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Scala example source code file (Power.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Power.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

classtag, collection, compiler, internalinfo, list, nsc, ordering, prettifier, reflection, runtime, string, symbol, t, traversableonce, unit, utilities

The Power.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Paul Phillips

package interpreter

import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import{ URL, MalformedURLException }
import io.{ Path }
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}
import scala.reflect.{ClassTag, classTag}

/** Collecting some power mode examples.

scala> trait F[@specialized(Int) T] { def f: T = ??? }
defined trait F

scala> trait G[@specialized(Long, Int) T] extends F[T] { override def f: T = super.f }
defined trait G

scala> changesAfterEachPhase(intp("G").info.members filter ( contains "super")) >
Gained after  1/parser {
  method super$f

Gained after 12/specialize {
  method super$f$mcJ$sp
  method super$f$mcI$sp

Lost after 18/flatten {
  method super$f$mcJ$sp
  method super$f$mcI$sp
  method super$f

/** A class for methods to be injected into the intp in power mode.
class Power[ReplValsImpl <: ReplVals : ru.TypeTag: ClassTag](val intp: IMain, replVals: ReplValsImpl) {
  import intp.{ beQuietDuring, typeOfExpression, interpret, parse }
  import definitions.{ compilerTypeFromTag, compilerSymbolFromTag}

  abstract class SymSlurper {
    def isKeep(sym: Symbol): Boolean
    def isIgnore(sym: Symbol): Boolean
    def isRecur(sym: Symbol): Boolean
    def isFinished(): Boolean

    val keep = mutable.HashSet[Symbol]()
    val seen = mutable.HashSet[Symbol]()
    def processed = keep.size + seen.size
    def discarded = seen.size - keep.size

    def members(x: Symbol): List[Symbol] =
      if (x.rawInfo.isComplete)
      else Nil

    var lastCount = -1
    var pass = 0
    val unseenHistory = new mutable.ListBuffer[Int]

    def loop(todo: Set[Symbol]): Set[Symbol] = {
      pass += 1
      val (repeats, unseen) = todo partition seen
      unseenHistory += unseen.size
      if (settings.verbose) {
        println("%3d  %s accumulated, %s discarded.  This pass: %s unseen, %s repeats".format(
          pass, keep.size, discarded, unseen.size, repeats.size))
      if (lastCount == processed || unseen.isEmpty || isFinished())
        return keep.toSet

      lastCount = processed
      keep ++= (unseen filter isKeep filterNot isIgnore)
      seen ++= unseen
      loop(unseen filter isRecur flatMap members)

    def apply(sym: Symbol): Set[Symbol] = {

  class PackageSlurper(packageClass: Symbol) extends SymSlurper {
    /** Looking for dwindling returns */
    def droppedEnough() = unseenHistory.size >= 4 && {
      unseenHistory takeRight 4 sliding 2 forall { it =>
        val List(a, b) = it.toList
        a > b

    def isRecur(sym: Symbol)  = true
    def isIgnore(sym: Symbol) = sym.isAnonOrRefinementClass || ( contains "$mc")
    def isKeep(sym: Symbol)   = sym.hasTransOwner(packageClass)
    def isFinished()          = droppedEnough()
    def slurp()               = {
      if (packageClass.isPackageClass)
      else {
        repldbg("Not a package class! " + packageClass)

  private def customBanner = replProps.powerBanner.option flatMap (f => io.File(f).safeSlurp())
  private def customInit   = replProps.powerInitCode.option flatMap (f => io.File(f).safeSlurp())

  def banner = customBanner getOrElse """
    |** Power User mode enabled - BEEP WHIR GYVE **
    |** :phase has been set to 'typer'.          **
    |** has been imported      **
    |** global._, definitions._ also imported    **
    |** Try  :help, :vals, power.<tab>           **

  private def initImports = List(
    "{ error => _, _ }",
    "definitions.{ getClass => _, _ }",

  def init = customInit match {
    case Some(x)  => x
    case _        => initImports.mkString("import ", ", ", "")

