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Scala example source code file (ScaladocAnalyzer.scala)

This example Scala source code file (ScaladocAnalyzer.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

boolean, compilationunit, compiler, doccomment, global, list, nsc, reflection, scaladoctyper, string, stringbuilder, su, symbol, utilities

The ScaladocAnalyzer.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2007-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Paul Phillips

package doc

import{ SyntaxAnalyzer, BracePatch }
import typechecker.Analyzer
import scala.reflect.internal.Chars._
import scala.reflect.internal.util.{ BatchSourceFile, Position }
import{ CommentFactoryBase, MemberLookupBase, LinkTo, LinkToExternal }

trait ScaladocAnalyzer extends Analyzer {
  val global : Global // generally, a ScaladocGlobal
  import global._

  override def newTyper(context: Context): ScaladocTyper = new Typer(context) with ScaladocTyper

  trait ScaladocTyper extends Typer {
    private def unit = context.unit

    override def canAdaptConstantTypeToLiteral = false

    override protected def macroImplementationNotFoundMessage(name: Name): String = (
      + "\nWhen generating scaladocs for multiple projects at once, consider using -Ymacro-no-expand to disable macro expansions altogether."

    override def typedDocDef(docDef: DocDef, mode: Mode, pt: Type): Tree = {
      val sym = docDef.symbol

      if ((sym ne null) && (sym ne NoSymbol)) {
        val comment = docDef.comment
        docComments(sym) = comment
        val typer1 = newTyper(context.makeNewScope(docDef, context.owner))
        for (useCase <- comment.useCases) {
          typer1.silent(_.asInstanceOf[ScaladocTyper].defineUseCases(useCase)) match {
            case SilentTypeError(err) =>
              unit.warning(useCase.pos, err.errMsg)
            case _ =>
          for (useCaseSym <- useCase.defined) {
            if ( !=
              unit.warning(useCase.pos, "@usecase " + + " does not match commented symbol: " +

      super.typedDocDef(docDef, mode, pt)

    def defineUseCases(useCase: UseCase): List[Symbol] = {
      def stringParser(str: String): syntaxAnalyzer.Parser = {
        val file = new BatchSourceFile(context.unit.source.file, str) {
          override def positionInUltimateSource(pos: Position) = {
            pos withSource context.unit.source withShift useCase.pos.start
        newUnitParser(new CompilationUnit(file))

      val trees = stringParser(useCase.body+";").nonLocalDefOrDcl
      val enclClass = context.enclClass.owner

      def defineAlias(name: Name) = (
        if (context.scope.lookup(name) == NoSymbol) {
          lookupVariable(name.toString.substring(1), enclClass) foreach { repl =>
            silent(_.typedTypeConstructor(stringParser(repl).typ())) map { tpt =>
              val alias = enclClass.newAliasType(name.toTypeName, useCase.pos)
              val tparams = cloneSymbolsAtOwner(tpt.tpe.typeSymbol.typeParams, alias)
              val newInfo = genPolyType(tparams, appliedType(tpt.tpe, tparams map (_.tpe)))
              alias setInfo newInfo

      for (tree <- trees; t <- tree)
        t match {
          case Ident(name) if name startsWith '$' => defineAlias(name)
          case _ =>

      useCase.aliases = context.scope.toList
      typedStats(trees, NoSymbol)
      useCase.defined = context.scope.toList filterNot (useCase.aliases contains _)

      if (settings.debug)
        useCase.defined foreach (sym => println("defined use cases: %s:%s".format(sym, sym.tpe)))


abstract class ScaladocSyntaxAnalyzer[G <: Global](val global: G) extends SyntaxAnalyzer {
  import global._

  class ScaladocJavaUnitParser(unit: CompilationUnit) extends {
    override val in = new ScaladocJavaUnitScanner(unit)
  } with JavaUnitParser(unit) { }

  class ScaladocJavaUnitScanner(unit: CompilationUnit) extends JavaUnitScanner(unit) {
    /** buffer for the documentation comment
    var docBuffer: StringBuilder = null

    /** add the given character to the documentation buffer
    protected def putDocChar(c: Char) {
      if (docBuffer ne null) docBuffer.append(c)

    override protected def skipComment(): Boolean = {
      if ( == '/') {
        do {

