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Scala example source code file (Variance.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Variance.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

anyval, bivariant, contravariant, covariant, int, invariant, list, sbtcompat, variance

The Variance.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Paul Phillips

package scala
package reflect
package internal

import Variance._

/** Variances form a lattice:
 *            - Covariant -
 *           /             \
 *  Invariant               Bivariant
 *           \             /
 *            Contravariant
 *  The variance of a symbol within a type is calculated based on variance
 *  annotations, e.g. +A or -A, and the positions of the types in which the
 *  symbol appears. The actual mechanics are beyond the scope of this
 *  comment, but the essential operations on a Variance are:
 *  '&'  - like bitwise AND. Unless all inputs have compatible variance,
 *  folding them across & will be invariant.
 *  '*'  - like multiplication across { -1, 0, 1 } with contravariance as -1.
 *  flip - if contravariant or covariant, flip to the other; otherwise leave unchanged.
 *  cut  - if bivariant, remain bivariant; otherwise become invariant.
 *  There is an important distinction between "isPositive" and "isCovariant".
 *  The former is true for both Covariant and Bivariant, but the latter is true
 *  only for Covariant.
final class Variance private (val flags: Int) extends AnyVal {
  def isBivariant     = flags == 2
  def isCovariant     = flags == 1    // excludes bivariant
  def isInvariant     = flags == 0
  def isContravariant = flags == -1   // excludes bivariant
  def isPositive      = flags > 0     // covariant or bivariant

  def &(other: Variance): Variance = (
    if (this == other) this
    else if (this.isBivariant) other
    else if (other.isBivariant) this
    else Invariant

  def *(other: Variance): Variance = (
    if (other.isPositive) this
    else if (other.isContravariant) this.flip
    else this.cut

  /** Flip between covariant and contravariant. I chose not to use unary_- because it doesn't stand out enough. */
  def flip = if (isCovariant) Contravariant else if (isContravariant) Covariant else this

  /** Map everything below bivariant to invariant. */
  def cut  = if (isBivariant) this else Invariant

  /** The symbolic annotation used to indicate the given kind of variance. */
  def symbolicString = (
    if (isCovariant) "+"
    else if (isContravariant) "-"
    else ""

  override def toString = (
    if (isContravariant) "contravariant"
    else if (isCovariant) "covariant"
    else if (isInvariant) "invariant"
    else "" // noisy to print bivariant on everything without type parameters

object Variance {
  implicit class SbtCompat(val v: Variance) {
    def < (other: Int) = v.flags < other
    def > (other: Int) = v.flags > other

  def fold(variances: List[Variance]): Variance = (
    if (variances.isEmpty) Bivariant
    else variances reduceLeft (_ & _)
  val Bivariant     = new Variance(2)
  val Covariant     = new Variance(1)
  val Contravariant = new Variance(-1)
  val Invariant     = new Variance(0)

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Variance.scala source code file:

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