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Scala example source code file (CommentFactoryBase.scala)

This example Scala source code file (CommentFactoryBase.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

boolean, collection, compiler, inline, list, map, none, nsc, option, reflection, regex, simpletagkey, some, string, utilities

The CommentFactoryBase.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2007-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Manohar Jonnalagedda

package doc
package base

import base.comment._
import scala.collection._
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import scala.reflect.internal.util.Position
import scala.language.postfixOps

/** The comment parser transforms raw comment strings into `Comment` objects.
  * Call `parse` to run the parser. Note that the parser is stateless and
  * should only be built once for a given Scaladoc run.
  * @author Manohar Jonnalagedda
  * @author Gilles Dubochet */
trait CommentFactoryBase { this: MemberLookupBase =>

  val global: Global
  import global.{ reporter, Symbol, NoSymbol }

  /* Creates comments with necessary arguments */
  def createComment (
    body0:           Option[Body]     = None,
    authors0:        List[Body]       = List.empty,
    see0:            List[Body]       = List.empty,
    result0:         Option[Body]     = None,
    throws0:         Map[String,Body] = Map.empty,
    valueParams0:    Map[String,Body] = Map.empty,
    typeParams0:     Map[String,Body] = Map.empty,
    version0:        Option[Body]     = None,
    since0:          Option[Body]     = None,
    todo0:           List[Body]       = List.empty,
    deprecated0:     Option[Body]     = None,
    note0:           List[Body]       = List.empty,
    example0:        List[Body]       = List.empty,
    constructor0:    Option[Body]     = None,
    source0:         Option[String]   = None,
    inheritDiagram0: List[String]     = List.empty,
    contentDiagram0: List[String]     = List.empty,
    group0:          Option[Body]     = None,
    groupDesc0:      Map[String,Body] = Map.empty,
    groupNames0:     Map[String,Body] = Map.empty,
    groupPrio0:      Map[String,Body] = Map.empty
  ) : Comment = new Comment{
    val body           = if(body0 isDefined) body0.get else Body(Seq.empty)
    val authors        = authors0
    val see            = see0
    val result         = result0
    val throws         = throws0
    val valueParams    = valueParams0
    val typeParams     = typeParams0
    val version        = version0
    val since          = since0
    val todo           = todo0
    val deprecated     = deprecated0
    val note           = note0
    val example        = example0
    val constructor    = constructor0
    val inheritDiagram = inheritDiagram0
    val contentDiagram = contentDiagram0
    val groupDesc      = groupDesc0
    val group          =
      group0 match {
        case Some(Body(List(Paragraph(Chain(List(Summary(Text(groupId)))))))) => Some(groupId.toString.trim)
        case _                                                                => None
    val groupPrio      = groupPrio0 flatMap {
      case (group, body) =>
        try {
          body match {
            case Body(List(Paragraph(Chain(List(Summary(Text(prio))))))) => List(group -> prio.trim.toInt)
            case _                                                       => List()
        } catch {
          case _: java.lang.NumberFormatException => List()
    val groupNames     = groupNames0 flatMap {
      case (group, body) =>
        try {
          body match {
            case Body(List(Paragraph(Chain(List(Summary(Text(name))))))) if (!name.trim.contains("\n")) => List(group -> (name.trim))
            case _                                                       => List()
        } catch {
          case _: java.lang.NumberFormatException => List()


  private val endOfText = '\u0003'
  private val endOfLine = '\u000A'

  /** Something that should not have happened, happened, and Scaladoc should exit. */
  private def oops(msg: String): Nothing =
    throw FatalError("program logic: " + msg)

  /** The body of a line, dropping the (optional) start star-marker,
    * one leading whitespace and all trailing whitespace. */
  private val CleanCommentLine =
    new Regex("""(?:\s*\*\s?)?(.*)""")

  /** Dangerous HTML tags that should be replaced by something safer,
    * such as wiki syntax, or that should be dropped. */
  private val DangerousTags =
    new Regex("""<(/?(div|ol|ul|li|h[1-6]|p))( [^>]*)?/?>|<!--.*-->""")

