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Scala example source code file (GlbLubs.scala)

This example Scala source code file (GlbLubs.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

annotation, anytpe, collection, depth, list, methodtype, nil, nothingtpe, polytype, symbol, type, typebounds

The GlbLubs.scala Scala example source code

package scala
package reflect
package internal
package tpe

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import util.Statistics
import Variance._

private[internal] trait GlbLubs {
  self: SymbolTable =>
  import definitions._
  import TypesStats._

  private final val printLubs = scala.sys.props contains "scalac.debug.lub"
  private final val strictInference = settings.strictInference

  /** In case anyone wants to turn off lub verification without reverting anything. */
  private final val verifyLubs = true

  private def printLubMatrix(btsMap: Map[Type, List[Type]], depth: Depth) {
    import util.TableDef
    import TableDef.Column
    def str(tp: Type) = {
      if (tp == NoType) ""
      else {
        val s = ("" + tp).replaceAll("""[\w.]+\.(\w+)""", "$1")
        if (s.length < 60) s
        else (s take 57) + "..."

    val sorted       = btsMap.toList.sortWith((x, y) => x._1.typeSymbol isLess y._1.typeSymbol)
    val maxSeqLength =
    val padded       = sorted map (_._2.padTo(maxSeqLength, NoType))
    val transposed   = padded.transpose

    val columns: List[Column[List[Type]]] = mapWithIndex(sorted) {
      case ((k, v), idx) =>
        Column(str(k), (xs: List[Type]) => str(xs(idx)), left = true)

    val tableDef = TableDef(columns: _*)
    val formatted = tableDef.table(transposed)
    println("** Depth is " + depth + "\n" + formatted)

  /** From a list of types, find any which take type parameters
    *  where the type parameter bounds contain references to other
    *  any types in the list (including itself.)
    *  @return List of symbol pairs holding the recursive type
    *    parameter and the parameter which references it.
  def findRecursiveBounds(ts: List[Type]): List[(Symbol, Symbol)] = {
    if (ts.isEmpty) Nil
    else {
      val sym = ts.head.typeSymbol
      require(ts.tail forall (_.typeSymbol == sym), ts)
      for (p <- sym.typeParams ; in <- sym.typeParams ; if contains p) yield
        p -> in

  // only called when strictInference
  private def willViolateRecursiveBounds(tp: Type, ts: List[Type], tsElimSub: List[Type]) = {
    val typeSym     = ts.head.typeSymbol // we're uniform, the `.head` is as good as any.
    def fbounds     = findRecursiveBounds(ts) map (_._2)
    def isRecursive = typeSym.typeParams exists fbounds.contains

    isRecursive && (transposeSafe(tsElimSub map (_.normalize.typeArgs)) match {
      case Some(arggsTransposed) =>
        val mergedTypeArgs = (tp match { case et: ExistentialType => et.underlying; case _ => tp}).typeArgs
        exists3(typeSym.typeParams, mergedTypeArgs, arggsTransposed) {
          (param, arg, lubbedArgs) =>
            val isExistential = arg.typeSymbol.isExistentiallyBound
            val isInFBound    = fbounds contains param
            val wasLubbed     = !lubbedArgs.exists(_ =:= arg)
            (!isExistential && isInFBound && wasLubbed)
      case None => false

  /** Given a matrix `tsBts` whose columns are basetype sequences (and the symbols `tsParams` that should be interpreted as type parameters in this matrix),
    * compute its least sorted upwards closed upper bound relative to the following ordering <= between lists of types:
    *    xs <= ys   iff   forall y in ys exists x in xs such that x <: y
    *  @arg tsParams for each type in the original list of types `ts0`, its list of type parameters (if that type is a type constructor)
    *                (these type parameters may be referred to by type arguments in the BTS column of those types,
    *                and must be interpreted as bound variables; i.e., under a type lambda that wraps the types that refer to these type params)
    *  @arg tsBts    a matrix whose columns are basetype sequences
    *                the first row is the original list of types for which we're computing the lub
    *                  (except that type constructors have been applied to their dummyArgs)
    *  @See baseTypeSeq  for a definition of sorted and upwards closed.
  def lubList(ts: List[Type], depth: Depth): List[Type] = {
    var lubListDepth = Depth.Zero
    // This catches some recursive situations which would otherwise
    // befuddle us, e.g. pos/hklub0.scala
    def isHotForTs(xs: List[Type]) = ts exists (_.typeParams ==

