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Scala example source code file (jquery.layout.js)

This example Scala source code file (jquery.layout.js) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

c, callback, css, e, instance, p, ps, r, rs, t

The jquery.layout.js Scala example source code

 * @preserve jquery.layout 1.3.0 - Release Candidate 30.62
 * $Date: 2012-08-04 08:00:00 (Thu, 23 Aug 2012) $
 * $Rev: 303006 $
 * Copyright (c) 2012 
 *   Fabrizio Balliano (
 *   Kevin Dalman (
 * Dual licensed under the GPL (
 * and MIT ( licenses.
 * Changelog:
 * NOTE: This is a short-term release to patch a couple of bugs.
 * These bugs are listed as officially fixed in RC30.7, which will be released shortly.
 * Docs:
 * Tips:
 * Help:

/* JavaDoc Info:
 * {!Object}	non-nullable type (never NULL)
 * {?string}	nullable type (sometimes NULL) - default for {Object}
 * {number=}	optional parameter
 * {*}			ALL types

// NOTE: For best readability, view with a fixed-width font and tabs equal to 4-chars

;(function ($) {

// alias Math methods - used a lot!
var	min		= Math.min
,	max		= Math.max
,	round	= Math.floor

,	isStr	=  function (v) { return $.type(v) === "string"; }

,	runPluginCallbacks = function (Instance, a_fn) {
		if ($.isArray(a_fn))
			for (var i=0, c=a_fn.length; i<c; i++) {
				var fn = a_fn[i];
				try {
					if (isStr(fn)) // 'name' of a function
						fn = eval(fn);
					if ($.isFunction(fn))
						fn( Instance );
				} catch (ex) {}


 *	GENERIC $.layout METHODS - used by all layouts
$.layout = {

	version:	"1.3.rc30.62"
,	revision:	0.033006 // 1.3.0 final = 1.0300 - major(n+).minor(nn)+patch(nn+)

	// can update code here if $.browser is phased out
,	browser: {
		mozilla:	!!$.browser.mozilla
	,	webkit:		!!$.browser.webkit || !!$.browser.safari // webkit = jQ 1.4
	,	msie:		!!$.browser.msie
	,	isIE6:		$.browser.msie && $.browser.version == 6
	,	boxModel:	$.support.boxModel !== false || !$.browser.msie // ONLY IE reverts to old box-model - update for older jQ onReady
	,	version:	$.browser.version // not used in Layout core, but may be used by plugins

	// MUST list effect here - OR MUST set an fxSettings option (can be an empty hash: {})
,	effects: {

	//	Pane Open/Close Animations
		slide: {
			all:	{ duration:  "fast"	} // eg: duration: 1000, easing: "easeOutBounce"
		,	north:	{ direction: "up"	}
		,	south:	{ direction: "down"	}
		,	east:	{ direction: "right"}
		,	west:	{ direction: "left"	}
	,	drop: {
			all:	{ duration:  "slow"	}
		,	north:	{ direction: "up"	}
		,	south:	{ direction: "down"	}
		,	east:	{ direction: "right"}
		,	west:	{ direction: "left"	}
	,	scale: {
			all:	{ duration:	"fast"	}
	//	these are not recommended, but can be used
	,	blind:		{}
	,	clip:		{}
	,	explode:	{}
	,	fade:		{}
	,	fold:		{}
	,	puff:		{}

