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Scala example source code file (Translations.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Translations.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

classtree, compoundtypetree, existentialtypetree, functiontree, int, labeltree, moduletree, returntree, symbol, tree

The Translations.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Paul Phillips

package scala
package reflect
package internal
package pickling

import PickleFormat._
import util.shortClassOfInstance

trait Translations {
  self: SymbolTable =>

  def isTreeSymbolPickled(code: Int): Boolean = (code: @annotation.switch) match {
    case PACKAGEtree | CLASStree | MODULEtree | VALDEFtree | DEFDEFtree | TYPEDEFtree | LABELtree => true
    case IMPORTtree | TEMPLATEtree | BINDtree | FUNCTIONtree | RETURNtree                         => true
    case APPLYDYNAMICtree | SUPERtree | THIStree | SELECTtree | IDENTtree                         => true
    case _                                                                                        => false
  /** This method should be equivalent to tree.hasSymbolField, but that method
   *  doesn't do us any good when we're unpickling because we need to know based
   *  on the Int tag - the tree doesn't exist yet. Thus, this method is documentation only.
  def isTreeSymbolPickled(tree: Tree): Boolean = isTreeSymbolPickled(picklerSubTag(tree))

  // The ad hoc pattern matching of tuples out of AnyRefs is a
  // truly terrible idea. It reaches the height of its powers in
  // combination with scala's insistence on helpfully tupling
  // multiple arguments passed to a single-arg AnyRef.
  def picklerTag(ref: AnyRef): Int = ref match {
    case tp: Type                       => picklerTag(tp)
    case sym: Symbol                    => picklerTag(sym)
    case const: Constant                => LITERAL + const.tag
    case _: Tree                        => TREE           // its sub tag more precisely identifies it
    case _: TermName                    => TERMname
    case _: TypeName                    => TYPEname
    case _: ArrayAnnotArg               => ANNOTARGARRAY  // an array of annotation arguments
    case _: AnnotationInfo              => ANNOTINFO      // annotations on types (not linked to a symbol)
    case (_: Symbol, _: AnnotationInfo) => SYMANNOT       // symbol annotations, i.e. on terms
    case (_: Symbol, _: List[_])        => CHILDREN       // the direct subclasses of a sealed symbol
    case _: Modifiers                   => MODIFIERS
    case _                              => sys.error(s"unpicklable entry ${shortClassOfInstance(ref)} $ref")

  /** Local symbols only. The assessment of locality depends
   *  on convoluted conditions which depends in part on the root
   *  symbol being pickled, so it cannot be reproduced here.
   *  The pickler tags at stake are EXTMODCLASSref and EXTref.
   *  Those tags are never produced here - such symbols must be
   *  excluded prior to calling this method.
  def picklerTag(sym: Symbol): Int = sym match {
    case NoSymbol                            => NONEsym
    case _: ClassSymbol                      => CLASSsym
    case _: TypeSymbol if sym.isAbstractType => TYPEsym
    case _: TypeSymbol                       => ALIASsym
    case _: TermSymbol if sym.isModule       => MODULEsym
    case _: TermSymbol                       => VALsym

  def picklerTag(tpe: Type): Int = tpe match {
    case NoType                        => NOtpe
    case NoPrefix                      => NOPREFIXtpe
    case _: ThisType                   => THIStpe
    case _: SingleType                 => SINGLEtpe
    case _: SuperType                  => SUPERtpe
    case _: ConstantType               => CONSTANTtpe
    case _: TypeBounds                 => TYPEBOUNDStpe
    case _: TypeRef                    => TYPEREFtpe
    case _: RefinedType                => REFINEDtpe
    case _: ClassInfoType              => CLASSINFOtpe
    case _: MethodType                 => METHODtpe
    case _: PolyType                   => POLYtpe
    case _: NullaryMethodType          => POLYtpe  // bad juju, distinct ints are not at a premium!
    case _: ExistentialType            => EXISTENTIALtpe
    case StaticallyAnnotatedType(_, _) => ANNOTATEDtpe
    case _: AnnotatedType              => picklerTag(tpe.underlying)

  def picklerSubTag(tree: Tree): Int = tree match {
    case EmptyTree              => EMPTYtree
    case _: PackageDef          => PACKAGEtree
    case _: ClassDef            => CLASStree
    case _: ModuleDef           => MODULEtree
    case _: ValDef              => VALDEFtree
    case _: DefDef              => DEFDEFtree
    case _: TypeDef             => TYPEDEFtree
    case _: LabelDef            => LABELtree
    case _: Import              => IMPORTtree
    // case _: DocDef              => DOCDEFtree
    case _: Template            => TEMPLATEtree
    case _: Block               => BLOCKtree
    case _: CaseDef             => CASEtree
    case _: Alternative         => ALTERNATIVEtree
    case _: Star                => STARtree
    case _: Bind                => BINDtree
    case _: UnApply             => UNAPPLYtree
    case _: ArrayValue          => ARRAYVALUEtree
    case _: Function            => FUNCTIONtree
    case _: Assign              => ASSIGNtree
    case _: If                  => IFtree
    case _: Match               => MATCHtree
    case _: Return              => RETURNtree
    case _: Try                 => TREtree     // TREtree?
    case _: Throw               => THROWtree
    case _: New                 => NEWtree
    case _: Typed               => TYPEDtree
    case _: TypeApply           => TYPEAPPLYtree
    case _: Apply               => APPLYtree
    case _: ApplyDynamic        => APPLYDYNAMICtree
    case _: Super               => SUPERtree
    case _: This                => THIStree
    case _: Select              => SELECTtree
    case _: Ident               => IDENTtree
    case _: Literal             => LITERALtree
    case _: TypeTree            => TYPEtree
    case _: Annotated           => ANNOTATEDtree
    case _: SingletonTypeTree   => SINGLETONTYPEtree
    case _: SelectFromTypeTree  => SELECTFROMTYPEtree
    case _: CompoundTypeTree    => COMPOUNDTYPEtree
    case _: AppliedTypeTree     => APPLIEDTYPEtree
    case _: TypeBoundsTree      => TYPEBOUNDStree
    case _: ExistentialTypeTree => EXISTENTIALTYPEtree

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Translations.scala source code file:

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