    def elimHigherOrderTypeParam(tp: Type) = tp match {
      case TypeRef(_, _, args) if args.nonEmpty && isHotForTs(args) =>
        logResult("Retracting dummies from " + tp + " in lublist")(tp.typeConstructor)
      case _ => tp
    // pretypes is a tail-recursion-preserving accumulator.
    def loop(pretypes: List[Type], tsBts: List[List[Type]]): List[Type] = {
      lubListDepth = lubListDepth.incr

      if (tsBts.isEmpty || (tsBts exists typeListIsEmpty)) pretypes.reverse
      else if (tsBts.tail.isEmpty) pretypes.reverse ++ tsBts.head
      else {
        // ts0 is the 1-dimensional frontier of symbols cutting through 2-dimensional tsBts.
        // Invariant: all symbols "under" (closer to the first row) the frontier
        // are smaller (according to _.isLess) than the ones "on and beyond" the frontier
        val ts0     = tsBts map (_.head)

        // Is the frontier made up of types with the same symbol?
        val isUniformFrontier = (ts0: @unchecked) match {
          case t :: ts  => ts forall (_.typeSymbol == t.typeSymbol)

        // Produce a single type for this frontier by merging the prefixes and arguments of those
        // typerefs that share the same symbol: that symbol is the current maximal symbol for which
        // the invariant holds, i.e., the one that conveys most information regarding subtyping. Before
        // merging, strip targs that refer to bound tparams (when we're computing the lub of type
        // constructors.) Also filter out all types that are a subtype of some other type.
        if (isUniformFrontier) {
          val tails = tsBts map (_.tail)
          val ts1   = elimSub(ts0, depth) map elimHigherOrderTypeParam
          mergePrefixAndArgs(ts1, Covariant, depth) match {
            case NoType => loop(pretypes, tails)
            case tp if strictInference && willViolateRecursiveBounds(tp, ts0, ts1) =>
              log(s"Breaking recursion in lublist, advancing frontier and discaring merged prefix/args from $tp")
              loop(pretypes, tails)
            case tp =>
              loop(tp :: pretypes, tails)
        } else {
          // frontier is not uniform yet, move it beyond the current minimal symbol;
          // lather, rinse, repeat
          val sym    = minSym(ts0)
          val newtps = tsBts map (ts => if (ts.head.typeSymbol == sym) ts.tail else ts)
          if (printLubs) {
            val str = (newtps.zipWithIndex map { case (tps, idx) =>
    "        " + _ + "\n").mkString("   (" + idx + ")\n", "", "\n")

            println("Frontier(\n" + str + ")")
            printLubMatrix((ts zip tsBts).toMap, lubListDepth)

          loop(pretypes, newtps)

    val initialBTSes = ts map (_.baseTypeSeq.toList)
    if (printLubs)
      printLubMatrix((ts zip initialBTSes).toMap, depth)

    loop(Nil, initialBTSes)

  /** The minimal symbol of a list of types (as determined by `Symbol.isLess`). */
  private def minSym(tps: List[Type]): Symbol =
    (tps.head.typeSymbol /: tps.tail) {
      (sym1, tp2) => if (tp2.typeSymbol isLess sym1) tp2.typeSymbol else sym1

  /** A minimal type list which has a given list of types as its base type sequence */
  def spanningTypes(ts: List[Type]): List[Type] = ts match {
    case List() => List()
    case first :: rest =>
      first :: spanningTypes(
        rest filter (t => !first.typeSymbol.isSubClass(t.typeSymbol)))

  /** Eliminate from list of types all elements which are a supertype
    *  of some other element of the list. */
  private def elimSuper(ts: List[Type]): List[Type] = ts match {
    case List() => List()
    case List(t) => List(t)
    case t :: ts1 =>
      val rest = elimSuper(ts1 filter (t1 => !(t <:< t1)))
      if (rest exists (t1 => t1 <:< t)) rest else t :: rest