        } while (( != CR) && ( != LF) && ( != SU))
      } else if ( == '*') {
        docBuffer = null
        val scalaDoc = ("/**", "*/")
        if ( == '*')
          docBuffer = new StringBuilder(scalaDoc._1)
        do {
          do {
            if ( != '*' && != SU) {
    ; putDocChar(
          } while ( != '*' && != SU)
          while ( == '*') {
  ; putDocChar(
        } while ( != '/' && != SU)
        if ( == '/')
        else incompleteInputError("unclosed comment")
      } else {

  class ScaladocUnitScanner(unit0: CompilationUnit, patches0: List[BracePatch]) extends UnitScanner(unit0, patches0) {

    private var docBuffer: StringBuilder = null        // buffer for comments (non-null while scanning)
    private var inDocComment             = false       // if buffer contains double-star doc comment
    private var lastDoc: DocComment      = null        // last comment if it was double-star doc

    private object unmooredParser extends {                // minimalist comment parser
      val global: Global =
    with CommentFactoryBase with MemberLookupBase {
      import global.{ settings, Symbol }
      def parseComment(comment: DocComment) = {
        val nowarnings = settings.nowarn.value
        settings.nowarn.value = true
        try parseAtSymbol(comment.raw, comment.raw, comment.pos)
        finally settings.nowarn.value = nowarnings

      override def internalLink(sym: Symbol, site: Symbol): Option[LinkTo] = None
      override def chooseLink(links: List[LinkTo]): LinkTo = links.headOption.orNull
      override def toString(link: LinkTo): String = "No link"
      override def findExternalLink(sym: Symbol, name: String): Option[LinkToExternal] = None
      override def warnNoLink: Boolean = false

     * Warn when discarding buffered doc at the end of a block.
     * This mechanism doesn't warn about arbitrary unmoored doc.
     * Also warn under -Xlint, but otherwise only warn in the presence of suspicious
     * tags that appear to be documenting API.  Warnings are suppressed while parsing
     * the local comment so that comments of the form `[at] Martin` will not trigger a warning.
     * By omission, tags for `see`, `todo`, `note` and `example` are ignored.
    override def discardDocBuffer() = {
      val doc = flushDoc
      // tags that make a local double-star comment look unclean, as though it were API
      def unclean(comment: Comment): Boolean = {
        import comment._
        authors.nonEmpty || result.nonEmpty || throws.nonEmpty || valueParams.nonEmpty ||
        typeParams.nonEmpty || version.nonEmpty || since.nonEmpty
      def isDirty = unclean(unmooredParser parseComment doc)
      if ((doc ne null) && (settings.lint || isDirty))
        unit.warning(doc.pos, "discarding unmoored doc comment")

    override def flushDoc(): DocComment = (try lastDoc finally lastDoc = null)

    override protected def putCommentChar() {
      if (inDocComment)
        docBuffer append ch

    override def skipDocComment(): Unit = {
      inDocComment = true
      docBuffer = new StringBuilder("/**")
    override def skipBlockComment(): Unit = {
      inDocComment = false
      docBuffer = new StringBuilder("/*")
    override def skipComment(): Boolean = {
      // emit a block comment; if it's double-star, make Doc at this pos
      def foundStarComment(start: Int, end: Int) = try {
        val str = docBuffer.toString
        val pos = Position.range(unit.source, start, start, end)
        unit.comment(pos, str)
        if (inDocComment)
          lastDoc = DocComment(str, pos)
      } finally {
        docBuffer    = null
        inDocComment = false
      super.skipComment() && ((docBuffer eq null) || foundStarComment(offset, charOffset - 2))
  class ScaladocUnitParser(unit: CompilationUnit, patches: List[BracePatch]) extends UnitParser(unit, patches) {
    override def newScanner() = new ScaladocUnitScanner(unit, patches)
    override def withPatches(patches: List[BracePatch]) = new ScaladocUnitParser(unit, patches)

    override def joinComment(trees: => List[Tree]): List[Tree] = {
      val doc = in.flushDoc
      if ((doc ne null) && doc.raw.length > 0) {
        val joined = trees map {
          t =>
            DocDef(doc, t) setPos {
              if (t.pos.isDefined) {
                val pos = doc.pos.withEnd(t.pos.end)
                // always make the position transparent
              } else {
        joined.find(_.pos.isOpaqueRange) foreach {
          main =>
            val mains = List(main)
            joined foreach { t => if (t ne main) ensureNonOverlapping(t, mains) }
      else trees

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala ScaladocAnalyzer.scala source code file:

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