	//	Pane Resize Animations
	,	size: {
			all:	{ easing:	"swing"	}

,	config: {
		optionRootKeys:	"effects,panes,north,south,west,east,center".split(",")
	,	allPanes:		"north,south,west,east,center".split(",")
	,	borderPanes:	"north,south,west,east".split(",")
	,	oppositeEdge: {
			north:	"south"
		,	south:	"north"
		,	east: 	"west"
		,	west: 	"east"
	//	offscreen data
	,	offscreenCSS:	{ left: "-99999px", right: "auto" } // used by hide/close if useOffscreenClose=true
	,	offscreenReset:	"offscreenReset" // key used for data
	//	CSS used in multiple places
	,	hidden:		{ visibility: "hidden" }
	,	visible:	{ visibility: "visible" }
	//	layout element settings
	,	resizers: {
			cssReq: {
				position: 	"absolute"
			,	padding: 	0
			,	margin: 	0
			,	fontSize:	"1px"
			,	textAlign:	"left"	// to counter-act "center" alignment!
			,	overflow: 	"hidden" // prevent toggler-button from overflowing
			//	SEE $.layout.defaults.zIndexes.resizer_normal
		,	cssDemo: { // DEMO CSS - applied if: options.PANE.applyDemoStyles=true
				background: "#DDD"
			,	border:		"none"
	,	togglers: {
			cssReq: {
				position: 	"absolute"
			,	display: 	"block"
			,	padding: 	0
			,	margin: 	0
			,	overflow:	"hidden"
			,	textAlign:	"center"
			,	fontSize:	"1px"
			,	cursor: 	"pointer"
			,	zIndex: 	1
		,	cssDemo: { // DEMO CSS - applied if: options.PANE.applyDemoStyles=true
				background: "#AAA"
	,	content: {
			cssReq: {
				position:	"relative" /* contain floated or positioned elements */
		,	cssDemo: { // DEMO CSS - applied if: options.PANE.applyDemoStyles=true
				overflow:	"auto"
			,	padding:	"10px"
		,	cssDemoPane: { // DEMO CSS - REMOVE scrolling from 'pane' when it has a content-div
				overflow:	"hidden"
			,	padding:	0
	,	panes: { // defaults for ALL panes - overridden by 'per-pane settings' below
			cssReq: {
				position: 	"absolute"
			,	margin:		0
			//	$.layout.defaults.zIndexes.pane_normal
		,	cssDemo: { // DEMO CSS - applied if: options.PANE.applyDemoStyles=true
				padding:	"10px"
			,	background:	"#FFF"
			,	border:		"1px solid #BBB"
			,	overflow:	"auto"
	,	north: {
			side:			"Top"
		,	sizeType:		"Height"
		,	dir:			"horz"
		,	cssReq: {
				top: 		0
			,	bottom: 	"auto"
			,	left: 		0
			,	right: 		0
			,	width: 		"auto"
			//	height: 	DYNAMIC
	,	south: {
			side:			"Bottom"
		,	sizeType:		"Height"
		,	dir:			"horz"
		,	cssReq: {
				top: 		"auto"
			,	bottom: 	0
			,	left: 		0
			,	right: 		0
			,	width: 		"auto"
			//	height: 	DYNAMIC
	,	east: {
			side:			"Right"
		,	sizeType:		"Width"
		,	dir:			"vert"
		,	cssReq: {
				left: 		"auto"
			,	right: 		0
			,	top: 		"auto" // DYNAMIC
			,	bottom: 	"auto" // DYNAMIC
			,	height: 	"auto"
			//	width: 		DYNAMIC
	,	west: {
			side:			"Left"
		,	sizeType:		"Width"
		,	dir:			"vert"
		,	cssReq: {
				left: 		0
			,	right: 		"auto"
			,	top: 		"auto" // DYNAMIC
			,	bottom: 	"auto" // DYNAMIC
			,	height: 	"auto"
			//	width: 		DYNAMIC
	,	center: {
			dir:			"center"
		,	cssReq: {
				left: 		"auto" // DYNAMIC
			,	right: 		"auto" // DYNAMIC
			,	top: 		"auto" // DYNAMIC
			,	bottom: 	"auto" // DYNAMIC
			,	height: 	"auto"
			,	width: 		"auto"

	// CALLBACK FUNCTION NAMESPACE - used to store reusable callback functions
,	callbacks: {}

,	getParentPaneElem: function (el) {
		// must pass either a container or pane element
		var $el = $(el)
		,	layout = $"layout") || $"parentLayout");
		if (layout) {
			var $cont = layout.container;
			// see if this container is directly-nested inside an outer-pane
			if ($"layoutPane")) return $cont;
			var $pane = $cont.closest("."+ $.layout.defaults.panes.paneClass);
			// if a pane was found, return it
			if ($"layoutPane")) return $pane;
		return null;

,	getParentPaneInstance: function (el) {
		// must pass either a container or pane element
		var $pane = $.layout.getParentPaneElem(el);
		return $pane ? $"layoutPane") : null;

,	getParentLayoutInstance: function (el) {
		// must pass either a container or pane element
		var $pane = $.layout.getParentPaneElem(el);
		return $pane ? $"parentLayout") : null;

,	getEventObject: function (evt) {
		return typeof evt === "object" && evt.stopPropagation ? evt : null;
,	parsePaneName: function (evt_or_pane) {
		// getEventObject() automatically calls .stopPropagation(), WHICH MUST BE DONE!
		var evt = $.layout.getEventObject( evt_or_pane );
		if (evt) {
			// ALWAYS stop propagation of events triggered in Layout!
			return $(this).data("layoutEdge");
			return evt_or_pane;

	// more plugins can added beyond this default list
,	plugins: {
		draggable:		!!$.fn.draggable // resizing
	,	effects: {
			core:		!!$.effects		// animimations (specific effects tested by initOptions)
		,	slide:		$.effects && $.effects.slide // default effect

//	arrays of plugin or other methods to be triggered for events in *each layout* - will be passed 'Instance'
,	onCreate:	[]	// runs when layout is just starting to be created - right after options are set
,	onLoad:		[]	// runs after layout container and global events init, but before initPanes is called
,	onReady:	[]	// runs after initialization *completes* - ie, after initPanes completes successfully
,	onDestroy:	[]	// runs after layout is destroyed
,	onUnload:	[]	// runs after layout is destroyed OR when page unloads
,	afterOpen:	[]	// runs after setAsOpen() completes
,	afterClose:	[]	// runs after setAsClosed() completes


