Scala example source code file (RichClass.scala)
The RichClass.scala Scala example source code/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Paul Phillips */ package scala.tools.nsc package interpreter import scala.reflect.{ ClassTag, classTag } class RichClass[T](val clazz: Class[T]) { def toTag: ClassTag[T] = ClassTag[T](clazz) // Sadly isAnonymousClass does not return true for scala anonymous // classes because our naming scheme is not doing well against the // jvm's many assumptions. def isScalaAnonymous = ( try clazz.isAnonymousClass || (clazz.getName contains "$anon$") catch { case _: java.lang.InternalError => false } // good ol' "Malformed class name" ) def supertags: List[ClassTag[_]] = supers map (_.toTag) def superNames: List[String] = supers map (_.getName) def interfaces: List[JClass] = supers filter (_.isInterface) def hasAncestorName(f: String => Boolean) = superNames exists f def hasAncestor(f: JClass => Boolean) = supers exists f def supers: List[JClass] = { def loop(x: JClass): List[JClass] = x.getSuperclass match { case null => List(x) case sc => x :: (x.getInterfaces.toList flatMap loop) ++ loop(sc) } loop(clazz).distinct } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala RichClass.scala source code file: |
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