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Scala example source code file (JavapClass.scala)

This example Scala source code file (JavapClass.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

boolean, collection, compiler, generics, io, list, none, option, reflection, scalaclassloader, seq, showable, some, string, try, utilities

The JavapClass.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author Paul Phillips

package scala
package tools.nsc
package interpreter

import java.lang.{ ClassLoader => JavaClassLoader, Iterable => JIterable }
import{ ByteArrayInputStream, CharArrayWriter, FileNotFoundException, PrintWriter, Writer }
import java.util.{ Locale }
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue
import{ Diagnostic, DiagnosticCollector, DiagnosticListener,
                     ForwardingJavaFileManager, JavaFileManager, JavaFileObject,
                     SimpleJavaFileObject, StandardLocation }
import{ AbstractFile, Directory, File, Path }
import scala.util.{ Try, Success, Failure }
import scala.util.Properties.lineSeparator
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import scala.collection.JavaConverters
import scala.collection.generic.Clearable
import scala.language.reflectiveCalls
import Javap._

class JavapClass(
  val loader: ScalaClassLoader,
  val printWriter: PrintWriter,
  intp: Option[IMain] = None
) extends {
  import JavapTool.ToolArgs
  import JavapClass._

  lazy val tool = JavapTool()

  /** Run the tool. Option args start with "-".
   *  The default options are "-protected -verbose".
   *  Byte data for filename args is retrieved with findBytes.
  def apply(args: Seq[String]): List[JpResult] = {
    val (options, claases) = args partition (s => (s startsWith "-") && s.length > 1)
    val (flags, upgraded) = upgrade(options)
    import flags.{ app, fun, help, raw }
    val targets = if (fun && !help) FunFinder(loader, intp).funs(claases) else claases
    if (help || claases.isEmpty)
    else if (targets.isEmpty)
      List(JpResult("No anonfuns found."))
      tool(raw, upgraded)(targets map (claas => targeted(claas, app)))

  /** Cull our tool options. */
  private def upgrade(options: Seq[String]): (ToolArgs, Seq[String]) =
    ToolArgs fromArgs options match {
      case (t, s) if s.nonEmpty => (t, s)
      case (t, s)               => (t, JavapTool.DefaultOptions)

  /** Associate the requested path with a possibly failed or empty array of bytes. */
  private def targeted(path: String, app: Boolean): (String, Try[Array[Byte]]) =
    bytesFor(path, app) match {
      case Success((target, bytes)) => (target, Try(bytes))
      case f: Failure[_]            => (path,   Failure(f.exception))

  /** Find bytes. Handle "-", "-app", "Foo#bar" (by ignoring member), "#bar" (by taking "bar"). */
  private def bytesFor(path: String, app: Boolean) = Try {
    def last = intp.get.mostRecentVar  // fail if no intp
    def req = path match {
      case "-" => last
      case HashSplit(prefix, member) =>
        if (prefix != null) prefix
        else if (member != null) member
        else "#"
    val targetedBytes = if (app) findAppBody(req) else (req, findBytes(req))
    if (targetedBytes._2.isEmpty) throw new FileNotFoundException(s"Could not find class bytes for '$path'")

  private def findAppBody(path: String): (String, Array[Byte]) = {
    // is this new style delayedEndpoint? then find it.
    // the name test is naive. could add $mangled path.
    // assumes only the first match is of interest (because only one endpoint is generated).
    def findNewStyle(bytes: Array[Byte]) = {
      import PartialFunction.cond
      import JavaConverters._
      val rdr = new ClassReader(bytes)
      val nod = new ClassNode
      rdr.accept(nod, 0)
      val endpoint = "delayedEndpoint".r.unanchored
      def isEndPoint(s: String) = (s contains '$') && cond(s) { case endpoint() => true }
      nod.methods.asScala collectFirst { case m if isEndPoint( => }
    // try new style, and add foo#delayedEndpoint$bar$1 to filter on the endpoint
    def asNewStyle(bytes: Array[Byte]) = Some(bytes) filter (_.nonEmpty) flatMap { bs =>
      findNewStyle(bs) map (n => (s"$path#$n", bs))
    // use old style, and add foo# to filter on apply method
    def asOldStyle = {
      def asAppBody(s: String) = {
        val (cls, fix) = s.splitSuffix
      val oldStyle = asAppBody(path)
      val oldBytes = findBytes(oldStyle)
      if (oldBytes.nonEmpty) (s"$oldStyle#", oldBytes)
      else (path, oldBytes)

    val pathBytes = findBytes(path)
    asNewStyle(pathBytes) getOrElse asOldStyle

  def findBytes(path: String): Array[Byte] = tryFile(path) getOrElse tryClass(path)

