Scala example source code file (Typers.scala)
The Typers.scala Scala example source codepackage scala package reflect package macros import scala.reflect.internal.{Mode => InternalMode} /** * <span class="badge badge-red" style="float: right;">EXPERIMENTAL</span> * * A slice of [[scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context the Scala macros context]] that * partially exposes the type checker to macro writers. */ trait Typers { self: blackbox.Context => /** Contexts that represent macros in-flight, including the current one. Very much like a stack trace, but for macros only. * Can be useful for interoperating with other macros and for imposing compiler-friendly limits on macro expansion. * * Is also priceless for emitting sane error messages for macros that are called by other macros on synthetic (i.e. position-less) trees. * In that dire case navigate the `openMacros` stack, and it will most likely contain at least one macro with a position-ful macro application. * See `enclosingPosition` for a default implementation of this logic. * * Unlike `enclosingMacros`, this is a def, which means that it gets recalculated on every invocation, * so it might change depending on what is going on during macro expansion. */ def openMacros: List[blackbox.Context] /** Represents mode of operations of the typechecker underlying `c.typecheck` calls. * Is necessary since the shape of the typechecked tree alone is not enough to guess how it should be typechecked. * Can be EXPRmode (typecheck as a term), TYPEmode (typecheck as a type) or PATTERNmode (typecheck as a pattern). */ // I'd very much like to make use of https://github.com/dsl-paradise/dsl-paradise here! type TypecheckMode /** Indicates that an argument to `c.typecheck` should be typechecked as a term. * This is the default typechecking mode in Scala 2.11 and the only one supported in Scala 2.10. */ val TERMmode: TypecheckMode /** Indicates that an argument to `c.typecheck` should be typechecked as a type. */ val TYPEmode: TypecheckMode /** Indicates that an argument to `c.typecheck` should be typechecked as a pattern. */ val PATTERNmode: TypecheckMode /** @see `scala.reflect.macros.TypecheckException` */ type TypecheckException = scala.reflect.macros.TypecheckException /** @see `scala.reflect.macros.TypecheckException` */ val TypecheckException = scala.reflect.macros.TypecheckException /** @see `Typers.typecheck` */ @deprecated("Use `c.typecheck` instead", "2.11.0") def typeCheck(tree: Tree, pt: Type = universe.WildcardType, silent: Boolean = false, withImplicitViewsDisabled: Boolean = false, withMacrosDisabled: Boolean = false): Tree = typecheck(tree, TERMmode, pt, silent, withImplicitViewsDisabled, withMacrosDisabled) /** Typechecks the provided tree against the expected type `pt` in the macro callsite context * under typechecking mode specified in `mode` with [[EXPRmode]] being default. * This populates symbols and types of the tree and possibly transforms it to reflect certain desugarings. * * If `silent` is false, `TypecheckException` will be thrown in case of a typecheck error. * If `silent` is true, the typecheck is silent and will return `EmptyTree` if an error occurs. * Such errors don't vanish and can be inspected by turning on -Ymacro-debug-verbose. * Unlike in `inferImplicitValue` and `inferImplicitView`, `silent` is false by default. * * Typechecking can be steered with the following optional parameters: * `withImplicitViewsDisabled` recursively prohibits implicit views (though, implicit vals will still be looked up and filled in), default value is false * `withMacrosDisabled` recursively prohibits macro expansions and macro-based implicits, default value is false * * @throws [[scala.reflect.macros.TypecheckException]] */ def typecheck(tree: Tree, mode: TypecheckMode = TERMmode, pt: Type = universe.WildcardType, silent: Boolean = false, withImplicitViewsDisabled: Boolean = false, withMacrosDisabled: Boolean = false): Tree /** Infers an implicit value of the expected type `pt` in the macro callsite context. * Optional `pos` parameter provides a position that will be associated with the implicit search. * * If `silent` is false, `TypecheckException` will be thrown in case of an inference error. * If `silent` is true, the typecheck is silent and will return `EmptyTree` if an error occurs. * Such errors don't vanish and can be inspected by turning on -Xlog-implicits. * Unlike in `typecheck`, `silent` is true by default. * * @throws [[scala.reflect.macros.TypecheckException]] */ def inferImplicitValue(pt: Type, silent: Boolean = true, withMacrosDisabled: Boolean = false, pos: Position = enclosingPosition): Tree /** Infers an implicit view from the provided tree `tree` of the type `from` to the type `to` in the macro callsite context. * Optional `pos` parameter provides a position that will be associated with the implicit search. * * If `silent` is false, `TypecheckException` will be thrown in case of an inference error. * If `silent` is true, the typecheck is silent and will return `EmptyTree` if an error occurs. * Such errors don't vanish and can be inspected by turning on -Xlog-implicits. * Unlike in `typecheck`, `silent` is true by default. * * @throws [[scala.reflect.macros.TypecheckException]] */ def inferImplicitView(tree: Tree, from: Type, to: Type, silent: Boolean = true, withMacrosDisabled: Boolean = false, pos: Position = enclosingPosition): Tree /** Recursively resets locally defined symbols and types in a given tree. * WARNING: Don't use this API, go for [[untypecheck]] instead. */ @deprecated("Use `c.untypecheck` instead", "2.11.0") def resetLocalAttrs(tree: Tree): Tree /** In the current implementation of Scala's reflection API, untyped trees (also known as parser trees or unattributed trees) * are observationally different from typed trees (also known as typer trees, typechecked trees or attributed trees), * * Usually, if some compiler API takes a tree, then both untyped and typed trees will do. However in some cases, * only untyped or only typed trees are appropriate. For example, [[eval]] only accepts untyped trees and one can only splice * typed trees inside typed trees. Therefore in the current reflection API, there is a need in functions * that go back and forth between untyped and typed trees. For this we have [[typecheck]] and `untypecheck`. * * Note that `untypecheck` is currently afflicted by https://issues.scala-lang.org/browse/SI-5464, * which makes it sometimes corrupt trees so that they don't make sense anymore. Unfortunately, there's no workaround for that. * We plan to fix this issue soon, but for now please keep it in mind. * * @see [[http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20936509/scala-macros-what-is-the-difference-between-typed-aka-typechecked-an-untyped]] */ def untypecheck(tree: Tree): Tree } /** Indicates an error during one of the methods in [[scala.reflect.macros.Typers]]. */ case class TypecheckException(pos: scala.reflect.api.Position, msg: String) extends Exception(msg) Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala Typers.scala source code file: |
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