Scala example source code file (package.scala)
The package.scala Scala example source code/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Paul Phillips */ package scala.tools.nsc import scala.language.implicitConversions import scala.reflect.{ classTag, ClassTag } import scala.reflect.runtime.{ universe => ru } import scala.reflect.{ClassTag, classTag} import scala.reflect.api.{Mirror, TypeCreator, Universe => ApiUniverse} import scala.util.control.Exception.catching /** The main REPL related classes and values are as follows. * In addition to standard compiler classes Global and Settings, there are: * * History: an interface for session history. * Completion: an interface for tab completion. * ILoop (formerly InterpreterLoop): The umbrella class for a session. * IMain (formerly Interpreter): Handles the evolving state of the session * and handles submitting code to the compiler and handling the output. * InteractiveReader: how ILoop obtains input. * History: an interface for session history. * Completion: an interface for tab completion. * Power: a repository for more advanced/experimental features. * * ILoop contains { in: InteractiveReader, intp: IMain, settings: Settings, power: Power } * InteractiveReader contains { history: History, completion: Completion } * IMain contains { global: Global } */ package object interpreter extends ReplConfig with ReplStrings { type JFile = java.io.File type JClass = java.lang.Class[_] type JList[T] = java.util.List[T] type JCollection[T] = java.util.Collection[T] type JPrintWriter = java.io.PrintWriter type InputStream = java.io.InputStream type OutputStream = java.io.OutputStream val IR = Results implicit def postfixOps = scala.language.postfixOps // make all postfix ops in this package compile without warning private[interpreter] implicit def javaCharSeqCollectionToScala(xs: JCollection[_ <: CharSequence]): List[String] = { import scala.collection.JavaConverters._ xs.asScala.toList map ("" + _) } private[nsc] implicit def enrichClass[T](clazz: Class[T]) = new RichClass[T](clazz) private[nsc] implicit def enrichAnyRefWithTap[T](x: T) = new TapMaker(x) private[nsc] def debugging[T](msg: String)(x: T) = x.tapDebug(msg) private val ourClassloader = getClass.getClassLoader def staticTypeTag[T: ClassTag]: ru.TypeTag[T] = ru.TypeTag[T]( ru.runtimeMirror(ourClassloader), new TypeCreator { def apply[U <: ApiUniverse with Singleton](m: Mirror[U]): U # Type = m.staticClass(classTag[T].runtimeClass.getName).toTypeConstructor.asInstanceOf[U # Type] }) /** This class serves to trick the compiler into treating a var * (intp, in ILoop) as a stable identifier. */ implicit class IMainOps(val intp: IMain) { import intp._ import global.{ reporter => _, _ } import definitions._ protected def echo(msg: String) = { Console.out println msg Console.out.flush() } def implicitsCommand(line: String): String = { def p(x: Any) = intp.reporter.printMessage("" + x) // If an argument is given, only show a source with that // in its name somewhere. val args = line split "\\s+" val filtered = intp.implicitSymbolsBySource filter { case (source, syms) => (args contains "-v") || { if (line == "") (source.fullName.toString != "scala.Predef") else (args exists (source.name.toString contains _)) } } if (filtered.isEmpty) return "No implicits have been imported other than those in Predef." filtered foreach { case (source, syms) => p("/* " + syms.size + " implicit members imported from " + source.fullName + " */") // This groups the members by where the symbol is defined val byOwner = syms groupBy (_.owner) val sortedOwners = byOwner.toList sortBy { case (owner, _) => exitingTyper(source.info.baseClasses indexOf owner) } sortedOwners foreach { case (owner, members) => // Within each owner, we cluster results based on the final result type // if there are more than a couple, and sort each cluster based on name. // This is really just trying to make the 100 or so implicits imported // by default into something readable. val memberGroups: List[List[Symbol]] = { val groups = members groupBy (_.tpe.finalResultType) toList val (big, small) = groups partition (_._2.size > 3) val xss = ( (big sortBy (_._1.toString) map (_._2)) :+ (small flatMap (_._2)) ) xss map (xs => xs sortBy (_.name.toString)) } val ownerMessage = if (owner == source) " defined in " else " inherited from " p(" /* " + members.size + ownerMessage + owner.fullName + " */") memberGroups foreach { group => group foreach (s => p(" " + intp.symbolDefString(s))) p("") } } p("") } "" } def kindCommandInternal(expr: String, verbose: Boolean): Unit = { val catcher = catching(classOf[MissingRequirementError], classOf[ScalaReflectionException]) def typeFromTypeString: Option[ClassSymbol] = catcher opt { exprTyper.typeOfTypeString(expr).typeSymbol.asClass } def typeFromNameTreatedAsTerm: Option[ClassSymbol] = catcher opt { val moduleClass = exprTyper.typeOfExpression(expr).typeSymbol moduleClass.linkedClassOfClass.asClass } def typeFromFullName: Option[ClassSymbol] = catcher opt { intp.global.rootMirror.staticClass(expr) } def typeOfTerm: Option[TypeSymbol] = replInfo(symbolOfLine(expr)).typeSymbol match { case sym: TypeSymbol => Some(sym) case _ => None } (typeFromTypeString orElse typeFromNameTreatedAsTerm orElse typeFromFullName orElse typeOfTerm) foreach { sym => val (kind, tpe) = exitingTyper { val tpe = sym.tpeHK (intp.global.inferKind(NoPrefix)(tpe, sym.owner), tpe) } echoKind(tpe, kind, verbose) } } def echoKind(tpe: Type, kind: Kind, verbose: Boolean) { def typeString(tpe: Type): String = { tpe match { case TypeRef(_, sym, _) => typeString(sym.info) case RefinedType(_, _) => tpe.toString case _ => tpe.typeSymbol.fullName } } printAfterTyper(typeString(tpe) + "'s kind is " + kind.scalaNotation) if (verbose) { echo(kind.starNotation) echo(kind.description) } } /** TODO - * -n normalize * -l label with case class parameter names * -c complete - leave nothing out */ def typeCommandInternal(expr: String, verbose: Boolean): Unit = symbolOfLine(expr) andAlso (echoTypeSignature(_, verbose)) def printAfterTyper(msg: => String) = reporter printUntruncatedMessage exitingTyper(msg) private def replInfo(sym: Symbol) = if (sym.isAccessor) dropNullaryMethod(sym.info) else sym.info def echoTypeStructure(sym: Symbol) = printAfterTyper("" + deconstruct.show(replInfo(sym))) def echoTypeSignature(sym: Symbol, verbose: Boolean) = { if (verbose) echo("// Type signature") printAfterTyper("" + replInfo(sym)) if (verbose) { echo("\n// Internal Type structure") echoTypeStructure(sym) } } } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala package.scala source code file: |
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