  /** Assume the string is a path and try to find the classfile
   *  it represents.
  def tryFile(path: String): Option[Array[Byte]] =
    (Try (File(path.asClassResource)) filter (_.exists) map (_.toByteArray())).toOption

  /** Assume the string is a fully qualified class name and try to
   *  find the class object it represents.
   *  There are other symbols of interest, too:
   *  - a definition that is wrapped in an enclosing class
   *  - a synthetic that is not in scope but its associated class is
  def tryClass(path: String): Array[Byte] = {
    def load(name: String) = loader classBytes name
    def loadable(name: String) = loader resourceable name
    // if path has an interior dollar, take it as a synthetic
    // if the prefix up to the dollar is a symbol in scope,
    // result is the translated prefix + suffix
    def desynthesize(s: String) = {
      val i = s indexOf '$'
      if (0 until s.length - 1 contains i) {
        val name = s substring (0, i)
        val sufx = s substring i
        val tran = intp flatMap (_ translatePath name)
        def loadableOrNone(strip: Boolean) = {
          def suffix(strip: Boolean)(x: String) =
            (if (strip && (x endsWith "$")) x.init else x) + sufx
          val res = tran map (suffix(strip) _)
          if (res.isDefined && loadable(res.get)) res else None
        // try loading translated+suffix
        val res = loadableOrNone(strip = false)
        // some synthetics lack a dollar, (e.g., suffix = delayedInit$body)
        // so as a hack, if prefix$$suffix fails, also try prefix$suffix
        if (res.isDefined) res else loadableOrNone(strip = true)
      } else None
    val p = path.asClassName   // scrub any suffix
    // if repl, translate the name to something replish
    // (for translate, would be nicer to get the sym and ask .isClass,
    // instead of translatePath and then asking did I get a class back)
    val q = if (intp.isEmpty) p else (
      // only simple names get the scope treatment
      Some(p) filter (_ contains '.')
      // take path as a Name in scope
      orElse (intp flatMap (_ translatePath p) filter loadable)
      // take path as a Name in scope and find its enclosing class
      orElse (intp flatMap (_ translateEnclosingClass p) filter loadable)
      // take path as a synthetic derived from some Name in scope
      orElse desynthesize(p)
      // just try it plain
      getOrElse p

  /** Base class for javap tool adapters for java 6 and 7. */
  abstract class JavapTool {
    type ByteAry = Array[Byte]
    type Input = Tuple2[String, Try[ByteAry]]

    /** Run the tool. */
    def apply(raw: Boolean, options: Seq[String])(inputs: Seq[Input]): List[JpResult]

    // Since the tool is loaded by reflection, check for catastrophic failure.
    protected def failed: Boolean
    implicit protected class Failer[A](a: =>A) {
      def orFailed[B >: A](b: =>B) = if (failed) b else a
    protected def noToolError = new JpError(s"No javap tool available: ${getClass.getName} failed to initialize.")

    // output filtering support
    val writer = new CharArrayWriter
    def written = {
      val w = writer.toString