  /** Maps a dangerous HTML tag to a safe wiki replacement, or an empty string
    * if it cannot be salvaged. */
  private def htmlReplacement(mtch: Regex.Match): String = match {
    case "p" | "div" => "\n\n"
    case "h1"  => "\n= "
    case "/h1" => " =\n"
    case "h2"  => "\n== "
    case "/h2" => " ==\n"
    case "h3"  => "\n=== "
    case "/h3" => " ===\n"
    case "h4" | "h5" | "h6" => "\n==== "
    case "/h4" | "/h5" | "/h6" => " ====\n"
    case "li" => "\n *  - "
    case _ => ""

  /** Javadoc tags that should be replaced by something useful, such as wiki
    * syntax, or that should be dropped. */
  private val JavadocTags =
    new Regex("""\{\@(code|docRoot|inheritDoc|link|linkplain|literal|value)([^}]*)\}""")

  /** Maps a javadoc tag to a useful wiki replacement, or an empty string if it cannot be salvaged. */
  private def javadocReplacement(mtch: Regex.Match): String = match {
    case "code" => "`" + + "`"
    case "docRoot"  => ""
    case "inheritDoc" => ""
    case "link"  => "`" + + "`"
    case "linkplain" => "`" + + "`"
    case "literal"  =>
    case "value" => "`" + + "`"
    case _ => ""

  /** Safe HTML tags that can be kept. */
  private val SafeTags =
    new Regex("""((&\w+;)|(&#\d+;)|(</?(abbr|acronym|address|area|a|bdo|big|blockquote|br|button|b|caption|cite|code|col|colgroup|dd|del|dfn|em|fieldset|form|hr|img|input|ins|i|kbd|label|legend|link|map|object|optgroup|option|param|pre|q|samp|select|small|span|strong|sub|sup|table|tbody|td|textarea|tfoot|th|thead|tr|tt|var)( [^>]*)?/?>))""")

  private val safeTagMarker = '\u000E'

  /** A Scaladoc tag not linked to a symbol and not followed by text */
  private val SingleTagRegex =
    new Regex("""\s*@(\S+)\s*""")

  /** A Scaladoc tag not linked to a symbol. Returns the name of the tag, and the rest of the line. */
  private val SimpleTagRegex =
    new Regex("""\s*@(\S+)\s+(.*)""")

  /** A Scaladoc tag linked to a symbol. Returns the name of the tag, the name
    * of the symbol, and the rest of the line. */
  private val SymbolTagRegex =
    new Regex("""\s*@(param|tparam|throws|groupdesc|groupname|groupprio)\s+(\S*)\s*(.*)""")

  /** The start of a scaladoc code block */
  private val CodeBlockStartRegex =
    new Regex("""(.*?)((?:\{\{\{)|(?:\u000E<pre(?: [^>]*)?>\u000E))(.*)""")

  /** The end of a scaladoc code block */
  private val CodeBlockEndRegex =
    new Regex("""(.*?)((?:\}\}\})|(?:\u000E</pre>\u000E))(.*)""")

  /** A key used for a tag map. The key is built from the name of the tag and
    * from the linked symbol if the tag has one.
    * Equality on tag keys is structural. */
  private sealed abstract class TagKey {
    def name: String

  private final case class SimpleTagKey(name: String) extends TagKey
  private final case class SymbolTagKey(name: String, symbol: String) extends TagKey

  /** Parses a raw comment string into a `Comment` object.
    * @param comment The expanded comment string (including start and end markers) to be parsed.
    * @param src     The raw comment source string.
    * @param pos     The position of the comment in source. */
  protected def parseAtSymbol(comment: String, src: String, pos: Position, site: Symbol = NoSymbol): Comment = {
    /** The cleaned raw comment as a list of lines. Cleaning removes comment
      * start and end markers, line start markers  and unnecessary whitespace. */
    def clean(comment: String): List[String] = {
      def cleanLine(line: String): String = {
        //replaceAll removes trailing whitespaces
        line.replaceAll("""\s+$""", "") match {
          case CleanCommentLine(ctl) => ctl
          case tl => tl
      val strippedComment = comment.trim.stripPrefix("/*").stripSuffix("*/")
      val safeComment = DangerousTags.replaceAllIn(strippedComment, { htmlReplacement(_) })
      val javadoclessComment = JavadocTags.replaceAllIn(safeComment, { javadocReplacement(_) })
      val markedTagComment =
        SafeTags.replaceAllIn(javadoclessComment, { mtch =>
          java.util.regex.Matcher.quoteReplacement(safeTagMarker + mtch.matched + safeTagMarker)
      markedTagComment.lines.toList map (cleanLine(_))

