Scala example source code file (WeakHashSet.scala)
The WeakHashSet.scala Scala example source codepackage scala package reflect.internal.util import java.lang.ref.{WeakReference, ReferenceQueue} import scala.annotation.tailrec import scala.collection.generic.Clearable import scala.collection.mutable.{Set => MSet} /** * A HashSet where the elements are stored weakly. Elements in this set are elligible for GC if no other * hard references are associated with them. Its primary use case is as a canonical reference * identity holder (aka "hash-consing") via findEntryOrUpdate * * This Set implementation cannot hold null. Any attempt to put a null in it will result in a NullPointerException * * This set implmeentation is not in general thread safe without external concurrency control. However it behaves * properly when GC concurrently collects elements in this set. */ final class WeakHashSet[A <: AnyRef](val initialCapacity: Int, val loadFactor: Double) extends Set[A] with Function1[A, Boolean] with MSet[A] { import WeakHashSet._ def this() = this(initialCapacity = WeakHashSet.defaultInitialCapacity, loadFactor = WeakHashSet.defaultLoadFactor) type This = WeakHashSet[A] /** * queue of Entries that hold elements scheduled for GC * the removeStaleEntries() method works through the queue to remeove * stale entries from the table */ private[this] val queue = new ReferenceQueue[A] /** * the number of elements in this set */ private[this] var count = 0 /** * from a specified initial capacity compute the capacity we'll use as being the next * power of two equal to or greater than the specified initial capacity */ private def computeCapacity = { if (initialCapacity < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("initial capacity cannot be less than 0"); var candidate = 1 while (candidate < initialCapacity) { candidate *= 2 } candidate } /** * the underlying table of entries which is an array of Entry linked lists */ private[this] var table = new Array[Entry[A]](computeCapacity) /** * the limit at which we'll increase the size of the hash table */ var threshhold = computeThreshHold private[this] def computeThreshHold: Int = (table.size * loadFactor).ceil.toInt /** * find the bucket associated with an elements's hash code */ private[this] def bucketFor(hash: Int): Int = { // spread the bits around to try to avoid accidental collisions using the // same algorithm as java.util.HashMap var h = hash h ^= h >>> 20 ^ h >>> 12 h ^= h >>> 7 ^ h >>> 4 // this is finding h % table.length, but takes advantage of the // fact that table length is a power of 2, // if you don't do bit flipping in your head, if table.length // is binary 100000.. (with n 0s) then table.length - 1 // is 1111.. with n 1's. // In other words this masks on the last n bits in the hash h & (table.length - 1) } /** * remove a single entry from a linked list in a given bucket */ private[this] def remove(bucket: Int, prevEntry: Entry[A], entry: Entry[A]) { prevEntry match { case null => table(bucket) = entry.tail case _ => prevEntry.tail = entry.tail } count -= 1 } /** * remove entries associated with elements that have been gc'ed */ private[this] def removeStaleEntries() { def poll(): Entry[A] = queue.poll().asInstanceOf[Entry[A]] @tailrec def queueLoop(): Unit = { val stale = poll() if (stale != null) { val bucket = bucketFor(stale.hash) @tailrec def linkedListLoop(prevEntry: Entry[A], entry: Entry[A]): Unit = if (stale eq entry) remove(bucket, prevEntry, entry) else if (entry != null) linkedListLoop(entry, entry.tail) linkedListLoop(null, table(bucket)) queueLoop() } } queueLoop() } /** * Double the size of the internal table */ private[this] def resize() { val oldTable = table table = new Array[Entry[A]](oldTable.size * 2) threshhold = computeThreshHold @tailrec def tableLoop(oldBucket: Int): Unit = if (oldBucket < oldTable.size) { @tailrec def linkedListLoop(entry: Entry[A]): Unit = entry match { case null => () case _ => { val bucket = bucketFor(entry.hash) val oldNext = entry.tail entry.tail = table(bucket) table(bucket) = entry linkedListLoop(oldNext) } } linkedListLoop(oldTable(oldBucket)) tableLoop(oldBucket + 1) } tableLoop(0) } // from scala.reflect.internal.Set, find an element or null if it isn't contained override def findEntry(elem: A): A = elem match { case null => throw new NullPointerException("WeakHashSet cannot hold nulls") case _ => { removeStaleEntries() val hash = elem.hashCode val bucket = bucketFor(hash) @tailrec def linkedListLoop(entry: Entry[A]): A = entry match { case null => null.asInstanceOf[A] case _ => { val entryElem = entry.get if (elem == entryElem) entryElem else linkedListLoop(entry.tail) } } linkedListLoop(table(bucket)) } } // add an element to this set unless it's already in there and return the element def findEntryOrUpdate(elem: A): A = elem match { case null => throw new NullPointerException("WeakHashSet cannot hold nulls") case _ => { removeStaleEntries() val hash = elem.hashCode val bucket = bucketFor(hash) val oldHead = table(bucket) def add() = { table(bucket) = new Entry(elem, hash, oldHead, queue) count += 1 if (count > threshhold) resize() elem } @tailrec def linkedListLoop(entry: Entry[A]): A = entry match { case null => add() case _ => { val entryElem = entry.get if (elem == entryElem) entryElem else linkedListLoop(entry.tail) } } linkedListLoop(oldHead) } } // add an element to this set unless it's already in there and return this set override def +(elem: A): this.type = elem match { case null => throw new