Scala example source code file (GlbLubs.scala)
The GlbLubs.scala Scala example source codepackage scala package reflect package internal package tpe import scala.collection.mutable import scala.annotation.tailrec import util.Statistics import Variance._ private[internal] trait GlbLubs { self: SymbolTable => import definitions._ import TypesStats._ private final val printLubs = scala.sys.props contains "scalac.debug.lub" private final val strictInference = settings.strictInference /** In case anyone wants to turn off lub verification without reverting anything. */ private final val verifyLubs = true private def printLubMatrix(btsMap: Map[Type, List[Type]], depth: Depth) { import util.TableDef import TableDef.Column def str(tp: Type) = { if (tp == NoType) "" else { val s = ("" + tp).replaceAll("""[\w.]+\.(\w+)""", "$1") if (s.length < 60) s else (s take 57) + "..." } } val sorted = btsMap.toList.sortWith((x, y) => x._1.typeSymbol isLess y._1.typeSymbol) val maxSeqLength = sorted.map(_._2.size).max val padded = sorted map (_._2.padTo(maxSeqLength, NoType)) val transposed = padded.transpose val columns: List[Column[List[Type]]] = mapWithIndex(sorted) { case ((k, v), idx) => Column(str(k), (xs: List[Type]) => str(xs(idx)), left = true) } val tableDef = TableDef(columns: _*) val formatted = tableDef.table(transposed) println("** Depth is " + depth + "\n" + formatted) } /** From a list of types, find any which take type parameters * where the type parameter bounds contain references to other * any types in the list (including itself.) * * @return List of symbol pairs holding the recursive type * parameter and the parameter which references it. */ def findRecursiveBounds(ts: List[Type]): List[(Symbol, Symbol)] = { if (ts.isEmpty) Nil else { val sym = ts.head.typeSymbol require(ts.tail forall (_.typeSymbol == sym), ts) for (p <- sym.typeParams ; in <- sym.typeParams ; if in.info.bounds contains p) yield p -> in } } // only called when strictInference private def willViolateRecursiveBounds(tp: Type, ts: List[Type], tsElimSub: List[Type]) = { val typeSym = ts.head.typeSymbol // we're uniform, the `.head` is as good as any. def fbounds = findRecursiveBounds(ts) map (_._2) def isRecursive = typeSym.typeParams exists fbounds.contains isRecursive && (transposeSafe(tsElimSub map (_.normalize.typeArgs)) match { case Some(arggsTransposed) => val mergedTypeArgs = (tp match { case et: ExistentialType => et.underlying; case _ => tp}).typeArgs exists3(typeSym.typeParams, mergedTypeArgs, arggsTransposed) { (param, arg, lubbedArgs) => val isExistential = arg.typeSymbol.isExistentiallyBound val isInFBound = fbounds contains param val wasLubbed = !lubbedArgs.exists(_ =:= arg) (!isExistential && isInFBound && wasLubbed) } case None => false }) } /** Given a matrix `tsBts` whose columns are basetype sequences (and the symbols `tsParams` that should be interpreted as type parameters in this matrix), * compute its least sorted upwards closed upper bound relative to the following ordering <= between lists of types: * * xs <= ys iff forall y in ys exists x in xs such that x <: y * * @arg tsParams for each type in the original list of types `ts0`, its list of type parameters (if that type is a type constructor) * (these type parameters may be referred to by type arguments in the BTS column of those types, * and must be interpreted as bound variables; i.e., under a type lambda that wraps the types that refer to these type params) * @arg tsBts a matrix whose columns are basetype sequences * the first row is the original list of types for which we're computing the lub * (except that type