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Scala example source code file (TreeInfo.scala)

This example Scala source code file (TreeInfo.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

apply, boolean, casedef, defdef, emptytree, ident, list, nil, tree, valdef

The TreeInfo.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package scala
package reflect
package internal

import Flags._

/** This class ...
 *  @author Martin Odersky
 *  @version 1.0
abstract class TreeInfo {
  val global: SymbolTable

  import global._
  import definitions.{ isTupleSymbol, isVarArgsList, isCastSymbol, ThrowableClass, TupleClass, uncheckedStableClass, isBlackboxMacroBundleType, isWhiteboxContextType }

  /* Does not seem to be used. Not sure what it does anyway.
  def isOwnerDefinition(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
    case PackageDef(_, _)
       | ClassDef(_, _, _, _)
       | ModuleDef(_, _, _)
       | DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _)
       | Import(_, _) => true
    case _ => false

  // def isDefinition(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree.isDef

  /** Is tree a declaration or type definition?
  def isDeclarationOrTypeDef(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
    case x: ValOrDefDef   => x.rhs eq EmptyTree
    case _                => tree.isInstanceOf[TypeDef]

  /** Is tree legal as a member definition of an interface?
  def isInterfaceMember(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
    case EmptyTree                     => true
    case Import(_, _)                  => true
    case TypeDef(_, _, _, _)           => true
    case DefDef(mods, _, _, _, _, __)  => mods.isDeferred
    case ValDef(mods, _, _, _)         => mods.isDeferred
    case _ => false

  def isConstructorWithDefault(t: Tree) = t match {
    case DefDef(_, nme.CONSTRUCTOR, _, vparamss, _, _)  => mexists(vparamss)(_.mods.hasDefault)
    case _                                              => false

  /** Is tree a pure (i.e. non-side-effecting) definition?
  def isPureDef(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
    case EmptyTree
       | ClassDef(_, _, _, _)
       | TypeDef(_, _, _, _)
       | Import(_, _)
       | DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, _) =>
    case ValDef(mods, _, _, rhs) =>
      !mods.isMutable && isExprSafeToInline(rhs)
    case _ =>

  /** Is `tree` a path, defined as follows? (Spec: 3.1 Paths)
   * - The empty path ε (which cannot be written explicitly in user programs).
   * - C.this, where C references a class.
   * - p.x where p is a path and x is a stable member of p.
   * - C.super.x or C.super[M].x where C references a class
   *   and x references a stable member of the super class or designated parent class M of C.
   * NOTE: Trees with errors are (mostly) excluded.
   * Path ::= StableId | [id ‘.’] this
  def isPath(tree: Tree, allowVolatile: Boolean): Boolean =
    tree match {
      // Super is not technically a path.
      // However, syntactically, it can only occur nested in a Select.
      // This gives a nicer definition of isStableIdentifier that's equivalent to the spec's.
      // must consider Literal(_) a path for typedSingletonTypeTree
      case EmptyTree | Literal(_) => true
      case This(_) | Super(_, _)  => symOk(tree.symbol)
      case _                      => isStableIdentifier(tree, allowVolatile)

  /** Is `tree` a stable identifier, a path which ends in an identifier?
   * StableId ::= id
   *           | Path ‘.’ id
   *           | [id ’.’] ‘super’ [‘[’ id ‘]’] ‘.’ id
  def isStableIdentifier(tree: Tree, allowVolatile: Boolean): Boolean =
    tree match {
      case i @ Ident(_)    => isStableIdent(i, allowVolatile)
      case Select(qual, _) => isStableMemberOf(tree.symbol, qual, allowVolatile) && isPath(qual, allowVolatile)
      case Apply(Select(free @ Ident(_), nme.apply), _) if endsWith nme.REIFY_FREE_VALUE_SUFFIX =>
        // see a detailed explanation of this trick in `GenSymbols.reifyFreeTerm`
        free.symbol.hasStableFlag && isPath(free, allowVolatile)
      case _               => false

  private def symOk(sym: Symbol) = sym != null && !sym.isError && sym != NoSymbol
  private def typeOk(tp: Type)   =  tp != null && ! tp.isError