	// calculate and return the scrollbar width, as an integer
,	scrollbarWidth:		function () { return window.scrollbarWidth  || $.layout.getScrollbarSize('width'); }
,	scrollbarHeight:	function () { return window.scrollbarHeight || $.layout.getScrollbarSize('height'); }
,	getScrollbarSize:	function (dim) {
		var $c	= $('<div style="position: absolute; top: -10000px; left: -10000px; width: 100px; height: 100px; overflow: scroll;"></div>').appendTo("body");
		var d	= { width: $c.width() - $c[0].clientWidth, height: $c.height() - $c[0].clientHeight };
		window.scrollbarWidth	= d.width;
		window.scrollbarHeight	= d.height;
		return dim.match(/^(width|height)$/) ? d[dim] : d;

	* Returns hash container 'display' and 'visibility'
	* @see	$.swap() - swaps CSS, runs callback, resets CSS
,	showInvisibly: function ($E, force) {
		if ($E && $E.length && (force || $E.css('display') === "none")) { // only if not *already hidden*
			var s = $E[0].style
				// save ONLY the 'style' props because that is what we must restore
			,	CSS = { display: s.display || '', visibility: s.visibility || '' };
			// show element 'invisibly' so can be measured
			$E.css({ display: "block", visibility: "hidden" });
			return CSS;
		return {};

	* Returns data for setting size of an element (container or a pane).
	* @see  _create(), onWindowResize() for container, plus others for pane
	* @return JSON  Returns a hash of all dimensions: top, bottom, left, right, outerWidth, innerHeight, etc
,	getElementDimensions: function ($E) {
			d	= {}			// dimensions hash
		,	x	= d.css = {}	// CSS hash
		,	i	= {}			// TEMP insets
		,	b, p				// TEMP border, padding
		,	N	= $.layout.cssNum
		,	off = $E.offset()
		d.offsetLeft = off.left;
		d.offsetTop  =;

		$.each("Left,Right,Top,Bottom".split(","), function (idx, e) { // e = edge
			b = x["border" + e] = $.layout.borderWidth($E, e);
			p = x["padding"+ e] = $.layout.cssNum($E, "padding"+e);
			i[e] = b + p; // total offset of content from outer side
			d["inset"+ e] = p;	// eg: insetLeft = paddingLeft

		d.offsetWidth	= $E.innerWidth();	// offsetWidth is used in calc when doing manual resize
		d.offsetHeight	= $E.innerHeight();	// ditto
		d.outerWidth	= $E.outerWidth();
		d.outerHeight	= $E.outerHeight();
		d.innerWidth	= max(0, d.outerWidth  - i.Left - i.Right);
		d.innerHeight	= max(0, d.outerHeight - i.Top  - i.Bottom);

		x.width		= $E.width();
		x.height	= $E.height();		= N($E,"top",true);
		x.bottom	= N($E,"bottom",true);
		x.left		= N($E,"left",true);
		x.right		= N($E,"right",true);

		//d.visible	= $":visible");// && x.width > 0 && x.height > 0;

		return d;

,	getElementCSS: function ($E, list) {
			CSS	= {}
		,	style	= $E[0].style
		,	props	= list.split(",")
		,	sides	= "Top,Bottom,Left,Right".split(",")
		,	attrs	= "Color,Style,Width".split(",")
		,	p, s, a, i, j, k
		for (i=0; i < props.length; i++) {
			p = props[i];
			if (p.match(/(border|padding|margin)$/))
				for (j=0; j < 4; j++) {
					s = sides[j];
					if (p === "border")
						for (k=0; k < 3; k++) {
							a = attrs[k];
							CSS[p+s+a] = style[p+s+a];
						CSS[p+s] = style[p+s];
				CSS[p] = style[p];
		return CSS

	* Return the innerWidth for the current browser/doctype
	* @see  initPanes(), sizeMidPanes(), initHandles(), sizeHandles()
	* @param  {Array.<Object>}	$E  Must pass a jQuery object - first element is processed
	* @param  {number=}			outerWidth (optional) Can pass a width, allowing calculations BEFORE element is resized
	* @return {number}			Returns the innerWidth of the elem by subtracting padding and borders
,	cssWidth: function ($E, outerWidth) {
		// a 'calculated' outerHeight can be passed so borders and/or padding are removed if needed
		if (outerWidth <= 0) return 0;

		if (!$.layout.browser.boxModel) return outerWidth;

		// strip border and padding from outerWidth to get CSS Width
		var b = $.layout.borderWidth
		,	n = $.layout.cssNum
		,	W = outerWidth
				- b($E, "Left")
				- b($E, "Right")
				- n($E, "paddingLeft")		
				- n($E, "paddingRight");

		return max(0,W);

	* Return the innerHeight for the current browser/doctype
	* @see  initPanes(), sizeMidPanes(), initHandles(), sizeHandles()
	* @param  {Array.<Object>}	$E  Must pass a jQuery object - first element is processed
	* @param  {number=}			outerHeight  (optional) Can pass a width, allowing calculations BEFORE element is resized
	* @return {number}			Returns the innerHeight of the elem by subtracting padding and borders
,	cssHeight: function ($E, outerHeight) {
		// a 'calculated' outerHeight can be passed so borders and/or padding are removed if needed
		if (outerHeight <= 0) return 0;

		if (!$.layout.browser.boxModel) return outerHeight;