  /** Starts up power mode and runs whatever is in init.
  def unleash(): Unit = beQuietDuring {
    // First we create the ReplVals instance and bind it to $r
    intp.bind("$r", replVals)
    // Then we import everything from $r.
    intp interpret ("import " + intp.originalPath("$r") + "._")
    // And whatever else there is to do.
    init.lines foreach (intp interpret _)

  trait LowPriorityInternalInfo {
    implicit def apply[T: ru.TypeTag : ClassTag] : InternalInfo[T] = new InternalInfo[T](None)
  object InternalInfo extends LowPriorityInternalInfo { }

  /** Now dealing with the problem of acidentally calling a method on Type
   *  when you're holding a Symbol and seeing the Symbol converted to the
   *  type of Symbol rather than the type of the thing represented by the
   *  symbol, by only implicitly installing one method, "?", and the rest
   *  of the conveniences exist on that wrapper.
  trait LowPriorityInternalInfoWrapper { }
  class InternalInfoWrapper[T: ru.TypeTag : ClassTag](value: Option[T] = None) {
    def ? : InternalInfo[T] = new InternalInfo[T](value)

  /** Todos...
   *    translate tag type arguments into applied types
   *    customizable symbol filter (had to hardcode no-spec to reduce noise)
  class InternalInfo[T](value: Option[T] = None)(implicit typeEvidence: ru.TypeTag[T], runtimeClassEvidence: ClassTag[T]) {
    private def isSpecialized(s: Symbol) = contains "$mc"
    private def isImplClass(s: Symbol)   = endsWith "$class"

    /** Standard noise reduction filter. */
    def excludeMember(s: Symbol) = (
      || isImplClass(s)
      || s.isAnonOrRefinementClass
      || s.isAnonymousFunction
    def symbol            = compilerSymbolFromTag(tag)
    def tpe               = compilerTypeFromTag(tag)
    def members           = membersUnabridged filterNot excludeMember
    def membersUnabridged = tpe.members.toList
    def pkg               = symbol.enclosingPackage
    def tag               = typeEvidence
    def runtimeClass      = runtimeClassEvidence.runtimeClass
    def shortClass        = runtimeClass.getName split "[$.]" last
    def baseClasses       = tpe.baseClasses

    override def toString = value match {
      case Some(x)  => "%s (%s)".format(x, shortClass)
      case _        => runtimeClass.getName

  trait LowPriorityPrettifier {
    implicit object AnyPrettifier extends Prettifier[Any] {
      def show(x: Any): Unit = prettify(x) foreach println
      def prettify(x: Any): TraversableOnce[String] = x match {
        case x: Name                => List(x.decode)
        case Tuple2(k, v)           => List(prettify(k).toIterator ++ Iterator("->") ++ prettify(v) mkString " ")
        case xs: Array[_]           => xs.iterator flatMap prettify
        case xs: TraversableOnce[_] => xs flatMap prettify
        case x                      => List(Prettifier.stringOf(x))
  object StringPrettifier extends Prettifier[String] {
    def show(x: String) = println(x)
    def prettify(x: String) = List(Prettifier stringOf x)
  object Prettifier extends LowPriorityPrettifier {
    def stringOf(x: Any): String = scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime.stringOf(x)
    def default[T] = new Prettifier[T] {
      def prettify(x: T): TraversableOnce[String] = AnyPrettifier prettify x
      def show(x: T): Unit = AnyPrettifier show x
  trait Prettifier[T] {
    def show(x: T): Unit
    def prettify(x: T): TraversableOnce[String]

    def prettify(xs: TraversableOnce[T]): TraversableOnce[String] = xs flatMap (x => prettify(x))

  abstract class PrettifierClass[T: Prettifier]() {
    val pretty = implicitly[Prettifier[T]]
    def value: Seq[T]

    def pp(f: Seq[T] => Seq[T]): Unit =
      pretty prettify f(value) foreach (StringPrettifier show _)

    def freq[U](p: T => U) = (value.toSeq groupBy p mapValues (_.size)).toList sortBy (-_._2) map (_.swap)