  /** Assuming `sym` is a member of `tree`, is it a "stable member"?
   * Stable members are packages or members introduced
   * by object definitions or by value definitions of non-volatile types (§3.6).
  def isStableMemberOf(sym: Symbol, tree: Tree, allowVolatile: Boolean): Boolean = (
    symOk(sym)       && (!sym.isTerm   || (sym.isStable && (allowVolatile || !sym.hasVolatileType))) &&
    typeOk(tree.tpe) && (allowVolatile || !hasVolatileType(tree)) && !definitions.isByNameParamType(tree.tpe)

  private def isStableIdent(tree: Ident, allowVolatile: Boolean): Boolean = (
    && tree.symbol.isStable
    && !definitions.isByNameParamType(tree.tpe)
    && (allowVolatile || !tree.symbol.hasVolatileType) // TODO SPEC: not required by spec

  /** Is `tree`'s type volatile? (Ignored if its symbol has the @uncheckedStable annotation.)
  def hasVolatileType(tree: Tree): Boolean =
    symOk(tree.symbol) && tree.tpe.isVolatile && !tree.symbol.hasAnnotation(uncheckedStableClass)

  /** Is `tree` either a non-volatile type,
   *  or a path that does not include any of:
   *   - a reference to a mutable variable/field
   *   - a reference to a by-name parameter
   *   - a member selection on a volatile type (Spec: 3.6 Volatile Types)?
   * Such a tree is a suitable target for type selection.
  def admitsTypeSelection(tree: Tree): Boolean = isPath(tree, allowVolatile = false)

  /** Is `tree` admissible as a stable identifier pattern (8.1.5 Stable Identifier Patterns)?
   * We disregard volatility, as it's irrelevant in patterns (SI-6815)
  def isStableIdentifierPattern(tree: Tree): Boolean = isStableIdentifier(tree, allowVolatile = true)

  // TODO SI-5304 tighten this up so we don't elide side effect in module loads
  def isQualifierSafeToElide(tree: Tree): Boolean = isExprSafeToInline(tree)

  /** Is tree an expression which can be inlined without affecting program semantics?
   *  Note that this is not called "isExprPure" since purity (lack of side-effects)
   *  is not the litmus test.  References to modules and lazy vals are side-effecting,
   *  both because side-effecting code may be executed and because the first reference
   *  takes a different code path than all to follow; but they are safe to inline
   *  because the expression result from evaluating them is always the same.
  def isExprSafeToInline(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
    case EmptyTree
       | This(_)
       | Super(_, _)
       | Literal(_) =>
    case Ident(_) =>
    // this case is mostly to allow expressions like -5 and +7, but any
    // member of an anyval should be safely pure
    case Select(Literal(const), name) =>
      const.isAnyVal && (const.tpe.member(name) != NoSymbol)
    case Select(qual, _) =>
      tree.symbol.isStable && isExprSafeToInline(qual)
    case TypeApply(fn, _) =>
    case Apply(Select(free @ Ident(_), nme.apply), _) if endsWith nme.REIFY_FREE_VALUE_SUFFIX =>
      // see a detailed explanation of this trick in `GenSymbols.reifyFreeTerm`
      free.symbol.hasStableFlag && isExprSafeToInline(free)
    case Apply(fn, List()) =>
      // Note: After uncurry, field accesses are represented as Apply(getter, Nil),
      // so an Apply can also be pure.
      // However, before typing, applications of nullary functional values are also
      // Apply(function, Nil) trees. To prevent them from being treated as pure,
      // we check that the callee is a method.
      // The callee might also be a Block, which has a null symbol, so we guard against that (SI-7185)
      fn.symbol != null && fn.symbol.isMethod && !fn.symbol.isLazy && isExprSafeToInline(fn)
    case Typed(expr, _) =>
    case Block(stats, expr) =>
      (stats forall isPureDef) && isExprSafeToInline(expr)
    case _ =>

  /** As if the name of the method didn't give it away,
   *  this logic is designed around issuing helpful
   *  warnings and minimizing spurious ones.  That means
   *  don't reuse it for important matters like inlining
   *  decisions.
  def isPureExprForWarningPurposes(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
    case Typed(expr, _)                    => isPureExprForWarningPurposes(expr)
    case EmptyTree | Literal(Constant(())) => false
    case _                                 =>
      def isWarnableRefTree = tree match {
        case t: RefTree => isExprSafeToInline(t.qualifier) && t.symbol != null && t.symbol.isAccessor
        case _          => false
      def isWarnableSymbol = {
        val sym = tree.symbol
        (sym == null) || !(sym.isModule || sym.isLazy || definitions.isByNameParamType(sym.tpe_*)) || {
          debuglog("'Pure' but side-effecting expression in statement position: " + tree)