constructors have been applied to their dummyArgs) * @See baseTypeSeq for a definition of sorted and upwards closed. */ def lubList(ts: List[Type], depth: Depth): List[Type] = { var lubListDepth = Depth.Zero // This catches some recursive situations which would otherwise // befuddle us, e.g. pos/hklub0.scala def isHotForTs(xs: List[Type]) = ts exists (_.typeParams == xs.map(_.typeSymbol)) def elimHigherOrderTypeParam(tp: Type) = tp match { case TypeRef(_, _, args) if args.nonEmpty && isHotForTs(args) => logResult("Retracting dummies from " + tp + " in lublist")(tp.typeConstructor) case _ => tp } // pretypes is a tail-recursion-preserving accumulator. @tailrec def loop(pretypes: List[Type], tsBts: List[List[Type]]): List[Type] = { lubListDepth = lubListDepth.incr if (tsBts.isEmpty || (tsBts exists typeListIsEmpty)) pretypes.reverse else if (tsBts.tail.isEmpty) pretypes.reverse ++ tsBts.head else { // ts0 is the 1-dimensional frontier of symbols cutting through 2-dimensional tsBts. // Invariant: all symbols "under" (closer to the first row) the frontier // are smaller (according to _.isLess) than the ones "on and beyond" the frontier val ts0 = tsBts map (_.head) // Is the frontier made up of types with the same symbol? val isUniformFrontier = (ts0: @unchecked) match { case t :: ts => ts forall (_.typeSymbol == t.typeSymbol) } // Produce a single type for this frontier by merging the prefixes and arguments of those // typerefs that share the same symbol: that symbol is the current maximal symbol for which // the invariant holds, i.e., the one that conveys most information regarding subtyping. Before // merging, strip targs that refer to bound tparams (when we're computing the lub of type // constructors.) Also filter out all types that are a subtype of some other type. if (isUniformFrontier) { val tails = tsBts map (_.tail) val ts1 = elimSub(ts0, depth) map elimHigherOrderTypeParam mergePrefixAndArgs(ts1, Covariant, depth) match { case NoType => loop(pretypes, tails) case tp if strictInference && willViolateRecursiveBounds(tp, ts0, ts1) => log(s"Breaking recursion in lublist, advancing frontier and discaring merged prefix/args from $tp") loop(pretypes, tails) case tp => loop(tp :: pretypes, tails) } } else { // frontier is not uniform yet, move it beyond the current minimal symbol; // lather, rinse, repeat val sym = minSym(ts0) val newtps = tsBts map (ts => if (ts.head.typeSymbol == sym) ts.tail else ts) if (printLubs) { val str = (newtps.zipWithIndex map { case (tps, idx) => tps.map(" " + _ + "\n").mkString(" (" + idx + ")\n", "", "\n") }).mkString("") println("Frontier(\n" + str + ")") printLubMatrix((ts zip tsBts).toMap, lubListDepth) } loop(pretypes, newtps) } } } val initialBTSes = ts map (_.baseTypeSeq.toList) if (printLubs) printLubMatrix((ts zip initialBTSes).toMap, depth) loop(Nil, initialBTSes) } /** The minimal symbol of a list of types (as determined by `Symbol.isLess`). */ private def minSym(tps: List[Type]): Symbol = (tps.head.typeSymbol /: tps.tail) { (sym1, tp2) => if (tp2.typeSymbol isLess sym1) tp2.typeSymbol else sym1 } /** A minimal type list which has a given list of types as its base type sequence */ def spanningTypes(ts: List[Type]): List[Type] = ts match { case List() => List() case first :: rest => first :: spanningTypes( rest filter (t => !first.typeSymbol.isSubClass(t.typeSymbol))) } /** Eliminate from list of types all elements which are a supertype * of some other element of the list. */ private def elimSuper(ts: List[Type]): List[Type] = ts match { case List() => List() case List(t) => List(t) case t :: ts1 => val rest = elimSuper(ts1 filter (t1 => !