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Scala example source code file (DiagramStats.scala)

This example Scala source code file (DiagramStats.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

broken, compiler, diagramstats, fixed, int, long, nsc, settings, string, timetracker, unit

The DiagramStats.scala Scala example source code

 * @author Vlad Ureche

object DiagramStats {

  class TimeTracker(title: String) {
    var totalTime: Long = 0l
    var maxTime: Long = 0l
    var instances: Int = 0

    def addTime(ms: Long) = {
      if (maxTime < ms)
        maxTime = ms
      totalTime += ms
      instances += 1

    def printStats(print: String => Unit) = {
      if (instances == 0)
        print(title + ": no stats gathered")
      else {
        print("  " + title)
        print("  " + "=" * title.length)
        print("    count:        " + instances + " items")
        print("    total time:   " + totalTime + " ms")
        print("    average time: " + (totalTime/instances) + " ms")
        print("    maximum time: " + maxTime + " ms")

  private[this] val filterTrack = new TimeTracker("diagrams model filtering")
  private[this] val modelTrack = new TimeTracker("diagrams model generation")
  private[this] val dotGenTrack = new TimeTracker("dot diagram generation")
  private[this] val dotRunTrack = new TimeTracker("dot process runnning")
  private[this] val svgTrack = new TimeTracker("svg processing")
  private[this] var brokenImages = 0
  private[this] var fixedImages = 0

  def printStats(settings: Settings) = {
    if (settings.docDiagramsDebug) {
      settings.printMsg("\nDiagram generation running time breakdown:\n")
      println("  Broken images: " + brokenImages)
      println("  Fixed images: " + fixedImages)

  def addFilterTime(ms: Long) = filterTrack.addTime(ms)
  def addModelTime(ms: Long) = modelTrack.addTime(ms)
  def addDotGenerationTime(ms: Long) = dotGenTrack.addTime(ms)
  def addDotRunningTime(ms: Long) = dotRunTrack.addTime(ms)
  def addSvgTime(ms: Long) = svgTrack.addTime(ms)

  def addBrokenImage(): Unit = brokenImages += 1
  def addFixedImage(): Unit = fixedImages += 1

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala DiagramStats.scala source code file:

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