Scala example source code file (ReflectionUtils.scala)
The ReflectionUtils.scala Scala example source code/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Paul Phillips */ package scala package reflect.runtime import java.lang.{Class => jClass} import java.lang.reflect.{ Method, InvocationTargetException, UndeclaredThrowableException } import scala.reflect.internal.util.AbstractFileClassLoader import scala.reflect.io._ import java.io.{File => JFile} /** A few java-reflection oriented utility functions useful during reflection bootstrapping. */ object ReflectionUtils { // Unwraps some chained exceptions which arise during reflective calls. def unwrapThrowable(x: Throwable): Throwable = x match { case _: InvocationTargetException | // thrown by reflectively invoked method or constructor _: ExceptionInInitializerError | // thrown when running a static initializer (e.g. a scala module constructor) _: UndeclaredThrowableException | // invocation on a proxy instance if its invocation handler's `invoke` throws an exception _: ClassNotFoundException | // no definition for a class instantiated by name _: NoClassDefFoundError // the definition existed when the executing class was compiled, but can no longer be found if x.getCause != null => unwrapThrowable(x.getCause) case _ => x } // Transforms an exception handler into one which will only receive the unwrapped // exceptions (for the values of wrap covered in unwrapThrowable.) def unwrapHandler[T](pf: PartialFunction[Throwable, T]): PartialFunction[Throwable, T] = { case ex if pf isDefinedAt unwrapThrowable(ex) => pf(unwrapThrowable(ex)) } def show(cl: ClassLoader): String = { import scala.language.reflectiveCalls def isAbstractFileClassLoader(clazz: Class[_]): Boolean = { if (clazz == null) return false if (clazz == classOf[AbstractFileClassLoader]) return true isAbstractFileClassLoader(clazz.getSuperclass) } def inferClasspath(cl: ClassLoader): String = cl match { case cl: java.net.URLClassLoader => (cl.getURLs mkString ",") case cl if cl != null && isAbstractFileClassLoader(cl.getClass) => cl.asInstanceOf[{val root: scala.reflect.io.AbstractFile}].root.canonicalPath case null => val loadBootCp = (flavor: String) => scala.util.Properties.propOrNone(flavor + ".boot.class.path") loadBootCp("sun") orElse loadBootCp("java") getOrElse "<unknown>" case _ => "<unknown>" } cl match { case cl if cl != null => "%s of type %s with classpath [%s] and parent being %s".format(cl, cl.getClass, inferClasspath(cl), show(cl.getParent)) case null => "primordial classloader with boot classpath [%s]".format(inferClasspath(cl)) } } def staticSingletonInstance(cl: ClassLoader, className: String): AnyRef = { val name = if (className endsWith "$") className else className + "$" val clazz = java.lang.Class.forName(name, true, cl) staticSingletonInstance(clazz) } def staticSingletonInstance(clazz: Class[_]): AnyRef = clazz getField "MODULE$" get null def innerSingletonInstance(outer: AnyRef, className: String): AnyRef = { val accessorName = if (className endsWith "$") className.substring(0, className.length - 1) else className def singletonAccessor(clazz: Class[_]): Option[Method] = if (clazz == null) None else { val declaredAccessor = clazz.getDeclaredMethods.filter(_.getName == accessorName).headOption declaredAccessor orElse singletonAccessor(clazz.getSuperclass) } val accessor = singletonAccessor(outer.getClass) getOrElse { throw new NoSuchMethodException(s"${outer.getClass.getName}.$accessorName") } accessor setAccessible true accessor invoke outer } def isTraitImplementation(fileName: String) = fileName endsWith "$class.class" def scalacShouldntLoadClassfile(fileName: String) = isTraitImplementation(fileName) def scalacShouldntLoadClass(name: scala.reflect.internal.SymbolTable#Name) = scalacShouldntLoadClassfile(name + ".class") object PrimitiveOrArray { def unapply(jclazz: jClass[_]) = jclazz.isPrimitive || jclazz.isArray } class EnclosedIn[T](enclosure: jClass[_] => T) { def unapply(jclazz: jClass[_]): Option[T] = if (enclosure(jclazz) != null) Some(enclosure(jclazz)) else None } object EnclosedInMethod extends EnclosedIn(_.getEnclosingMethod) object EnclosedInConstructor extends EnclosedIn(_.getEnclosingConstructor) object EnclosedInClass extends EnclosedIn(_.getEnclosingClass) object EnclosedInPackage extends EnclosedIn(_.getPackage) def associatedFile(clazz: Class[_]): AbstractFile = { // TODO: I agree with Jason - this implementation isn't something that we'd like to support // therefore I'm having it commented out and this function will now return NoAbstractFile // I think we can keep the source code though, because it can be useful to the others // // def inferAssociatedFile(clazz: Class[_]): AbstractFile = { // // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/227486/find-where-java-class-is-loaded-from // try { // var cl = clazz.getClassLoader() // if (cl == null) { // cl = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader() // while (cl != null && cl.getParent != null) cl = cl.getParent // } // var result: AbstractFile = null // if (cl != null) { // val name = clazz.getCanonicalName() // val resource = cl.getResource(name.replace(".", "/") + ".class") // if (resource != null) { // def fromFile(file: String) = AbstractFile.getFile(file) // def fromJarEntry(jarfile: String, entrypath: String) = { // val jar = fromFile(jarfile) // new VirtualFile(clazz.getName, entrypath) { // lazy val impl: AbstractFile = { // def loop(root: AbstractFile, path: List[String]): AbstractFile = { // def find(name: String) = root.iterator.find(_.name == name).getOrElse(NoAbstractFile) // path match { // case step :: Nil => find(step) // case step :: rest => loop(find(step), rest) // case Nil => NoAbstractFile // } // } // loop(ZipArchive.fromFile(new JFile(jarfile)), entrypath.split("/").toList) // } // override def container = impl.container // override def lastModified = impl.lastModified // override def input = impl.input // override def sizeOption = impl.sizeOption // override def underlyingSource = Some(jar) // override def toString = jarfile + "(" + entrypath + ")" // } // } // def fallback() = new VirtualFile(clazz.getName, resource.toString) // result = resource.getProtocol match { // case "file" => // fromFile(resource.getFile) // case "jar" => // val intrajarUrl = new java.net.URL(resource.getFile) // intrajarUrl.getProtocol match { // case "file" => // val file = intrajarUrl.getFile() // val expectedSuffix = "!/" + name.replace(".", "/") + ".class" // if (file.endsWith(expectedSuffix)) fromJarEntry(file.stripSuffix(expectedSuffix), expectedSuffix.substring(2)) // else fallback() // case _ => fallback() // } // case _ => // fallback() // } // } // } // if (result != null) result else NoAbstractFile // } catch { // case _: Exception => NoAbstractFile // } // } // inferAssociatedFile(clazz) NoAbstractFile } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala ReflectionUtils.scala source code file: |
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