    /** Parses a comment (in the form of a list of lines) to a `Comment`
      * instance, recursively on lines. To do so, it splits the whole comment
      * into main body and tag bodies, then runs the `WikiParser` on each body
      * before creating the comment instance.
      * @param docBody     The body of the comment parsed until now.
      * @param tags        All tags parsed until now.
      * @param lastTagKey  The last parsed tag, or `None` if the tag section hasn't started. Lines that are not tagged
      *                    are part of the previous tag or, if none exists, of the body.
      * @param remaining   The lines that must still recursively be parsed.
      * @param inCodeBlock Whether the next line is part of a code block (in which no tags must be read). */
    def parse0 (
      docBody: StringBuilder,
      tags: Map[TagKey, List[String]],
      lastTagKey: Option[TagKey],
      remaining: List[String],
      inCodeBlock: Boolean
    ): Comment = remaining match {

      case CodeBlockStartRegex(before, marker, after) :: ls if (!inCodeBlock) =>
        if (!before.trim.isEmpty && !after.trim.isEmpty)
          parse0(docBody, tags, lastTagKey, before :: marker :: after :: ls, inCodeBlock = false)
        else if (!before.trim.isEmpty)
          parse0(docBody, tags, lastTagKey, before :: marker :: ls, inCodeBlock = false)
        else if (!after.trim.isEmpty)
          parse0(docBody, tags, lastTagKey, marker :: after :: ls, inCodeBlock = true)
        else lastTagKey match {
          case Some(key) =>
            val value =
              ((tags get key): @unchecked) match {
                case Some(b :: bs) => (b + endOfLine + marker) :: bs
                case None => oops("lastTagKey set when no tag exists for key")
            parse0(docBody, tags + (key -> value), lastTagKey, ls, inCodeBlock = true)
          case None =>
            parse0(docBody append endOfLine append marker, tags, lastTagKey, ls, inCodeBlock = true)

      case CodeBlockEndRegex(before, marker, after) :: ls =>
        if (!before.trim.isEmpty && !after.trim.isEmpty)
          parse0(docBody, tags, lastTagKey, before :: marker :: after :: ls, inCodeBlock = true)
        if (!before.trim.isEmpty)
          parse0(docBody, tags, lastTagKey, before :: marker :: ls, inCodeBlock = true)
        else if (!after.trim.isEmpty)
          parse0(docBody, tags, lastTagKey, marker :: after :: ls, inCodeBlock = false)
        else lastTagKey match {
          case Some(key) =>
            val value =
              ((tags get key): @unchecked) match {
                case Some(b :: bs) => (b + endOfLine + marker) :: bs
                case None => oops("lastTagKey set when no tag exists for key")
            parse0(docBody, tags + (key -> value), lastTagKey, ls, inCodeBlock = false)
          case None =>
            parse0(docBody append endOfLine append marker, tags, lastTagKey, ls, inCodeBlock = false)

      case SymbolTagRegex(name, sym, body) :: ls if (!inCodeBlock) =>
        val key = SymbolTagKey(name, sym)
        val value = body :: tags.getOrElse(key, Nil)
        parse0(docBody, tags + (key -> value), Some(key), ls, inCodeBlock)

      case SimpleTagRegex(name, body) :: ls if (!inCodeBlock) =>
        val key = SimpleTagKey(name)
        val value = body :: tags.getOrElse(key, Nil)
        parse0(docBody, tags + (key -> value), Some(key), ls, inCodeBlock)

      case SingleTagRegex(name) :: ls if (!inCodeBlock) =>
        val key = SimpleTagKey(name)
        val value = "" :: tags.getOrElse(key, Nil)
        parse0(docBody, tags + (key -> value), Some(key), ls, inCodeBlock)