    /** Create a Showable with output massage.
     *  @param raw show ugly repl names
     *  @param target attempt to filter output to show region of interest
     *  @param preamble other messages to output
    def showWithPreamble(raw: Boolean, target: String, preamble: String = ""): Showable = new Showable {
      // ReplStrippingWriter clips and scrubs on write(String)
      // circumvent it by write(mw, 0, mw.length) or wrap it in withoutUnwrapping
      def show() =
        if (raw && intp.isDefined) intp.get withoutUnwrapping { writeLines() }
        else writeLines()
      private def writeLines() {
        // take Foo# as Foo#apply for purposes of filtering. Useful for -fun Foo#;
        // if apply is added here, it's for other than -fun: javap Foo#, perhaps m#?
        val filterOn = target.splitHashMember._2 map { s => if (s.isEmpty) "apply" else s }
        var filtering = false   // true if in region matching filter
        // true to output
        def checkFilter(line: String) = if (filterOn.isEmpty) true else {
          // cheap heuristic, todo maybe parse for the java sig.
          // method sigs end in paren semi
          def isAnyMethod = line.endsWith(");")
          def isOurMethod = {
            val lparen = line.lastIndexOf('(')
            val blank = line.lastIndexOf(' ', lparen)
            (blank >= 0 && line.substring(blank+1, lparen) == filterOn.get)
          filtering = if (filtering) {
            // next blank line terminates section
            // for -public, next line is next method, more or less
            line.trim.nonEmpty && !isAnyMethod
          } else {
            isAnyMethod && isOurMethod
        for (line <- Source.fromString(preamble + written).getLines(); if checkFilter(line))
          printWriter write line+lineSeparator

  class JavapTool6 extends JavapTool {
    import JavapTool._
    val EnvClass     = loader.tryToInitializeClass[FakeEnvironment](Env).orNull
    val PrinterClass = loader.tryToInitializeClass[FakePrinter](Printer).orNull
    override protected def failed = (EnvClass eq null) || (PrinterClass eq null)

    val PrinterCtr = PrinterClass.getConstructor(classOf[InputStream], classOf[PrintWriter], EnvClass) orFailed null
    val printWrapper = new PrintWriter(writer)
    def newPrinter(in: InputStream, env: FakeEnvironment): FakePrinter =
      PrinterCtr.newInstance(in, printWrapper, env) orFailed null
    def showable(raw: Boolean, target: String, fp: FakePrinter): Showable = {
      fp.asInstanceOf[{ def print(): Unit }].print()      // run tool and flush to buffer
      printWrapper.flush()  // just in case
      showWithPreamble(raw, target)

    lazy val parser = new JpOptions
    def newEnv(opts: Seq[String]): FakeEnvironment = {
      def result = {
        val env: FakeEnvironment = EnvClass.newInstance()
        parser(opts) foreach { case (name, value) =>
          val field = EnvClass getDeclaredField name
          field setAccessible true
          field.set(env, value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef])
      result orFailed null

    override def apply(raw: Boolean, options: Seq[String])(inputs: Seq[Input]): List[JpResult] =
      (inputs map {
        case (claas, Success(ba)) => JpResult(showable(raw, claas, newPrinter(new ByteArrayInputStream(ba), newEnv(options))))
        case (_, Failure(e))      => JpResult(e.toString)
      }).toList orFailed List(noToolError)

  class JavapTool7 extends JavapTool {
    type Task = {
      def call(): Boolean                             // true = ok
      //def run(args: Array[String]): Int             // all args
      //def handleOptions(args: Array[String]): Unit  // options, then run() or call()
    // result of
    //object TaskResult extends Enumeration {
    //  val Ok, Error, CmdErr, SysErr, Abnormal = Value
    val TaskClaas = loader.tryToInitializeClass[Task](JavapTool.Tool).orNull
    override protected def failed = TaskClaas eq null

    val TaskCtor  = TaskClaas.getConstructor(
    ) orFailed null

    class JavaReporter extends DiagnosticListener[JavaFileObject] with Clearable {
      import scala.collection.mutable.{ ArrayBuffer, SynchronizedBuffer }
      type D = Diagnostic[_ <: JavaFileObject]
      val diagnostics = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue[D]
      override def report(d: Diagnostic[_ <: JavaFileObject]) {
        diagnostics add d
      override def clear() = diagnostics.clear()
      /** All diagnostic messages.
       *  @param locale Locale for diagnostic messages, null by default.
      def messages(implicit locale: Locale = null) = {
        import JavaConverters._ getMessage locale).toList

      def reportable(raw: Boolean): String = {
        // don't filter this message if raw, since the names are likely to differ
        val container = "Binary file .* contains .*".r
        val m = if (raw) messages
                else messages filter (_ match { case container() => false case _ => true })
        if (m.nonEmpty) m mkString ("", lineSeparator, lineSeparator)
        else ""
    val reporter = new JavaReporter

