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Scala example source code file (PlainFile.scala)

This example Scala source code file (PlainFile.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

abstractfile, boolean, directory, int, iterator, path, plaindirectory, plainfile, string, unit

The PlainFile.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package scala
package reflect
package io

import{ FileInputStream, FileOutputStream, IOException }

/** ''Note:  This library is considered experimental and should not be used unless you know what you are doing.'' */
class PlainDirectory(givenPath: Directory) extends PlainFile(givenPath) {
  override def isDirectory = true
  override def iterator = givenPath.list filter (_.exists) map (x => new PlainFile(x))
  override def delete(): Unit = givenPath.deleteRecursively()

/** This class implements an abstract file backed by a File.
 * ''Note:  This library is considered experimental and should not be used unless you know what you are doing.''
class PlainFile(val givenPath: Path) extends AbstractFile {
  assert(path ne null)

  val file = givenPath.jfile
  override def underlyingSource = Some(this)

  private val fpath = givenPath.toAbsolute

  /** Returns the name of this abstract file. */
  def name =

  /** Returns the path of this abstract file. */
  def path = givenPath.path

  /** The absolute file. */
  def absolute = new PlainFile(givenPath.toAbsolute)

  override def container: AbstractFile = new PlainFile(givenPath.parent)
  override def input = givenPath.toFile.inputStream()
  override def output = givenPath.toFile.outputStream()
  override def sizeOption = Some(givenPath.length.toInt)

  override def toString = path
  override def hashCode(): Int = fpath.hashCode()
  override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
    case x: PlainFile => fpath == x.fpath
    case _            => false

  /** Is this abstract file a directory? */
  def isDirectory: Boolean = givenPath.isDirectory

  /** Returns the time that this abstract file was last modified. */
  def lastModified: Long = givenPath.lastModified

  /** Returns all abstract subfiles of this abstract directory. */
  def iterator: Iterator[AbstractFile] = {
    // Optimization: Assume that the file was not deleted and did not have permissions changed
    // between the call to `list` and the iteration. This saves a call to `exists`.
    def existsFast(path: Path) = path match {
      case (_: Directory | _: io.File) => true
      case _                           => path.exists
    if (!isDirectory) Iterator.empty
    else givenPath.toDirectory.list filter existsFast map (new PlainFile(_))

   * Returns the abstract file in this abstract directory with the
   * specified name. If there is no such file, returns null. The
   * argument "directory" tells whether to look for a directory or
   * or a regular file.
  def lookupName(name: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile = {
    val child = givenPath / name
    if ((child.isDirectory && directory) || (child.isFile && !directory)) new PlainFile(child)
    else null

  /** Does this abstract file denote an existing file? */
  def create(): Unit = if (!exists) givenPath.createFile()

  /** Delete the underlying file or directory (recursively). */
  def delete(): Unit =
    if (givenPath.isFile) givenPath.delete()
    else if (givenPath.isDirectory) givenPath.toDirectory.deleteRecursively()

  /** Returns a plain file with the given name. It does not
   *  check that it exists.
  def lookupNameUnchecked(name: String, directory: Boolean): AbstractFile =
    new PlainFile(givenPath / name)

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala PlainFile.scala source code file:

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