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Scala example source code file (Scaladoc.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Scaladoc.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

ant, boolean, compiler, file, list, member, none, nsc, option, path, reference, some, string

The Scaladoc.scala Scala example source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala Ant Tasks                      **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2005-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */



import{Path, Reference}
import{FileUtils, GlobPatternMapper}

import{Reporter, ConsoleReporter}

/** An Ant task to document Scala code.
 *  This task can take the following parameters as attributes:
 *  - `srcdir` (mandatory),
 *  - `srcref`,
 *  - `destdir`,
 *  - `classpath`,
 *  - `classpathref`,
 *  - `sourcepath`,
 *  - `sourcepathref`,
 *  - `bootclasspath`,
 *  - `bootclasspathref`,
 *  - `extdirs`,
 *  - `extdirsref`,
 *  - `encoding`,
 *  - `doctitle`,
 *  - `header`,
 *  - `footer`,
 *  - `top`,
 *  - `bottom`,
 *  - `addparams`,
 *  - `deprecation`,
 *  - `docgenerator`,
 *  - `docrootcontent`,
 *  - `unchecked`,
 *  - `nofail`,
 *  - `skipPackages`.
 *  It also takes the following parameters as nested elements:
 *  - `src` (for srcdir),
 *  - `classpath`,
 *  - `sourcepath`,
 *  - `bootclasspath`,
 *  - `extdirs`.
 *  @author Gilles Dubochet, Stephane Micheloud
class Scaladoc extends ScalaMatchingTask {

  /** The unique Ant file utilities instance to use in this task. */
  private val fileUtils = FileUtils.getFileUtils()

**                             Ant user-properties                            **

  abstract class PermissibleValue {
    val values: List[String]
    def isPermissible(value: String): Boolean =
      (value == "") || values.exists(_.startsWith(value))

  /** Defines valid values for the `deprecation` and
   *  `unchecked` properties.
  object Flag extends PermissibleValue {
    val values = List("yes", "no", "on", "off")
    def getBooleanValue(value: String, flagName: String): Boolean =
      if (Flag.isPermissible(value))
        ("yes".equals(value) || "on".equals(value))
        buildError("Unknown " + flagName + " flag '" + value + "'")

  /** The directories that contain source files to compile. */
  private var origin: Option[Path] = None
  /** The directory to put the compiled files in. */
  private var destination: Option[File] = None

  /** The class path to use for this compilation. */
  private var classpath: Option[Path] = None
  /** The source path to use for this compilation. */
  private var sourcepath: Option[Path] = None
  /** The boot class path to use for this compilation. */
  private var bootclasspath: Option[Path] = None
  /** The external extensions path to use for this compilation. */
  private var extdirs: Option[Path] = None

  /** The character encoding of the files to compile. */
  private var encoding: Option[String] = None

  /** The fully qualified name of a doclet class, which will be used to generate the documentation. */
  private var docgenerator: Option[String] = None

  /** The file from which the documentation content of the root package will be taken */
  private var docrootcontent: Option[File] = None

  /** The document title of the generated HTML documentation. */
  private var doctitle: Option[String] = None

  /** The document footer of the generated HTML documentation. */
  private var docfooter: Option[String] = None

  /** The document version, to be added to the title. */
  private var docversion: Option[String] = None

  /** Instruct the compiler to generate links to sources */
  private var docsourceurl: Option[String] = None

  /** Point scaladoc at uncompilable sources. */
  private var docUncompilable: Option[String] = None

  /** Instruct the compiler to use additional parameters */
  private var addParams: String = ""

  /** Instruct the compiler to generate deprecation information. */
  private var deprecation: Boolean = false

  /** Instruct the compiler to generate unchecked information. */
  private var unchecked: Boolean = false

  /** Instruct the ant task not to fail in the event of errors */
  private var nofail: Boolean = false

  /** Instruct the scaladoc tool to document implicit conversions */
  private var docImplicits: Boolean = false

  /** Instruct the scaladoc tool to document all (including impossible) implicit conversions */
  private var docImplicitsShowAll: Boolean = false

  /** Instruct the scaladoc tool to output implicits debugging information */
  private var docImplicitsDebug: Boolean = false

  /** Instruct the scaladoc tool to create diagrams */
  private var docDiagrams: Boolean = false

  /** Instruct the scaladoc tool to output diagram creation debugging information */
  private var docDiagramsDebug: Boolean = false

