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Scala example source code file (Template.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Template.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

boolean, collection, doctemplateentity, list, memberentity, mutable, nil, nodeseq, none, some, string, text, xml

The Template.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2007-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  David Bernard, Manohar Jonnalagedda

package scala
package tools
package nsc
package doc
package html
package page

import base._
import base.comment._

import model._
import model.diagram._
import scala.xml.{Elem, NodeSeq, Text, UnprefixedAttribute}
import scala.language.postfixOps
import scala.collection.mutable. { Set, HashSet }

import model._
import model.diagram._
import diagram._

class Template(universe: doc.Universe, generator: DiagramGenerator, tpl: DocTemplateEntity) extends HtmlPage {

  val path =

  def title = {
    val s = universe.settings +
    ( if (!s.doctitle.isDefault) " - " + s.doctitle.value else "" ) +
    ( if (!s.docversion.isDefault) (" " + s.docversion.value) else "" ) +
    " - " + tpl.qualifiedName

  val headers =
      <link href={ relativeLinkTo{List("template.css", "lib")} } media="screen" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
      <link href={ relativeLinkTo{List("diagrams.css", "lib")} } media="screen" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" id="diagrams-css" />
      <script type="text/javascript" src={ relativeLinkTo{List("jquery.js", "lib")} } id="jquery-js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src={ relativeLinkTo{List("jquery-ui.js", "lib")} }></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src={ relativeLinkTo{List("template.js", "lib")} }></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src={ relativeLinkTo{List("tools.tooltip.js", "lib")} }></script>
      { if (universe.settings.docDiagrams.value) {
      <script type="text/javascript" src={ relativeLinkTo{List("modernizr.custom.js", "lib")} }></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src={ relativeLinkTo{List("diagrams.js", "lib")} } id="diagrams-js"></script>
      } else NodeSeq.Empty }
      <script type="text/javascript">
         if(top === self) {{
            var url = '{ val p = templateToPath(tpl); "../" * (p.size - 1) + "index.html" }';
            var hash = '{ val p = templateToPath(tpl); (p.tail.reverse ::: List(p.head.replace(".html", ""))).mkString(".") }';
            var anchor = window.location.hash;
            var anchor_opt = '';
            if (anchor.length { scala.xml.Unparsed(">=") /* unless we use Unparsed, it gets escaped and crashes the script */ } 1)
              anchor_opt = '@' + anchor.substring(1);
            window.location.href = url + '#' + hash + anchor_opt;

  val valueMembers =
    tpl.methods ++ tpl.values ++ tpl.templates.filter(x => x.isObject || x.isPackage) sorted

  val (absValueMembers, nonAbsValueMembers) =
    valueMembers partition (_.isAbstract)

  val (deprValueMembers, nonDeprValueMembers) =
    nonAbsValueMembers partition (_.deprecation.isDefined)

  val (concValueMembers, shadowedImplicitMembers) =
    nonDeprValueMembers partition (!_.isShadowedOrAmbiguousImplicit)

  val typeMembers =
    tpl.abstractTypes ++ tpl.aliasTypes ++ tpl.templates.filter(x => x.isTrait || x.isClass) sorted (implicitly[Ordering[MemberEntity]])

  val constructors = (tpl match {
    case cls: Class => (cls.constructors: List[MemberEntity]).sorted
    case _ => Nil

  /* for body, there is a special case for AnyRef, otherwise AnyRef appears
   * like a package/object this problem should be fixed, this implementation
   * is just a patch. */
  val body = {
    val templateName = if (tpl.isRootPackage) "root package" else
    val displayName = tpl.companion match {
      case Some(companion) if (companion.visibility.isPublic && companion.inSource != None) =>
        <a href={relativeLinkTo(companion)} title="Go to companion">{ templateName }</a>
      case _ =>
    val owner = {
      if (tpl.isRootPackage || tpl.inTemplate.isRootPackage)
        <p id="owner">{ templatesToHtml(tpl.inTemplate.toRoot.reverse.tail, scala.xml.Text(".")) }</p>

    <body class={ if (tpl.isType) "type" else "value" }>
      <div id="definition">
          tpl.companion match {
            case Some(companion) if (companion.visibility.isPublic && companion.inSource != None) =>
              <a href={relativeLinkTo(companion)} title="Go to companion"><img src={ relativeLinkTo(List(docEntityKindToBigImage(tpl), "lib")) }/></a>
            case _ =>
              <img src={ relativeLinkTo(List(docEntityKindToBigImage(tpl), "lib")) }/>
        { owner }
        <h1>{ displayName }</h1> { permalink(tpl) }

      { signature(tpl, isSelf = true) }
      { memberToCommentHtml(tpl, tpl.inTemplate, isSelf = true) }