  /** Eliminate from list of types all elements which are a subtype
    *  of some other element of the list. */
  private def elimSub(ts: List[Type], depth: Depth): List[Type] = {
    def elimSub0(ts: List[Type]): List[Type] = ts match {
      case List() => List()
      case List(t) => List(t)
      case t :: ts1 =>
        val rest = elimSub0(ts1 filter (t1 => !isSubType(t1, t, depth.decr)))
        if (rest exists (t1 => isSubType(t, t1, depth.decr))) rest else t :: rest
    val ts0 = elimSub0(ts)
    if (ts0.isEmpty || ts0.tail.isEmpty) ts0
    else {
      val ts1 = ts0 mapConserve (t => elimAnonymousClass(t.dealiasWiden))
      if (ts1 eq ts0) ts0
      else elimSub(ts1, depth)

  private def stripExistentialsAndTypeVars(ts: List[Type]): (List[Type], List[Symbol]) = {
    val quantified = ts flatMap {
      case ExistentialType(qs, _) => qs
      case t => List()
    def stripType(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
      case ExistentialType(_, res) =>
      case tv@TypeVar(_, constr) =>
        if (tv.instValid) stripType(constr.inst)
        else if (tv.untouchable) tv
        else abort("trying to do lub/glb of typevar "+tp)
      case t => t
    val strippedTypes = ts mapConserve stripType
    (strippedTypes, quantified)

  /** Does this set of types have the same weak lub as
   *  it does regular lub? This is exposed so lub callers
   *  can discover whether the trees they are typing will
   *  may require further adaptation. It may return false
   *  negatives, but it will not return false positives.
  def sameWeakLubAsLub(tps: List[Type]) = tps match {
    case Nil       => true
    case tp :: Nil => !typeHasAnnotations(tp)
    case tps       => !(tps exists typeHasAnnotations) && !(tps forall isNumericValueType)

  /** If the arguments are all numeric value types, the numeric
   *  lub according to the weak conformance spec. If any argument
   *  has type annotations, take the lub of the unannotated type
   *  and call the analyzerPlugin method annotationsLub so it can
   *  be further altered. Otherwise, the regular lub.
  def weakLub(tps: List[Type]): Type = (
    if (tps.isEmpty)
    else if (tps forall isNumericValueType)
    else if (tps exists typeHasAnnotations)
      annotationsLub(lub(tps map (_.withoutAnnotations)), tps)

  def numericLub(ts: List[Type]) =
    ts reduceLeft ((t1, t2) =>
      if (isNumericSubType(t1, t2)) t2
      else if (isNumericSubType(t2, t1)) t1
      else IntTpe)

  private val _lubResults = new mutable.HashMap[(Depth, List[Type]), Type]
  def lubResults = _lubResults

  private val _glbResults = new mutable.HashMap[(Depth, List[Type]), Type]
  def glbResults = _glbResults

  def lub(ts: List[Type]): Type = ts match {
    case Nil      => NothingTpe
    case t :: Nil => t
    case _        =>
      if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(lubCount)
      val start = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.pushTimer(typeOpsStack, lubNanos) else null
      try {
        val res = lub(ts, lubDepth(ts))
        // If the number of unapplied type parameters in all incoming
        // types is consistent, and the lub does not match that, return
        // the type constructor of the calculated lub instead.  This
        // is because lubbing type constructors tends to result in types
        // which have been applied to dummies or Nothing. match {
          case x :: Nil if res.typeParams.size != x =>
            logResult(s"Stripping type args from lub because $res is not consistent with $ts")(res.typeConstructor)
          case _                                    =>
      finally {
        if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.popTimer(typeOpsStack, start)