      (    !tree.isErrorTyped
        && (isExprSafeToInline(tree) || isWarnableRefTree)
        && isWarnableSymbol

  def mapMethodParamsAndArgs[R](params: List[Symbol], args: List[Tree])(f: (Symbol, Tree) => R): List[R] = {
    val b = List.newBuilder[R]
    foreachMethodParamAndArg(params, args)((param, arg) => b += f(param, arg))
  def foreachMethodParamAndArg(params: List[Symbol], args: List[Tree])(f: (Symbol, Tree) => Unit): Boolean = {
    val plen   = params.length
    val alen   = args.length
    def fail() = {
        s"""|Mismatch trying to zip method parameters and argument list:
            |  params = $params
            |    args = $args""".stripMargin)

    if (plen == alen) foreach2(params, args)(f)
    else if (params.isEmpty) return fail()
    else if (isVarArgsList(params)) {
      val plenInit = plen - 1
      if (alen == plenInit) {
        if (alen == 0) Nil        // avoid calling mismatched zip
        else foreach2(params.init, args)(f)
      else if (alen < plenInit) return fail()
      else {
        foreach2(params.init, args take plenInit)(f)
        val remainingArgs = args drop plenInit
        foreach2(List.fill(remainingArgs.size)(params.last), remainingArgs)(f)
    else return fail()


  /** Is symbol potentially a getter of a variable?
  def mayBeVarGetter(sym: Symbol): Boolean = match {
    case NullaryMethodType(_)              => sym.owner.isClass && !sym.isStable
    case PolyType(_, NullaryMethodType(_)) => sym.owner.isClass && !sym.isStable
    case mt @ MethodType(_, _)             => mt.isImplicit && sym.owner.isClass && !sym.isStable
    case _                                 => false

  /** Is tree a mutable variable, or the getter of a mutable field?
  def isVariableOrGetter(tree: Tree) = {
    def sym       = tree.symbol
    def isVar     = sym.isVariable
    def isGetter  = mayBeVarGetter(sym) && != NoSymbol

    tree match {
      case Ident(_)                               => isVar
      case Select(_, _)                           => isVar || isGetter
      case Applied(Select(qual, nme.apply), _, _) => qual.tpe.member(nme.update) != NoSymbol
      case _                                      => false

  def isDefaultGetter(tree: Tree) = {
    tree.symbol != null && tree.symbol.isDefaultGetter

  /** Is tree a self constructor call this(...)? I.e. a call to a constructor of the
   *  same object?
  def isSelfConstrCall(tree: Tree): Boolean = dissectApplied(tree).core match {
    case Ident(nme.CONSTRUCTOR)           => true
    case Select(This(_), nme.CONSTRUCTOR) => true
    case _                                => false

  /** Is tree a super constructor call?
  def isSuperConstrCall(tree: Tree): Boolean = dissectApplied(tree).core match {
    case Select(Super(_, _), nme.CONSTRUCTOR) => true
    case _                                    => false

   * Named arguments can transform a constructor call into a block, e.g.
   *   <init>(b = foo, a = bar)
   * is transformed to
   *   { val x$1 = foo
   *     val x$2 = bar
   *     <init>(x$2, x$1)
   *   }
  def stripNamedApplyBlock(tree: Tree) = tree match {
    case Block(stats, expr) if stats.forall(_.isInstanceOf[ValDef]) =>
    case _ =>

  /** Strips layers of `.asInstanceOf[T]` / `_.$asInstanceOf[T]()` from an expression */
  def stripCast(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
    case TypeApply(sel @ Select(inner, _), _) if isCastSymbol(sel.symbol) =>
    case Apply(TypeApply(sel @ Select(inner, _), _), Nil) if isCastSymbol(sel.symbol) =>
    case t =>

  object StripCast {
    def unapply(tree: Tree): Some[Tree] = Some(stripCast(tree))

  /** Is tree a self or super constructor call? */
  def isSelfOrSuperConstrCall(tree: Tree) = {
    // stripNamedApply for SI-3584: adaptToImplicitMethod in Typers creates a special context
    // for implicit search in constructor calls, adaptToImplicitMethod(isSelfOrConstrCall)
    val tree1 = stripNamedApplyBlock(tree)
    isSelfConstrCall(tree1) || isSuperConstrCall(tree1)

