Scala example source code file (ConsoleReaderHelper.scala)
The ConsoleReaderHelper.scala Scala example source code/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Paul Phillips */ package scala.tools.nsc package interpreter import jline.console.{ ConsoleReader, CursorBuffer } trait ConsoleReaderHelper { _: ConsoleReader with Tabulator => def isAcross: Boolean def terminal = getTerminal() def width = terminal.getWidth() def height = terminal.getHeight() def readOneKey(prompt: String): Int def eraseLine(): Unit val marginSize = 3 private def morePrompt = "--More--" private def emulateMore(): Int = { val key = readOneKey(morePrompt) try key match { case '\r' | '\n' => 1 case 'q' => -1 case _ => height - 1 } finally { eraseLine() // TODO: still not quite managing to erase --More-- and get // back to a scala prompt without another keypress. if (key == 'q') { putString(getPrompt()) redrawLine() flush() } } } override def printColumns(items: JCollection[_ <: CharSequence]): Unit = printColumns_(items: List[String]) private def printColumns_(items: List[String]): Unit = if (items exists (_ != "")) { val grouped = tabulate(items) var linesLeft = if (isPaginationEnabled()) height - 1 else Int.MaxValue grouped foreach { xs => println(xs.mkString) linesLeft -= 1 if (linesLeft <= 0) { linesLeft = emulateMore() if (linesLeft < 0) return } } } } trait Tabulator { def isAcross: Boolean def width: Int def marginSize: Int protected def fits(items: Seq[String], width: Int): Boolean = ( (items map (_.length)).sum + (items.length - 1) * marginSize < width ) def tabulate(items: Seq[String]): Seq[Seq[String]] = ( if (fits(items, width)) Seq(Seq(items mkString " " * marginSize)) else printMultiLineColumns(items) ) protected def columnize(ss: Seq[String]): Seq[Seq[String]] = ss map (s => Seq(s)) protected def printMultiLineColumns(items: Seq[String]): Seq[Seq[String]] = { import SimpleMath._ val longest = (items map (_.length)).max val columnWidth = longest + marginSize val maxcols = ( if (columnWidth >= width) 1 else 1 max (width / columnWidth) // make sure it doesn't divide to 0 ) val nrows = items.size /% maxcols val ncols = items.size /% nrows val groupSize = ncols val padded = items map (s"%-${columnWidth}s" format _) val xwise = isAcross || ncols >= items.length val grouped: Seq[Seq[String]] = if (groupSize == 1) columnize(items) else if (xwise) (padded grouped groupSize).toSeq else { val h = 1 max padded.size /% groupSize val cols = (padded grouped h).toList for (i <- 0 until h) yield for (j <- 0 until groupSize) yield if (i < cols(j).size) cols(j)(i) else "" } grouped } } /** Adjust the column width and number of columns to minimize the row count. */ trait VariColumnTabulator extends Tabulator { override protected def printMultiLineColumns(items: Seq[String]): Seq[Seq[String]] = { import SimpleMath._ val longest = (items map (_.length)).max val shortest = (items map (_.length)).min val fattest = longest + marginSize val skinny = shortest + marginSize // given ncols, calculate nrows and a list of column widths, or none if not possible // if ncols > items.size, then columnWidths.size == items.size def layout(ncols: Int): Option[(Int, Seq[Int], Seq[Seq[String]])] = { val nrows = items.size /% ncols val xwise = isAcross || ncols >= items.length def maxima(sss: Seq[Seq[String]]) = (0 until (ncols min items.size)) map (i => (sss map (ss => ss(i).length)).max) def resulting(rows: Seq[Seq[String]]) = { val columnWidths = maxima(rows) map (_ + marginSize) val linelen = columnWidths.sum if (linelen <= width) Some((nrows, columnWidths, rows)) else None } if (ncols == 1) resulting(columnize(items)) else if (xwise) resulting((items grouped ncols).toSeq) else { val cols = (items grouped nrows).toList val rows = for (i <- 0 until nrows) yield for (j <- 0 until ncols) yield if (j < cols.size && i < cols(j).size) cols(j)(i) else "" resulting(rows) } } if (fattest >= width) { columnize(items) } else { // if every col is widest, we have at least this many cols val mincols = 1 max (width / fattest) // if every other col is skinniest, we have at most this many cols val maxcols = 1 + ((width - fattest) / skinny) val possibles = (mincols to maxcols).map(n => layout(n)).flatten val minrows = (possibles map (_._1)).min // select the min ncols that results in minrows val (_, columnWidths, sss) = (possibles find (_._1 == minrows)).get // format to column width sss map (ss => ss.zipWithIndex map { case (s, i) => s"%-${columnWidths(i)}s" format s }) } } } private[interpreter] object SimpleMath { implicit class DivRem(private val i: Int) extends AnyVal { /** i/n + if (i % n != 0) 1 else 0 */ def /%(n: Int): Int = (i + n - 1) / n } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala ConsoleReaderHelper.scala source code file: |
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