  /** Instruct the scaladoc tool to use the binary given to create diagrams */
  private var docDiagramsDotPath: Option[String] = None

  /** Instruct the scaladoc to produce textual ouput from html pages, for easy diff-ing */
  private var docRawOutput: Boolean = false

  /** Instruct the scaladoc not to generate prefixes */
  private var docNoPrefixes: Boolean = false

  /** Instruct the scaladoc tool to group similar functions together */
  private var docGroups: Boolean = false

  /** Instruct the scaladoc tool to skip certain packages */
  private var docSkipPackages: String = ""

**                             Properties setters                             **

  /** Sets the `srcdir` attribute. Used by [[ Ant]].
   *  @param input The value of `origin`.
  def setSrcdir(input: Path) {
    if (origin.isEmpty) origin = Some(input)
    else origin.get.append(input)

  /** Sets the `origin` as a nested src Ant parameter.
   *  @return An origin path to be configured.
  def createSrc(): Path = {
    if (origin.isEmpty) origin = Some(new Path(getProject))

  /** Sets the `origin` as an external reference Ant parameter.
   *  @param input A reference to an origin path.
  def setSrcref(input: Reference) {

  /** Sets the `destdir` attribute. Used by [[ Ant]].
   *  @param input The value of `destination`.
  def setDestdir(input: File) {
    destination = Some(input)

  /** Sets the `classpath` attribute. Used by [[ Ant]].
   *  @param input The value of `classpath`.
  def setClasspath(input: Path) {
    if (classpath.isEmpty) classpath = Some(input)
    else classpath.get.append(input)

  /** Sets the `classpath` as a nested classpath Ant parameter.
   *  @return A class path to be configured.
  def createClasspath(): Path = {
    if (classpath.isEmpty) classpath = Some(new Path(getProject))

  /** Sets the `classpath` as an external reference Ant parameter.
   *  @param input A reference to a class path.
  def setClasspathref(input: Reference) =

  /** Sets the `sourcepath` attribute. Used by [[ Ant]].
   *  @param input The value of `sourcepath`.
  def setSourcepath(input: Path) =
    if (sourcepath.isEmpty) sourcepath = Some(input)
    else sourcepath.get.append(input)

  /** Sets the `sourcepath` as a nested sourcepath Ant parameter.
   *  @return A source path to be configured.
  def createSourcepath(): Path = {
    if (sourcepath.isEmpty) sourcepath = Some(new Path(getProject))

  /** Sets the `sourcepath` as an external reference Ant parameter.
   *  @param input A reference to a source path.
  def setSourcepathref(input: Reference) =

  /** Sets the `bootclasspath` attribute. Used by [[ Ant]].
   *  @param input The value of `bootclasspath`.
  def setBootclasspath(input: Path) =
    if (bootclasspath.isEmpty) bootclasspath = Some(input)
    else bootclasspath.get.append(input)

  /** Sets the `bootclasspath` as a nested `sourcepath` Ant parameter.
   *  @return A source path to be configured.
  def createBootclasspath(): Path = {
    if (bootclasspath.isEmpty) bootclasspath = Some(new Path(getProject))

  /** Sets the `bootclasspath` as an external reference Ant parameter.
   *  @param input A reference to a source path.
  def setBootclasspathref(input: Reference) {

  /** Sets the external extensions path attribute. Used by [[ Ant]].
   *  @param input The value of `extdirs`.
  def setExtdirs(input: Path) {
    if (extdirs.isEmpty) extdirs = Some(input)
    else extdirs.get.append(input)

  /** Sets the `extdirs` as a nested sourcepath Ant parameter.
   *  @return An extensions path to be configured.
  def createExtdirs(): Path = {
    if (extdirs.isEmpty) extdirs = Some(new Path(getProject))

  /** Sets the `extdirs` as an external reference Ant parameter.
   *  @param input A reference to an extensions path.
  def setExtdirsref(input: Reference) {

  /** Sets the `encoding` attribute. Used by Ant.
   *  @param input The value of `encoding`.
  def setEncoding(input: String) {
    encoding = Some(input)

  /** Sets the `docgenerator` attribute.
   *  @param input A fully qualified class name of a doclet.
  def setDocgenerator(input: String) {
    docgenerator = Some(input)