   * Does this tree represent an irrefutable pattern match
   * in the position `for { <tree> <- expr }` based only
   * on information at the `parser` phase? To qualify, there
   * may be no subtree that will be interpreted as a
   * Stable Identifier Pattern, nor any type tests, even
   * on TupleN. See SI-6968.
   * For instance:
   * {{{
   * (foo @ (bar @ _)) = 0
   * }}}
   * is a not a variable pattern; if only binds names.
   * The following are not variable patterns.
   * {{{
   *   `bar`
   *   Bar
   *   (a, b)
   *   _: T
   * }}}
   * If the pattern is a simple identifier, it is always
   * a variable pattern. For example, the following
   * introduce new bindings:
   * {{{
   * for { X <- xs } yield X
   * for { `backquoted` <- xs } yield `backquoted`
   * }}}
   * Note that this differs from a case clause:
   * {{{
   *   object X
   *   scrut match {
   *      case X =>  // case _ if scrut == X
   *   }
   * }}}
   * Background: [[]]
  def isVarPatternDeep(tree: Tree): Boolean = {
    def isVarPatternDeep0(tree: Tree): Boolean = {
      tree match {
        case Bind(name, pat)  => isVarPatternDeep0(pat)
        case Ident(name)      => isVarPattern(tree)
        case _                => false
    tree match {
      case Ident(name) => true
      case _           => isVarPatternDeep0(tree)

  /** Is tree a variable pattern? */
  def isVarPattern(pat: Tree): Boolean = pat match {
    case x: Ident           => !x.isBackquoted && nme.isVariableName(
    case _                  => false

  /** Does the tree have a structure similar to typechecked trees? */
  private[internal] def detectTypecheckedTree(tree: Tree) =
    tree.hasExistingSymbol || tree.exists {
      case dd: DefDef => dd.mods.hasAccessorFlag || dd.mods.isSynthetic // for untypechecked trees
      case md: MemberDef => md.hasExistingSymbol
      case _ => false

  /** Recover template body to parsed state */
  private[internal] def untypecheckedTemplBody(templ: Template) =
    untypecheckedTreeBody(templ, templ.body)

  /** Recover block body to parsed state */
  private[internal] def untypecheckedBlockBody(block: Block) =
    untypecheckedTreeBody(block, block.stats)

  /** Recover tree body to parsed state */
  private[internal] def untypecheckedTreeBody(tree: Tree, tbody: List[Tree]) = {
    def filterBody(body: List[Tree]) = body filter {
      case _: ValDef | _: TypeDef => true
      // keep valdef or getter for val/var
      case dd: DefDef if dd.mods.hasAccessorFlag => !nme.isSetterName( && !tbody.exists {
        case vd: ValDef => ==
        case _ => false
      case md: MemberDef => !md.mods.isSynthetic
      case tree => true

    def lazyValDefRhs(body: Tree) =
      body match {
        case Block(List(Assign(_, rhs)), _) => rhs
        case _ => body

    def recoverBody(body: List[Tree]) = body map {
      case vd @ ValDef(vmods, vname, _, vrhs) if nme.isLocalName(vname) =>
        tbody find {
          case dd: DefDef => == vname.dropLocal
          case _ => false
        } map { dd =>
          val DefDef(dmods, dname, _, _, _, drhs) = dd
          // get access flags from DefDef
          val vdMods = (vmods &~ Flags.AccessFlags) | (dmods & Flags.AccessFlags).flags
          // for most cases lazy body should be taken from accessor DefDef
          val vdRhs = if (vmods.isLazy) lazyValDefRhs(drhs) else vrhs
          copyValDef(vd)(mods = vdMods, name = dname, rhs = vdRhs)
        } getOrElse (vd)
      // for abstract and some lazy val/vars
      case dd @ DefDef(mods, name, _, _, tpt, rhs) if mods.hasAccessorFlag =>
        // transform getter mods to field
        val vdMods = (if (!mods.hasStableFlag) mods | Flags.MUTABLE else mods &~ Flags.STABLE) &~ Flags.ACCESSOR
        ValDef(vdMods, name, tpt, rhs)
      case tr => tr

    if (detectTypecheckedTree(tree)) {
    } else tbody

  /** The first constructor definitions in `stats` */
  def firstConstructor(stats: List[Tree]): Tree = stats find {
    case x: DefDef  => nme.isConstructorName(
    case _          => false
  } getOrElse EmptyTree