      <div id="mbrsel">
        <div id='textfilter'><span class='pre'/><span class='input'><input id='mbrsel-input' type='text' accesskey='/'/></span><span class='post'/></div>
        { if (tpl.linearizationTemplates.isEmpty && tpl.conversions.isEmpty && (!universe.settings.docGroups.value || ( == 1)))
            <div id="order">
              <span class="filtertype">Ordering</span>
                  if (!universe.settings.docGroups.value || ( == 1))
                    <li class="group out"><span>Grouped</span></li>
                <li class="alpha in"><span>Alphabetic</span></li>
                  if (tpl.linearizationTemplates.isEmpty && tpl.conversions.isEmpty)
                    <li class="inherit out"><span>By inheritance</span></li>
        { if (tpl.linearizationTemplates.isEmpty && tpl.conversions.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty else
            if (!tpl.linearizationTemplates.isEmpty)
              <div id="ancestors">
                <span class="filtertype">Inherited<br/>
                <ol id="linearization">
                  { (tpl :: tpl.linearizationTemplates).map(wte => <li class="in" name={ wte.qualifiedName }><span>{ }</span></li>) }
            else NodeSeq.Empty
          } ++ {
            if (!tpl.conversions.isEmpty)
              <div id="ancestors">
                <span class="filtertype">Implicitly<br/>
                <ol id="implicits"> {
         { conv =>
                    val name = conv.conversionQualifiedName
                    val hide = universe.settings.hiddenImplicits(name)
                    <li class="in" name={ name } data-hidden={ hide.toString }><span>{ "by " + conv.conversionShortName }</span></li>
            else NodeSeq.Empty
          } ++
          <div id="ancestors">
            <span class="filtertype"></span>
              <li class="hideall out"><span>Hide All</span></li>
              <li class="showall in"><span>Show all</span></li>
            <a href="" target="_blank">Learn more about member selection</a>
          <div id="visbl">
            <span class="filtertype">Visibility</span>
            <ol><li class="public in"><span>Public</span></li><li class="all out"><span>All</span></li></ol>

      <div id="template">
        <div id="allMembers">
        { if (constructors.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty else
            <div id="constructors" class="members">
              <h3>Instance Constructors</h3>
              <ol>{ constructors map (memberToHtml(_, tpl)) }</ol>

        { if (typeMembers.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty else
            <div id="types" class="types members">
              <h3>Type Members</h3>
              <ol>{ typeMembers map (memberToHtml(_, tpl)) }</ol>

        { if (absValueMembers.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty else
            <div id="values" class="values members">
              <h3>Abstract Value Members</h3>
              <ol>{ absValueMembers map (memberToHtml(_, tpl)) }</ol>

        { if (concValueMembers.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty else
            <div id="values" class="values members">
              <h3>{ if (absValueMembers.isEmpty) "Value Members" else "Concrete Value Members" }</h3>
              <ol>{ concValueMembers map (memberToHtml(_, tpl)) }</ol>

        { if (shadowedImplicitMembers.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty else
            <div id="values" class="values members">
              <h3>Shadowed Implicit Value Members</h3>
              <ol>{ shadowedImplicitMembers map (memberToHtml(_, tpl)) }</ol>

        { if (deprValueMembers.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty else
            <div id="values" class="values members">
              <h3>Deprecated Value Members</h3>
              <ol>{ deprValueMembers map (memberToHtml(_, tpl)) }</ol>

        <div id="inheritedMembers">
          // linearization
          NodeSeq fromSeq (for ((superTpl, superType) <- (tpl.linearizationTemplates zip tpl.linearizationTypes)) yield
            <div class="parent" name={ superTpl.qualifiedName }>
              <h3>Inherited from {
                typeToHtmlWithStupidTypes(tpl, superTpl, superType)
          // implicitly inherited
          NodeSeq fromSeq (for (conversion <- (tpl.conversions)) yield
            <div class="conversion" name={ conversion.conversionQualifiedName }>
              <h3>Inherited by implicit conversion { conversion.conversionShortName } from
                { typeToHtml(tpl.resultType, hasLinks = true) } to { typeToHtml(conversion.targetType, hasLinks = true) }

        <div id="groupedMembers">
          val allGroups =
          val orderedGroups = => (tpl.groupPriority(group), group))
          // linearization
          NodeSeq fromSeq (for (group <- orderedGroups) yield
            <div class="group" name={ group }>
              <h3>{ tpl.groupName(group) }</h3>
                tpl.groupDescription(group) match {
                  case Some(body) => <div class="comment cmt">{ bodyToHtml(body) }</div>
                  case _ => NodeSeq.Empty


