Scala example source code file (Index.scala)
The Index.scala Scala example source code/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2007-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author David Bernard, Manohar Jonnalagedda */ package scala.tools.nsc package doc package html package page import model._ import scala.collection._ import scala.xml._ class Index(universe: doc.Universe, val index: doc.Index) extends HtmlPage { def path = List("index.html") def title = { val s = universe.settings ( if (!s.doctitle.isDefault) s.doctitle.value else "" ) + ( if (!s.docversion.isDefault) (" " + s.docversion.value) else "" ) } val headers = <xml:group> <link href={ relativeLinkTo{List("index.css", "lib")} } media="screen" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/> <script type="text/javascript" src={ relativeLinkTo{List("jquery.js", "lib")} }></script> <script type="text/javascript" src={ relativeLinkTo{List("jquery-ui.js", "lib")} }></script> <script type="text/javascript" src={ relativeLinkTo{List("jquery.layout.js", "lib")} }></script> <script type="text/javascript" src={ relativeLinkTo{List("index.js", "lib")} }></script> <script type="text/javascript" src={ relativeLinkTo{List("scheduler.js", "lib")} }></script> </xml:group> val body = <body> <div id="library"> <img class='class icon' alt='class icon' src={ relativeLinkTo{List("class.png", "lib")} }/> <img class='trait icon' alt='trait icon' src={ relativeLinkTo{List("trait.png", "lib")} }/> <img class='object icon' alt='trait icon' src={ relativeLinkTo{List("object.png", "lib")} }/> <img class='package icon' alt='trait icon' src={ relativeLinkTo{List("package.png", "lib")} }/> </div> { browser } <div id="content" class="ui-layout-center"> <iframe id="template" name="template" src={ relativeLinkTo{List("package.html")} }/> </div> </body> def letters: NodeSeq = '_' +: ('a' to 'z') map { char => { val label = if (char == '_') '#' else char.toUpper index.firstLetterIndex.get(char) match { case Some(_) => <a target="template" href={ "index/index-" + char + ".html" }>{ label }</a> case None => <span>{ label }</span> } } } def browser = <div id="browser" class="ui-layout-west"> <div class="ui-west-center"> <div id="filter"> <div id="textfilter"></div> <div id="letters">{ letters }</div> </div> <div class="pack" id="tpl">{ def packageElem(pack: model.Package): NodeSeq = { <xml:group> { if (!pack.isRootPackage) <a class="tplshow" href={ relativeLinkTo(pack) } target="template">{ pack.qualifiedName }</a> else NodeSeq.Empty } <ol class="templates">{ val tpls: Map[String, Seq[DocTemplateEntity]] = (pack.templates collect { case t: DocTemplateEntity if !t.isPackage && !universe.settings.hardcoded.isExcluded(t.qualifiedName) => t }) groupBy (_.name) val placeholderSeq: NodeSeq = <div class="placeholder"></div> def createLink(entity: DocTemplateEntity, includePlaceholder: Boolean, includeText: Boolean) = { val entityType = kindToString(entity) val linkContent = ( { if (includePlaceholder) placeholderSeq else NodeSeq.Empty } ++ { if (includeText) <span class="tplLink">{ Text(packageQualifiedName(entity)) }</span> else NodeSeq.Empty } ) <a class="tplshow" href={ relativeLinkTo(entity) } target="template"><span class={ entityType }>({ Text(entityType) })</span>{ linkContent }</a> } for (tn <- tpls.keySet.toSeq sortBy (_.toLowerCase)) yield { val entities = tpls(tn) val row = (entities find (e => e.isPackage || e.isObject), entities find (e => e.isTrait || e.isClass)) val itemContents = row match { case (Some(obj), None) => createLink(obj, includePlaceholder = true, includeText = true) case (maybeObj, Some(template)) => val firstLink = maybeObj match { case Some(obj) => createLink(obj, includePlaceholder = false, includeText = false) case None => placeholderSeq } firstLink ++ createLink(template, includePlaceholder = false, includeText = true) case _ => // FIXME: this default case should not be necessary. For some reason AnyRef is not a package, object, trait, or class val entry = entities.head placeholderSeq ++ createLink(entry, includePlaceholder = false, includeText = true) } <li title={ entities.head.qualifiedName }>{ itemContents }</li> } }</ol> <ol class="packages"> { for (sp <- pack.packages sortBy (_.name.toLowerCase)) yield <li class="pack" title={ sp.qualifiedName }>{ packageElem(sp) }</li> }</ol> </xml:group> } packageElem(universe.rootPackage) }</div></div><script src="index.js"></script> </div> def packageQualifiedName(ety: DocTemplateEntity): String = if (ety.inTemplate.isPackage) ety.name else (packageQualifiedName(ety.inTemplate) + "." + ety.name) } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala Index.scala source code file: |
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