		// strip border and padding from outerHeight to get CSS Height
		var b = $.layout.borderWidth
		,	n = $.layout.cssNum
		,	H = outerHeight
			- b($E, "Top")
			- b($E, "Bottom")
			- n($E, "paddingTop")
			- n($E, "paddingBottom");

		return max(0,H);

	* Returns the 'current CSS numeric value' for a CSS property - 0 if property does not exist
	* @see  Called by many methods
	* @param {Array.<Object>}	$E					Must pass a jQuery object - first element is processed
	* @param {string}			prop				The name of the CSS property, eg: top, width, etc.
	* @param {boolean=}			[allowAuto=false]	true = return 'auto' if that is value; false = return 0
	* @return {(string|number)}						Usually used to get an integer value for position (top, left) or size (height, width)
,	cssNum: function ($E, prop, allowAuto) {
		if (!$E.jquery) $E = $($E);
		var CSS = $.layout.showInvisibly($E)
		,	p	= $.css($E[0], prop, true)
		,	v	= allowAuto && p=="auto" ? p : (parseInt(p, 10) || 0);
		$E.css( CSS ); // RESET
		return v;

,	borderWidth: function (el, side) {
		if (el.jquery) el = el[0];
		var b = "border"+ side.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + side.substr(1); // left => Left
		return $.css(el, b+"Style", true) === "none" ? 0 : (parseInt($.css(el, b+"Width", true), 10) || 0);

	* Mouse-tracking utility - FUTURE REFERENCE
	* init: if (!window.mouse) {
	*			window.mouse = { x: 0, y: 0 };
	*			$(document).mousemove( $.layout.trackMouse );
	*		}
	* @param {Object}		evt
,	trackMouse: function (evt) {
		window.mouse = { x: evt.clientX, y: evt.clientY };

	* SUBROUTINE for preventPrematureSlideClose option
	* @param {Object}		evt
	* @param {Object=}		el
,	isMouseOverElem: function (evt, el) {
			$E	= $(el || this)
		,	d	= $E.offset()
		,	T	=
		,	L	= d.left
		,	R	= L + $E.outerWidth()
		,	B	= T + $E.outerHeight()
		,	x	= evt.pageX	// evt.clientX ?
		,	y	= evt.pageY	// evt.clientY ?
		// if X & Y are < 0, probably means is over an open SELECT
		return ($.layout.browser.msie && x < 0 && y < 0) || ((x >= L && x <= R) && (y >= T && y <= B));

	* Message/Logging Utility
	* @example $.layout.msg("My message");				// log text
	* @example $.layout.msg("My message", true);		// alert text
	* @example $.layout.msg({ foo: "bar" }, "Title");	// log hash-data, with custom title
	* @example $.layout.msg({ foo: "bar" }, true, "Title", { sort: false }); -OR-
	* @example $.layout.msg({ foo: "bar" }, "Title", { sort: false, display: true }); // alert hash-data
	* @param {(Object|string)}			info			String message OR Hash/Array
	* @param {(Boolean|string|Object)=}	[popup=false]	True means alert-box - can be skipped
	* @param {(Object|string)=}			[debugTitle=""]	Title for Hash data - can be skipped
	* @param {Object=}					[debugOpts]		Extra options for debug output
,	msg: function (info, popup, debugTitle, debugOpts) {
		if ($.isPlainObject(info) && window.debugData) {
			if (typeof popup === "string") {
				debugOpts	= debugTitle;
				debugTitle	= popup;
			else if (typeof debugTitle === "object") {
				debugOpts	= debugTitle;
				debugTitle	= null;
			var t = debugTitle || "log( <object> )"
			,	o = $.extend({ sort: false, returnHTML: false, display: false }, debugOpts);
			if (popup === true || o.display)
				debugData( info, t, o );
			else if (window.console)
				console.log(debugData( info, t, o ));
		else if (popup)
		else if (window.console)
		else {
			var id	= "#layoutLogger"
			,	$l = $(id);
			if (!$l.length)
				$l = createLog();
			$l.children("ul").append('<li style="padding: 4px 10px; margin: 0; border-top: 1px solid #CCC;">'+ info.replace(/\</g,"<").replace(/\>/g,">") +'</li>');

		function createLog () {
			var pos = $.support.fixedPosition ? 'fixed' : 'absolute'
			,	$e = $('<div id="layoutLogger" style="position: '+ pos +'; top: 5px; z-index: 999999; max-width: 25%; overflow: hidden; border: 1px solid #000; border-radius: 5px; background: #FBFBFB; box-shadow: 0 2px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);">'
				+	'<div style="font-size: 13px; font-weight: bold; padding: 5px 10px; background: #F6F6F6; border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0; cursor: move;">'
				+	'<span style="float: right; padding-left: 7px; cursor: pointer;" title="Remove Console" onclick="$(this).closest(\'#layoutLogger\').remove()">X</span>Layout console.log</div>'
				+	'<ul style="font-size: 13px; font-weight: none; list-style: none; margin: 0; padding: 0 0 2px;"></ul>'
				+ '</div>'
			$e.css('left', $(window).width() - $e.outerWidth() - 5)
			if ($.ui.draggable) $e.draggable({ handle: ':first-child' });
			return $e;