      <div id="tooltip" ></div>

        if (Set("epfl", "EPFL").contains(tpl.universe.settings.docfooter.value))
          <div id="footer">Scala programming documentation. Copyright (c) 2003-2013 <a href="" target="_top">EPFL</a>, with contributions from <a href="" target="_top">Typesafe</a>.</div>
          <div id="footer"> { tpl.universe.settings.docfooter.value } </div>


  def memberToHtml(mbr: MemberEntity, inTpl: DocTemplateEntity): NodeSeq = {
    val memberComment = memberToCommentHtml(mbr, inTpl, isSelf = false)
    <li name={ mbr.definitionName } visbl={ if (mbr.visibility.isProtected) "prt" else "pub" }
      data-isabs={ mbr.isAbstract.toString }
      fullComment={ if(memberComment.filter(_.label=="div").isEmpty) "no" else "yes" }
      group={ }>
      <a id={ mbr.signature }/>
      <a id={ mbr.signatureCompat }/>
      { signature(mbr, isSelf = false) }
      { memberComment }

  def memberToCommentHtml(mbr: MemberEntity, inTpl: DocTemplateEntity, isSelf: Boolean): NodeSeq = {
    mbr match {
      case dte: DocTemplateEntity if isSelf =>
        // comment of class itself
          <div id="comment" class="fullcommenttop">{ memberToCommentBodyHtml(mbr, inTpl, isSelf = true) }</div>
      case _ =>
        // comment of non-class member or non-documentented inner class
        val commentBody = memberToCommentBodyHtml(mbr, inTpl, isSelf = false)
        if (commentBody.isEmpty)
        else {
          val shortComment = memberToShortCommentHtml(mbr, isSelf)
          val longComment = memberToUseCaseCommentHtml(mbr, isSelf) ++ memberToCommentBodyHtml(mbr, inTpl, isSelf)

          val includedLongComment = if (shortComment.text.trim == longComment.text.trim)
            <div class="fullcomment">{ longComment }</div>

          shortComment ++ includedLongComment

  def memberToUseCaseCommentHtml(mbr: MemberEntity, isSelf: Boolean): NodeSeq = {
    mbr match {
      case nte: NonTemplateMemberEntity if nte.isUseCase =>
        inlineToHtml(comment.Text("[use case] "))
      case _ => NodeSeq.Empty

  def memberToShortCommentHtml(mbr: MemberEntity, isSelf: Boolean): NodeSeq =
    mbr.comment.fold(NodeSeq.Empty) { comment =>
      <p class="shortcomment cmt">{ memberToUseCaseCommentHtml(mbr, isSelf) }{ inlineToHtml(comment.short) }</p>

  def memberToInlineCommentHtml(mbr: MemberEntity, isSelf: Boolean): NodeSeq =
    <p class="comment cmt">{ inlineToHtml(mbr.comment.get.short) }</p>

  def memberToCommentBodyHtml(mbr: MemberEntity, inTpl: DocTemplateEntity, isSelf: Boolean, isReduced: Boolean = false): NodeSeq = {
    val s = universe.settings

    val memberComment =
      if (mbr.comment.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty
      else <div class="comment cmt">{ commentToHtml(mbr.comment) }</div>

    val authorComment =
      if (! s.docAuthor || mbr.comment.isEmpty ||
        mbr.comment.isDefined && mbr.comment.get.authors.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty
      else <div class="comment cmt">
        {if (mbr.comment.get.authors.size > 1) <h6>Authors:</h6> else <h6>Author:</h6>}
        { mbr.comment.get.authors map bodyToHtml}

    val paramComments = {
      val prs: List[ParameterEntity] = mbr match {
        case cls: Class => cls.typeParams ::: cls.valueParams.flatten
        case trt: Trait => trt.typeParams
        case dfe: Def => dfe.typeParams ::: dfe.valueParams.flatten
        case ctr: Constructor => ctr.valueParams.flatten
        case _ => Nil

      def paramCommentToHtml(prs: List[ParameterEntity], comment: Comment): NodeSeq = prs match {

        case (tp: TypeParam) :: rest =>
          val paramEntry: NodeSeq = {
            <dt class="tparam">{ }</dt><dd class="cmt">{ bodyToHtml(comment.typeParams( }</dd>
          paramEntry ++ paramCommentToHtml(rest, comment)

        case (vp: ValueParam) :: rest  =>
          val paramEntry: NodeSeq = {
            <dt class="param">{ }</dt><dd class="cmt">{ bodyToHtml(comment.valueParams( }</dd>
          paramEntry ++ paramCommentToHtml(rest, comment)

        case _ =>

      mbr.comment.fold(NodeSeq.Empty) { comment =>
        val cmtedPrs = prs filter {
          case tp: TypeParam => comment.typeParams isDefinedAt
          case vp: ValueParam => comment.valueParams isDefinedAt
        if (cmtedPrs.isEmpty && comment.result.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty
        else {
          <dl class="paramcmts block">{
            paramCommentToHtml(cmtedPrs, comment) ++ (
            comment.result match {
              case None => NodeSeq.Empty
              case Some(cmt) =>
                <dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt">{ bodyToHtml(cmt) }</dd>

    val implicitInformation = mbr.byConversion match {
      case Some(conv) =>
        <dt class="implicit">Implicit information</dt> ++
          val targetType = typeToHtml(conv.targetType, hasLinks = true)
          val conversionMethod = conv.convertorMethod match {
            case Left(member) => Text(
            case Right(name)  => Text(name)