    // DisassemblerTool.getStandardFileManager(reporter,locale,charset)
    val defaultFileManager: JavaFileManager =
      (loader.tryToLoadClass[JavaFileManager]("").get getMethod (
      ) invoke (null, reporter, new PrintWriter(System.err, true))).asInstanceOf[JavaFileManager] orFailed null

    // manages named arrays of bytes, which might have failed to load
    class JavapFileManager(val managed: Seq[Input])(delegate: JavaFileManager = defaultFileManager)
      extends ForwardingJavaFileManager[JavaFileManager](delegate) {
      import JavaFileObject.Kind
      import Kind._
      import StandardLocation._
      import JavaFileManager.Location
      def uri(name: String): URI = new URI(name) // new URI("jfo:" + name)

      def inputNamed(name: String): Try[ByteAry] = (managed find (_._1 == name)).get._2
      def managedFile(name: String, kind: Kind) = kind match {
        case CLASS  => fileObjectForInput(name, inputNamed(name), kind)
        case _      => null
      // todo: just wrap it as scala abstractfile and adapt it uniformly
      def fileObjectForInput(name: String, bytes: Try[ByteAry], kind: Kind): JavaFileObject =
        new SimpleJavaFileObject(uri(name), kind) {
          override def openInputStream(): InputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes.get)
          // if non-null, ClassWriter wrongly requires scheme non-null
          override def toUri: URI = null
          override def getName: String = name
          // suppress
          override def getLastModified: Long = -1L
      override def getJavaFileForInput(location: Location, className: String, kind: Kind): JavaFileObject =
        location match {
          case CLASS_PATH => managedFile(className, kind)
          case _          => null
      override def hasLocation(location: Location): Boolean =
        location match {
          case CLASS_PATH => true
          case _          => false
    def fileManager(inputs: Seq[Input]) = new JavapFileManager(inputs)()

    // show tool messages and tool output, with output massage
    def showable(raw: Boolean, target: String): Showable = showWithPreamble(raw, target, reporter.reportable(raw))

    // eventually, use the tool interface
    def task(options: Seq[String], claases: Seq[String], inputs: Seq[Input]): Task = {
      //getTask(writer, fileManager, reporter, options.asJava, claases.asJava)
      import JavaConverters.asJavaIterableConverter
      TaskCtor.newInstance(writer, fileManager(inputs), reporter, options.asJava, claases.asJava)
        .orFailed (throw new IllegalStateException)
    // a result per input
    private def applyOne(raw: Boolean, options: Seq[String], claas: String, inputs: Seq[Input]): Try[JpResult] =
      Try {
        task(options, Seq(claas), inputs).call()
      } map {
        case true => JpResult(showable(raw, claas))
        case _    => JpResult(reporter.reportable(raw))
      } recoverWith {
        case e: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException => e.getCause match {
          case t: IllegalArgumentException => Success(JpResult(t.getMessage)) // bad option
          case x => Failure(x)
      } lastly {
    override def apply(raw: Boolean, options: Seq[String])(inputs: Seq[Input]): List[JpResult] = (inputs map {
      case (claas, Success(_))  => applyOne(raw, options, claas, inputs).get
      case (_, Failure(e))      => JpResult(e.toString)
    }).toList orFailed List(noToolError)

  object JavapTool {
    // >= 1.7
    val Tool    = ""

    // < 1.7
    val Env     = ""
    val Printer = ""
    // "documentation"
    type FakeEnvironment = AnyRef
    type FakePrinter = AnyRef

    // support JavapEnvironment
    class JpOptions {
      private object Access {
        final val PRIVATE = 0
        final val PROTECTED = 1
        final val PACKAGE = 2
        final val PUBLIC = 3
      private val envActionMap: Map[String, (String, Any)] = {
        val map = Map(
          "-l"         -> (("showLineAndLocal", true)),
          "-c"         -> (("showDisassembled", true)),
          "-s"         -> (("showInternalSigs", true)),
          "-verbose"   -> (("showVerbose", true)),
          "-private"   -> (("showAccess", Access.PRIVATE)),
          "-package"   -> (("showAccess", Access.PACKAGE)),
          "-protected" -> (("showAccess", Access.PROTECTED)),
          "-public"    -> (("showAccess", Access.PUBLIC)),
          "-all"       -> (("showallAttr", true))
        map ++ List(
          "-v" -> map("-verbose"),
          "-p" -> map("-private")
      def apply(opts: Seq[String]): Seq[(String, Any)] = {
        opts flatMap { opt =>
          envActionMap get opt match {
            case Some(pair) => List(pair)
            case _          =>
              val charOpts = opt.tail.toSeq map ("-" + _)
              if (charOpts forall (envActionMap contains _))
                charOpts map envActionMap
              else Nil