$.layout.defaults = {
 *	- none of these options are applicable to individual panes
	name:						""			// Not required, but useful for buttons and used for the state-cookie
,	containerSelector:			""			// ONLY used when specifying a childOptions - to find container-element that is NOT directly-nested
,	containerClass:				"ui-layout-container" // layout-container element
,	scrollToBookmarkOnLoad:		true		// after creating a layout, scroll to bookmark in URL (.../page.htm#myBookmark)
,	resizeWithWindow:			true		// bind thisLayout.resizeAll() to the window.resize event
,	resizeWithWindowDelay:		200			// delay calling resizeAll because makes window resizing very jerky
,	resizeWithWindowMaxDelay:	0			// 0 = none - force resize every XX ms while window is being resized
,	onresizeall_start:			null		// CALLBACK when resizeAll() STARTS	- NOT pane-specific
,	onresizeall_end:			null		// CALLBACK when resizeAll() ENDS	- NOT pane-specific
,	onload_start:				null		// CALLBACK when Layout inits - after options initialized, but before elements
,	onload_end:					null		// CALLBACK when Layout inits - after EVERYTHING has been initialized
,	onunload_start:				null		// CALLBACK when Layout is destroyed OR onWindowUnload
,	onunload_end:				null		// CALLBACK when Layout is destroyed OR onWindowUnload
,	initPanes:					true		// false = DO NOT initialize the panes onLoad - will init later
,	showErrorMessages:			true		// enables fatal error messages to warn developers of common errors
,	showDebugMessages:			false		// display console-and-alert debug msgs - IF this Layout version _has_ debugging code!
//	Changing this zIndex value will cause other zIndex values to automatically change
,	zIndex:						null		// the PANE zIndex - resizers and masks will be +1
//	DO NOT CHANGE the zIndex values below unless you clearly understand their relationships
,	zIndexes: {								// set _default_ z-index values here...
		pane_normal:			0			// normal z-index for panes
	,	content_mask:			1			// applied to overlays used to mask content INSIDE panes during resizing
	,	resizer_normal:			2			// normal z-index for resizer-bars
	,	pane_sliding:			100			// applied to *BOTH* the pane and its resizer when a pane is 'slid open'
	,	pane_animate:			1000		// applied to the pane when being animated - not applied to the resizer
	,	resizer_drag:			10000		// applied to the CLONED resizer-bar when being 'dragged'
,	errors: {
		pane:					"pane"		// description of "layout pane element" - used only in error messages
	,	selector:				"selector"	// description of "jQuery-selector" - used only in error messages
	,	addButtonError:			"Error Adding Button \n\nInvalid "
	,	containerMissing:		"UI Layout Initialization Error\n\nThe specified layout-container does not exist."
	,	centerPaneMissing:		"UI Layout Initialization Error\n\nThe center-pane element does not exist.\n\nThe center-pane is a required element."
	,	noContainerHeight:		"UI Layout Initialization Warning\n\nThe layout-container \"CONTAINER\" has no height.\n\nTherefore the layout is 0-height and hence 'invisible'!"
	,	callbackError:			"UI Layout Callback Error\n\nThe EVENT callback is not a valid function."
 *	- settings under the 'panes' key become the default settings for *all panes*
 *	- ALL pane-options can also be set specifically for each panes, which will override these 'default values'
,	panes: { // default options for 'all panes' - will be overridden by 'per-pane settings'
		applyDemoStyles: 		false		// NOTE: renamed from applyDefaultStyles for clarity
	,	closable:				true		// pane can open & close
	,	resizable:				true		// when open, pane can be resized 
	,	slidable:				true		// when closed, pane can 'slide open' over other panes - closes on mouse-out
	,	initClosed:				false		// true = init pane as 'closed'
	,	initHidden: 			false 		// true = init pane as 'hidden' - no resizer-bar/spacing
	//,	paneSelector:			""			// MUST be pane-specific - jQuery selector for pane
	,	contentSelector:		".ui-layout-content" // INNER div/element to auto-size so only it scrolls, not the entire pane!
	,	contentIgnoreSelector:	".ui-layout-ignore"	// element(s) to 'ignore' when measuring 'content'
	,	findNestedContent:		false		// true = $P.find(contentSelector), false = $P.children(contentSelector)
	//	GENERIC ROOT-CLASSES - for auto-generated classNames
	,	paneClass:				"ui-layout-pane"	// Layout Pane
	,	resizerClass:			"ui-layout-resizer"	// Resizer Bar
	,	togglerClass:			"ui-layout-toggler"	// Toggler Button
	,	buttonClass:			"ui-layout-button"	// CUSTOM Buttons	- eg: '[ui-layout-button]-toggle/-open/-close/-pin'
	//,	size:					100			// MUST be pane-specific -initial size of pane
	,	minSize:				0			// when manually resizing a pane
	,	maxSize:				0			// ditto, 0 = no limit
	,	spacing_open:			6			// space between pane and adjacent panes - when pane is 'open'
	,	spacing_closed:			6			// ditto - when pane is 'closed'
	,	togglerLength_open:		50			// Length = WIDTH of toggler button on north/south sides - HEIGHT on east/west sides
	,	togglerLength_closed: 	50			// 100% OR -1 means 'full height/width of resizer bar' - 0 means 'hidden'
	,	togglerAlign_open:		"center"	// top/left, bottom/right, center, OR...
	,	togglerAlign_closed:	"center"	// 1 => nn = offset from top/left, -1 => -nn == offset from bottom/right
	,	togglerContent_open:	""			// text or HTML to put INSIDE the toggler
	,	togglerContent_closed:	""			// ditto
	,	resizerDblClickToggle:	true		// 
	,	autoResize:				true		// IF size is 'auto' or a percentage, then recalc 'pixel size' whenever the layout resizes
	,	autoReopen:				true		// IF a pane was auto-closed due to noRoom, reopen it when there is room? False = leave it closed
	,	resizerDragOpacity:		1			// option for ui.draggable
	//,	resizerCursor:			""			// MUST be pane-specific - cursor when over resizer-bar
	,	maskContents:			false		// true = add DIV-mask over-or-inside this pane so can 'drag' over IFRAMES