          // strip off the package object endings, they make things harder to follow
          val conversionOwnerQualifiedNane = conv.convertorOwner.qualifiedName.stripSuffix(".package")
          val conversionOwner = templateToHtml(conv.convertorOwner, conversionOwnerQualifiedNane)

          val constraintText = conv.constraints match {
            case Nil =>
            case List(constraint) =>
              scala.xml.Text("This conversion will take place only if ") ++ constraintToHtml(constraint) ++ scala.xml.Text(".")
            case List(constraint1, constraint2) =>
              scala.xml.Text("This conversion will take place only if ") ++ constraintToHtml(constraint1) ++
                scala.xml.Text(" and at the same time ") ++ constraintToHtml(constraint2) ++ scala.xml.Text(".")
            case constraints =>
              <br/> ++ "This conversion will take place only if all of the following constraints are met:" ++ <br/> ++ {
                var index = 0
                constraints map { constraint => scala.xml.Text({ index += 1; index } + ". ") ++ constraintToHtml(constraint) ++ <br/> }

            This member is added by an implicit conversion from { typeToHtml(inTpl.resultType, hasLinks = true) } to
            { targetType } performed by method { conversionMethod } in { conversionOwner }.
            { constraintText }
        } ++ {
          if (mbr.isShadowedOrAmbiguousImplicit) {
            // These are the members that are shadowing or ambiguating the current implicit
            // see ImplicitMemberShadowing trait for more information
            val shadowingSuggestion = {
              val params = mbr match {
                case d: Def => d.valueParams map (_ map (_ name) mkString("(", ", ", ")")) mkString
                case _      => "" // no parameters
              <br/> ++ scala.xml.Text("To access this member you can use a ") ++
              <a href=""
                target="_blank">type ascription</a> ++ scala.xml.Text(":") ++
              <br/> ++ <div class="cmt"><pre>{"(" + Template.lowerFirstLetter( + ": " + + ")." + + params }</pre></div>

            val shadowingWarning: NodeSeq =
              if (mbr.isShadowedImplicit)
                  scala.xml.Text("This implicitly inherited member is shadowed by one or more members in this " +
                  "class.") ++ shadowingSuggestion
              else if (mbr.isAmbiguousImplicit)
                  scala.xml.Text("This implicitly inherited member is ambiguous. One or more implicitly " +
                  "inherited members have similar signatures, so calling this member may produce an ambiguous " +
                  "implicit conversion compiler error.") ++ shadowingSuggestion
              else NodeSeq.Empty

            <dt class="implicit">Shadowing</dt> ++
            <dd>{ shadowingWarning }</dd>

          } else NodeSeq.Empty
      case _ =>

    // --- start attributes block vals
    val attributes: NodeSeq = {
      val fvs: List[comment.Paragraph] = visibility(mbr).toList
      if (fvs.isEmpty || isReduced) NodeSeq.Empty
      else {
        <dd>{ fvs map { fv => { inlineToHtml(fv.text) ++ scala.xml.Text(" ") } } }</dd>

    val definitionClasses: NodeSeq = {
      val inDefTpls = mbr.inDefinitionTemplates
      if ((inDefTpls.tail.isEmpty && (inDefTpls.head == inTpl)) || isReduced) NodeSeq.Empty
      else {
        <dt>Definition Classes</dt>
        <dd>{ templatesToHtml(inDefTpls, scala.xml.Text(" → ")) }</dd>

    val fullSignature: NodeSeq = {
      mbr match {
        case nte: NonTemplateMemberEntity if nte.isUseCase =>
          <div class="full-signature-block toggleContainer">
            <span class="toggle">Full Signature</span>
            <div class="hiddenContent full-signature-usecase">{ signature(nte.useCaseOf.get,isSelf = true) }</div>
        case _ => NodeSeq.Empty

    val selfType: NodeSeq = mbr match {
      case dtpl: DocTemplateEntity if (isSelf && !dtpl.selfType.isEmpty && !isReduced) =>
        <dt>Self Type</dt>
        <dd>{ typeToHtml(dtpl.selfType.get, hasLinks = true) }</dd>
      case _ => NodeSeq.Empty