    case class ToolArgs(raw: Boolean = false, help: Boolean = false, app: Boolean = false, fun: Boolean = false)

    object ToolArgs {
      def fromArgs(args: Seq[String]): (ToolArgs, Seq[String]) = ((ToolArgs(), Seq[String]()) /: (args flatMap massage)) {
        case ((t,others), s) => s match {
          case "-fun"   => (t copy (fun=true), others)
          case "-app"   => (t copy (app=true), others)
          case "-help"  => (t copy (help=true), others)
          case "-raw"   => (t copy (raw=true), others)
          case _        => (t, others :+ s)

    val helps = List(
      "usage"       -> ":javap [opts] [path or class or -]...",
      "-help"       -> "Prints this help message",
      "-raw"        -> "Don't unmangle REPL names",
      "-app"        -> "Show the DelayedInit body of Apps",
      "-fun"        -> "Show anonfuns for class or Class#method",
      "-verbose/-v" -> "Stack size, number of locals, method args",
      "-private/-p" -> "Private classes and members",
      "-package"    -> "Package-private classes and members",
      "-protected"  -> "Protected classes and members",
      "-public"     -> "Public classes and members",
      "-l"          -> "Line and local variable tables",
      "-c"          -> "Disassembled code",
      "-s"          -> "Internal type signatures",
      "-sysinfo"    -> "System info of class",
      "-constants"  -> "Static final constants"

    // match prefixes and unpack opts, or -help on failure
    def massage(arg: String): Seq[String] = {
      require(arg startsWith "-")
      // arg matches opt "-foo/-f" if prefix of -foo or exactly -f
      val r = """(-[^/]*)(/(-.))?""".r
      def maybe(opt: String, s: String): Option[String] = opt match {
        // disambiguate by preferring short form
        case r(lf,_,sf) if s == sf          => Some(sf)
        case r(lf,_,sf) if lf startsWith s  => Some(lf)
        case _ => None
      def candidates(s: String) = (helps map (h => maybe(h._1, s))).flatten
      // one candidate or one single-char candidate
      def uniqueOf(maybes: Seq[String]) = {
        def single(s: String) = s.length == 2
        if (maybes.length == 1) maybes
        else if ((maybes count single) == 1) maybes filter single
        else Nil
      // each optchar must decode to exactly one option
      def unpacked(s: String): Try[Seq[String]] = {
        val ones = (s drop 1) map { c =>
          val maybes = uniqueOf(candidates(s"-$c"))
          if (maybes.length == 1) Some(maybes.head) else None
        Try(ones) filter (_ forall (_.isDefined)) map (_.flatten)
      val res = uniqueOf(candidates(arg))
      if (res.nonEmpty) res
      else (unpacked(arg)
        getOrElse (Seq("-help"))) // or else someone needs help

    def helper(pw: PrintWriter) = new Showable {
      def show() = helps foreach (p => pw write "%-12.12s%s%n".format(p._1,p._2))

    val DefaultOptions = List("-protected", "-verbose")

    def isAvailable = Seq(Env, Tool) exists (cn => hasClass(loader, cn))

    private def hasClass(cl: ScalaClassLoader, cn: String) = cl.tryToInitializeClass[AnyRef](cn).isDefined

    private def isTaskable(cl: ScalaClassLoader) = hasClass(cl, Tool)

    def apply() = if (isTaskable(loader)) new JavapTool7 else new JavapTool6

object JavapClass {
  def apply(
    loader: ScalaClassLoader = ScalaClassLoader.appLoader,
    printWriter: PrintWriter = new PrintWriter(System.out, true),
    intp: Option[IMain] = None
  ) = new JavapClass(loader, printWriter, intp)

