Scala example source code file (TypeConstraints.scala)
The TypeConstraints.scala Scala example source codepackage scala package reflect package internal package tpe import scala.collection.{ generic } import generic.Clearable private[internal] trait TypeConstraints { self: SymbolTable => import definitions._ /** A log of type variable with their original constraints. Used in order * to undo constraints in the case of isSubType/isSameType failure. */ private lazy val _undoLog = new UndoLog def undoLog = _undoLog import TypeConstraints.UndoPair class UndoLog extends Clearable { type UndoPairs = List[UndoPair[TypeVar, TypeConstraint]] //OPT this method is public so we can do `manual inlining` var log: UndoPairs = List() // register with the auto-clearing cache manager perRunCaches.recordCache(this) /** Undo all changes to constraints to type variables upto `limit`. */ //OPT this method is public so we can do `manual inlining` def undoTo(limit: UndoPairs) { assertCorrectThread() while ((log ne limit) && log.nonEmpty) { val UndoPair(tv, constr) = log.head tv.constr = constr log = log.tail } } /** No sync necessary, because record should only * be called from within an undo or undoUnless block, * which is already synchronized. */ private[reflect] def record(tv: TypeVar) = { log ::= UndoPair(tv, tv.constr.cloneInternal) } def clear() { if (settings.debug) self.log("Clearing " + log.size + " entries from the undoLog.") log = Nil } // `block` should not affect constraints on typevars def undo[T](block: => T): T = { val before = log try block finally undoTo(before) } } /** @PP: Unable to see why these apparently constant types should need vals * in every TypeConstraint, I lifted them out. */ private lazy val numericLoBound = IntTpe private lazy val numericHiBound = intersectionType(List(ByteTpe, CharTpe), ScalaPackageClass) /** A class expressing upper and lower bounds constraints of type variables, * as well as their instantiations. */ class TypeConstraint(lo0: List[Type], hi0: List[Type], numlo0: Type, numhi0: Type, avoidWidening0: Boolean = false) { def this(lo0: List[Type], hi0: List[Type]) = this(lo0, hi0, NoType, NoType) def this(bounds: TypeBounds) = this(List(bounds.lo), List(bounds.hi)) def this() = this(List(), List()) /* Syncnote: Type constraints are assumed to be used from only one * thread. They are not exposed in api.Types and are used only locally * in operations that are exposed from types. Hence, no syncing of any * variables should be ncessesary. */ /** Guard these lists against AnyClass and NothingClass appearing, * else loBounds.isEmpty will have different results for an empty * constraint and one with Nothing as a lower bound. [Actually * guarding addLoBound/addHiBound somehow broke raw types so it * only guards against being created with them.] */ private var lobounds = lo0 filterNot typeIsNothing private var hibounds = hi0 filterNot typeIsAny private var numlo = numlo0 private var numhi = numhi0 private var avoidWidening = avoidWidening0 def loBounds: List[Type] = if (numlo == NoType) lobounds else numlo :: lobounds def hiBounds: List[Type] = if (numhi == NoType) hibounds else numhi :: hibounds def avoidWiden: Boolean = avoidWidening def addLoBound(tp: Type, isNumericBound: Boolean = false) { // For some reason which is still a bit fuzzy, we must let Nothing through as // a lower bound despite the fact that Nothing is always a lower bound. My current // supposition is that the side-effecting type constraint accumulation mechanism // depends on these subtype tests being performed to make forward progress when // there are mutally recursive type vars. // See pos/t6367 and pos/t6499 for the competing test cases. val mustConsider = tp.typeSymbol match { case NothingClass => true case _ => !(lobounds contains tp) } if (mustConsider) { if (isNumericBound && isNumericValueType(tp)) { if (numlo == NoType || isNumericSubType(numlo, tp)) numlo = tp else if (!isNumericSubType(tp, numlo)) numlo = numericLoBound } else lobounds ::= tp } } def checkWidening(tp: Type) { if(tp.isStable) avoidWidening = true else tp match { case HasTypeMember(_, _) => avoidWidening = true case _ => } } def addHiBound(tp: Type, isNumericBound: Boolean = false) { // My current test case only demonstrates the need to let Nothing through as // a lower bound, but I suspect the situation is symmetrical. val mustConsider = tp.typeSymbol match { case AnyClass => true case _ => !