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Scala example source code file (WeakHashSet.scala)

This example Scala source code file (WeakHashSet.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

a, annotation, anyref, boolean, collection, diagnostics, entry, generics, int, iterator, mutable, nullpointerexception, unit, weakhashset

The WeakHashSet.scala Scala example source code

package scala
package reflect.internal.util

import java.lang.ref.{WeakReference, ReferenceQueue}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.generic.Clearable
import scala.collection.mutable.{Set => MSet}

 * A HashSet where the elements are stored weakly. Elements in this set are elligible for GC if no other
 * hard references are associated with them. Its primary use case is as a canonical reference
 * identity holder (aka "hash-consing") via findEntryOrUpdate
 * This Set implementation cannot hold null. Any attempt to put a null in it will result in a NullPointerException
 * This set implmeentation is not in general thread safe without external concurrency control. However it behaves
 * properly when GC concurrently collects elements in this set.
final class WeakHashSet[A <: AnyRef](val initialCapacity: Int, val loadFactor: Double) extends Set[A] with Function1[A, Boolean] with MSet[A] {

  import WeakHashSet._

  def this() = this(initialCapacity = WeakHashSet.defaultInitialCapacity, loadFactor = WeakHashSet.defaultLoadFactor)

  type This = WeakHashSet[A]

   * queue of Entries that hold elements scheduled for GC
   * the removeStaleEntries() method works through the queue to remeove
   * stale entries from the table
  private[this] val queue = new ReferenceQueue[A]

   * the number of elements in this set
  private[this] var count = 0

   * from a specified initial capacity compute the capacity we'll use as being the next
   * power of two equal to or greater than the specified initial capacity
  private def computeCapacity = {
    if (initialCapacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("initial capacity cannot be less than 0");
    var candidate = 1
    while (candidate < initialCapacity) {
      candidate  *= 2

   * the underlying table of entries which is an array of Entry linked lists
  private[this] var table = new Array[Entry[A]](computeCapacity)

   * the limit at which we'll increase the size of the hash table
  var threshhold = computeThreshHold

  private[this] def computeThreshHold: Int = (table.size * loadFactor).ceil.toInt

   * find the bucket associated with an elements's hash code
  private[this] def bucketFor(hash: Int): Int = {
    // spread the bits around to try to avoid accidental collisions using the
    // same algorithm as java.util.HashMap
    var h = hash
    h ^= h >>> 20 ^ h >>> 12
    h ^= h >>> 7 ^ h >>> 4

    // this is finding h % table.length, but takes advantage of the
    // fact that table length is a power of 2,
    // if you don't do bit flipping in your head, if table.length
    // is binary 100000.. (with n 0s) then table.length - 1
    // is 1111.. with n 1's.
    // In other words this masks on the last n bits in the hash
    h & (table.length - 1)

   * remove a single entry from a linked list in a given bucket
  private[this] def remove(bucket: Int, prevEntry: Entry[A], entry: Entry[A]) {
    prevEntry match {
      case null => table(bucket) = entry.tail
      case _ => prevEntry.tail = entry.tail
    count -= 1

   * remove entries associated with elements that have been gc'ed
  private[this] def removeStaleEntries() {
    def poll(): Entry[A] = queue.poll().asInstanceOf[Entry[A]]

    def queueLoop(): Unit = {
      val stale = poll()
      if (stale != null) {
        val bucket = bucketFor(stale.hash)

        def linkedListLoop(prevEntry: Entry[A], entry: Entry[A]): Unit = if (stale eq entry) remove(bucket, prevEntry, entry)
        else if (entry != null) linkedListLoop(entry, entry.tail)

        linkedListLoop(null, table(bucket))



   * Double the size of the internal table
  private[this] def resize() {
    val oldTable = table
    table = new Array[Entry[A]](oldTable.size * 2)
    threshhold = computeThreshHold

    def tableLoop(oldBucket: Int): Unit = if (oldBucket < oldTable.size) {
      def linkedListLoop(entry: Entry[A]): Unit = entry match {
        case null => ()
        case _ => {
          val bucket = bucketFor(entry.hash)
          val oldNext = entry.tail
          entry.tail = table(bucket)
          table(bucket) = entry

      tableLoop(oldBucket + 1)

  // from scala.reflect.internal.Set, find an element or null if it isn't contained
  override def findEntry(elem: A): A = elem match {
    case null => throw new NullPointerException("WeakHashSet cannot hold nulls")
    case _    => {
      val hash = elem.hashCode
      val bucket = bucketFor(hash)

      def linkedListLoop(entry: Entry[A]): A = entry match {
        case null                    => null.asInstanceOf[A]
        case _                       => {
          val entryElem = entry.get
          if (elem == entryElem) entryElem
          else linkedListLoop(entry.tail)

  // add an element to this set unless it's already in there and return the element
  def findEntryOrUpdate(elem: A): A = elem match {
    case null => throw new NullPointerException("WeakHashSet cannot hold nulls")
    case _    => {
      val hash = elem.hashCode
      val bucket = bucketFor(hash)
      val oldHead = table(bucket)

      def add() = {
        table(bucket) = new Entry(elem, hash, oldHead, queue)
        count += 1
        if (count > threshhold) resize()

      def linkedListLoop(entry: Entry[A]): A = entry match {
        case null                    => add()
        case _                       => {
          val entryElem = entry.get
          if (elem == entryElem) entryElem
          else linkedListLoop(entry.tail)