    val annotations: NodeSeq = {
      // A list of annotations which don't show their arguments, e. g. because they are shown separately.
      val annotationsWithHiddenArguments = List("deprecated", "Deprecated", "migration")

      def showArguments(annotation: Annotation) =

      if (!mbr.annotations.isEmpty) {
   { annot =>
                <span class="name">@{ templateToHtml(annot.annotationClass) }</span>{
                  if (showArguments(annot)) argumentsToHtml(annot.arguments) else NodeSeq.Empty
      } else NodeSeq.Empty

    val sourceLink: NodeSeq = mbr match {
      case dtpl: DocTemplateEntity if (isSelf && dtpl.sourceUrl.isDefined && dtpl.inSource.isDefined && !isReduced) =>
        val (absFile, _) = dtpl.inSource.get
        <dd>{ <a href={ dtpl.sourceUrl.get.toString } target="_blank">{ Text(absFile.file.getName) }</a> }</dd>
      case _ => NodeSeq.Empty

    val deprecation: NodeSeq =
      mbr.deprecation match {
        case Some(deprecation) if !isReduced =>
          <dd class="cmt">{ bodyToHtml(deprecation) }</dd>
        case _ => NodeSeq.Empty

    val migration: NodeSeq =
      mbr.migration match {
        case Some(migration) if !isReduced =>
          <dd class="cmt">{ bodyToHtml(migration) }</dd>
        case _ => NodeSeq.Empty

    val mainComment: NodeSeq = mbr.comment match {
      case Some(comment) if (! isReduced) =>
        def orEmpty[T](it: Iterable[T])(gen:  =>NodeSeq): NodeSeq =
          if (it.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty else gen

        val example =
          orEmpty(comment.example) {
            <div class="block">Example{ if (comment.example.length > 1) "s" else ""}:
                 val exampleXml: List[NodeSeq] = for (ex <- comment.example) yield
                   <li class="cmt">{ bodyToHtml(ex) }</li>
                 exampleXml.reduceLeft(_ ++ Text(", ") ++ _)

        val version: NodeSeq =
          orEmpty(comment.version) {
            <dd>{ for(body <- comment.version.toList) yield bodyToHtml(body) }</dd>

        val sinceVersion: NodeSeq =
          orEmpty(comment.since) {
            <dd>{ for(body <- comment.since.toList) yield bodyToHtml(body) }</dd>

        val note: NodeSeq =
          orEmpty(comment.note) {
              val noteXml: List[NodeSeq] =  for(note <- comment.note ) yield <span class="cmt">{bodyToHtml(note)}</span>
              noteXml.reduceLeft(_ ++ Text(", ") ++ _)

        val seeAlso: NodeSeq =
          orEmpty(comment.see) {
            <dt>See also</dt>
              val seeXml: List[NodeSeq] = for(see <- comment.see ) yield <span class="cmt">{bodyToHtml(see)}</span>
              seeXml.reduceLeft(_ ++ _)

        val exceptions: NodeSeq =
          orEmpty(comment.throws) {
            <dt>Exceptions thrown</dt>
              val exceptionsXml: List[NodeSeq] =
                for((name, body) <- comment.throws.toList.sortBy(_._1) ) yield
                  <span class="cmt">{Text(name) ++ bodyToHtml(body)}</span>
              exceptionsXml.reduceLeft(_ ++ Text("") ++ _)

        val todo: NodeSeq =
          orEmpty(comment.todo) {
            <dt>To do</dt>
              val todoXml: List[NodeSeq] = (for(todo <- comment.todo ) yield <span class="cmt">{bodyToHtml(todo)}</span> )
              todoXml.reduceLeft(_ ++ Text(", ") ++ _)

        example ++ version ++ sinceVersion ++ exceptions ++ todo ++ note ++ seeAlso

      case _ => NodeSeq.Empty
    // end attributes block vals ---

    val attributesInfo = implicitInformation ++ attributes ++ definitionClasses ++ fullSignature ++ selfType ++ annotations ++ deprecation ++ migration ++ sourceLink ++ mainComment
    val attributesBlock =
      if (attributesInfo.isEmpty)
        <dl class="attributes block"> { attributesInfo }</dl>

    val linearization = mbr match {
      case dtpl: DocTemplateEntity if isSelf && !isReduced && dtpl.linearizationTemplates.nonEmpty =>
        <div class="toggleContainer block">
          <span class="toggle">Linear Supertypes</span>
          <div class="superTypes hiddenContent">{
            typesToHtml(dtpl.linearizationTypes, hasLinks = true, sep = scala.xml.Text(", "))
      case _ => NodeSeq.Empty