  val HashSplit = "(.*?)(?:#([^#]*))?".r
  // We enjoy flexibility in specifying either a fully-qualified class name com.acme.Widget
  // or a resource path com/acme/Widget.class; but not widget.out
  implicit class MaybeClassLike(val s: String) extends AnyVal {
    /* private[this] final val suffix = ".class" */
    private def suffix = ".class"
    def asClassName = (s stripSuffix suffix).replace('/', '.')
    def asClassResource = if (s endsWith suffix) s else s.replace('.', '/') + suffix
    def splitSuffix: (String, String) = if (s endsWith suffix) (s dropRight suffix.length, suffix) else (s, "")
    def strippingSuffix(f: String => String): String =
      if (s endsWith suffix) f(s dropRight suffix.length) else s
    // e.g. Foo#bar. Foo# yields zero-length member part.
    def splitHashMember: (String, Option[String]) = {
      val i = s lastIndexOf '#'
      if (i < 0) (s, None)
      //else if (i >= s.length - 1) (s.init, None)
      else (s take i, Some(s drop i+1))
  implicit class ClassLoaderOps(val cl: ClassLoader) extends AnyVal {
    private def parentsOf(x: ClassLoader): List[ClassLoader] = if (x == null) Nil else x :: parentsOf(x.getParent)
    def parents: List[ClassLoader] = parentsOf(cl)
    /* all file locations */
    def locations = {
      def alldirs = parents flatMap (_ match {
        case ucl: ScalaClassLoader.URLClassLoader => ucl.classPathURLs
        case jcl:         => jcl.getURLs
        case _ => Nil
      val dirs = for (d <- alldirs; if d.getProtocol == "file") yield Path(new JFile(d.toURI))
    /* only the file location from which the given class is loaded */
    def locate(k: String): Option[Path] = {
      Try {
        val claas = try cl loadClass k catch {
          case _: NoClassDefFoundError => null    // let it snow
        // cf ScalaClassLoader.originOfClass
      } match {
        case Success(null)              => None
        case Success(loc) if loc.isFile => Some(Path(new JFile(loc.toURI)))
        case _                          => None
    /* would classBytes succeed with a nonempty array */
    def resourceable(className: String): Boolean = cl.getResource(className.asClassResource) != null
  implicit class PathOps(val p: Path) extends AnyVal {
    def isJar = Jar isJarOrZip p
  implicit class URLOps(val url: URL) extends AnyVal {
    def isFile: Boolean = url.getProtocol == "file"
  object FunFinder {
    def apply(loader: ScalaClassLoader, intp: Option[IMain]) = new FunFinder(loader, intp)
  class FunFinder(loader: ScalaClassLoader, intp: Option[IMain]) {