      case line :: ls if (lastTagKey.isDefined) =>
        val key = lastTagKey.get
        val value =
          ((tags get key): @unchecked) match {
            case Some(b :: bs) => (b + endOfLine + line) :: bs
            case None => oops("lastTagKey set when no tag exists for key")
        parse0(docBody, tags + (key -> value), lastTagKey, ls, inCodeBlock)

      case line :: ls =>
        if (docBody.length > 0) docBody append endOfLine
        docBody append line
        parse0(docBody, tags, lastTagKey, ls, inCodeBlock)

      case Nil =>
        // Take the {inheritance, content} diagram keys aside, as it doesn't need any parsing
        val inheritDiagramTag = SimpleTagKey("inheritanceDiagram")
        val contentDiagramTag = SimpleTagKey("contentDiagram")

        val inheritDiagramText: List[String] = tags.get(inheritDiagramTag) match {
          case Some(list) => list
          case None => List.empty

        val contentDiagramText: List[String] = tags.get(contentDiagramTag) match {
          case Some(list) => list
          case None => List.empty

        val stripTags=List(inheritDiagramTag, contentDiagramTag, SimpleTagKey("template"), SimpleTagKey("documentable"))
        val tagsWithoutDiagram = tags.filterNot(pair => stripTags.contains(pair._1))

        val bodyTags: mutable.Map[TagKey, List[Body]] =
          mutable.Map(tagsWithoutDiagram mapValues {tag => tag map (parseWikiAtSymbol(_, pos, site))} toSeq: _*)

        def oneTag(key: SimpleTagKey): Option[Body] =
          ((bodyTags remove key): @unchecked) match {
            case Some(r :: rs) =>
              if (!rs.isEmpty) reporter.warning(pos, "Only one '@" + + "' tag is allowed")
            case None => None

        def allTags(key: SimpleTagKey): List[Body] =
          (bodyTags remove key) getOrElse Nil

        def allSymsOneTag(key: TagKey): Map[String, Body] = {
          val keys: Seq[SymbolTagKey] =
            bodyTags.keys.toSeq flatMap {
              case stk: SymbolTagKey if ( == => Some(stk)
              case stk: SimpleTagKey if ( == =>
                reporter.warning(pos, "Tag '@" + + "' must be followed by a symbol name")
              case _ => None
          val pairs: Seq[(String, Body)] =
            for (key <- keys) yield {
              val bs = (bodyTags remove key).get
              if (bs.length > 1)
                reporter.warning(pos, "Only one '@" + + "' tag for symbol " + key.symbol + " is allowed")
              (key.symbol, bs.head)
          Map.empty[String, Body] ++ pairs

        val com = createComment (
          body0           = Some(parseWikiAtSymbol(docBody.toString, pos, site)),
          authors0        = allTags(SimpleTagKey("author")),
          see0            = allTags(SimpleTagKey("see")),
          result0         = oneTag(SimpleTagKey("return")),
          throws0         = allSymsOneTag(SimpleTagKey("throws")),
          valueParams0    = allSymsOneTag(SimpleTagKey("param")),
          typeParams0     = allSymsOneTag(SimpleTagKey("tparam")),
          version0        = oneTag(SimpleTagKey("version")),
          since0          = oneTag(SimpleTagKey("since")),
          todo0           = allTags(SimpleTagKey("todo")),
          deprecated0     = oneTag(SimpleTagKey("deprecated")),
          note0           = allTags(SimpleTagKey("note")),
          example0        = allTags(SimpleTagKey("example")),
          constructor0    = oneTag(SimpleTagKey("constructor")),
          source0         = Some(clean(src).mkString("\n")),
          inheritDiagram0 = inheritDiagramText,
          contentDiagram0 = contentDiagramText,
          group0          = oneTag(SimpleTagKey("group")),
          groupDesc0      = allSymsOneTag(SimpleTagKey("groupdesc")),
          groupNames0     = allSymsOneTag(SimpleTagKey("groupname")),
          groupPrio0      = allSymsOneTag(SimpleTagKey("groupprio"))

        for ((key, _) <- bodyTags)
          reporter.warning(pos, "Tag '@" + + "' is not recognised")



    parse0(new StringBuilder(comment.size), Map.empty, None, clean(comment), inCodeBlock = false)