    val subclasses = mbr match {
      case dtpl: DocTemplateEntity if isSelf && !isReduced =>
        val subs: Set[DocTemplateEntity] = HashSet.empty
        def transitive(dtpl: DocTemplateEntity) {
          for (sub <- dtpl.directSubClasses if !(subs contains sub)) {
            subs add sub
        if (subs.nonEmpty)
          <div class="toggleContainer block">
            <span class="toggle">Known Subclasses</span>
            <div class="subClasses hiddenContent">{
              templatesToHtml(subs.toList.sortBy(, scala.xml.Text(", "))
        else NodeSeq.Empty
      case _ => NodeSeq.Empty

    def createDiagram(f: DocTemplateEntity => Option[Diagram], description: String, id: String): NodeSeq =
      if (s.docDiagrams.value) mbr match {
        case dtpl: DocTemplateEntity if isSelf && !isReduced =>
          val diagram = f(dtpl)
          if (diagram.isDefined) {
            val diagramSvg = generator.generate(diagram.get, tpl, this)
            if (diagramSvg != NodeSeq.Empty) {
              <div class="toggleContainer block diagram-container" id={ id + "-container"}>
                <span class="toggle diagram-link">{ description }</span>
                <a href="" target="_blank" class="diagram-help">Learn more about scaladoc diagrams</a>
                <div class="diagram" id={ id }>{
            } else NodeSeq.Empty
          } else NodeSeq.Empty
        case _ => NodeSeq.Empty
      } else NodeSeq.Empty // diagrams not generated

    val typeHierarchy = createDiagram(_.inheritanceDiagram, "Type Hierarchy", "inheritance-diagram")
    val contentHierarchy = createDiagram(_.contentDiagram, "Content Hierarchy", "content-diagram")

    memberComment ++ authorComment ++ paramComments ++ attributesBlock ++ linearization ++ subclasses ++ typeHierarchy ++ contentHierarchy

  def boundsToHtml(hi: Option[TypeEntity], lo: Option[TypeEntity], hasLinks: Boolean): NodeSeq = {
    def bound0(bnd: Option[TypeEntity], pre: String): NodeSeq = bnd match {
      case None => NodeSeq.Empty
      case Some(tpe) => scala.xml.Text(pre) ++ typeToHtml(tpe, hasLinks)
    bound0(lo, " >: ") ++ bound0(hi, " <: ")

  def visibility(mbr: MemberEntity): Option[comment.Paragraph] = {
    import comment._
    import comment.{ Text => CText }
    mbr.visibility match {
      case PrivateInInstance() =>
      case PrivateInTemplate(owner) if (owner == mbr.inTemplate) =>
      case PrivateInTemplate(owner) =>
        Some(Paragraph(Chain(List(CText("private["), EntityLink(comment.Text(owner.qualifiedName), LinkToTpl(owner)), CText("]")))))
      case ProtectedInInstance() =>
      case ProtectedInTemplate(owner) if (owner == mbr.inTemplate) =>
      case ProtectedInTemplate(owner) =>
        Some(Paragraph(Chain(List(CText("protected["), EntityLink(comment.Text(owner.qualifiedName), LinkToTpl(owner)), CText("]")))))
      case Public() =>

  /** name, tparams, params, result */
  def signature(mbr: MemberEntity, isSelf: Boolean, isReduced: Boolean = false): NodeSeq = {

    def inside(hasLinks: Boolean, nameLink: String = ""): NodeSeq =
      <span class="modifier_kind">
        <span class="modifier">{ => inlineToHtml(flag.text) ++ scala.xml.Text(" ")) }</span>
        <span class="kind">{ kindToString(mbr) }</span>
      <span class="symbol">
          val nameClass =
            if (mbr.isImplicitlyInherited)
              if (mbr.isShadowedOrAmbiguousImplicit)
                "implicit shadowed"

