Scala example source code file (DotRunner.scala)
The DotRunner.scala Scala example source codepackage scala.tools.nsc package doc package html package page package diagram import java.io.InputStream import java.io.OutputStream import java.io.InputStreamReader import java.io.OutputStreamWriter import java.io.BufferedWriter import java.io.BufferedReader import scala.sys.process._ import scala.concurrent.SyncVar import model._ /** This class takes care of running the graphviz dot utility */ class DotRunner(settings: doc.Settings) { private[this] var dotRestarts = 0 private[this] var dotProcess: DotProcess = null def feedToDot(dotInput: String, template: DocTemplateEntity): String = { if (dotProcess == null) { if (dotRestarts < settings.docDiagramsDotRestart.value) { if (dotRestarts != 0) settings.printMsg("Graphviz will be restarted...\n") dotRestarts += 1 dotProcess = new DotProcess(settings) } else return null } val tStart = System.currentTimeMillis val result = dotProcess.feedToDot(dotInput, template.qualifiedName) val tFinish = System.currentTimeMillis DiagramStats.addDotRunningTime(tFinish - tStart) if (result == null) { dotProcess.cleanup() dotProcess = null if (dotRestarts == settings.docDiagramsDotRestart.value) { settings.printMsg("\n") settings.printMsg("**********************************************************************") settings.printMsg("Diagrams will be disabled for this run because the graphviz dot tool") settings.printMsg("has malfunctioned too many times. These scaladoc flags may help:") settings.printMsg("") val baseList = List(settings.docDiagramsDebug, settings.docDiagramsDotPath, settings.docDiagramsDotRestart, settings.docDiagramsDotTimeout) val width = (baseList map (_.helpSyntax.length)).max def helpStr(s: doc.Settings#Setting) = ("%-" + width + "s") format (s.helpSyntax) + " " + s.helpDescription baseList.foreach((sett: doc.Settings#Setting) => settings.printMsg(helpStr(sett))) settings.printMsg("\nPlease note that graphviz package version 2.26 or above is required.") settings.printMsg("**********************************************************************\n\n") } } result } def cleanup() = if (dotProcess != null) dotProcess.cleanup() } class DotProcess(settings: doc.Settings) { @volatile var error: Boolean = false // signal an error val inputString = new SyncVar[String] // used for the dot process input val outputString = new SyncVar[String] // used for the dot process output val errorBuffer: StringBuffer = new StringBuffer() // buffer used for both dot process error console AND logging // set in only one place, in the main thread var process: Process = null var templateName: String = "" var templateInput: String = "" def feedToDot(input: String, template: String): String = { templateName = template templateInput = input try { // process creation if (process == null) { val procIO = new ProcessIO(inputFn(_), outputFn(_), errorFn(_)) val processBuilder: ProcessBuilder = Seq(settings.docDiagramsDotPath.value, "-Tsvg") process = processBuilder.run(procIO) } // pass the input and wait for the output assert(!inputString.isSet) assert(!outputString.isSet) inputString.put(input) var result = outputString.take(settings.docDiagramsDotTimeout.value * 1000L) if (error) result = null result } catch { case exc: Throwable => errorBuffer.append(" Main thread in " + templateName + ": " + (if (exc.isInstanceOf[NoSuchElementException]) "Timeout" else "Exception: " + exc)) error = true return null } } def cleanup(): Unit = { // we'll need to know if there was any error for reporting val _error = error if (process != null) { // if there's no error, this should exit cleanly if (!error) feedToDot("<finish>", "<finishing>") // just in case there's any thread hanging, this will take it out of the loop error = true process.destroy() // we'll need to unblock the input again if (!inputString.isSet) inputString.put("") if (outputString.isSet) outputString.take() } if (_error) { if (settings.docDiagramsDebug.value) { settings.printMsg("\n**********************************************************************") settings.printMsg("The graphviz dot diagram tool has malfunctioned and will be restarted.") settings.printMsg("\nThe following is the log of the failure:") settings.printMsg(errorBuffer.toString) settings.printMsg(" Cleanup: Last template: " + templateName) settings.printMsg(" Cleanup: Last dot input: \n " + templateInput.replaceAll("\n","\n ") + "\n") settings.printMsg(" Cleanup: Dot path: " + settings.docDiagramsDotPath.value) if (process != null) settings.printMsg(" Cleanup: Dot exit code: " + process.exitValue) settings.printMsg("**********************************************************************") } else { // we shouldn't just sit there for 50s not reporting anything, no? settings.printMsg("Graphviz dot encountered an error when generating the diagram for:") settings.printMsg(templateName) settings.printMsg("These are usually spurious errors, but if you notice a persistant error on") settings.printMsg("a diagram, please use the " + settings.docDiagramsDebug.name + " flag and report a bug with the output.") } } } /* The standard input passing function */ private[this] def inputFn(stdin: OutputStream): Unit = { val writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(stdin)) try { var input = inputString.take() while (!error) { if (input == "<finish>") { // empty => signal to finish stdin.close() return } else { // send output to dot writer.write(input + "\n\n") writer.flush() } if (!error) input = inputString.take() } stdin.close() } catch { case exc: Throwable => error = true stdin.close() errorBuffer.append(" Input thread in " + templateName + ": Exception: " + exc + "\n") } } private[this] def outputFn(stdOut: InputStream): Unit = { val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stdOut)) val buffer: StringBuilder = new StringBuilder() try { var line = reader.readLine while (!error && line != null) { buffer.append(line + "\n") // signal the last element in the svg (only for output) if (line == "</svg>") { outputString.put(buffer.toString) buffer.setLength(0) } if (error) { stdOut.close(); return } line = reader.readLine } assert(!outputString.isSet) outputString.put(buffer.toString) stdOut.close() } catch { case exc: Throwable => error = true stdOut.close() errorBuffer.append(" Output thread in " + templateName + ": Exception: " + exc + "\n") } } private[this] def errorFn(stdErr: InputStream): Unit = { val reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stdErr)) try { var line = reader.readLine while (line != null) { errorBuffer.append(" DOT <error console>: " + line + "\n") error = true line = reader.readLine } stdErr.close() } catch { case exc: Throwable => error = true stdErr.close() errorBuffer.append(" Error thread in " + templateName + ": Exception: " + exc + "\n") } } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala DotRunner.scala source code file: |
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