	,	maskObjects:			false		// true = add IFRAME-mask over-or-inside this pane to cover objects/applets - content-mask will overlay this mask
	,	maskZindex:				null		// will override zIndexes.content_mask if specified - not applicable to iframe-panes
	,	resizingGrid:			false		// grid size that the resizers will snap-to during resizing, eg: [20,20]
	,	livePaneResizing:		false		// true = LIVE Resizing as resizer is dragged
	,	liveContentResizing:	false		// true = re-measure header/footer heights as resizer is dragged
	,	liveResizingTolerance:	1			// how many px change before pane resizes, to control performance
	,	sliderCursor:			"pointer"	// cursor when resizer-bar will trigger 'sliding'
	,	slideTrigger_open:		"click"		// click, dblclick, mouseenter
	,	slideTrigger_close:		"mouseleave"// click, mouseleave
	,	slideDelay_open:		300			// applies only for mouseenter event - 0 = instant open
	,	slideDelay_close:		300			// applies only for mouseleave event (300ms is the minimum!)
	,	hideTogglerOnSlide:		false		// when pane is slid-open, should the toggler show?
	,	preventQuickSlideClose:	$.layout.browser.webkit // Chrome triggers slideClosed as it is opening
	,	preventPrematureSlideClose: false	// handle incorrect mouseleave trigger, like when over a SELECT-list in IE
	,	tips: {
			Open:				"Open"		// eg: "Open Pane"
		,	Close:				"Close"
		,	Resize:				"Resize"
		,	Slide:				"Slide Open"
		,	Pin:				"Pin"
		,	Unpin:				"Un-Pin"
		,	noRoomToOpen:		"Not enough room to show this panel."	// alert if user tries to open a pane that cannot
		,	minSizeWarning:		"Panel has reached its minimum size"	// displays in browser statusbar
		,	maxSizeWarning:		"Panel has reached its maximum size"	// ditto
	,	showOverflowOnHover:	false		// will bind allowOverflow() utility to pane.onMouseOver
	,	enableCursorHotkey:		true		// enabled 'cursor' hotkeys
	//,	customHotkey:			""			// MUST be pane-specific - EITHER a charCode OR a character
	,	customHotkeyModifier:	"SHIFT"		// either 'SHIFT', 'CTRL' or 'CTRL+SHIFT' - NOT 'ALT'
	//	NOTE: fxSss_open, fxSss_close & fxSss_size options (eg: fxName_open) are auto-generated if not passed
	,	fxName:					"slide" 	// ('none' or blank), slide, drop, scale -- only relevant to 'open' & 'close', NOT 'size'
	,	fxSpeed:				null		// slow, normal, fast, 200, nnn - if passed, will OVERRIDE fxSettings.duration
	,	fxSettings:				{}			// can be passed, eg: { easing: "easeOutBounce", duration: 1500 }
	,	fxOpacityFix:			true		// tries to fix opacity in IE to restore anti-aliasing after animation
	,	animatePaneSizing:		false		// true = animate resizing after dragging resizer-bar OR sizePane() is called
	/*  NOTE: Action-specific FX options are auto-generated from the options above if not specifically set:
		fxName_open:			"slide"		// 'Open' pane animation
		fnName_close:			"slide"		// 'Close' pane animation
		fxName_size:			"slide"		// 'Size' pane animation - when animatePaneSizing = true
		fxSpeed_open:			null
		fxSpeed_close:			null
		fxSpeed_size:			null
		fxSettings_open:		{}
		fxSettings_close:		{}
		fxSettings_size:		{}
	,	childOptions:			null		// Layout-options for nested/child layout - even {} is valid as options
	,	initChildLayout:		true		// true = child layout will be created as soon as _this_ layout completes initialization
	,	destroyChildLayout:		true		// true = destroy child-layout if this pane is destroyed
	,	resizeChildLayout:		true		// true = trigger child-layout.resizeAll() when this pane is resized
	,	triggerEventsOnLoad:	false		// true = trigger onopen OR onclose callbacks when layout initializes
	,	triggerEventsDuringLiveResize: true	// true = trigger onresize callback REPEATEDLY if livePaneResizing==true
	,	onshow_start:			null		// CALLBACK when pane STARTS to Show	- BEFORE onopen/onhide_start
	,	onshow_end:				null		// CALLBACK when pane ENDS being Shown	- AFTER  onopen/onhide_end
	,	onhide_start:			null		// CALLBACK when pane STARTS to Close	- BEFORE onclose_start
	,	onhide_end:				null		// CALLBACK when pane ENDS being Closed	- AFTER  onclose_end
	,	onopen_start:			null		// CALLBACK when pane STARTS to Open
	,	onopen_end:				null		// CALLBACK when pane ENDS being Opened
	,	onclose_start:			null		// CALLBACK when pane STARTS to Close
	,	onclose_end:			null		// CALLBACK when pane ENDS being Closed
	,	onresize_start:			null		// CALLBACK when pane STARTS being Resized ***FOR ANY REASON***
	,	onresize_end:			null		// CALLBACK when pane ENDS being Resized ***FOR ANY REASON***
	,	onsizecontent_start:	null		// CALLBACK when sizing of content-element STARTS
	,	onsizecontent_end:		null		// CALLBACK when sizing of content-element ENDS
	,	onswap_start:			null		// CALLBACK when pane STARTS to Swap
	,	onswap_end:				null		// CALLBACK when pane ENDS being Swapped
	,	ondrag_start:			null		// CALLBACK when pane STARTS being ***MANUALLY*** Resized
	,	ondrag_end:				null		// CALLBACK when pane ENDS being ***MANUALLY*** Resized
 *	- options listed below MUST be specified per-pane - they CANNOT be set under 'panes'
 *	- all options under the 'panes' key can also be set specifically for any pane
 *	- most options under the 'panes' key apply only to 'border-panes' - NOT the the center-pane
,	north: {
		paneSelector:			".ui-layout-north"
	,	size:					"auto"		// eg: "auto", "30%", .30, 200
	,	resizerCursor:			"n-resize"	// custom = url(myCursor.cur)
	,	customHotkey:			""			// EITHER a charCode (43) OR a character ("o")
,	south: {
		paneSelector:			".ui-layout-south"
	,	size:					"auto"
	,	resizerCursor:			"s-resize"
	,	customHotkey:			""
,	east: {
		paneSelector:			".ui-layout-east"
	,	size:					200
	,	resizerCursor:			"e-resize"
	,	customHotkey:			""
,	west: {
		paneSelector:			".ui-layout-west"
	,	size:					200
	,	resizerCursor:			"w-resize"
	,	customHotkey:			""
,	center: {
		paneSelector:			".ui-layout-center"
	,	minWidth:				0
	,	minHeight:				0