   * Sets the `docrootcontent` attribute.
   * @param input The file from which the documentation content of the root
   * package will be taken.
  def setDocrootcontent(input : File) {
    docrootcontent = Some(input)

  /** Sets the `docversion` attribute.
   *  @param input The value of `docversion`.
  def setDocversion(input: String) {
    docversion = Some(input)

  /** Sets the `docsourceurl` attribute.
   *  @param input The value of `docsourceurl`.
  def setDocsourceurl(input: String) {
    docsourceurl = Some(input)

  /** Sets the `doctitle` attribute.
   *  @param input The value of `doctitle`.
  def setDoctitle(input: String) {
    doctitle = Some(input)

  /** Sets the `docfooter` attribute.
   *  @param input The value of `docfooter`.
  def setDocfooter(input: String) {
    docfooter = Some(input)

  /** Set the `addparams` info attribute.
   *  @param input The value for `addparams`.
  def setAddparams(input: String) {
    addParams = input

  /** Set the `deprecation` info attribute.
   *  @param input One of the flags `yes/no` or `on/off`.
  def setDeprecation(input: String) {
    if (Flag.isPermissible(input))
      deprecation = "yes".equals(input) || "on".equals(input)
      buildError("Unknown deprecation flag '" + input + "'")

  /** Set the `unchecked` info attribute.
   *  @param input One of the flags `yes/no` or `on/off`.
  def setUnchecked(input: String) {
    if (Flag.isPermissible(input))
      unchecked = "yes".equals(input) || "on".equals(input)
      buildError("Unknown unchecked flag '" + input + "'")

  def setDocUncompilable(input: String) {
    docUncompilable = Some(input)

  /** Set the `nofail` info attribute.
   *  @param input One of the flags `yes/no` or `on/off`. Default if no/off.
  def setNoFail(input: String) =
      nofail = Flag.getBooleanValue(input, "nofail")

  /** Set the `implicits` info attribute.
   *  @param input One of the flags `yes/no` or `on/off`. Default if no/off. */
  def setImplicits(input: String) =
    docImplicits = Flag.getBooleanValue(input, "implicits")

  /** Set the `implicitsShowAll` info attribute to enable scaladoc to show all implicits, including those impossible to
   *  convert to from the default scope
   *  @param input One of the flags `yes/no` or `on/off`. Default if no/off. */
  def setImplicitsShowAll(input: String) =
    docImplicitsShowAll = Flag.getBooleanValue(input, "implicitsShowAll")

  /** Set the `implicitsDebug` info attribute so scaladoc outputs implicit conversion debug information
   *  @param input One of the flags `yes/no` or `on/off`. Default if no/off. */
  def setImplicitsDebug(input: String) =
    docImplicitsDebug = Flag.getBooleanValue(input, "implicitsDebug")

  /** Set the `diagrams` bit so Scaladoc adds diagrams to the documentation
   *  @param input One of the flags `yes/no` or `on/off`. Default if no/off. */
  def setDiagrams(input: String) =
    docDiagrams = Flag.getBooleanValue(input, "diagrams")

  /** Set the `diagramsDebug` bit so Scaladoc outputs diagram building debug information
   *  @param input One of the flags `yes/no` or `on/off`. Default if no/off. */
  def setDiagramsDebug(input: String) =
    docDiagramsDebug = Flag.getBooleanValue(input, "diagramsDebug")

  /** Set the `diagramsDotPath` attribute to the path where graphviz dot can be found (including the binary file name,
   *  eg: /usr/bin/dot) */
  def setDiagramsDotPath(input: String) =
    docDiagramsDotPath = Some(input)

  /** Set the `rawOutput` bit so Scaladoc also outputs text from each html file
   *  @param input One of the flags `yes/no` or `on/off`. Default if no/off. */
  def setRawOutput(input: String) =
    docRawOutput = Flag.getBooleanValue(input, "rawOutput")

  /** Set the `noPrefixes` bit to prevent Scaladoc from generating prefixes in
   *  front of types -- may lead to confusion, but significantly speeds up the generation.
   *  @param input One of the flags `yes/no` or `on/off`. Default if no/off. */
  def setNoPrefixes(input: String) =
    docNoPrefixes = Flag.getBooleanValue(input, "noPrefixes")

  /** Instruct the scaladoc tool to group similar functions together */
  def setGroups(input: String) =
    docGroups = Flag.getBooleanValue(input, "groups")