  /** Parses a string containing wiki syntax into a `Comment` object.
    * Note that the string is assumed to be clean:
    *  - Removed Scaladoc start and end markers.
    *  - Removed start-of-line star and one whitespace afterwards (if present).
    *  - Removed all end-of-line whitespace.
    *  - Only `endOfLine` is used to mark line endings. */
  def parseWikiAtSymbol(string: String, pos: Position, site: Symbol): Body = new WikiParser(string, pos, site).document()

  /** TODO
    * @author Ingo Maier
    * @author Manohar Jonnalagedda
    * @author Gilles Dubochet */
  protected final class WikiParser(val buffer: String, pos: Position, site: Symbol) extends CharReader(buffer) { wiki =>
    var summaryParsed = false

    def document(): Body = {
      val blocks = new mutable.ListBuffer[Block]
      while (char != endOfText)
        blocks += block()

    /* BLOCKS */

    /** {{{ block ::= code | title | hrule | para }}} */
    def block(): Block = {
      if (checkSkipInitWhitespace("{{{"))
      else if (checkSkipInitWhitespace('='))
      else if (checkSkipInitWhitespace("----"))
      else if (checkList)
      else {

    /** listStyle ::= '-' spc | '1.' spc | 'I.' spc | 'i.' spc | 'A.' spc | 'a.' spc
      * Characters used to build lists and their constructors */
    protected val listStyles = Map[String, (Seq[Block] => Block)]( // TODO Should this be defined at some list companion?
      "- "  -> ( UnorderedList(_) ),
      "1. " -> ( OrderedList(_,"decimal") ),
      "I. " -> ( OrderedList(_,"upperRoman") ),
      "i. " -> ( OrderedList(_,"lowerRoman") ),
      "A. " -> ( OrderedList(_,"upperAlpha") ),
      "a. " -> ( OrderedList(_,"lowerAlpha") )

    /** Checks if the current line is formed with more than one space and one the listStyles */
    def checkList =
      (countWhitespace > 0) && (listStyles.keys exists { checkSkipInitWhitespace(_) })

    /** {{{
      * nListBlock ::= nLine { mListBlock }
      *      nLine ::= nSpc listStyle para '\n'
      * }}}
      * Where n and m stand for the number of spaces. When `m > n`, a new list is nested. */
    def listBlock: Block = {

      /** Consumes one list item block and returns it, or None if the block is
        * not a list or a different list. */
      def listLine(indent: Int, style: String): Option[Block] =
        if (countWhitespace > indent && checkList)
        else if (countWhitespace != indent || !checkSkipInitWhitespace(style))
        else {
          val p = Paragraph(inline(isInlineEnd = false))
          blockEnded("end of list line ")

      /** Consumes all list item blocks (possibly with nested lists) of the
        * same list and returns the list block. */
      def listLevel(indent: Int, style: String): Block = {
        val lines = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[Block]
        var line: Option[Block] = listLine(indent, style)
        while (line.isDefined) {
          lines += line.get
          line = listLine(indent, style)
        val constructor = listStyles(style)

      val indent = countWhitespace
      val style = (listStyles.keys find { checkSkipInitWhitespace(_) }).getOrElse(listStyles.keys.head)
      listLevel(indent, style)

    def code(): Block = {
      val str = readUntil("}}}")
      if (char == endOfText)
        reportError(pos, "unclosed code block")
      blockEnded("code block")

    /** {{{ title ::= ('=' inline '=' | "==" inline "==" | ...) '\n' }}} */
    def title(): Block = {
      val inLevel = repeatJump('=')
      val text = inline(check("=" * inLevel))
      val outLevel = repeatJump('=', inLevel)
      if (inLevel != outLevel)
        reportError(pos, "unbalanced or unclosed heading")
      Title(text, inLevel)

    /** {{{ hrule ::= "----" { '-' } '\n' }}} */
    def hrule(): Block = {
      blockEnded("horizontal rule")

    /** {{{ para ::= inline '\n' }}} */
    def para(): Block = {
      val p =
        if (summaryParsed)
          Paragraph(inline(isInlineEnd = false))
        else {
          val s = summary()
          val r =
            if (checkParaEnded()) List(s) else List(s, inline(isInlineEnd = false))
          summaryParsed = true
      while (char == endOfLine && char != endOfText)