    // class k, candidate f without prefix
    def isFunOfClass(k: String, f: String) = {
      val p = (s"${Regex quote k}\\$$+anonfun").r
      (p findPrefixOf f).nonEmpty
    // class k, candidate f without prefix, method m
    def isFunOfMethod(k: String, m: String, f: String) = {
      val p = (s"${Regex quote k}\\$$+anonfun\\$$${Regex quote m}\\$$").r
      (p findPrefixOf f).nonEmpty
    def isFunOfTarget(k: String, m: Option[String], f: String) =
      if (m.isEmpty) isFunOfClass(k, f)
      else isFunOfMethod(k, m.get, f)
    def listFunsInAbsFile(k: String, m: Option[String], d: AbstractFile) = {
      for (f <- d; if !f.isDirectory && isFunOfTarget(k, m, yield
    // path prefix p, class k, dir d
    def listFunsInDir(p: String, k: String, m: Option[String])(d: Directory) = {
      val subdir  = Path(p)
      for (f <- (d / subdir).toDirectory.list; if f.isFile && isFunOfTarget(k, m,
    // path prefix p, class k, jar file f
    def listFunsInJar(p: String, k: String, m: Option[String])(f: File) = {
      import java.util.jar.JarEntry
      def maybe(e: JarEntry) = {
        val (path, name) = {
          val parts = e.getName split "/"
          if (parts.length < 2) ("", e.getName)
          else (parts.init mkString "/", parts.last)
        if (path == p && isFunOfTarget(k, m, name)) Some(name) else None
      (new Jar(f) map maybe).flatten
    def loadable(name: String) = loader resourceable name
    // translated class, optional member, opt member to filter on, whether it is repl output
    def translate(s: String): (String, Option[String], Option[String], Boolean) = {
      val (k0, m0) = s.splitHashMember
      val k = k0.asClassName
      val member = m0 filter (_.nonEmpty)  // take Foo# as no member, not ""
      val filter = m0 flatMap { case "" => Some("apply") case _ => None }   // take Foo# as filter on apply
      // class is either something replish or available to loader
      // $line.$read$$etc$Foo#member
      ((intp flatMap (_ translatePath k) filter (loadable) map ((_, member, filter, true)))
      // s = "f" and $line.$read$$etc$#f is what we're after,
      // ignoring any #member (except take # as filter on #apply)
      orElse (intp flatMap (_ translateEnclosingClass k) map ((_, Some(k), filter, true)))
      getOrElse ((k, member, filter, false)))
    /** Find the classnames of anonfuns associated with k,
     *  where k may be an available class or a symbol in scope.
    def funsOf(k0: String): Seq[String] = {
      // class is either something replish or available to loader
      val (k, member, filter, isReplish) = translate(k0)
      val splat   = k split "\\."
      val name    = splat.last
      val prefix  = if (splat.length > 1) splat.init mkString "/" else ""
      val pkg     = if (splat.length > 1) splat.init mkString "." else ""
      // reconstitute an anonfun with a package
      // if filtered, add the hash back, e.g. pkg.Foo#bar, pkg.Foo$anon$1#apply
      def packaged(s: String) = {
        val p = if (pkg.isEmpty) s else s"$pkg.$s"
        val pm = filter map (p + "#" + _)
        pm getOrElse p
      // is this translated path in (usually virtual) repl outdir? or loadable from filesystem?
      val fs = if (isReplish) {
        def outed(d: AbstractFile, p: Seq[String]): Option[AbstractFile] = {
          if (p.isEmpty) Option(d)
          else Option(d.lookupName(p.head, directory = true)) flatMap (f => outed(f, p.tail))
        outed(intp.get.replOutput.dir, splat.init) map { d =>
          listFunsInAbsFile(name, member, d) map packaged
      } else {
        loader locate k map { w =>
          if (w.isDirectory) listFunsInDir(prefix, name, member)(w.toDirectory) map packaged
          else if (w.isJar) listFunsInJar(prefix, name, member)(w.toFile) map packaged
          else Nil
      fs match {
        case Some(xs) =>[Seq]     // maybe empty
        case None     => Seq()          // nothing found, e.g., junk input
    def funs(ks: Seq[String]) = ks flatMap funsOf _

object Javap {
  def isAvailable(cl: ScalaClassLoader = ScalaClassLoader.appLoader) = JavapClass(cl).JavapTool.isAvailable

  def apply(path: String): Unit      = apply(Seq(path))
  def apply(args: Seq[String]): Unit = JavapClass() apply args foreach (

  trait Showable {
    def show(): Unit

  sealed trait JpResult extends {
    type ResultType
    def isError: Boolean
    def value: ResultType
    def show(): Unit
    // todo
    // def header(): String
    // def fields(): List[String]
    // def methods(): List[String]
    // def signatures(): List[String]
  object JpResult {
    def apply(msg: String)    = new JpError(msg)
    def apply(res: Showable)  = new JpSuccess(res)
  class JpError(msg: String) extends JpResult {
    type ResultType = String
    def isError = true
    def value = msg
    def show() = println(msg)   // makes sense for :javap, less for -Ygen-javap
  class JpSuccess(val value: Showable) extends JpResult {
    type ResultType = AnyRef
    def isError = false
    def show() =   // output to tool's PrintWriter
  implicit class Lastly[A](val t: Try[A]) extends AnyVal {
    private def effect[X](last: =>Unit)(a: X): Try[A] = { last; t }
    def lastly(last: =>Unit): Try[A] = t transform (effect(last) _, effect(last) _)

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala JavapClass.scala source code file:

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