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Scala example source code file (Comment.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Comment.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

body, chain, collection, compiler, htmltag, inline, list, map, none, nsc, option, some, text

The Comment.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2007-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Manohar Jonnalagedda

package doc
package base
package comment

import scala.collection._

/** A Scaladoc comment and all its tags.
  * '''Note:''' the only instantiation site of this class is in [[CommentFactory]].
  * @author Manohar Jonnalagedda
  * @author Gilles Dubochet */
abstract class Comment {

  /** The main body of the comment that describes what the entity does and is.  */
  def body: Body

  private def closeHtmlTags(inline: Inline) = {
    val stack = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[HtmlTag]
    def scan(i: Inline) {
      i match {
        case Chain(list) =>
          list foreach scan
        case tag: HtmlTag => {
          if (stack.length > 0 && tag.canClose(stack.last)) {
          } else {
            tag.close match {
              case Some(t) =>
                stack += t
              case None =>
        case _ =>
    Chain(List(inline) ++ stack.reverse)

  /** A shorter version of the body. Usually, this is the first sentence of the body. */
  def short: Inline = {
    body.summary match {
      case Some(s) =>
      case _ =>

  /** A list of authors. The empty list is used when no author is defined. */
  def authors: List[Body]

  /** A list of other resources to see, including links to other entities or
    * to external documentation. The empty list is used when no other resource
    * is mentionned. */
  def see: List[Body]

  /** A description of the result of the entity. Typically, this provides additional
    * information on the domain of the result, contractual post-conditions, etc. */
  def result: Option[Body]

  /** A map of exceptions that the entity can throw when accessed, and a
    * description of what they mean. */
  def throws: Map[String, Body]

  /** A map of value parameters, and a description of what they are. Typically,
    * this provides additional information on the domain of the parameters,
    * contractual pre-conditions, etc. */
  def valueParams: Map[String, Body]

  /** A map of type parameters, and a description of what they are. Typically,
    * this provides additional information on the domain of the parameters. */
  def typeParams: Map[String, Body]

  /** The version number of the entity. There is no formatting or further
    * meaning attached to this value. */
  def version: Option[Body]

  /** A version number of a containing entity where this member-entity was introduced. */
  def since: Option[Body]

  /** An annotation as to expected changes on this entity. */
  def todo: List[Body]

  /** Whether the entity is deprecated. Using the `@deprecated` Scala attribute
    * is prefereable to using this Scaladoc tag. */
  def deprecated: Option[Body]

  /** An additional note concerning the contract of the entity. */
  def note: List[Body]

  /** A usage example related to the entity. */
  def example: List[Body]

  /** A description for the primary constructor */
  def constructor: Option[Body]

  /** A set of diagram directives for the inheritance diagram */
  def inheritDiagram: List[String]

  /** A set of diagram directives for the content diagram */
  def contentDiagram: List[String]

  /** The group this member is part of */
  def group: Option[String]

  /** Member group descriptions */
  def groupDesc: Map[String,Body]

  /** Member group names (overriding the short tag) */
  def groupNames: Map[String,String]

  /** Member group priorities */
  def groupPrio: Map[String,Int]

  override def toString =
    body.toString + "\n" +
    (authors map ("@author " + _.toString)).mkString("\n") +
    (result map ("@return " + _.toString)).mkString("\n") +
    (version map ("@version " + _.toString)).mkString

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Comment.scala source code file:

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