    /* INLINES */

    val OPEN_TAG = "^<([A-Za-z]+)( [^>]*)?(/?)>$".r
    val CLOSE_TAG = "^</([A-Za-z]+)>$".r
    private def readHTMLFrom(begin: HtmlTag): String = {
      val list = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[String]
      val stack = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[String]

      begin.close match {
        case Some(HtmlTag(CLOSE_TAG(s))) =>
          stack += s
        case _ =>
          return ""

      do {
        val str = readUntil { char == safeTagMarker || char == endOfText }

        list += str

        str match {
          case OPEN_TAG(s, _, standalone) => {
            if (standalone != "/") {
              stack += s
          case CLOSE_TAG(s) => {
            if (s == stack.last) {
          case _ => ;
      } while (stack.length > 0 && char != endOfText)

      list mkString ""

    def inline(isInlineEnd: => Boolean): Inline = {

      def inline0(): Inline = {
        if (char == safeTagMarker) {
          val tag = htmlTag()
          HtmlTag( + readHTMLFrom(tag))
        else if (check("'''")) bold()
        else if (check("''")) italic()
        else if (check("`"))  monospace()
        else if (check("__")) underline()
        else if (check("^"))  superscript()
        else if (check(",,")) subscript()
        else if (check("[[")) link()
        else {
          val str = readUntil { char == safeTagMarker || check("''") || char == '`' || check("__") || char == '^' || check(",,") || check("[[") || isInlineEnd || checkParaEnded || char == endOfLine }

      val inlines: List[Inline] = {
        val iss = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[Inline]
        iss += inline0()
        while (!isInlineEnd && !checkParaEnded) {
          val skipEndOfLine = if (char == endOfLine) {
          } else {

          val current = inline0()
          (iss.last, current) match {
            case (Text(t1), Text(t2)) if skipEndOfLine =>
              iss.update(iss.length - 1, Text(t1 + endOfLine + t2))
            case (i1, i2) if skipEndOfLine =>
              iss ++= List(Text(endOfLine.toString), i2)
            case _ => iss += current

      inlines match {
        case Nil => Text("")
        case i :: Nil => i
        case is => Chain(is)


    def htmlTag(): HtmlTag = {
      val read = readUntil(safeTagMarker)
      if (char != endOfText) jump(safeTagMarker)

    def bold(): Inline = {
      val i = inline(check("'''"))

    def italic(): Inline = {
      val i = inline(check("''"))

    def monospace(): Inline = {
      val i = inline(check("`"))

    def underline(): Inline = {
      val i = inline(check("__"))

    def superscript(): Inline = {
      val i = inline(check("^"))
      if (jump("^")) {
      } else {
        Chain(Seq(Text("^"), i))

    def subscript(): Inline = {
      val i = inline(check(",,"))

    def summary(): Inline = {
      val i = inline(check("."))
        if (jump("."))
          Chain(List(i, Text(".")))

    def link(): Inline = {
      val SchemeUri = """([a-z]+:.*)""".r
      val parens = 2 + repeatJump('[')
      val stop  = "]" * parens
      //println("link with " + parens + " matching parens")
      val target = readUntil { check(stop) || check(" ") }
      val title =
        if (!check(stop)) Some({
          jump(" ")
        else None

      (target, title) match {
        case (SchemeUri(uri), optTitle) =>
          Link(uri, optTitle getOrElse Text(uri))
        case (qualName, optTitle) =>
          makeEntityLink(optTitle getOrElse Text(target), pos, target, site)

    /* UTILITY */

    /** {{{ eol ::= { whitespace } '\n' }}} */
    def blockEnded(blockType: String): Unit = {
      if (char != endOfLine && char != endOfText) {
        reportError(pos, "no additional content on same line after " + blockType)
      while (char == endOfLine)

