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Scala example source code file (Aliases.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Aliases.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

aliases, apis, compilationunit, expr, modifiers, symbol, tree, type, typetag, weaktypetag

The Aliases.scala Scala example source code

package scala
package reflect
package macros

 * <span class="badge badge-red" style="float: right;">EXPERIMENTAL</span>
 *  A slice of [[scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context the Scala macros context]] that defines shorthands for the
 *  most frequently used types and functions of the underlying compiler universe.
trait Aliases {
  self: blackbox.Context =>

  /** The type of symbols representing declarations. */
  type Symbol = universe.Symbol

  /** The type of Scala types, and also Scala type signatures.
   *  (No difference is internally made between the two).
  type Type = universe.Type

  /** The abstract type of names. */
  type Name = universe.Name

  /** The abstract type of names representing terms. */
  type TermName = universe.TermName

  /** The abstract type of names representing types. */
  type TypeName = universe.TypeName

  /** The type of Scala abstract syntax trees. */
  type Tree = universe.Tree

  /** Defines a universe-specific notion of positions. */
  type Position = universe.Position

  /** The base type of all scopes. */
  type Scope = universe.Scope

  /** The type of tree modifiers. */
  type Modifiers = universe.Modifiers

  /** The type of compilation runs.
   *  @see [[scala.reflect.macros.Enclosures]]
  @deprecated("c.enclosingTree-style APIs are now deprecated; consult the scaladoc for more information", "2.11.0")
  type Run = universe.Run

  /** The type of compilation units.
   *  @see [[scala.reflect.macros.Enclosures]]
  @deprecated("c.enclosingTree-style APIs are now deprecated; consult the scaladoc for more information", "2.11.0")
  type CompilationUnit = universe.CompilationUnit

  /** Expr wraps an abstract syntax tree and tags it with its type. */
  type Expr[+T] = universe.Expr[T]

  /** Constructor/Extractor for `Expr`. */
  val Expr = universe.Expr

  /** A shorthand to create an expr.
   *  Unlike the conventional expr factory, which requires a [[scala.reflect.api.TreeCreator]],
   *  this one accepts a regular tree, but the resulting exprs are unable of being migrated
   *  to other universes/mirrors (the functionality normally not needed for macros, since there is
   *  only one compile-time universe and only one compile-time mirror).
  def Expr[T: WeakTypeTag](tree: Tree): Expr[T]

  /** The type of weak type tags. */
  type WeakTypeTag[T] = universe.WeakTypeTag[T]

  /** The type of type tags. */
  type TypeTag[T] = universe.TypeTag[T]

  /** Constructor/Extractor for `WeakTypeTag`. */
  val WeakTypeTag = universe.WeakTypeTag

  /** Constructor/Extractor for `TypeTag`. */
  val TypeTag = universe.TypeTag

  /** A shorthand to create a weak type tag.
   *  Unlike the conventional type tag factory, which requires a [[scala.reflect.api.TypeCreator]],
   *  this one accepts a regular type, but the resulting type tags are unable of being migrated
   *  to other universes/mirrors (the functionality normally not needed for macros, since there is
   *  only one compile-time universe and only one compile-time mirror).
  def WeakTypeTag[T](tpe: Type): WeakTypeTag[T]

  /** A shorthand to create a type tag.
   *  Unlike the conventional type tag factory, which requires a [[scala.reflect.api.TypeCreator]],
   *  this one accepts a regular type, but the resulting type tags are unable of being migrated
   *  to other universes/mirrors (the functionality normally not needed for macros, since there is
   *  only one compile-time universe and only one compile-time mirror).
  def TypeTag[T](tpe: Type): TypeTag[T]

   * Shortcut for `implicitly[WeakTypeTag[T]]`
  def weakTypeTag[T](implicit attag: WeakTypeTag[T]) = attag

   * Shortcut for `implicitly[TypeTag[T]]`
  def typeTag[T](implicit ttag: TypeTag[T]) = ttag

   * Shortcut for `implicitly[WeakTypeTag[T]].tpe`
  def weakTypeOf[T](implicit attag: WeakTypeTag[T]): Type = attag.tpe

   * Shortcut for `implicitly[TypeTag[T]].tpe`
  def typeOf[T](implicit ttag: TypeTag[T]): Type = ttag.tpe

   * Type symbol of `x` as derived from a type tag.
  def symbolOf[T: WeakTypeTag]: universe.TypeSymbol = universe.symbolOf[T]

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Aliases.scala source code file:

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