  // add an element to this set unless it's already in there and return this set
  override def +(elem: A): this.type = elem match {
    case null => throw new NullPointerException("WeakHashSet cannot hold nulls")
    case _    => {
      val hash = elem.hashCode
      val bucket = bucketFor(hash)
      val oldHead = table(bucket)

      def add() {
        table(bucket) = new Entry(elem, hash, oldHead, queue)
        count += 1
        if (count > threshhold) resize()

      def linkedListLoop(entry: Entry[A]): Unit = entry match {
        case null                      => add()
        case _ if (elem == entry.get) => ()
        case _                         => linkedListLoop(entry.tail)


  def +=(elem: A) = this + elem

  // from scala.reflect.interanl.Set
  override def addEntry(x: A) { this += x }

  // remove an element from this set and return this set
  override def -(elem: A): this.type = elem match {
    case null => this
    case _ => {
      val bucket = bucketFor(elem.hashCode)

      def linkedListLoop(prevEntry: Entry[A], entry: Entry[A]): Unit = entry match {
        case null => ()
        case _ if (elem == entry.get) => remove(bucket, prevEntry, entry)
        case _ => linkedListLoop(entry, entry.tail)

      linkedListLoop(null, table(bucket))

  def -=(elem: A) = this - elem

  // empty this set
  override def clear(): Unit = {
    table = new Array[Entry[A]](table.size)
    threshhold = computeThreshHold
    count = 0

    // drain the queue - doesn't do anything because we're throwing away all the values anyway
    @tailrec def queueLoop(): Unit = if (queue.poll() != null) queueLoop()

  // true if this set is empty
  override def empty: This = new WeakHashSet[A](initialCapacity, loadFactor)

  // the number of elements in this set
  override def size: Int = {

  override def apply(x: A): Boolean = this contains x

  override def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit = iterator foreach f

  // It has the `()` because iterator runs `removeStaleEntries()`
  override def toList(): List[A] = iterator.toList

  // Iterator over all the elements in this set in no particular order
  override def iterator: Iterator[A] = {

    new Iterator[A] {

       * the bucket currently being examined. Initially it's set past the last bucket and will be decremented
      private[this] var currentBucket: Int = table.size

       * the entry that was last examined
      private[this] var entry: Entry[A] = null

       * the element that will be the result of the next call to next()
      private[this] var lookaheadelement: A = null.asInstanceOf[A]

      def hasNext: Boolean = {
        while (entry == null && currentBucket > 0) {
          currentBucket -= 1
          entry = table(currentBucket)

        if (entry == null) false
        else {
          lookaheadelement = entry.get
          if (lookaheadelement == null) {
            // element null means the weakref has been cleared since we last did a removeStaleEntries(), move to the next entry
            entry = entry.tail
          } else {

      def next(): A = if (lookaheadelement == null)
        throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("next on an empty iterator")
      else {
        val result = lookaheadelement
        lookaheadelement = null.asInstanceOf[A]
        entry = entry.tail

   * Diagnostic information about the internals of this set. Not normally
   * needed by ordinary code, but may be useful for diagnosing performance problems
  private[util] class Diagnostics {
     * Verify that the internal structure of this hash set is fully consistent.
     * Throws an assertion error on any problem. In order for it to be reliable
     * the entries must be stable. If any are garbage collected during validation
     * then an assertion may inappropriately fire.
    def fullyValidate: Unit = {
      var computedCount = 0
      var bucket = 0
      while (bucket < table.size) {
        var entry = table(bucket)
        while (entry != null) {
          assert(entry.get != null, s"$entry had a null value indicated that gc activity was happening during diagnostic validation or that a null value was inserted")
          computedCount += 1
          val cachedHash = entry.hash
          val realHash = entry.get.hashCode
          assert(cachedHash == realHash, s"for $entry cached hash was $cachedHash but should have been $realHash")
          val computedBucket = bucketFor(realHash)
          assert(computedBucket == bucket, s"for $entry the computed bucket was $computedBucket but should have been $bucket")

          entry = entry.tail

        bucket += 1

      assert(computedCount == count, s"The computed count was $computedCount but should have been $count")

     *  Produces a diagnostic dump of the table that underlies this hash set.
    def dump = table.deep

     * Number of buckets that hold collisions. Useful for diagnosing performance issues.
    def collisionBucketsCount: Int =
      (table filter (entry => entry != null && entry.tail != null)).size

     * Number of buckets that are occupied in this hash table.
    def fullBucketsCount: Int =
      (table filter (entry => entry != null)).size

     *  Number of buckets in the table
    def bucketsCount: Int = table.size

  private[util] def diagnostics = new Diagnostics

 * Companion object for WeakHashSet
object WeakHashSet {
   * A single entry in a WeakHashSet. It's a WeakReference plus a cached hash code and
   * a link to the next Entry in the same bucket
  private class Entry[A](element: A, val hash:Int, var tail: Entry[A], queue: ReferenceQueue[A]) extends WeakReference[A](element, queue)

  val defaultInitialCapacity = 16
  val defaultLoadFactor = .75

  def apply[A <: AnyRef](initialCapacity: Int = WeakHashSet.defaultInitialCapacity, loadFactor: Double = WeakHashSet.defaultLoadFactor) = new WeakHashSet[A](initialCapacity, defaultLoadFactor)

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala WeakHashSet.scala source code file:

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