  /** The arguments to the first constructor in `stats`. */
  def firstConstructorArgs(stats: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = firstConstructor(stats) match {
    case DefDef(_, _, _, args :: _, _, _) => args
    case _                                => Nil

  /** The value definitions marked PRESUPER in this statement sequence */
  def preSuperFields(stats: List[Tree]): List[ValDef] =
    stats collect { case vd: ValDef if isEarlyValDef(vd) => vd }

  def hasUntypedPreSuperFields(stats: List[Tree]): Boolean =
    preSuperFields(stats) exists (_.tpt.isEmpty)

  def isEarlyDef(tree: Tree) = tree match {
    case TypeDef(mods, _, _, _) => mods hasFlag PRESUPER
    case ValDef(mods, _, _, _) => mods hasFlag PRESUPER
    case _ => false

  def isEarlyValDef(tree: Tree) = tree match {
    case ValDef(mods, _, _, _) => mods hasFlag PRESUPER
    case _ => false

  /** Is tpt a vararg type of the form T* ? */
  def isRepeatedParamType(tpt: Tree) = tpt match {
    case TypeTree()                                                          => definitions.isRepeatedParamType(tpt.tpe)
    case AppliedTypeTree(Select(_, tpnme.REPEATED_PARAM_CLASS_NAME), _)      => true
    case AppliedTypeTree(Select(_, tpnme.JAVA_REPEATED_PARAM_CLASS_NAME), _) => true
    case _                                                                   => false

  /** The parameter ValDefs of a method definition that have vararg types of the form T*
  def repeatedParams(tree: Tree): List[ValDef] = tree match {
    case DefDef(_, _, _, vparamss, _, _)  => vparamss.flatten filter (vd => isRepeatedParamType(vd.tpt))
    case _                                => Nil

  /** Is tpt a by-name parameter type of the form => T? */
  def isByNameParamType(tpt: Tree) = tpt match {
    case TypeTree()                                                 => definitions.isByNameParamType(tpt.tpe)
    case AppliedTypeTree(Select(_, tpnme.BYNAME_PARAM_CLASS_NAME), _) => true
    case _                                                          => false

  /** Translates an Assign(_, _) node to AssignOrNamedArg(_, _) if
   *  the lhs is a simple ident. Otherwise returns unchanged.
  def assignmentToMaybeNamedArg(tree: Tree) = tree match {
    case t @ Assign(id: Ident, rhs) => atPos(t.pos)(AssignOrNamedArg(id, rhs))
    case t                          => t

  /** Is name a left-associative operator? */
  def isLeftAssoc(operator: Name) = operator.nonEmpty && (operator.endChar != ':')

  /** a Match(Typed(_, tpt), _) must be translated into a switch if isSwitchAnnotation(tpt.tpe) */
  def isSwitchAnnotation(tpe: Type) = tpe hasAnnotation definitions.SwitchClass

  /** can this type be a type pattern */
  def mayBeTypePat(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
    case CompoundTypeTree(Template(tps, _, Nil)) => tps exists mayBeTypePat
    case Annotated(_, tp)                        => mayBeTypePat(tp)
    case AppliedTypeTree(constr, args)           => mayBeTypePat(constr) || args.exists(_.isInstanceOf[Bind])
    case SelectFromTypeTree(tp, _)               => mayBeTypePat(tp)
    case _                                       => false

  /** Is this argument node of the form <expr> : _* ?
  def isWildcardStarArg(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
    case WildcardStarArg(_) => true
    case _                  => false

  object WildcardStarArg {
    def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[Tree] = tree match {
      case Typed(expr, Ident(tpnme.WILDCARD_STAR)) => Some(expr)
      case _                                       => None

  /** If this tree has type parameters, those.  Otherwise Nil.
  def typeParameters(tree: Tree): List[TypeDef] = tree match {
    case DefDef(_, _, tparams, _, _, _) => tparams
    case ClassDef(_, _, tparams, _)     => tparams
    case TypeDef(_, _, tparams, _)      => tparams
    case _                              => Nil

  /** Does this argument list end with an argument of the form <expr> : _* ? */
  def isWildcardStarArgList(trees: List[Tree]) =
    trees.nonEmpty && isWildcardStarArg(trees.last)

  /** Is the argument a wildcard argument of the form `_` or `x @ _`?
  def isWildcardArg(tree: Tree): Boolean = unbind(tree) match {
    case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => true
    case _                   => false

