sym.fullName)
          else print(
          if (printIds) print("#",
          if (printOwners) print("@",
          if (printKinds) print("#", sym.abbreviatedKindString)
          if (printMirrors) print("%M", footnotes.put[scala.reflect.api.Mirror[_]](mirrorThatLoaded(sym)))
        case tag: TypeTag[_] =>
          print("TypeTag(", tag.tpe, ")")
        case tag: WeakTypeTag[_] =>
          print("WeakTypeTag(", tag.tpe, ")")
        case tpe: Type =>
          val defer = printTypesInFootnotes && !printingFootnotes
          if (defer) print("[", footnotes.put(tpe), "]")
          else tpe match {
            case NoType => print("NoType")
            case NoPrefix => print("NoPrefix")
            case _ => printProduct(tpe.asInstanceOf[Product])
        case mods: Modifiers =>
          if (mods.flags != NoFlags || mods.privateWithin != tpnme.EMPTY || mods.annotations.nonEmpty) print(show(mods.flags))
          if (mods.privateWithin != tpnme.EMPTY || mods.annotations.nonEmpty) { print(", "); print(mods.privateWithin) }
          if (mods.annotations.nonEmpty) { print(", "); print(mods.annotations); }
        case name: Name =>
        case scope: Scope =>
        case list: List[_] =>
        case product: Product =>
        case arg =>
      depth -= 1
      if (depth == 0 && !printingFootnotes) {
        printingFootnotes = true
        printingFootnotes = false

    def printProduct(
      p: Product,
      preamble: Product => Unit = p => print(p.productPrefix),
      body: Any => Unit = print(_),
      postamble: Product => Unit = p => print("")): Unit =
      printIterable(p.productIterator.toList, body = body)

    def printIterable(
      iterable: List[_],
      preamble: => Unit = print(""),
      body: Any => Unit = print(_),
      postamble: => Unit = print("")): Unit =
      val it = iterable.iterator
      while (it.hasNext) {
        print(if (it.hasNext) ", " else "")

  def show(name: Name): String = name match {
    case tpnme.WILDCARD => "typeNames.WILDCARD"
    case tpnme.EMPTY => "typeNames.EMPTY"
    case tpnme.ERROR => "typeNames.ERROR"
    case tpnme.PACKAGE => "typeNames.PACKAGE"
    case tpnme.WILDCARD_STAR => "typeNames.WILDCARD_STAR"
    case nme.WILDCARD => "termNames.WILDCARD"
    case nme.EMPTY => "termNames.EMPTY"
    case nme.ERROR => "termNames.ERROR"
    case nme.PACKAGE => "termNames.PACKAGE"
    case nme.CONSTRUCTOR => "termNames.CONSTRUCTOR"
    case nme.ROOTPKG => "termNames.ROOTPKG"
    case _ =>
      val prefix = if (name.isTermName) "TermName(\"" else "TypeName(\""
      prefix + name.toString + "\")"

  def show(flags: FlagSet): String = {
    if (flags == NoFlags) nme.NoFlags.toString
    else {
      val s_flags = new scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer[String]
      def hasFlag(left: Long, right: Long): Boolean = (left & right) != 0
      for (i <- 0 to 63 if hasFlag(flags, 1L << i))
        s_flags += flagToString(1L << i).replace("<", "").replace(">", "").toUpperCase
      s_flags mkString " | "

  def show(position: Position): String = {

  def showDecl(sym: Symbol): String = {
    if (!isCompilerUniverse) definitions.fullyInitializeSymbol(sym)

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