Scala example source code file (Uncompilable.scala)
The Uncompilable.scala Scala example source code/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Paul Phillips */ package scala.tools.nsc package doc import scala.language.implicitConversions import scala.language.postfixOps /** Some glue between DocParser (which reads source files which can't be compiled) * and the scaladoc model. */ trait Uncompilable { val global: Global val settings: Settings import global.{ reporter, inform, warning, newTypeName, newTermName, Symbol, DocComment, NoSymbol } import global.definitions.AnyRefClass import global.rootMirror.RootClass private implicit def translateName(name: Global#Name) = if (name.isTypeName) newTypeName("" + name) else newTermName("" + name) def docSymbol(p: DocParser.Parsed) = p.nameChain.foldLeft(RootClass: Symbol)(_.tpe member _) def docDefs(code: String) = new DocParser(settings, reporter) docDefs code def docPairs(code: String) = docDefs(code) map (p => (docSymbol(p), new DocComment(p.raw))) lazy val pairs = files flatMap { f => val comments = docPairs(f.slurp()) if (settings.verbose) inform("Found %d doc comments in parse-only file %s: %s".format(comments.size, f, comments.map(_._1).mkString(", "))) comments } def files = settings.uncompilableFiles def symbols = pairs map (_._1) def templates = symbols filter (x => x.isClass || x.isTrait || x == AnyRefClass/* which is now a type alias */) toSet def comments = { if (settings.debug || settings.verbose) inform("Found %d uncompilable files: %s".format(files.size, files mkString ", ")) if (pairs.isEmpty) warning("no doc comments read from " + settings.docUncompilable.value) pairs } override def toString = pairs.size + " uncompilable symbols:\n" + ( symbols filterNot (_ == NoSymbol) map (x => " " + x.owner.fullName + " " + x.defString) mkString "\n" ) } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala Uncompilable.scala source code file: |
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