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Scala example source code file (PickleBuffer.scala)

This example Scala source code file (PickleBuffer.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

array, indexedseq, int, list, long, picklebuffer, t

The PickleBuffer.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package scala
package reflect
package internal
package pickling

/** Variable length byte arrays, with methods for basic pickling and unpickling.
 *  @param data The initial buffer
 *  @param from The first index where defined data are found
 *  @param to   The first index where new data can be written
class PickleBuffer(data: Array[Byte], from: Int, to: Int) {

  var bytes = data
  var readIndex = from
  var writeIndex = to

  /** Double bytes array */
  private def dble() {
    val bytes1 = new Array[Byte](bytes.length * 2)
    Array.copy(bytes, 0, bytes1, 0, writeIndex)
    bytes = bytes1

  def ensureCapacity(capacity: Int) =
    while (bytes.length < writeIndex + capacity) dble()

  // -- Basic output routines --------------------------------------------

  /** Write a byte of data */
  def writeByte(b: Int) {
    if (writeIndex == bytes.length) dble()
    bytes(writeIndex) = b.toByte
    writeIndex += 1

  /** Write a natural number in big endian format, base 128.
   *  All but the last digits have bit 0x80 set.
  def writeNat(x: Int) =
    writeLongNat(x.toLong & 0x00000000FFFFFFFFL)

   * Like writeNat, but for longs. This is not the same as
   * writeLong, which writes in base 256. Note that the
   * binary representation of LongNat is identical to Nat
   * if the long value is in the range Int.MIN_VALUE to
   * Int.MAX_VALUE.
  def writeLongNat(x: Long) {
    def writeNatPrefix(x: Long) {
      val y = x >>> 7
      if (y != 0L) writeNatPrefix(y)
      writeByte(((x & 0x7f) | 0x80).toInt)
    val y = x >>> 7
    if (y != 0L) writeNatPrefix(y)
    writeByte((x & 0x7f).toInt)

  /** Write a natural number `x` at position `pos`.
   *  If number is more than one byte, shift rest of array to make space.
  def patchNat(pos: Int, x: Int) {
    def patchNatPrefix(x: Int) {
      Array.copy(bytes, pos, bytes, pos+1, writeIndex - (pos+1))
      bytes(pos) = ((x & 0x7f) | 0x80).toByte
      val y = x >>> 7
      if (y != 0) patchNatPrefix(y)
    bytes(pos) = (x & 0x7f).toByte
    val y = x >>> 7
    if (y != 0) patchNatPrefix(y)

  /** Write a long number `x` in signed big endian format, base 256.
   *  @param x The long number to be written.
  def writeLong(x: Long) {
    val y = x >> 8
    val z = x & 0xff
    if (-y != (z >> 7)) writeLong(y)

  // -- Basic input routines --------------------------------------------

  /** Read a byte */
  def readByte(): Int = {
    val x = bytes(readIndex).toInt; readIndex += 1; x

  /** Read a natural number in big endian format, base 128.
   *  All but the last digits have bit 0x80 set.*/
  def readNat(): Int = readLongNat().toInt

  def readLongNat(): Long = {
    var b = 0L
    var x = 0L
    do {
      b = readByte().toLong
      x = (x << 7) + (b & 0x7f)
    } while ((b & 0x80) != 0L)

  /** Read a long number in signed big endian format, base 256. */
  def readLong(len: Int): Long = {
    var x = 0L
    var i = 0
    while (i < len) {
      x = (x << 8) + (readByte() & 0xff)
      i += 1
    val leading = 64 - (len << 3)
    x << leading >> leading

  /** Returns the buffer as a sequence of (Int, Array[Byte]) representing
   *  (tag, data) of the individual entries.  Saves and restores buffer state.

  def toIndexedSeq: IndexedSeq[(Int, Array[Byte])] = {
    val saved = readIndex
    readIndex = 0
    readNat() ; readNat()     // discarding version
    val result = new Array[(Int, Array[Byte])](readNat())

    result.indices foreach { index =>
      val tag = readNat()
      val len = readNat()
      val bytes = data.slice(readIndex, len + readIndex)
      readIndex += len

      result(index) = tag -> bytes

    readIndex = saved

  /** Perform operation `op` until the condition
   *  `readIndex == end` is satisfied.
   *  Concatenate results into a list.
  def until[T](end: Int, op: () => T): List[T] =
    if (readIndex == end) List() else op() :: until(end, op)

  /** Perform operation `op` the number of
   *  times specified.  Concatenate the results into a list.
  def times[T](n: Int, op: ()=>T): List[T] =
    if (n == 0) List() else op() :: times(n-1, op)

  /** Pickle = majorVersion_Nat minorVersion_Nat nbEntries_Nat {Entry}
   *  Entry  = type_Nat length_Nat [actual entries]
   *  Assumes that the ..Version_Nat are already consumed.
   *  @return an array mapping entry numbers to locations in
   *  the byte array where the entries start.
  def createIndex: Array[Int] = {
    val index = new Array[Int](readNat()) // nbEntries_Nat
    for (i <- 0 until index.length) {
      index(i) = readIndex
      readByte() // skip type_Nat
      readIndex = readNat() + readIndex // read length_Nat, jump to next entry

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala PickleBuffer.scala source code file:

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