  /** The least upper bound wrt <:< of a list of types */
  protected[internal] def lub(ts: List[Type], depth: Depth): Type = {
    def lub0(ts0: List[Type]): Type = elimSub(ts0, depth) match {
      case List() => NothingTpe
      case List(t) => t
      case ts @ PolyType(tparams, _) :: _ =>
        val tparams1 = map2(tparams, matchingBounds(ts, tparams).transpose)((tparam, bounds) =>
          tparam.cloneSymbol.setInfo(glb(bounds, depth)))
        PolyType(tparams1, lub0(matchingInstTypes(ts, tparams1)))
      case ts @ (mt @ MethodType(params, _)) :: rest =>
        MethodType(params, lub0(matchingRestypes(ts, mt.paramTypes)))
      case ts @ NullaryMethodType(_) :: rest =>
        NullaryMethodType(lub0(matchingRestypes(ts, Nil)))
      case ts @ TypeBounds(_, _) :: rest =>
        TypeBounds(glb(ts map (_.bounds.lo), depth), lub(ts map (_.bounds.hi), depth))
      case ts @ AnnotatedType(annots, tpe) :: rest =>
        annotationsLub(lub0(ts map (_.withoutAnnotations)), ts)
      case ts =>
        lubResults get ((depth, ts)) match {
          case Some(lubType) =>
          case None =>
            lubResults((depth, ts)) = AnyTpe
            val res = if (depth.isNegative) AnyTpe else lub1(ts)
            lubResults((depth, ts)) = res
    def lub1(ts0: List[Type]): Type = {
      val (ts, tparams)            = stripExistentialsAndTypeVars(ts0)
      val lubBaseTypes: List[Type] = lubList(ts, depth)
      val lubParents               = spanningTypes(lubBaseTypes)
      val lubOwner                 = commonOwner(ts)
      val lubBase                  = intersectionType(lubParents, lubOwner)
      val lubType =
        if (phase.erasedTypes || depth.isZero ) lubBase
        else {
          val lubRefined  = refinedType(lubParents, lubOwner)
          val lubThisType = lubRefined.typeSymbol.thisType
          val narrowts    = ts map (_.narrow)
          def excludeFromLub(sym: Symbol) = (
              || sym.isConstructor
              || !sym.isPublic
              || isGetClass(sym)
              || sym.isFinal
              || narrowts.exists(t => !refines(t, sym))
          def lubsym(proto: Symbol): Symbol = {
            val prototp = lubThisType.memberInfo(proto)
            val syms = narrowts map (t =>
              t.nonPrivateMember( =>
                sym.tpe matches prototp.substThis(lubThisType.typeSymbol, t)))

            if (syms contains NoSymbol) NoSymbol
            else {
              val symtypes =
                map2(narrowts, syms)((t, sym) => t.memberInfo(sym).substThis(t.typeSymbol, lubThisType))
              if (proto.isTerm) // possible problem: owner of info is still the old one, instead of new refinement class
                proto.cloneSymbol(lubRefined.typeSymbol).setInfoOwnerAdjusted(lub(symtypes, depth.decr))
              else if (symtypes.tail forall (symtypes.head =:= _))
              else {
                def lubBounds(bnds: List[TypeBounds]): TypeBounds =
                  TypeBounds(glb(bnds map (_.lo), depth.decr), lub(bnds map (_.hi), depth.decr))
                lubRefined.typeSymbol.newAbstractType(, proto.pos)
                  .setInfoOwnerAdjusted(lubBounds(symtypes map (_.bounds)))
          def refines(tp: Type, sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
            val syms = tp.nonPrivateMember(
            !syms.isEmpty && (syms forall (alt =>
            // todo alt != sym is strictly speaking not correct, but without it we lose
            // efficiency.
              alt != sym && !specializesSym(lubThisType, sym, tp, alt, depth)))
          // add a refinement symbol for all non-class members of lubBase
          // which are refined by every type in ts.
          for (sym <- lubBase.nonPrivateMembers ; if !excludeFromLub(sym)) {
            try lubsym(sym) andAlso (addMember(lubThisType, lubRefined, _, depth))
            catch {
              case ex: NoCommonType =>
          if (lubRefined.decls.isEmpty) lubBase
          else if (!verifyLubs) lubRefined
          else {
            // Verify that every given type conforms to the calculated lub.
            // In theory this should not be necessary, but higher-order type
            // parameters are not handled correctly.
            val ok = ts forall { t =>
              isSubType(t, lubRefined, depth) || {
                if (settings.debug || printLubs) {
                    "Malformed lub: " + lubRefined + "\n" +
                      "Argument " + t + " does not conform.  Falling back to " + lubBase
            // If not, fall back on the more conservative calculation.
            if (ok) lubRefined
            else lubBase
      // dropIllegalStarTypes is a localized fix for SI-6897. We should probably
      // integrate that transformation at a lower level in master, but lubs are
      // the likely and maybe only spot they escape, so fixing here for 2.10.1.
      existentialAbstraction(tparams, dropIllegalStarTypes(lubType))
    if (printLubs) {
      println(indent + "lub of " + ts + " at depth "+depth)//debug
      indent = indent + "  "
      assert(indent.length <= 100)
    if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(nestedLubCount)
    val res = lub0(ts)
    if (printLubs) {
      indent = indent stripSuffix "  "
      println(indent + "lub of " + ts + " is " + res)//debug