  /** Is the argument a wildcard star type of the form `_*`?
  def isWildcardStarType(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
    case Ident(tpnme.WILDCARD_STAR) => true
    case _                          => false

  /** Is this pattern node a catch-all (wildcard or variable) pattern? */
  def isDefaultCase(cdef: CaseDef) = cdef match {
    case CaseDef(pat, EmptyTree, _) => isWildcardArg(pat)
    case _                          => false

  private def hasNoSymbol(t: Tree) = t.symbol == null || t.symbol == NoSymbol

  /** Is this pattern node a synthetic catch-all case, added during PartialFuction synthesis before we know
    * whether the user provided cases are exhaustive. */
  def isSyntheticDefaultCase(cdef: CaseDef) = cdef match {
    case CaseDef(Bind(nme.DEFAULT_CASE, _), EmptyTree, _) => true
    case _                                                => false

  /** Does this CaseDef catch Throwable? */
  def catchesThrowable(cdef: CaseDef) = (
    cdef.guard.isEmpty && (unbind(cdef.pat) match {
      case Ident(nme.WILDCARD) => true
      case i@Ident(name)       => hasNoSymbol(i)
      case _                   => false

  /** Is this CaseDef synthetically generated, e.g. by `MatchTranslation.translateTry`? */
  def isSyntheticCase(cdef: CaseDef) = cdef.pat.exists {
    case dt: DefTree => dt.symbol.isSynthetic
    case _           => false

  /** Is this pattern node a catch-all or type-test pattern? */
  def isCatchCase(cdef: CaseDef) = cdef match {
    case CaseDef(Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), tpt), EmptyTree, _) =>
    case CaseDef(Bind(_, Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), tpt)), EmptyTree, _) =>
    case _ =>

  private def isSimpleThrowable(tp: Type): Boolean = tp match {
    case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
      (pre == NoPrefix || pre.widen.typeSymbol.isStatic) &&
      (sym isNonBottomSubClass ThrowableClass) &&  /* bq */ !sym.isTrait
    case _ =>

  /* If we have run-time types, and these are used for pattern matching,
     we should replace this  by something like:

      tp match {
        case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
          args.isEmpty && (sym.isTopLevel || isSimple(pre))
        case NoPrefix =>
        case _ =>

  /** Is this case guarded? */
  def isGuardedCase(cdef: CaseDef) = cdef.guard != EmptyTree

  /** Is this pattern node a sequence-valued pattern? */
  def isSequenceValued(tree: Tree): Boolean = unbind(tree) match {
    case Alternative(ts)            => ts exists isSequenceValued
    case ArrayValue(_, _) | Star(_) => true
    case _                          => false

  /** The underlying pattern ignoring any bindings */
  def unbind(x: Tree): Tree = x match {
    case Bind(_, y) => unbind(y)
    case y          => y

  /** Is this tree a Star(_) after removing bindings? */
  def isStar(x: Tree) = unbind(x) match {
    case Star(_)  => true
    case _        => false

   * {{{
   * //------------------------ => effectivePatternArity(args)
   * case Extractor(a)          => 1
   * case Extractor(a, b)       => 2
   * case Extractor((a, b))     => 2
   * case Extractor(a @ (b, c)) => 2
   * }}}
  def effectivePatternArity(args: List[Tree]): Int = flattenedPatternArgs(args).length

  def flattenedPatternArgs(args: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = args map unbind match {
    case build.SyntacticTuple(xs) :: Nil => xs
    case xs                              => xs

  // used in the symbols for labeldefs and valdefs emitted by the pattern matcher
  // tailcalls, cps,... use this flag combination to detect translated matches
  // TODO: move to Flags

  def isSynthCaseSymbol(sym: Symbol) = sym hasAllFlags SYNTH_CASE_FLAGS
  def hasSynthCaseSymbol(t: Tree)    = t.symbol != null && isSynthCaseSymbol(t.symbol)

  def isTraitRef(tree: Tree): Boolean = {
    val sym = if (tree.tpe != null) tree.tpe.typeSymbol else null
    ((sym ne null) && sym.initialize.isTrait)

