Scala example source code file (Imports.scala)
The Imports.scala Scala example source code/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Paul Phillips */ package scala.tools.nsc package interpreter import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable } trait Imports { self: IMain => import global._ import definitions.{ ObjectClass, ScalaPackage, JavaLangPackage, PredefModule } import memberHandlers._ /** Synthetic import handlers for the language defined imports. */ private def makeWildcardImportHandler(sym: Symbol): ImportHandler = { val hd :: tl = sym.fullName.split('.').toList map newTermName val tree = Import( tl.foldLeft(Ident(hd): Tree)((x, y) => Select(x, y)), ImportSelector.wildList ) tree setSymbol sym new ImportHandler(tree) } /** Symbols whose contents are language-defined to be imported. */ def languageWildcardSyms: List[Symbol] = List(JavaLangPackage, ScalaPackage, PredefModule) def languageWildcardHandlers = languageWildcardSyms map makeWildcardImportHandler def allImportedNames = importHandlers flatMap (_.importedNames) /** Types which have been wildcard imported, such as: * val x = "abc" ; import x._ // type java.lang.String * import java.lang.String._ // object java.lang.String * * Used by tab completion. * * XXX right now this gets import x._ and import java.lang.String._, * but doesn't figure out import String._. There's a lot of ad hoc * scope twiddling which should be swept away in favor of digging * into the compiler scopes. */ def sessionWildcards: List[Type] = { importHandlers filter (_.importsWildcard) map (_.targetType) distinct } def languageSymbols = languageWildcardSyms flatMap membersAtPickler def sessionImportedSymbols = importHandlers flatMap (_.importedSymbols) def importedSymbols = languageSymbols ++ sessionImportedSymbols def importedTermSymbols = importedSymbols collect { case x: TermSymbol => x } /** Tuples of (source, imported symbols) in the order they were imported. */ def importedSymbolsBySource: List[(Symbol, List[Symbol])] = { val lang = languageWildcardSyms map (sym => (sym, membersAtPickler(sym))) val session = importHandlers filter (_.targetType != NoType) map { mh => (mh.targetType.typeSymbol, mh.importedSymbols) } lang ++ session } def implicitSymbolsBySource: List[(Symbol, List[Symbol])] = { importedSymbolsBySource map { case (k, vs) => (k, vs filter (_.isImplicit)) } filterNot (_._2.isEmpty) } /** Compute imports that allow definitions from previous * requests to be visible in a new request. Returns * three pieces of related code: * * 1. An initial code fragment that should go before * the code of the new request. * * 2. A code fragment that should go after the code * of the new request. * * 3. An access path which can be traversed to access * any bindings inside code wrapped by #1 and #2 . * * The argument is a set of Names that need to be imported. * * Limitations: This method is not as precise as it could be. * (1) It does not process wildcard imports to see what exactly * they import. * (2) If it imports any names from a request, it imports all * of them, which is not really necessary. * (3) It imports multiple same-named implicits, but only the * last one imported is actually usable. */ case class ComputedImports(prepend: String, append: String, access: String) protected def importsCode(wanted: Set[Name], wrapper: Request#Wrapper): ComputedImports = { /** Narrow down the list of requests from which imports * should be taken. Removes requests which cannot contribute * useful imports for the specified set of wanted names. */ case class ReqAndHandler(req: Request, handler: MemberHandler) { } def reqsToUse: List[ReqAndHandler] = { /** Loop through a list of MemberHandlers and select which ones to keep. * 'wanted' is the set of names that need to be imported. */ def select(reqs: List[ReqAndHandler], wanted: Set[Name]): List[ReqAndHandler] = { // Single symbol imports might be implicits! See bug #1752. Rather than // try to finesse this, we will mimic all imports for now. def keepHandler(handler: MemberHandler) = handler match { case _: ImportHandler => true case x => x.definesImplicit || (x.definedNames exists wanted) } reqs match { case Nil => Nil case rh :: rest if !keepHandler(rh.handler) => select(rest, wanted) case rh :: rest => import rh.handler._ val newWanted = wanted ++ referencedNames -- definedNames -- importedNames rh :: select(rest, newWanted) } } /** Flatten the handlers out and pair each with the original request */ select(allReqAndHandlers reverseMap { case (r, h) => ReqAndHandler(r, h) }, wanted).reverse } val code, trailingBraces, accessPath = new StringBuilder val currentImps = mutable.HashSet[Name]() // add code for a new object to hold some imports def addWrapper() { import nme.{ INTERPRETER_IMPORT_WRAPPER => iw } code append (wrapper.prewrap format iw) trailingBraces append wrapper.postwrap accessPath append s".$iw" currentImps.clear() } def maybeWrap(names: Name*) = if (names exists currentImps) addWrapper() def wrapBeforeAndAfter[T](op: => T): T = { addWrapper() try op finally addWrapper() } // loop through previous requests, adding imports for each one wrapBeforeAndAfter { for (ReqAndHandler(req, handler) <- reqsToUse) { handler match { // If the user entered an import, then just use it; add an import wrapping // level if the import might conflict with some other import case x: ImportHandler if x.importsWildcard => wrapBeforeAndAfter(code append (x.member + "\n")) case x: ImportHandler => maybeWrap(x.importedNames: _*) code append (x.member + "\n") currentImps ++= x.importedNames // For other requests, import each defined name. // import them explicitly instead of with _, so that // ambiguity errors will not be generated. Also, quote // the name of the variable, so that we don't need to // handle quoting keywords separately. case x => for (sym <- x.definedSymbols) { maybeWrap(sym.name) code append s"import ${x.path}\n" currentImps += sym.name } } } } ComputedImports(code.toString, trailingBraces.toString, accessPath.toString) } private def allReqAndHandlers = prevRequestList flatMap (req => req.handlers map (req -> _)) private def membersAtPickler(sym: Symbol): List[Symbol] = enteringPickler(sym.info.nonPrivateMembers.toList) } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala Imports.scala source code file: |
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