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Scala example source code file (MemberLookupBase.scala)

This example Scala source code file (MemberLookupBase.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

compiler, disambiguating, linkto, list, nil, nsc, onlyterm, onlytype, position, searchstrategy, string, symbol

The MemberLookupBase.scala Scala example source code

package doc
package base

import comment._

/** This trait extracts all required information for documentation from compilation units.
 *  The base trait has been extracted to allow getting light-weight documentation
  * for a particular symbol in the IDE.*/
trait MemberLookupBase {

  val global: Global
  import global._

  def internalLink(sym: Symbol, site: Symbol): Option[LinkTo]
  def chooseLink(links: List[LinkTo]): LinkTo
  def toString(link: LinkTo): String
  def findExternalLink(sym: Symbol, name: String): Option[LinkToExternal]
  def warnNoLink: Boolean

  import global._
  import rootMirror.{RootPackage, EmptyPackage}

  private def isRoot(s: Symbol) = (s eq NoSymbol) || s.isRootSymbol || s.isEmptyPackage || s.isEmptyPackageClass

  def makeEntityLink(title: Inline, pos: Position, query: String, site: Symbol) =
    new EntityLink(title) { lazy val link = memberLookup(pos, query, site) }

  private var showExplanation = true
  private def explanation: String =
    if (showExplanation) {
      showExplanation = false
      |Quick crash course on using Scaladoc links
      |Disambiguating terms and types: Prefix terms with '$' and types with '!' in case both names are in use:
      | - [[scala.collection.immutable.List!.apply class List's apply method]] and
      | - [[scala.collection.immutable.List$.apply object List's apply method]]
      |Disambiguating overloaded members: If a term is overloaded, you can indicate the first part of its signature followed by *:
      | - [[[scala.collection.immutable.List$.fill[A](Int)(⇒A):List[A]* Fill with a single parameter]]]
      | - [[[scala.collection.immutable.List$.fill[A](Int,Int)(⇒A):List[List[A]]* Fill with a two parameters]]]
      | - you can use any number of matching square brackets to avoid interference with the signature
      | - you can use \\. to escape dots in prefixes (don't forget to use * at the end to match the signature!)
      | - you can use \\# to escape hashes, otherwise they will be considered as delimiters, like dots.""".stripMargin
    } else ""

  def memberLookup(pos: Position, query: String, site: Symbol): LinkTo = {
    val members = breakMembers(query)

    // (1) First look in the root package, as most of the links are qualified
    val fromRoot = lookupInRootPackage(pos, members)

    // (2) Or recursively go into each containing template.
    val fromParents = Stream.iterate(site)(_.owner) takeWhile (!isRoot(_)) map (lookupInTemplate(pos, members, _))

    val syms = (fromRoot +: fromParents) find (!_.isEmpty) getOrElse Nil

    val links = syms flatMap { case (sym, site) => internalLink(sym, site) } match {
      case Nil =>
        // (3) Look at external links
        syms.flatMap { case (sym, owner) =>
          // reconstruct the original link
          def linkName(sym: Symbol) = {
            def nameString(s: Symbol) = s.nameString + (if ((s.isModule || s.isModuleClass) && !s.isPackage) "$" else "")
            val packageSuffix = if (sym.isPackage) ".package" else ""

            sym.ownerChain.reverse.filterNot(isRoot(_)).map(nameString(_)).mkString(".") + packageSuffix

          if (sym.isClass || sym.isModule || sym.isTrait || sym.isPackage)
            findExternalLink(sym, linkName(sym))
          else if (owner.isClass || owner.isModule || owner.isTrait || owner.isPackage)
            findExternalLink(sym, linkName(owner) + "@" + externalSignature(sym))
      case links => links
    links match {
      case Nil =>
        if (warnNoLink)
          reporter.warning(pos, "Could not find any member to link for \"" + query + "\".")
        // (4) if we still haven't found anything, create a tooltip
      case List(l) => l
      case links =>
        val chosen = chooseLink(links)
        def linkToString(link: LinkTo) = {
          val chosenInfo =
            if (link == chosen) " [chosen]" else ""
          toString(link) + chosenInfo + "\n"
        if (warnNoLink) {
          val allLinks =
            s"""The link target \"$query\" is ambiguous. Several members fit the target:

  private sealed trait SearchStrategy
  private case object BothTypeAndTerm extends SearchStrategy
  private case object OnlyType extends SearchStrategy
  private case object OnlyTerm extends SearchStrategy

  private def lookupInRootPackage(pos: Position, members: List[String]) =
    lookupInTemplate(pos, members, EmptyPackage) ::: lookupInTemplate(pos, members, RootPackage)

  private def lookupInTemplate(pos: Position, members: List[String], container: Symbol): List[(Symbol, Symbol)] = {
    // Maintaining compatibility with previous links is a bit tricky here:
    // we have a preference for term names for all terms except for the last, where we prefer a class:
    // How to do this:
    //  - at each step we do a DFS search with the prefered strategy
    //  - if the search doesn't return any members, we backtrack on the last decision
    //     * we look for terms with the last member's name
    //     * we look for types with the same name, all the way up
    val result = members match {
      case Nil => Nil
      case mbrName::Nil =>
        var syms = lookupInTemplate(pos, mbrName, container, OnlyType) map ((_, container))
        if (syms.isEmpty)
          syms = lookupInTemplate(pos, mbrName, container, OnlyTerm) map ((_, container))

      case tplName::rest =>
        def completeSearch(syms: List[Symbol]) =
          syms flatMap (lookupInTemplate(pos, rest, _))

        completeSearch(lookupInTemplate(pos, tplName, container, OnlyTerm)) match {
          case Nil => completeSearch(lookupInTemplate(pos, tplName, container, OnlyType))
          case syms => syms
    //println("lookupInTemplate(" + members + ", " + container + ") => " + result)

  private def lookupInTemplate(pos: Position, member: String, container: Symbol, strategy: SearchStrategy): List[Symbol] = {
    val name = member.stripSuffix("$").stripSuffix("!").stripSuffix("*")
    def signatureMatch(sym: Symbol): Boolean = externalSignature(sym).startsWith(name)

    // We need to cleanup the bogus classes created by the .class file parser. For example, [[scala.Predef]] resolves
    // to (bogus) class scala.Predef loaded by the class loader -- which we need to eliminate by looking at the info
    // and removing NoType classes
    def cleanupBogusClasses(syms: List[Symbol]) = { syms.filter( != NoType) }

    def syms(name: Name) =
    def termSyms = cleanupBogusClasses(syms(newTermName(name)))
    def typeSyms = cleanupBogusClasses(syms(newTypeName(name)))

    val result = if (member.endsWith("$"))
    else if (member.endsWith("!"))
    else if (member.endsWith("*"))
      cleanupBogusClasses( filter signatureMatch
      strategy match {
        case BothTypeAndTerm => termSyms ::: typeSyms
        case OnlyType => typeSyms
        case OnlyTerm => termSyms

    //println("lookupInTemplate(" + member + ", " + container + ") => " + result)

  private def breakMembers(query: String): List[String] = {
    // Okay, how does this work? Well: you split on . but you don't want to split on \. => thus the ugly regex
    // query.split((?<=[^\\\\])\\.).map(_.replaceAll("\\."))
    // The same code, just faster:
    var members = List[String]()
    var index = 0
    var last_index = 0
    val length = query.length
    while (index < length) {
      if ((query.charAt(index) == '.' || query.charAt(index) == '#') &&
          ((index == 0) || (query.charAt(index-1) != '\\'))) {

        val member = query.substring(last_index, index).replaceAll("\\\\([#\\.])", "$1")
        // we want to allow javadoc-style links [[#member]] -- which requires us to remove empty members from the first
        // elemnt in the list
        if ((member != "") || (!members.isEmpty))
          members ::= member
        last_index = index + 1
      index += 1
    if (last_index < length)
      members ::= query.substring(last_index, length).replaceAll("\\\\\\.", ".")

  def externalSignature(sym: Symbol) = { // force it, otherwise we see lazy types
    (sym.nameString + sym.signatureString).replaceAll("\\s", "")

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala MemberLookupBase.scala source code file:

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