(t <:< t1))) if (rest exists (t1 => t1 <:< t)) rest else t :: rest } /** Eliminate from list of types all elements which are a subtype * of some other element of the list. */ private def elimSub(ts: List[Type], depth: Depth): List[Type] = { def elimSub0(ts: List[Type]): List[Type] = ts match { case List() => List() case List(t) => List(t) case t :: ts1 => val rest = elimSub0(ts1 filter (t1 => !isSubType(t1, t, depth.decr))) if (rest exists (t1 => isSubType(t, t1, depth.decr))) rest else t :: rest } val ts0 = elimSub0(ts) if (ts0.isEmpty || ts0.tail.isEmpty) ts0 else { val ts1 = ts0 mapConserve (t => elimAnonymousClass(t.dealiasWiden)) if (ts1 eq ts0) ts0 else elimSub(ts1, depth) } } private def stripExistentialsAndTypeVars(ts: List[Type]): (List[Type], List[Symbol]) = { val quantified = ts flatMap { case ExistentialType(qs, _) => qs case t => List() } def stripType(tp: Type): Type = tp match { case ExistentialType(_, res) => res case tv@TypeVar(_, constr) => if (tv.instValid) stripType(constr.inst) else if (tv.untouchable) tv else abort("trying to do lub/glb of typevar "+tp) case t => t } val strippedTypes = ts mapConserve stripType (strippedTypes, quantified) } /** Does this set of types have the same weak lub as * it does regular lub? This is exposed so lub callers * can discover whether the trees they are typing will * may require further adaptation. It may return false * negatives, but it will not return false positives. */ def sameWeakLubAsLub(tps: List[Type]) = tps match { case Nil => true case tp :: Nil => !typeHasAnnotations(tp) case tps => !(tps exists typeHasAnnotations) && !(tps forall isNumericValueType) } /** If the arguments are all numeric value types, the numeric * lub according to the weak conformance spec. If any argument * has type annotations, take the lub of the unannotated type * and call the analyzerPlugin method annotationsLub so it can * be further altered. Otherwise, the regular lub. */ def weakLub(tps: List[Type]): Type = ( if (tps.isEmpty) NothingTpe else if (tps forall isNumericValueType) numericLub(tps) else if (tps exists typeHasAnnotations) annotationsLub(lub(tps map (_.withoutAnnotations)), tps) else lub(tps) ) def numericLub(ts: List[Type]) = ts reduceLeft ((t1, t2) => if (isNumericSubType(t1, t2)) t2 else if (isNumericSubType(t2, t1)) t1 else IntTpe) private val _lubResults = new mutable.HashMap[(Depth, List[Type]), Type] def lubResults = _lubResults private val _glbResults = new mutable.HashMap[(Depth, List[Type]), Type] def glbResults = _glbResults def lub(ts: List[Type]): Type = ts match { case Nil => NothingTpe case t :: Nil => t case _ => if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(lubCount) val start = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.pushTimer(typeOpsStack, lubNanos) else null try { val res = lub(ts, lubDepth(ts)) // If the number of unapplied type parameters in all incoming // types is consistent, and the lub does not match that, return // the type constructor of the calculated lub instead. This // is because lubbing type constructors tends to result in types // which have been applied to dummies or Nothing. ts.map(_.typeParams.size).distinct match { case x :: Nil if res.typeParams.size != x => logResult(s"Stripping type args from lub because $res is not consistent with $ts")(res.typeConstructor) case _ => res } } finally { lubResults.clear() glbResults.clear() if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.popTimer(typeOpsStack, start) } } /** The least upper bound wrt <:< of a list of types */ protected[internal] def lub(ts: List[Type], depth: Depth): Type = { def lub0(ts0: List[Type]): Type = elimSub(ts0, depth) match { case List() => NothingTpe case List(t) => t case ts @ PolyType(tparams, _) :: _ => val tparams1 = map2(tparams, matchingBounds(ts, tparams).transpose)((tparam, bounds) => tparam.cloneSymbol.setInfo(glb(bounds, depth))) PolyType(tparams1, lub0(matchingInstTypes(ts, tparams1))) case ts @ (mt @ MethodType(params, _)) :: rest => MethodType(params, lub0(matchingRestypes(ts, mt.paramTypes))) case ts @ NullaryMethodType(_) :: rest => NullaryMethodType(lub0(matchingRestypes(ts, Nil))) case ts @ TypeBounds(_, _) :: rest => TypeBounds(glb(ts map (_.bounds.lo), depth), lub(ts map (_.bounds.hi), depth)) case ts @ AnnotatedType(annots, tpe) :: rest => annotationsLub(lub0(ts map (_.withoutAnnotations)), ts) case ts => lubResults get ((depth, ts)) match { case Some(lubType) => lubType case None => lubResults((depth, ts)) = AnyTpe val res = if (depth.isNegative) AnyTpe else lub1(ts) lubResults((depth, ts)) = res res } } def lub1(ts0: List[Type]): Type = { val (ts, tparams) = stripExistentialsAndTypeVars(ts0) val lubBaseTypes: List[Type] = lubList(ts, depth) val lubParents = spanningTypes(lubBaseTypes) val lubOwner = commonOwner(ts) val lubBase = intersectionType(lubParents, lubOwner) val lubType = if (phase.erasedTypes || depth.isZero ) lubBase else { val lubRefined = refinedType(lubParents, lubOwner) val lubThisType = lubRefined.typeSymbol.thisType val narrowts = ts map (_.narrow) def excludeFromLub(sym: Symbol) = ( sym.isClass || sym.isConstructor || !sym.isPublic || isGetClass(sym) || sym.isFinal || narrowts.exists(t => !refines(t, sym)) ) def lubsym(proto: Symbol): Symbol = { val prototp = lubThisType.memberInfo(proto) val syms = narrowts map (t => t.nonPrivateMember(proto.name).suchThat(sym => sym.tpe matches prototp.substThis(lubThisType.typeSymbol, t))) if (syms contains NoSymbol) NoSymbol else { val symtypes = map2(narrowts, syms)((t, sym) => t.memberInfo(sym).substThis(t.typeSymbol, lubThisType)) if (proto.isTerm) // possible problem: owner of info is still the old one, instead of new refinement class proto.cloneSymbol(lubRefined.typeSymbol).setInfoOwnerAdjusted(lub(symtypes, depth.decr)) else if (symtypes.tail forall (symtypes.head =:= _)) proto.cloneSymbol(lubRefined.typeSymbol).setInfoOwnerAdjusted(symtypes.head) else { def lubBounds(bnds: List[TypeBounds]): TypeBounds = TypeBounds(glb(bnds map (_.lo), depth.decr), lub(bnds map (_.hi), depth.decr)) lubRefined.typeSymbol.newAbstractType(proto.name.toTypeName, proto.pos) .setInfoOwnerAdjusted(lubBounds(symtypes map (_.bounds))) } } } def refines(tp: Type, sym: Symbol): Boolean = { val syms = tp.nonPrivateMember(sym.name).alternatives !syms.isEmpty && (syms forall (alt => // todo alt != sym is strictly speaking not correct, but without it we lose // efficiency. alt != sym && !specializesSym(lubThisType, sym, tp, alt, depth))) } // add a refinement symbol for all non-class members of lubBase // which are refined by every type in ts. for (sym <- lubBase.nonPrivateMembers ; if !excludeFromLub(sym)) { try lubsym(sym) andAlso (addMember(lubThisType, lubRefined, _, depth)) catch { case ex: NoCommonType => } } if (lubRefined.decls.isEmpty) lubBase else if (!verifyLubs) lubRefined else { // Verify that every given type conforms to the calculated lub. // In theory this should not be necessary, but higher-order type // parameters are not handled correctly. val ok = ts forall { t => isSubType(t, lubRefined, depth) || { if (settings.debug || printLubs) { Console.println( "Malformed lub: " + lubRefined + "\n" + "Argument " + t + " does not