NullPointerException("WeakHashSet cannot hold nulls") case _ => { removeStaleEntries() val hash = elem.hashCode val bucket = bucketFor(hash) val oldHead = table(bucket) def add() { table(bucket) = new Entry(elem, hash, oldHead, queue) count += 1 if (count > threshhold) resize() } @tailrec def linkedListLoop(entry: Entry[A]): Unit = entry match { case null => add() case _ if (elem == entry.get) => () case _ => linkedListLoop(entry.tail) } linkedListLoop(oldHead) this } } def +=(elem: A) = this + elem // from scala.reflect.interanl.Set override def addEntry(x: A) { this += x } // remove an element from this set and return this set override def -(elem: A): this.type = elem match { case null => this case _ => { removeStaleEntries() val bucket = bucketFor(elem.hashCode) @tailrec def linkedListLoop(prevEntry: Entry[A], entry: Entry[A]): Unit = entry match { case null => () case _ if (elem == entry.get) => remove(bucket, prevEntry, entry) case _ => linkedListLoop(entry, entry.tail) } linkedListLoop(null, table(bucket)) this } } def -=(elem: A) = this - elem // empty this set override def clear(): Unit = { table = new Array[Entry[A]](table.size) threshhold = computeThreshHold count = 0 // drain the queue - doesn't do anything because we're throwing away all the values anyway @tailrec def queueLoop(): Unit = if (queue.poll() != null) queueLoop() queueLoop() } // true if this set is empty override def empty: This = new WeakHashSet[A](initialCapacity, loadFactor) // the number of elements in this set override def size: Int = { removeStaleEntries() count } override def apply(x: A): Boolean = this contains x override def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit = iterator foreach f // It has the `()` because iterator runs `removeStaleEntries()` override def toList(): List[A] = iterator.toList // Iterator over all the elements in this set in no particular order override def iterator: Iterator[A] = { removeStaleEntries() new Iterator[A] { /** * the bucket currently being examined. Initially it's set past the last bucket and will be decremented */ private[this] var currentBucket: Int = table.size /** * the entry that was last examined */ private[this] var entry: Entry[A] = null /** * the element that will be the result of the next call to next() */ private[this] var lookaheadelement: A = null.asInstanceOf[A] @tailrec def hasNext: Boolean = { while (entry == null && currentBucket > 0) { currentBucket -= 1 entry = table(currentBucket) } if (entry == null) false else { lookaheadelement = entry.get if (lookaheadelement == null) { // element null means the weakref has been cleared since we last did a removeStaleEntries(), move to the next entry entry = entry.tail hasNext } else { true } } } def next(): A = if (lookaheadelement == null) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("next on an empty iterator") else { val result = lookaheadelement lookaheadelement = null.asInstanceOf[A] entry = entry.tail result } } } /** * Diagnostic information about the internals of this set. Not normally * needed by ordinary code, but may be useful for diagnosing performance problems */ private[util] class Diagnostics { /** * Verify that the internal structure of this hash set is fully consistent. * Throws an assertion error on any problem. In order for it to be reliable * the entries must be stable. If any are garbage collected during validation * then an assertion may inappropriately fire. */ def fullyValidate: Unit = { var computedCount = 0 var bucket = 0 while (bucket < table.size) { var entry = table(bucket) while (entry != null) { assert(entry.get != null, s"$entry had a null value indicated that gc activity was happening during diagnostic validation or that a null value was inserted") computedCount += 1 val cachedHash = entry.hash val realHash = entry.get.hashCode assert(cachedHash == realHash, s"for $entry cached hash was $cachedHash but should have been $realHash") val computedBucket = bucketFor(realHash) assert(computedBucket == bucket, s"for $entry the computed bucket was $computedBucket but should have been $bucket") entry = entry.tail } bucket += 1 } assert(computedCount == count, s"The computed count was $computedCount but should have been $count") } /** * Produces a diagnostic dump of the table that underlies this hash set. */ def dump = table.deep /** * Number of buckets that hold collisions. Useful for diagnosing performance issues. */ def collisionBucketsCount: Int = (table filter (entry => entry != null && entry.tail != null)).size /** * Number of buckets that are occupied in this hash table. */ def fullBucketsCount: Int = (table filter (entry => entry != null)).size /** * Number of buckets in the table */ def bucketsCount: Int = table.size } private[util] def diagnostics = new Diagnostics } /** * Companion object for WeakHashSet */ object WeakHashSet { /** * A single entry in a WeakHashSet. It's a WeakReference plus a cached hash code and * a link to the next Entry in the same bucket */ private class Entry[A](element: A, val hash:Int, var tail: Entry[A], queue: ReferenceQueue[A]) extends WeakReference[A](element, queue) val defaultInitialCapacity = 16 val defaultLoadFactor = .75 def apply[A <: AnyRef](initialCapacity: Int = WeakHashSet.defaultInitialCapacity, loadFactor: Double = WeakHashSet.defaultLoadFactor) = new WeakHashSet[A](initialCapacity, defaultLoadFactor) } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala WeakHashSet.scala source code file: |
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