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Scala example source code file (Context.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Context.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

context, implicitcandidate, list, symbol, tree, type

The Context.scala Scala example source code

package scala
package reflect
package macros
package whitebox

 * <span class="badge badge-red" style="float: right;">EXPERIMENTAL</span>
 *  The whitebox Scala macros context.
 *  See [[scala.reflect.macros.package the overview page]] for a description of how macros work. This documentation
 *  entry provides information on the API available to macro writers.
 *  A macro context wraps a compiler universe exposed in `universe` and having type [[scala.reflect.macros.Universe]].
 *  This type is a refinement over the generic reflection API provided in [[scala.reflect.api.Universe]]. The
 *  extended Universe provides mutability for reflection artifacts (e.g. macros can change types of compiler trees,
 *  add annotation to symbols representing definitions, etc) and exposes some internal compiler functionality
 *  such as `Symbol.deSkolemize` or `Tree.attachments`.
 *  Another fundamental part of a macro context is `macroApplication`, which provides access to the tree undergoing
 *  macro expansion. Parts of this tree can be found in arguments of the corresponding macro implementations and
 *  in `prefix`, but `macroApplication` gives the full picture.
 *  Other than that, macro contexts provide facilities for typechecking, exploring the compiler's symbol table and
 *  enclosing trees and compilation units, evaluating trees, logging warnings/errors and much more.
 *  Refer to the documentation of top-level traits in this package to learn the details.
 *  If a macro def refers to a macro impl that uses `whitebox.Context`, then this macro def becomes a whitebox macro,
 *  gaining the ability to refine the type of its expansion beyond its official return type, which enables a number of important use cases.
 *  Blackbox macros, i.e. the ones defined with `blackbox.Context`, can't do that, so they are less powerful.
 *  However blackbox macros are also going to enjoy better support than whitebox macros, so choose wisely.
 *  See the [[ Macros Guide]] for more information.
 *  @see `scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context`
trait Context extends blackbox.Context {
  /** @inheritdoc
  def openMacros: List[Context]

  /** @inheritdoc
  def enclosingMacros: List[Context]

  /** Information about one of the currently considered implicit candidates.
   *  Candidates are used in plural form, because implicit parameters may themselves have implicit parameters,
   *  hence implicit searches can recursively trigger other implicit searches.
   *  `pre` and `sym` provide information about the candidate itself.
   *  `pt` and `tree` store the parameters of the implicit search the candidate is participating in.
  case class ImplicitCandidate(pre: Type, sym: Symbol, pt: Type, tree: Tree)

  /** Information about one of the currently considered implicit candidates.
   *  Candidates are used in plural form, because implicit parameters may themselves have implicit parameters,
   *  hence implicit searches can recursively trigger other implicit searches.
   *  Can be useful to get information about an application with an implicit parameter that is materialized during current macro expansion.
   *  If we're in an implicit macro being expanded, it's included in this list.
   *  Unlike `enclosingImplicits`, this is a def, which means that it gets recalculated on every invocation,
   *  so it might change depending on what is going on during macro expansion.
  def openImplicits: List[ImplicitCandidate]

  /** Information about one of the currently considered implicit candidates.
   *  Candidates are used in plural form, because implicit parameters may themselves have implicit parameters,
   *  hence implicit searches can recursively trigger other implicit searches.
   *  Can be useful to get information about an application with an implicit parameter that is materialized during current macro expansion.
   *  If we're in an implicit macro being expanded, it's included in this list.
   *  Unlike `openImplicits`, this is a val, which means that it gets initialized when the context is created
   *  and always stays the same regardless of whatever happens during macro expansion.
  def enclosingImplicits: List[ImplicitCandidate]

Other Scala source code examples

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