$.layout.optionsMap = {
	// layout/global options - NOT pane-options
	layout: ("stateManagement,effects,zIndexes,errors,"
	+	"name,zIndex,scrollToBookmarkOnLoad,showErrorMessages,"
	+	"resizeWithWindow,resizeWithWindowDelay,resizeWithWindowMaxDelay,"
	+	"onresizeall,onresizeall_start,onresizeall_end,onload,onunload").split(",")
//	borderPanes: [ ALL options that are NOT specified as 'layout' ]
	// default.panes options that apply to the center-pane (most options apply _only_ to border-panes)
,	center: ("paneClass,contentSelector,contentIgnoreSelector,findNestedContent,applyDemoStyles,triggerEventsOnLoad,"
	+	"showOverflowOnHover,maskContents,maskObjects,liveContentResizing,"
	+	"childOptions,initChildLayout,resizeChildLayout,destroyChildLayout,"
	+	"onresize,onresize_start,onresize_end,onsizecontent,onsizecontent_start,onsizecontent_end").split(",")
	// options that MUST be specifically set 'per-pane' - CANNOT set in the panes (defaults) key
,	noDefault: ("paneSelector,resizerCursor,customHotkey").split(",")

 * Processes options passed in converts flat-format data into subkey (JSON) format
 * In flat-format, subkeys are _currently_ separated with 2 underscores, like north__optName
 * Plugins may also call this method so they can transform their own data
 * @param  {!Object}	hash	Data/options passed by user - may be a single level or nested levels
 * @return {Object}				Returns hash of minWidth & minHeight
$.layout.transformData = function (hash) {
	var	json = { panes: {}, center: {} } // init return object
	,	data, branch, optKey, keys, key, val, i, c;

	if (typeof hash !== "object") return json; // no options passed

	// convert all 'flat-keys' to 'sub-key' format
	for (optKey in hash) {
		branch	= json;
		data	= $.layout.optionsMap.layout;
		val		= hash[ optKey ];
		keys	= optKey.split("__"); // eg: west__size or north__fxSettings__duration
		c		= keys.length - 1;
		// convert underscore-delimited to subkeys
		for (i=0; i <= c; i++) {
			key = keys[i];
			if (i === c)
				branch[key] = val;
			else if (!branch[key])
				branch[key] = {}; // create the subkey
			// recurse to sub-key for next loop - if not done
			branch = branch[key];

	return json;