  /** Instruct the scaladoc tool to skip certain packages.
   *  @param input A colon-delimited list of fully qualified package names that will be skipped from scaladoc.
  def setSkipPackages(input: String) =
    docSkipPackages = input

**                             Properties getters                             **

  /** Gets the value of the `classpath` attribute in a
   *  Scala-friendly form.
   *  @return The class path as a list of files.
  private def getClasspath: List[File] =
    if (classpath.isEmpty) buildError("Member 'classpath' is empty.")
    else classpath.get.list().toList map nameToFile

  /** Gets the value of the `origin` attribute in a Scala-friendly
   *  form.
   *  @return The origin path as a list of files.
  private def getOrigin: List[File] =
    if (origin.isEmpty) buildError("Member 'origin' is empty.")
    else origin.get.list().toList map nameToFile

  /** Gets the value of the `destination` attribute in a
   *  Scala-friendly form.
   *  @return The destination as a file.
  private def getDestination: File =
    if (destination.isEmpty) buildError("Member 'destination' is empty.")
    else existing(getProject resolveFile destination.get.toString)

  /** Gets the value of the `sourcepath` attribute in a
   *  Scala-friendly form.
   *  @return The source path as a list of files.
  private def getSourcepath: List[File] =
    if (sourcepath.isEmpty) buildError("Member 'sourcepath' is empty.")
    else sourcepath.get.list().toList map nameToFile

  /** Gets the value of the `bootclasspath` attribute in a
   *  Scala-friendly form.
   *  @return The boot class path as a list of files.
  private def getBootclasspath: List[File] =
    if (bootclasspath.isEmpty) buildError("Member 'bootclasspath' is empty.")
    else bootclasspath.get.list().toList map nameToFile

  /** Gets the value of the `extdirs` attribute in a
   *  Scala-friendly form.
   *  @return The extensions path as a list of files.
  private def getExtdirs: List[File] =
    if (extdirs.isEmpty) buildError("Member 'extdirs' is empty.")
    else extdirs.get.list().toList map nameToFile

**                       Compilation and support methods                      **

  /** This is forwarding method to circumvent bug #281 in Scala 2. Remove when
   *  bug has been corrected.
  override protected def getDirectoryScanner(baseDir: =

  /** Transforms a string name into a file relative to the provided base
   *  directory.
   *  @param base A file pointing to the location relative to which the name
   *              will be resolved.
   *  @param name A relative or absolute path to the file as a string.
   *  @return     A file created from the name and the base file.
  private def nameToFile(base: File)(name: String): File =
    existing(fileUtils.resolveFile(base, name))

  /** Transforms a string name into a file relative to the build root
   *  directory.
   *  @param name A relative or absolute path to the file as a string.
   *  @return     A file created from the name.
  private def nameToFile(name: String): File =
    existing(getProject resolveFile name)

  /** Tests if a file exists and prints a warning in case it doesn't. Always
   *  returns the file, even if it doesn't exist.
   *  @param file A file to test for existance.
   *  @return     The same file.
  private def existing(file: File): File = {
    if (!file.exists())
      log("Element '" + file.toString + "' does not exist.",

  /** Transforms a path into a Scalac-readable string.
   *  @param path A path to convert.
   *  @return     A string-representation of the path like `a.jar:b.jar`.
  private def asString(path: List[File]): String ="", File.pathSeparator, "")

  /** Transforms a file into a Scalac-readable string.
   *  @param file A file to convert.
   *  @return     A string-representation of the file like `/x/k/a.scala`.
  private def asString(file: File): String =

**                           The big execute method                           **

  /** Initializes settings and source files */
  protected def initialize: Tuple2[Settings, List[File]] = {
    // Tests if all mandatory attributes are set and valid.
    if (origin.isEmpty) buildError("Attribute 'srcdir' is not set.")
    if (getOrigin.isEmpty) buildError("Attribute 'srcdir' is not set.")
    if (!destination.isEmpty && !destination.get.isDirectory())
      buildError("Attribute 'destdir' does not refer to an existing directory.")
    if (destination.isEmpty) destination = Some(getOrigin.head)

    val mapper = new GlobPatternMapper()
    mapper setTo "*.html"
    mapper setFrom "*.scala"