     *  Eliminates the (common) leading spaces in all lines, based on the first line
     *  For indented pieces of code, it reduces the indent to the least whitespace prefix:
     *    {{{
     *       indented example
     *       another indented line
     *       if (condition)
     *         then do something;
     *       ^ this is the least whitespace prefix
     *    }}}
    def normalizeIndentation(_code: String): String = {

      val code = _code.trim
      var maxSkip = Integer.MAX_VALUE
      var crtSkip = 0
      var wsArea = true
      var index = 0
      var firstLine = true
      var emptyLine = true

      while (index < code.length) {
        code(index) match {
          case ' ' =>
            if (wsArea)
              crtSkip += 1
          case c =>
            wsArea = (c == '\n')
            maxSkip = if (firstLine || emptyLine) maxSkip else if (maxSkip <= crtSkip) maxSkip else crtSkip
            crtSkip = if (c == '\n') 0 else crtSkip
            firstLine = if (c == '\n') false else firstLine
            emptyLine = if (c == '\n') true else false
        index += 1

      if (maxSkip == 0)
      else {
        index = 0
        val builder = new StringBuilder
        while (index < code.length) {
          if (code(index) == '\n') {
            // we want to skip as many spaces are available, if there are less spaces (like on empty lines, do not
            // over-consume them)
            index += 1
            val limit = index + maxSkip
            while ((index < code.length) && (code(index) == ' ') && index < limit)
              index += 1
            index += 1

    def checkParaEnded(): Boolean = {
      (char == endOfText) ||
      ((char == endOfLine) && {
        val poff = offset
        nextChar() // read EOL
        val ok = {
          checkSkipInitWhitespace(endOfLine) ||
          checkSkipInitWhitespace('=') ||
          checkSkipInitWhitespace("{{{") ||
          checkList ||
        offset = poff

    def reportError(pos: Position, message: String) {
      reporter.warning(pos, message)

  protected sealed class CharReader(buffer: String) { reader =>

    var offset: Int = 0
    def char: Char =
      if (offset >= buffer.length) endOfText else buffer charAt offset

    final def nextChar() {
      offset += 1

    final def check(chars: String): Boolean = {
      val poff = offset
      val ok = jump(chars)
      offset = poff

    def checkSkipInitWhitespace(c: Char): Boolean = {
      val poff = offset
      val ok = jump(c)
      offset = poff

    def checkSkipInitWhitespace(chars: String): Boolean = {
      val poff = offset
      val (ok0, chars0) =
        if (chars.charAt(0) == ' ')
          (offset > poff, chars substring 1)
          (true, chars)
      val ok = ok0 && jump(chars0)
      offset = poff

    def countWhitespace: Int = {
      var count = 0
      val poff = offset
      while (isWhitespace(char) && char != endOfText) {
        count += 1
      offset = poff

    /* JUMPERS */

    /** jumps a character and consumes it
      * @return true only if the correct character has been jumped */
    final def jump(ch: Char): Boolean = {
      if (char == ch) {
      else false

    /** jumps all the characters in chars, consuming them in the process.
      * @return true only if the correct characters have been jumped */
    final def jump(chars: String): Boolean = {
      var index = 0
      while (index < chars.length && char == chars.charAt(index) && char != endOfText) {
        index += 1
      index == chars.length

    final def repeatJump(c: Char, max: Int = Int.MaxValue): Int = {
      var count = 0
      while (jump(c) && count < max)
        count += 1

    final def jumpUntil(ch: Char): Int = {
      var count = 0
      while (char != ch && char != endOfText) {
        count += 1

    final def jumpUntil(pred: => Boolean): Int = {
      var count = 0
      while (!pred && char != endOfText) {
        count += 1

    def jumpWhitespace() = jumpUntil(!isWhitespace(char))

    /* READERS */

    final def readUntil(c: Char): String = {
      withRead {
        while (char != c && char != endOfText) {

    final def readUntil(chars: String): String = {
      assert(chars.length > 0)
      withRead {
        val c = chars.charAt(0)
        while (!check(chars) && char != endOfText) {
          while (char != c && char != endOfText)

    final def readUntil(pred: => Boolean): String = {
      withRead {
        while (char != endOfText && !pred) {

    private def withRead(read: => Unit): String = {
      val start = offset
      buffer.substring(start, offset)


    def isWhitespace(c: Char) = c == ' ' || c == '\t'

Other Scala source code examples

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