Scala example source code file (InteractiveReader.scala)
The InteractiveReader.scala Scala example source code/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Stepan Koltsov */ package scala.tools.nsc package interpreter import java.io.IOException import session.History import InteractiveReader._ import Properties.isMac /** Reads lines from an input stream */ trait InteractiveReader { val interactive: Boolean def reset(): Unit def history: History def completion: Completion def redrawLine(): Unit def readYesOrNo(prompt: String, alt: => Boolean): Boolean = readOneKey(prompt) match { case 'y' => true case 'n' => false case _ => alt } protected def readOneLine(prompt: String): String protected def readOneKey(prompt: String): Int def readLine(prompt: String): String = // hack necessary for OSX jvm suspension because read calls are not restarted after SIGTSTP if (isMac) restartSysCalls(readOneLine(prompt), reset()) else readOneLine(prompt) } object InteractiveReader { val msgEINTR = "Interrupted system call" def restartSysCalls[R](body: => R, reset: => Unit): R = try body catch { case e: IOException if e.getMessage == msgEINTR => reset ; body } def apply(): InteractiveReader = SimpleReader() @deprecated("Use `apply` instead.", "2.9.0") def createDefault(): InteractiveReader = apply() // used by sbt } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala InteractiveReader.scala source code file: |
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