    def >>(implicit ord: Ordering[T]): Unit      = pp(_.sorted)
    def >!(): Unit                               = pp(_.distinct)
    def >(): Unit                                = pp(identity)

  class MultiPrettifierClass[T: Prettifier](val value: Seq[T]) extends PrettifierClass[T]() { }
  class SinglePrettifierClass[T: Prettifier](single: T) extends PrettifierClass[T]() {
    val value = List(single)

  class RichReplString(s: String) {
    // make an url out of the string
    def u: URL = (
      if (s contains ":") new URL(s)
      else if (new JFile(s) exists) new JFile(s).toURI.toURL
      else new URL("http://" + s)
  class RichInputStream(in: InputStream)(implicit codec: Codec) {
    def bytes(): Array[Byte]  = io.Streamable.bytes(in)
    def slurp(): String       = io.Streamable.slurp(in)
    def <<(): String          = slurp()
  class RichReplURL(url: URL)(implicit codec: Codec) {
    def slurp(): String = io.Streamable.slurp(url)

  trait Implicits1 {
    // fallback
    implicit def replPrinting[T](x: T)(implicit pretty: Prettifier[T] = Prettifier.default[T]) =
      new SinglePrettifierClass[T](x)
  trait Implicits2 extends Implicits1 {
    class RichSymbol(sym: Symbol) {
      // convenient type application
      def apply(targs: Type*): Type = typeRef(NoPrefix, sym, targs.toList)
    object symbolSubtypeOrdering extends Ordering[Symbol] {
      def compare(s1: Symbol, s2: Symbol) =
        if (s1 eq s2) 0
        else if (s1 isLess s2) -1
        else 1
    implicit lazy val powerSymbolOrdering: Ordering[Symbol] = Ordering[Name] on (
    implicit lazy val powerTypeOrdering: Ordering[Type]     = Ordering[Symbol] on (_.typeSymbol)

    implicit def replInternalInfo[T: ru.TypeTag : ClassTag](x: T): InternalInfoWrapper[T] = new InternalInfoWrapper[T](Some(x))
    implicit def replEnhancedStrings(s: String): RichReplString = new RichReplString(s)
    implicit def replMultiPrinting[T: Prettifier](xs: TraversableOnce[T]): MultiPrettifierClass[T] =
      new MultiPrettifierClass[T](xs.toSeq)
    implicit def replPrettifier[T] : Prettifier[T] = Prettifier.default[T]
    implicit def replTypeApplication(sym: Symbol): RichSymbol = new RichSymbol(sym)

    implicit def replInputStream(in: InputStream)(implicit codec: Codec) = new RichInputStream(in)
    implicit def replEnhancedURLs(url: URL)(implicit codec: Codec): RichReplURL = new RichReplURL(url)(codec)

  trait ReplUtilities {
    def module[T: ru.TypeTag] = ru.typeOf[T].typeSymbol.suchThat(_.isPackage)
    def clazz[T: ru.TypeTag] = ru.typeOf[T].typeSymbol.suchThat(_.isClass)
    def info[T: ru.TypeTag : ClassTag] = InternalInfo[T]
    def ?[T: ru.TypeTag : ClassTag] = InternalInfo[T]
    def sanitize(s: String): String = sanitize(s.getBytes())
    def sanitize(s: Array[Byte]): String = (s map {
      case x if x.toChar.isControl  => '?'
      case x                        => x.toChar

    def strings(s: Seq[Byte]): List[String] = {
      if (s.length == 0) Nil
      else s dropWhile (_.toChar.isControl) span (x => !x.toChar.isControl) match {
        case (next, rest) => :: strings(rest)

  lazy val rutil: ReplUtilities = new ReplUtilities { }
  lazy val phased: Phased       = new { val global: = } with Phased { }

  def unit(code: String)    = newCompilationUnit(code)
  def trees(code: String)   = parse(code) match { case parse.Success(trees) => trees; case _ => Nil }

  override def toString = s"""
    |** Power mode status **
    |Default phase: ${phased.get}
    |Names: ${intp.unqualifiedIds mkString " "}

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Power.scala source code file:

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