          val nameHtml = {
            val value = if (mbr.isConstructor) else
            val span = if (mbr.deprecation.isDefined)
              <span class={ nameClass + " deprecated"} title={"Deprecated: "+bodyToStr(mbr.deprecation.get)}>{ value }</span>
              <span class={ nameClass }>{ value }</span>
            val encoded = scala.reflect.NameTransformer.encode(value)
            if (encoded != value) {
              span % new UnprefixedAttribute("title",
                                             "gt4s: " + encoded +
                                               node => ". " + node
            } else {
          if (!nameLink.isEmpty)
            <a href={nameLink}>{nameHtml}</a>
          else nameHtml
          def tparamsToHtml(mbr: Any): NodeSeq = mbr match {
            case hk: HigherKinded =>
              val tpss = hk.typeParams
              if (tpss.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty else {
                def tparam0(tp: TypeParam): NodeSeq =
                  <span name={ }>{ tp.variance + }{ tparamsToHtml(tp) }{ boundsToHtml(tp.hi, tp.lo, hasLinks)}</span>
                def tparams0(tpss: List[TypeParam]): NodeSeq = (tpss: @unchecked) match {
                  case tp :: Nil => tparam0(tp)
                  case tp :: tps => tparam0(tp) ++ Text(", ") ++ tparams0(tps)
                <span class="tparams">[{ tparams0(tpss) }]</span>
            case _ => NodeSeq.Empty
          if (isReduced) NodeSeq.Empty else {
            def paramsToHtml(vlsss: List[List[ValueParam]]): NodeSeq = {
              def param0(vl: ValueParam): NodeSeq =
                // notice the }{ in the next lines, they are necessary to avoid an undesired withspace in output
                <span name={ }>{
                }{ Text(": ") ++ typeToHtml(vl.resultType, hasLinks) }{
                  vl.defaultValue match {
                    case Some(v) => Text(" = ") ++ treeToHtml(v)
                    case None => NodeSeq.Empty

              def params0(vlss: List[ValueParam]): NodeSeq = vlss match {
                case Nil => NodeSeq.Empty
                case vl :: Nil => param0(vl)
                case vl :: vls => param0(vl) ++ Text(", ") ++ params0(vls)
              def implicitCheck(vlss: List[ValueParam]): NodeSeq = vlss match {
                case vl :: vls => if(vl.isImplicit) { <span class="implicit">implicit </span> } else Text("")
                case _ => Text("")
              vlsss map { vlss => <span class="params">({implicitCheck(vlss) ++ params0(vlss) })</span> }
            mbr match {
              case cls: Class => paramsToHtml(cls.valueParams)
              case ctr: Constructor => paramsToHtml(ctr.valueParams)
              case dfe: Def => paramsToHtml(dfe.valueParams)
              case _ => NodeSeq.Empty
        }{ if (isReduced) NodeSeq.Empty else {
          mbr match {
            case tme: MemberEntity if (tme.isDef || tme.isVal || tme.isLazyVal || tme.isVar) =>
              <span class="result">: { typeToHtml(tme.resultType, hasLinks) }</span>

            case abt: MemberEntity with AbstractType =>
              val b2s = boundsToHtml(abt.hi, abt.lo, hasLinks)
              if (b2s != NodeSeq.Empty)
                <span class="result">{ b2s }</span>
              else NodeSeq.Empty

            case alt: MemberEntity with AliasType =>
              <span class="result"> = { typeToHtml(alt.alias, hasLinks) }</span>

            case tpl: MemberTemplateEntity if !tpl.parentTypes.isEmpty =>
              <span class="result"> extends { typeToHtml(, hasLinks) }</span>

            case _ => NodeSeq.Empty
    mbr match {
      case dte: DocTemplateEntity if !isSelf =>
        <h4 class="signature">{ inside(hasLinks = true, nameLink = relativeLinkTo(dte)) }</h4> ++ permalink(dte, isSelf)
      case _ if isSelf =>
        <h4 id="signature" class="signature">{ inside(hasLinks = true) }</h4>
      case _ =>
        <h4 class="signature">{ inside(hasLinks = true) }</h4> ++ permalink(mbr)


  /** */
  def treeToHtml(tree: TreeEntity): NodeSeq = {

    /** Makes text good looking in the html page : newlines and basic indentation,
     * You must change this function if you want to improve pretty printing of default Values
    def codeStringToXml(text: String): NodeSeq = {
      var goodLookingXml: NodeSeq = NodeSeq.Empty
      var indent = 0
      for (c <- text) c match {
        case '{' => indent+=1
          goodLookingXml ++= Text("{")
        case '}' => indent-=1
          goodLookingXml ++= Text("}")
        case '\n' =>
          goodLookingXml++= <br/> ++ indentation
        case _ => goodLookingXml ++= Text(c.toString)
      def indentation:NodeSeq = {
        var indentXml = NodeSeq.Empty
        for (x <- 1 to indent) indentXml ++= Text("  ")

    var index = 0
    val str = tree.expression
    val length = str.length
    var myXml: NodeSeq = NodeSeq.Empty
    for ((from, (member, to)) <- tree.refEntity.toSeq) {
      if (index < from) {
        myXml ++= codeStringToXml(str.substring(index,from))
        index = from
      if (index == from) {
        member match {
          case mbr: DocTemplateEntity =>
            val link = relativeLinkTo(mbr)
            myXml ++= <span class="name"><a href={link}>{str.substring(from, to)}</a></span>
          case mbr: MemberEntity =>
            val anchor = "#" + mbr.signature
            val link = relativeLinkTo(mbr.inTemplate)
            myXml ++= <span class="name"><a href={link ++ anchor}>{str.substring(from, to)}</a></span>
        index = to