  val GlbFailure = new Throwable

  /** A global counter for glb calls in the `specializes` query connected to the `addMembers`
    *  call in `glb`. There's a possible infinite recursion when `specializes` calls
    *  memberType, which calls baseTypeSeq, which calls mergePrefixAndArgs, which calls glb.
    *  The counter breaks this recursion after two calls.
    *  If the recursion is broken, no member is added to the glb.
  private var globalGlbDepth = Depth.Zero
  private final val globalGlbLimit = Depth(2)

  /** The greatest lower bound of a list of types (as determined by `<:<`). */
  def glb(ts: List[Type]): Type = elimSuper(ts) match {
    case List() => AnyTpe
    case List(t) => t
    case ts0 =>
      if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(lubCount)
      val start = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.pushTimer(typeOpsStack, lubNanos) else null
      try {
        glbNorm(ts0, lubDepth(ts0))
      } finally {
        if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.popTimer(typeOpsStack, start)

  protected[internal] def glb(ts: List[Type], depth: Depth): Type = elimSuper(ts) match {
    case List() => AnyTpe
    case List(t) => t
    case ts0 => glbNorm(ts0, depth)

  /** The greatest lower bound of a list of types (as determined by `<:<`), which have been normalized
    *  with regard to `elimSuper`. */
  protected def glbNorm(ts: List[Type], depth: Depth): Type = {
    def glb0(ts0: List[Type]): Type = ts0 match {
      case List() => AnyTpe
      case List(t) => t
      case ts @ PolyType(tparams, _) :: _ =>
        val tparams1 = map2(tparams, matchingBounds(ts, tparams).transpose)((tparam, bounds) =>
          tparam.cloneSymbol.setInfo(lub(bounds, depth)))
        PolyType(tparams1, glbNorm(matchingInstTypes(ts, tparams1), depth))
      case ts @ (mt @ MethodType(params, _)) :: rest =>
        MethodType(params, glbNorm(matchingRestypes(ts, mt.paramTypes), depth))
      case ts @ NullaryMethodType(_) :: rest =>
        NullaryMethodType(glbNorm(matchingRestypes(ts, Nil), depth))
      case ts @ TypeBounds(_, _) :: rest =>
        TypeBounds(lub(ts map (_.bounds.lo), depth), glb(ts map (_.bounds.hi), depth))
      case ts =>
        glbResults get ((depth, ts)) match {
          case Some(glbType) =>
          case _ =>
            glbResults((depth, ts)) = NothingTpe
            val res = if (depth.isNegative) NothingTpe else glb1(ts)
            glbResults((depth, ts)) = res
    def glb1(ts0: List[Type]): Type = {
      try {
        val (ts, tparams) = stripExistentialsAndTypeVars(ts0)
        val glbOwner = commonOwner(ts)
        def refinedToParents(t: Type): List[Type] = t match {
          case RefinedType(ps, _) => ps flatMap refinedToParents
          case _ => List(t)
        def refinedToDecls(t: Type): List[Scope] = t match {
          case RefinedType(ps, decls) =>
            val dss = ps flatMap refinedToDecls
            if (decls.isEmpty) dss else decls :: dss
          case _ => List()
        val ts1 = ts flatMap refinedToParents
        val glbBase = intersectionType(ts1, glbOwner)
        val glbType =
          if (phase.erasedTypes || depth.isZero) glbBase
          else {
            val glbRefined = refinedType(ts1, glbOwner)
            val glbThisType = glbRefined.typeSymbol.thisType
            def glbsym(proto: Symbol): Symbol = {
              val prototp = glbThisType.memberInfo(proto)
              val syms = for (t <- ts;
                              alt <- (t.nonPrivateMember(
                              if glbThisType.memberInfo(alt) matches prototp
              ) yield alt
              val symtypes = syms map glbThisType.memberInfo
                if (proto.isTerm) glb(symtypes, depth.decr)
                else {