conform. Falling back to " + lubBase ) } false } } // If not, fall back on the more conservative calculation. if (ok) lubRefined else lubBase } } // dropIllegalStarTypes is a localized fix for SI-6897. We should probably // integrate that transformation at a lower level in master, but lubs are // the likely and maybe only spot they escape, so fixing here for 2.10.1. existentialAbstraction(tparams, dropIllegalStarTypes(lubType)) } if (printLubs) { println(indent + "lub of " + ts + " at depth "+depth)//debug indent = indent + " " assert(indent.length <= 100) } if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(nestedLubCount) val res = lub0(ts) if (printLubs) { indent = indent stripSuffix " " println(indent + "lub of " + ts + " is " + res)//debug } res } val GlbFailure = new Throwable /** A global counter for glb calls in the `specializes` query connected to the `addMembers` * call in `glb`. There's a possible infinite recursion when `specializes` calls * memberType, which calls baseTypeSeq, which calls mergePrefixAndArgs, which calls glb. * The counter breaks this recursion after two calls. * If the recursion is broken, no member is added to the glb. */ private var globalGlbDepth = Depth.Zero private final val globalGlbLimit = Depth(2) /** The greatest lower bound of a list of types (as determined by `<:<`). */ def glb(ts: List[Type]): Type = elimSuper(ts) match { case List() => AnyTpe case List(t) => t case ts0 => if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(lubCount) val start = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.pushTimer(typeOpsStack, lubNanos) else null try { glbNorm(ts0, lubDepth(ts0)) } finally { lubResults.clear() glbResults.clear() if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.popTimer(typeOpsStack, start) } } protected[internal] def glb(ts: List[Type], depth: Depth): Type = elimSuper(ts) match { case List() => AnyTpe case List(t) => t case ts0 => glbNorm(ts0, depth) } /** The greatest lower bound of a list of types (as determined by `<:<`), which have been normalized * with regard to `elimSuper`. */ protected def glbNorm(ts: List[Type], depth: Depth): Type = { def glb0(ts0: List[Type]): Type = ts0 match { case List() => AnyTpe case List(t) => t case ts @ PolyType(tparams, _) :: _ => val tparams1 = map2(tparams, matchingBounds(ts, tparams).transpose)((tparam, bounds) => tparam.cloneSymbol.setInfo(lub(bounds, depth))) PolyType(tparams1, glbNorm(matchingInstTypes(ts, tparams1), depth)) case ts @ (mt @ MethodType(params, _)) :: rest => MethodType(params, glbNorm(matchingRestypes(ts, mt.paramTypes), depth)) case ts @ NullaryMethodType(_) :: rest => NullaryMethodType(glbNorm(matchingRestypes(ts, Nil), depth)) case ts @ TypeBounds(_, _) :: rest => TypeBounds(lub(ts map (_.bounds.lo), depth), glb(ts map (_.bounds.hi), depth)) case ts => glbResults get ((depth, ts)) match { case Some(glbType) => glbType case _ => glbResults((depth, ts)) = NothingTpe val res = if (depth.isNegative) NothingTpe else glb1(ts) glbResults((depth, ts)) = res res } } def glb1(ts0: List[Type]): Type = { try { val (ts, tparams) = stripExistentialsAndTypeVars(ts0) val glbOwner = commonOwner(ts) def refinedToParents(t: Type): List[Type] = t match { case RefinedType(ps, _) => ps flatMap refinedToParents case _ => List(t) } def refinedToDecls(t: Type): List[Scope] = t match { case RefinedType(ps, decls) => val dss = ps flatMap refinedToDecls if (decls.isEmpty) dss else decls :: dss case _ => List() } val ts1 = ts flatMap refinedToParents val glbBase = intersectionType(ts1, glbOwner) val glbType = if (phase.erasedTypes || depth.isZero) glbBase