    if (index <= length-1)
      myXml ++= codeStringToXml(str.substring(index, length ))

    if (length < 36)
      <span class="symbol">{ myXml }</span>
      <span class="defval" name={ myXml }>{ "..." }</span>

  private def argumentsToHtml(argss: List[ValueArgument]): NodeSeq = {
    def argumentsToHtml0(argss: List[ValueArgument]): NodeSeq = argss match {
      case Nil         => NodeSeq.Empty
      case arg :: Nil  => argumentToHtml(arg)
      case arg :: args => argumentToHtml(arg) ++ scala.xml.Text(", ") ++ argumentsToHtml0(args)
    <span class="args">({ argumentsToHtml0(argss) })</span>

  private def argumentToHtml(arg: ValueArgument): NodeSeq = {
        arg.parameter match {
          case Some(param) => Text( + " = ")
          case None => NodeSeq.Empty
      { treeToHtml(arg.value) }

  private def bodyToStr(body: comment.Body): String =
    body.blocks flatMap (blockToStr(_)) mkString ""

  private def blockToStr(block: comment.Block): String = block match {
    case comment.Paragraph(in) => inlineToStr(in)
    case _ => block.toString

  private def inlineToStr(inl: comment.Inline): String = inl match {
    case comment.Chain(items) => items flatMap (inlineToStr(_)) mkString ""
    case comment.Italic(in) => inlineToStr(in)
    case comment.Bold(in) => inlineToStr(in)
    case comment.Underline(in) => inlineToStr(in)
    case comment.Monospace(in) => inlineToStr(in)
    case comment.Text(text) => text
    case comment.Summary(in) => inlineToStr(in)
    case _ => inl.toString

  private def typeToHtmlWithStupidTypes(tpl: TemplateEntity, superTpl: TemplateEntity, superType: TypeEntity): NodeSeq =
    if (tpl.universe.settings.useStupidTypes.value)
      superTpl match {
        case dtpl: DocTemplateEntity =>
          val sig = signature(dtpl, isSelf = false, isReduced = true) \ "_"
        case tpl: TemplateEntity =>
    typeToHtml(superType, hasLinks = true)

  private def constraintToHtml(constraint: Constraint): NodeSeq = constraint match {
    case ktcc: KnownTypeClassConstraint =>
      scala.xml.Text(ktcc.typeExplanation(ktcc.typeParamName) + " (" + ktcc.typeParamName + ": ") ++
        templateToHtml(ktcc.typeClassEntity) ++ scala.xml.Text(")")
    case tcc: TypeClassConstraint =>
      scala.xml.Text(tcc.typeParamName + " is ") ++
        <a href="" target="_blank">
        context-bounded</a> ++ scala.xml.Text(" by " + tcc.typeClassEntity.qualifiedName + " (" + tcc.typeParamName + ": ") ++
        templateToHtml(tcc.typeClassEntity) ++ scala.xml.Text(")")
    case impl: ImplicitInScopeConstraint =>
      scala.xml.Text("an implicit value of type ") ++ typeToHtml(impl.implicitType, hasLinks = true) ++ scala.xml.Text(" is in scope")
    case eq: EqualTypeParamConstraint =>
      scala.xml.Text(eq.typeParamName + " is " + + " (" + eq.typeParamName + " =:= ") ++
        typeToHtml(eq.rhs, hasLinks = true) ++ scala.xml.Text(")")
    case bt: BoundedTypeParamConstraint =>
      scala.xml.Text(bt.typeParamName + " is a superclass of " + + " and a subclass of " + + " (" + bt.typeParamName + " >: ") ++
        typeToHtml(bt.lowerBound, hasLinks = true) ++ scala.xml.Text(" <: ") ++
        typeToHtml(bt.upperBound, hasLinks = true) ++ scala.xml.Text(")")
    case lb: LowerBoundedTypeParamConstraint =>
      scala.xml.Text(lb.typeParamName + " is a superclass of " + + " (" + lb.typeParamName + " >: ") ++
        typeToHtml(lb.lowerBound, hasLinks = true) ++ scala.xml.Text(")")
    case ub: UpperBoundedTypeParamConstraint =>
      scala.xml.Text(ub.typeParamName + " is a subclass of " + + " (" + ub.typeParamName + " <: ") ++
        typeToHtml(ub.upperBound, hasLinks = true) ++ scala.xml.Text(")")

object Template {
  /* Vlad: Lesson learned the hard way: don't put any stateful code that references the model here,
   * it won't be garbage collected and you'll end up filling the heap with garbage */

  def lowerFirstLetter(s: String) = if (s.length >= 1) s.substring(0,1).toLowerCase() + s.substring(1) else s

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