(hibounds contains tp) } if (mustConsider) { checkWidening(tp) if (isNumericBound && isNumericValueType(tp)) { if (numhi == NoType || isNumericSubType(tp, numhi)) numhi = tp else if (!isNumericSubType(numhi, tp)) numhi = numericHiBound } else hibounds ::= tp } } def instWithinBounds = instValid && isWithinBounds(inst) def isWithinBounds(tp: Type): Boolean = ( lobounds.forall(_ <:< tp) && hibounds.forall(tp <:< _) && (numlo == NoType || (numlo weak_<:< tp)) && (numhi == NoType || (tp weak_<:< numhi)) ) var inst: Type = NoType // @M reduce visibility? def instValid = (inst ne null) && (inst ne NoType) def cloneInternal = { val tc = new TypeConstraint(lobounds, hibounds, numlo, numhi, avoidWidening) tc.inst = inst tc } override def toString = { val boundsStr = { val lo = loBounds filterNot typeIsNothing match { case Nil => "" case tp :: Nil => " >: " + tp case tps => tps.mkString(" >: (", ", ", ")") } val hi = hiBounds filterNot typeIsAny match { case Nil => "" case tp :: Nil => " <: " + tp case tps => tps.mkString(" <: (", ", ", ")") } lo + hi } if (inst eq NoType) boundsStr else boundsStr + " _= " + inst.safeToString } } /** Solve constraint collected in types `tvars`. * * @param tvars All type variables to be instantiated. * @param tparams The type parameters corresponding to `tvars` * @param variances The variances of type parameters; need to reverse * solution direction for all contravariant variables. * @param upper When `true` search for max solution else min. */ def solve(tvars: List[TypeVar], tparams: List[Symbol], variances: List[Variance], upper: Boolean, depth: Depth): Boolean = { def solveOne(tvar: TypeVar, tparam: Symbol, variance: Variance) { if (tvar.constr.inst == NoType) { val up = if (variance.isContravariant) !upper else upper tvar.constr.inst = null val bound: Type = if (up) tparam.info.bounds.hi else tparam.info.bounds.lo //Console.println("solveOne0(tv, tp, v, b)="+(tvar, tparam, variance, bound)) var cyclic = bound contains tparam foreach3(tvars, tparams, variances)((tvar2, tparam2, variance2) => { val ok = (tparam2 != tparam) && ( (bound contains tparam2) || up && (tparam2.info.bounds.lo =:= tparam.tpeHK) || !up && (tparam2.info.bounds.hi =:= tparam.tpeHK) ) if (ok) { if (tvar2.constr.inst eq null) cyclic = true solveOne(tvar2, tparam2, variance2) } }) if (!cyclic) { if (up) { if (bound.typeSymbol != AnyClass) { debuglog(s"$tvar addHiBound $bound.instantiateTypeParams($tparams, $tvars)") tvar addHiBound bound.instantiateTypeParams(tparams, tvars) } for (tparam2 <- tparams) tparam2.info.bounds.lo.dealias match { case TypeRef(_, `tparam`, _) => debuglog(s"$tvar addHiBound $tparam2.tpeHK.instantiateTypeParams($tparams, $tvars)") tvar addHiBound tparam2.tpeHK.instantiateTypeParams(tparams, tvars) case _ => } } else { if (bound.typeSymbol != NothingClass && bound.typeSymbol != tparam) { debuglog(s"$tvar addLoBound $bound.instantiateTypeParams($tparams, $tvars)") tvar addLoBound bound.instantiateTypeParams(tparams, tvars) } for (tparam2 <- tparams) tparam2.info.bounds.hi.dealias match { case TypeRef(_, `tparam`, _) => debuglog(s"$tvar addLoBound $tparam2.tpeHK.instantiateTypeParams($tparams, $tvars)") tvar addLoBound tparam2.tpeHK.instantiateTypeParams(tparams, tvars) case _ => } } } tvar.constr.inst = NoType // necessary because hibounds/lobounds may contain tvar //println("solving "+tvar+" "+up+" "+(if (up) (tvar.constr.hiBounds) else tvar.constr.loBounds)+((if (up) (tvar.constr.hiBounds) else tvar.constr.loBounds) map (_.widen))) val newInst = ( if (up) { if (depth.isAnyDepth) glb(tvar.constr.hiBounds) else glb(tvar.constr.hiBounds, depth) } else { if (depth.isAnyDepth) lub(tvar.constr.loBounds) else lub(tvar.constr.loBounds, depth) } ) debuglog(s"$tvar setInst $newInst") tvar setInst newInst //Console.println("solving "+tvar+" "+up+" "+(if (up) (tvar.constr.hiBounds) else tvar.constr.loBounds)+((if (up) (tvar.constr.hiBounds) else tvar.constr.loBounds) map (_.widen))+" = "+tvar.constr.inst)//@MDEBUG } } // println("solving "+tvars+"/"+tparams+"/"+(tparams map (_.info))) foreach3(tvars, tparams, variances)(solveOne) def logBounds(tv: TypeVar) = log { val what = if (!tv.instValid) "is invalid" else s"does not conform to bounds: ${tv.constr}" s"Inferred type for ${tv.originString} (${tv.inst}) $what" } tvars forall (tv => tv.instWithinBounds || util.andFalse(logBounds(tv))) } } private[internal] object TypeConstraints { // UndoPair is declared in companion object to not hold an outer pointer reference final case class UndoPair[TypeVar <: SymbolTable#TypeVar, TypeConstraint <: TypeConstraints#TypeConstraint](tv: TypeVar, tConstraint: TypeConstraint) } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala TypeConstraints.scala source code file: |
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