    // Scans source directories to build up a compile lists.
    // If force is false, only files were the .class file in destination is
    // older than the .scala file will be used.
    val sourceFiles: List[File] =
      for {
        originDir <- getOrigin
        originFile <- {
          val includedFiles =
          val list = includedFiles.toList
          if (list.length > 0)
              "Documenting " + list.length + " source file" +
              (if (list.length > 1) "s" else "") +
              (" to " + getDestination.toString)
            log("No files selected for documentation", Project.MSG_VERBOSE)

      } yield {
        log(originFile, Project.MSG_DEBUG)

    def decodeEscapes(s: String): String = {
      // In Ant script characters '<' and '>' must be encoded when
      // used in attribute values, e.g. for attributes "doctitle", "header", ..
      // in task Scaladoc you may write:
      //   doctitle="<div>Scala</div>"
      // so we have to decode them here.
      s.replaceAll("<", "<").replaceAll(">",">")
       .replaceAll("&", "&").replaceAll(""", "\"")

    // Builds-up the compilation settings for Scalac with the existing Ant
    // parameters.
    val docSettings = new Settings(buildError)
    docSettings.outdir.value = asString(destination.get)
    if (!classpath.isEmpty)
      docSettings.classpath.value = asString(getClasspath)
    if (!sourcepath.isEmpty)
      docSettings.sourcepath.value = asString(getSourcepath)
    /*else if (origin.get.size() > 0)
      settings.sourcepath.value = origin.get.list()(0)*/
    if (!bootclasspath.isEmpty)
      docSettings.bootclasspath.value = asString(getBootclasspath)
    if (!extdirs.isEmpty) docSettings.extdirs.value = asString(getExtdirs)
    if (!encoding.isEmpty) docSettings.encoding.value = encoding.get
    if (!doctitle.isEmpty) docSettings.doctitle.value = decodeEscapes(doctitle.get)
    if (!docfooter.isEmpty) docSettings.docfooter.value = decodeEscapes(docfooter.get)
    if (!docversion.isEmpty) docSettings.docversion.value = decodeEscapes(docversion.get)
    if (!docsourceurl.isEmpty) docSettings.docsourceurl.value = decodeEscapes(docsourceurl.get)
    if (!docUncompilable.isEmpty) docSettings.docUncompilable.value = decodeEscapes(docUncompilable.get)

    docSettings.deprecation.value = deprecation
    docSettings.unchecked.value = unchecked
    docSettings.docImplicits.value = docImplicits
    docSettings.docImplicitsDebug.value = docImplicitsDebug
    docSettings.docImplicitsShowAll.value = docImplicitsShowAll
    docSettings.docDiagrams.value = docDiagrams
    docSettings.docDiagramsDebug.value = docDiagramsDebug
    docSettings.docRawOutput.value = docRawOutput
    docSettings.docNoPrefixes.value = docNoPrefixes
    docSettings.docGroups.value = docGroups
    docSettings.docSkipPackages.value = docSkipPackages
    if(!docDiagramsDotPath.isEmpty) docSettings.docDiagramsDotPath.value = docDiagramsDotPath.get

    if (!docgenerator.isEmpty) docSettings.docgenerator.value = docgenerator.get
    if (!docrootcontent.isEmpty) docSettings.docRootContent.value = docrootcontent.get.getAbsolutePath()
    log("Scaladoc params = '" + addParams + "'", Project.MSG_DEBUG)

    docSettings processArgumentString addParams
    (docSettings, sourceFiles)

  def safeBuildError(message: String): Unit = if (nofail) log(message) else buildError(message)

  /** Performs the compilation. */
  override def execute() = {
    val (docSettings, sourceFiles) = initialize
    val reporter = new ConsoleReporter(docSettings)
    try {
      val docProcessor = new, docSettings)
      docProcessor.document( (_.toString))
      if (reporter.ERROR.count > 0)
          "Document failed with " +
          reporter.ERROR.count + " error" +
          (if (reporter.ERROR.count > 1) "s" else "") +
          "; see the documenter error output for details.")
      else if (reporter.WARNING.count > 0)
          "Document succeeded with " +
          reporter.WARNING.count + " warning" +
          (if (reporter.WARNING.count > 1) "s" else "") +
          "; see the documenter output for details.")
    } catch {
      case exception: Throwable =>
        val msg = Option(exception.getMessage) getOrElse "no error message provided"
        safeBuildError(s"Document failed because of an internal documenter error ($msg); see the error output for details.")

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Scaladoc.scala source code file:

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