  /** Applications in Scala can have one of the following shapes:
   *    1) naked core: Ident(_) or Select(_, _) or basically anything else
   *    2) naked core with targs: TypeApply(core, targs) or AppliedTypeTree(core, targs)
   *    3) apply or several applies wrapping a core: Apply(core, _), or Apply(Apply(core, _), _), etc
   *  This class provides different ways to decompose applications and simplifies their analysis.
   *  ***Examples***
   *  (TypeApply in the examples can be replaced with AppliedTypeTree)
   *    Ident(foo):
   *      * callee = Ident(foo)
   *      * core = Ident(foo)
   *      * targs = Nil
   *      * argss = Nil
   *    TypeApply(foo, List(targ1, targ2...))
   *      * callee = TypeApply(foo, List(targ1, targ2...))
   *      * core = foo
   *      * targs = List(targ1, targ2...)
   *      * argss = Nil
   *    Apply(foo, List(arg1, arg2...))
   *      * callee = foo
   *      * core = foo
   *      * targs = Nil
   *      * argss = List(List(arg1, arg2...))
   *    Apply(Apply(foo, List(arg21, arg22, ...)), List(arg11, arg12...))
   *      * callee = foo
   *      * core = foo
   *      * targs = Nil
   *      * argss = List(List(arg11, arg12...), List(arg21, arg22, ...))
   *    Apply(Apply(TypeApply(foo, List(targs1, targs2, ...)), List(arg21, arg22, ...)), List(arg11, arg12...))
   *      * callee = TypeApply(foo, List(targs1, targs2, ...))
   *      * core = foo
   *      * targs = Nil
   *      * argss = List(List(arg11, arg12...), List(arg21, arg22, ...))
  class Applied(val tree: Tree) {
    /** The tree stripped of the possibly nested applications.
     *  The original tree if it's not an application.
    def callee: Tree = {
      def loop(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
        case Apply(fn, _) => loop(fn)
        case tree         => tree

    /** The `callee` unwrapped from type applications.
     *  The original `callee` if it's not a type application.
    def core: Tree = callee match {
      case TypeApply(fn, _)       => fn
      case AppliedTypeTree(fn, _) => fn
      case tree                   => tree

    /** The type arguments of the `callee`.
     *  `Nil` if the `callee` is not a type application.
    def targs: List[Tree] = callee match {
      case TypeApply(_, args)       => args
      case AppliedTypeTree(_, args) => args
      case _                        => Nil

    /** (Possibly multiple lists of) value arguments of an application.
     *  `Nil` if the `callee` is not an application.
    def argss: List[List[Tree]] = {
      def loop(tree: Tree): List[List[Tree]] = tree match {
        case Apply(fn, args) => loop(fn) :+ args
        case _               => Nil

  /** Returns a wrapper that knows how to destructure and analyze applications.
  def dissectApplied(tree: Tree) = new Applied(tree)

  /** Destructures applications into important subparts described in `Applied` class,
   *  namely into: core, targs and argss (in the specified order).
   *  Trees which are not applications are also accepted. Their callee and core will
   *  be equal to the input, while targs and argss will be Nil.
   *  The provided extractors don't expose all the API of the `Applied` class.
   *  For advanced use, call `dissectApplied` explicitly and use its methods instead of pattern matching.
  object Applied {
    def apply(tree: Tree): Applied = new Applied(tree)

    def unapply(applied: Applied): Option[(Tree, List[Tree], List[List[Tree]])] =
      Some((applied.core, applied.targs, applied.argss))

    def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, List[Tree], List[List[Tree]])] =

  /** Does list of trees start with a definition of
   *  a class of module with given name (ignoring imports)
  def firstDefinesClassOrObject(trees: List[Tree], name: Name): Boolean = trees match {
    case Import(_, _) :: xs             => firstDefinesClassOrObject(xs, name)
    case Annotated(_, tree1) :: _       => firstDefinesClassOrObject(List(tree1), name)
    case ModuleDef(_, `name`, _) :: _   => true
    case ClassDef(_, `name`, _, _) :: _ => true
    case _                              => false

  /** Locates the synthetic Apply node corresponding to an extractor's call to
   *  unapply (unwrapping nested Applies) and returns the fun part of that Apply.
  object Unapplied {
    // Duplicated with `spliceApply`
    def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[Tree] = tree match {
      // SI-7868 Admit Select() to account for numeric widening, e.g. <unappplySelector>.toInt
      case Apply(fun, (Ident(nme.SELECTOR_DUMMY)| Select(Ident(nme.SELECTOR_DUMMY), _)) :: Nil)
                         => Some(fun)
      case Apply(fun, _) => unapply(fun)
      case _             => None