else { val glbRefined = refinedType(ts1, glbOwner) val glbThisType = glbRefined.typeSymbol.thisType def glbsym(proto: Symbol): Symbol = { val prototp = glbThisType.memberInfo(proto) val syms = for (t <- ts; alt <- (t.nonPrivateMember(proto.name).alternatives) if glbThisType.memberInfo(alt) matches prototp ) yield alt val symtypes = syms map glbThisType.memberInfo assert(!symtypes.isEmpty) proto.cloneSymbol(glbRefined.typeSymbol).setInfoOwnerAdjusted( if (proto.isTerm) glb(symtypes, depth.decr) else { def isTypeBound(tp: Type) = tp match { case TypeBounds(_, _) => true case _ => false } def glbBounds(bnds: List[Type]): TypeBounds = { val lo = lub(bnds map (_.bounds.lo), depth.decr) val hi = glb(bnds map (_.bounds.hi), depth.decr) if (lo <:< hi) TypeBounds(lo, hi) else throw GlbFailure } val symbounds = symtypes filter isTypeBound var result: Type = if (symbounds.isEmpty) TypeBounds.empty else glbBounds(symbounds) for (t <- symtypes if !isTypeBound(t)) if (result.bounds containsType t) result = t else throw GlbFailure result }) } if (globalGlbDepth < globalGlbLimit) try { globalGlbDepth = globalGlbDepth.incr val dss = ts flatMap refinedToDecls for (ds <- dss; sym <- ds.iterator) if (globalGlbDepth < globalGlbLimit && !specializesSym(glbThisType, sym, depth)) try { addMember(glbThisType, glbRefined, glbsym(sym), depth) } catch { case ex: NoCommonType => } } finally { globalGlbDepth = globalGlbDepth.decr } if (glbRefined.decls.isEmpty) glbBase else glbRefined } existentialAbstraction(tparams, glbType) } catch { case GlbFailure => if (ts forall (t => NullTpe <:< t)) NullTpe else NothingTpe } } // if (settings.debug.value) { println(indent + "glb of " + ts + " at depth "+depth); indent = indent + " " } //DEBUG if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(nestedLubCount) glb0(ts) // if (settings.debug.value) { indent = indent.substring(0, indent.length() - 2); log(indent + "glb of " + ts + " is " + res) }//DEBUG } /** All types in list must be polytypes with type parameter lists of * same length as tparams. * Returns list of list of bounds infos, where corresponding type * parameters are renamed to tparams. */ private def matchingBounds(tps: List[Type], tparams: List[Symbol]): List[List[Type]] = { def getBounds(tp: Type): List[Type] = tp match { case PolyType(tparams1, _) if sameLength(tparams1, tparams) => tparams1 map (tparam => tparam.info.substSym(tparams1, tparams)) case tp => if (tp ne tp.normalize) getBounds(tp.normalize) else throw new NoCommonType(tps) } tps map getBounds } /** All types in list must be polytypes with type parameter lists of * same length as tparams. * Returns list of instance types, where corresponding type * parameters are renamed to tparams. */ private def matchingInstTypes(tps: List[Type], tparams: List[Symbol]): List[Type] = { def transformResultType(tp: Type): Type = tp match { case PolyType(tparams1, restpe) if sameLength(tparams1, tparams) => restpe.substSym(tparams1, tparams) case tp => if (tp ne tp.normalize) transformResultType(tp.normalize) else throw new NoCommonType(tps) } tps map transformResultType } /** All types in list must be method types with equal parameter types. * Returns list of their result types. */ private def matchingRestypes(tps: List[Type], pts: List[Type]): List[Type] = tps map { case mt @ MethodType(params1, res) if isSameTypes(mt.paramTypes, pts) => res case NullaryMethodType(res) if pts.isEmpty => res case _ => throw new NoCommonType(tps) } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala GlbLubs.scala source code file: |
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