                  def isTypeBound(tp: Type) = tp match {
                    case TypeBounds(_, _) => true
                    case _ => false
                  def glbBounds(bnds: List[Type]): TypeBounds = {
                    val lo = lub(bnds map (_.bounds.lo), depth.decr)
                    val hi = glb(bnds map (_.bounds.hi), depth.decr)
                    if (lo <:< hi) TypeBounds(lo, hi)
                    else throw GlbFailure
                  val symbounds = symtypes filter isTypeBound
                  var result: Type =
                    if (symbounds.isEmpty)
                    else glbBounds(symbounds)
                  for (t <- symtypes if !isTypeBound(t))
                    if (result.bounds containsType t) result = t
                    else throw GlbFailure
            if (globalGlbDepth < globalGlbLimit)
              try {
                globalGlbDepth = globalGlbDepth.incr
                val dss = ts flatMap refinedToDecls
                for (ds <- dss; sym <- ds.iterator)
                  if (globalGlbDepth < globalGlbLimit && !specializesSym(glbThisType, sym, depth))
                    try {
                      addMember(glbThisType, glbRefined, glbsym(sym), depth)
                    } catch {
                      case ex: NoCommonType =>
              } finally {
                globalGlbDepth = globalGlbDepth.decr
            if (glbRefined.decls.isEmpty) glbBase else glbRefined
        existentialAbstraction(tparams, glbType)
      } catch {
        case GlbFailure =>
          if (ts forall (t => NullTpe <:< t)) NullTpe
          else NothingTpe
    // if (settings.debug.value) { println(indent + "glb of " + ts + " at depth "+depth); indent = indent + "  " } //DEBUG
    if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.incCounter(nestedLubCount)
    // if (settings.debug.value) { indent = indent.substring(0, indent.length() - 2); log(indent + "glb of " + ts + " is " + res) }//DEBUG

  /** All types in list must be polytypes with type parameter lists of
    *  same length as tparams.
    *  Returns list of list of bounds infos, where corresponding type
    *  parameters are renamed to tparams.
  private def matchingBounds(tps: List[Type], tparams: List[Symbol]): List[List[Type]] = {
    def getBounds(tp: Type): List[Type] = tp match {
      case PolyType(tparams1, _) if sameLength(tparams1, tparams) =>
        tparams1 map (tparam =>, tparams))
      case tp =>
        if (tp ne tp.normalize) getBounds(tp.normalize)
        else throw new NoCommonType(tps)
    tps map getBounds

  /** All types in list must be polytypes with type parameter lists of
    *  same length as tparams.
    *  Returns list of instance types, where corresponding type
    *  parameters are renamed to tparams.
  private def matchingInstTypes(tps: List[Type], tparams: List[Symbol]): List[Type] = {
    def transformResultType(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
      case PolyType(tparams1, restpe) if sameLength(tparams1, tparams) =>
        restpe.substSym(tparams1, tparams)
      case tp =>
        if (tp ne tp.normalize) transformResultType(tp.normalize)
        else throw new NoCommonType(tps)
    tps map transformResultType

  /** All types in list must be method types with equal parameter types.
    *  Returns list of their result types.
  private def matchingRestypes(tps: List[Type], pts: List[Type]): List[Type] =
    tps map {
      case mt @ MethodType(params1, res) if isSameTypes(mt.paramTypes, pts) =>
      case NullaryMethodType(res) if pts.isEmpty =>
      case _ =>
        throw new NoCommonType(tps)

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala GlbLubs.scala source code file:

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