  /** Is this file the body of a compilation unit which should not
   *  have Predef imported?
  def noPredefImportForUnit(body: Tree) = {
    // Top-level definition whose leading imports include Predef.
    def isLeadingPredefImport(defn: Tree): Boolean = defn match {
      case PackageDef(_, defs1) => defs1 exists isLeadingPredefImport
      case Import(expr, _)      => isReferenceToPredef(expr)
      case _                    => false
    // Compilation unit is class or object 'name' in package 'scala'
    def isUnitInScala(tree: Tree, name: Name) = tree match {
      case PackageDef(Ident(nme.scala_), defs) => firstDefinesClassOrObject(defs, name)
      case _                                   => false

    isUnitInScala(body, nme.Predef) || isLeadingPredefImport(body)

  def isAbsTypeDef(tree: Tree) = tree match {
    case TypeDef(_, _, _, TypeBoundsTree(_, _)) => true
    case TypeDef(_, _, _, rhs) => rhs.tpe.isInstanceOf[TypeBounds]
    case _ => false

  def isAliasTypeDef(tree: Tree) = tree match {
    case TypeDef(_, _, _, _) => !isAbsTypeDef(tree)
    case _ => false

  /** Some handy extractors for spotting trees through the
   *  the haze of irrelevant braces: i.e. Block(Nil, SomeTree)
   *  should not keep us from seeing SomeTree.
  abstract class SeeThroughBlocks[T] {
    protected def unapplyImpl(x: Tree): T
    def unapply(x: Tree): T = x match {
      case Block(Nil, expr)         => unapply(expr)
      case _                        => unapplyImpl(x)
  object IsTrue extends SeeThroughBlocks[Boolean] {
    protected def unapplyImpl(x: Tree): Boolean = x match {
      case Literal(Constant(true)) => true
      case _                       => false
  object IsFalse extends SeeThroughBlocks[Boolean] {
    protected def unapplyImpl(x: Tree): Boolean = x match {
      case Literal(Constant(false)) => true
      case _                        => false

  def isApplyDynamicName(name: Name) = (name == nme.updateDynamic) || (name == nme.selectDynamic) || (name == nme.applyDynamic) || (name == nme.applyDynamicNamed)

  class DynamicApplicationExtractor(nameTest: Name => Boolean) {
    def unapply(tree: Tree) = tree match {
      case Apply(TypeApply(Select(qual, oper), _), List(Literal(Constant(name)))) if nameTest(oper) => Some((qual, name))
      case Apply(Select(qual, oper), List(Literal(Constant(name)))) if nameTest(oper) => Some((qual, name))
      case Apply(Ident(oper), List(Literal(Constant(name)))) if nameTest(oper) => Some((EmptyTree, name))
      case _ => None
  object DynamicUpdate extends DynamicApplicationExtractor(_ == nme.updateDynamic)
  object DynamicApplication extends DynamicApplicationExtractor(isApplyDynamicName)
  object DynamicApplicationNamed extends DynamicApplicationExtractor(_ == nme.applyDynamicNamed)

  object MacroImplReference {
    private def refPart(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
      case TypeApply(fun, _) => refPart(fun)
      case ref: RefTree => ref
      case _ => EmptyTree

    def unapply(tree: Tree) = refPart(tree) match {
      case ref: RefTree => {
        val qual = ref.qualifier
        val isBundle = definitions.isMacroBundleType(qual.tpe)
        val isBlackbox =
          if (isBundle) isBlackboxMacroBundleType(qual.tpe)
          else ref.symbol.paramss match {
            case (c :: Nil) :: _ if isWhiteboxContextType( => false
            case _ => true
        val owner =
          if (isBundle) qual.tpe.typeSymbol
          else {
            val qualSym = if (qual.hasSymbolField) qual.symbol else NoSymbol
            if (qualSym.isModule) qualSym.moduleClass else qualSym
        Some((isBundle, isBlackbox, owner, ref.symbol, dissectApplied(tree).targs))
      case _  => None

  def isNullaryInvocation(tree: Tree): Boolean =
    tree.symbol != null && tree.symbol.isMethod && (tree match {
      case TypeApply(fun, _) => isNullaryInvocation(fun)
      case tree: RefTree => true
      case _ => false

  def isMacroApplication(tree: Tree): Boolean = !tree.isDef && {
    val sym = tree.symbol
    sym != null && sym.isTermMacro && !sym.isErroneous

  def isMacroApplicationOrBlock(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
    case Block(_, expr) => isMacroApplicationOrBlock(expr)
    case tree => isMacroApplication(tree)

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