$.layout.backwardCompatibility = {
	// data used by renameOldOptions()
	map: {
	//	OLD Option Name:			NEW Option Name
		applyDefaultStyles:			"applyDemoStyles"
	,	resizeNestedLayout:			"resizeChildLayout"
	,	resizeWhileDragging:		"livePaneResizing"
	,	resizeContentWhileDragging:	"liveContentResizing"
	,	triggerEventsWhileDragging:	"triggerEventsDuringLiveResize"
	,	maskIframesOnResize:		"maskContents"
	,	useStateCookie:				"stateManagement.enabled"
	,	"cookie.autoLoad":			"stateManagement.autoLoad"
	,	"cookie.autoSave":			"stateManagement.autoSave"
	,	"cookie.keys":				"stateManagement.stateKeys"
	,	"":				""
	,	"cookie.domain":			"stateManagement.cookie.domain"
	,	"cookie.path":				"stateManagement.cookie.path"
	,	"cookie.expires":			"stateManagement.cookie.expires"
	,	"":			""
	//	OLD Language options
	,	noRoomToOpenTip:			"tips.noRoomToOpen"
	,	togglerTip_open:			"tips.Close"	// open   = Close
	,	togglerTip_closed:			"tips.Open"		// closed = Open
	,	resizerTip:					"tips.Resize"
	,	sliderTip:					"tips.Slide"

* @param {Object}	opts
,	renameOptions: function (opts) {
		var map = $
		,	oldData, newData, value
		for (var itemPath in map) {
			oldData	= getBranch( itemPath );
			value	= oldData.branch[ oldData.key ];
			if (value !== undefined) {
				newData = getBranch( map[itemPath], true );
				newData.branch[ newData.key ] = value;
				delete oldData.branch[ oldData.key ];

		* @param {string}	path
		* @param {boolean=}	[create=false]	Create path if does not exist
		function getBranch (path, create) {
			var a = path.split(".") // split keys into array
			,	c = a.length - 1
			,	D = { branch: opts, key: a[c] } // init branch at top & set key (last item)
			,	i = 0, k, undef;
			for (; i<c; i++) { // skip the last key (data)
				k = a[i];
				if (D.branch[ k ] == undefined) { // child-key does not exist
					if (create) {
						D.branch = D.branch[ k ] = {}; // create child-branch
					else // can't go any farther
						D.branch = {}; // branch is undefined
					D.branch = D.branch[ k ]; // get child-branch
			return D;

* @param {Object}	opts
,	renameAllOptions: function (opts) {
		var ren = $.layout.backwardCompatibility.renameOptions;
		// rename root (layout) options
		ren( opts );
		// rename 'defaults' to 'panes'
		if (opts.defaults) {
			if (typeof opts.panes !== "object")
				opts.panes = {};
			$.extend(true, opts.panes, opts.defaults);
			delete opts.defaults;
		// rename options in the the options.panes key
		if (opts.panes) ren( opts.panes );
		// rename options inside *each pane key*, eg: options.west
		$.each($.layout.config.allPanes, function (i, pane) {
			if (opts[pane]) ren( opts[pane] );
		return opts;

/*	============================================================
 *	BEGIN WIDGET: $( selector ).layout( {options} );
 *	============================================================
$.fn.layout = function (opts) {

	// local aliases to global data
	browser	= $.layout.browser
,	_c		= $.layout.config

	// local aliases to utlity methods
,	cssW	= $.layout.cssWidth
,	cssH	= $.layout.cssHeight
,	elDims	= $.layout.getElementDimensions
,	elCSS	= $.layout.getElementCSS
,	evtObj	= $.layout.getEventObject
,	evtPane	= $.layout.parsePaneName

 * options - populated by initOptions()
,	options = $.extend(true, {}, $.layout.defaults)
,	effects	= options.effects = $.extend(true, {}, $.layout.effects)

 * layout-state object
,	state = {
		// generate unique ID to use for event.namespace so can unbind only events added by 'this layout'
		id:			"layout"+ $.now()	// code uses alias: sID
	,	initialized: false
	,	container:	{} // init all keys
	,	north:		{}
	,	south:		{}
	,	east:		{}
	,	west:		{}
	,	center:		{}

 * parent/child-layout pointers
//,	hasParentLayout	= false	- exists ONLY inside Instance so can be set externally
,	children = {
		north:		null
	,	south:		null
	,	east:		null
	,	west:		null
	,	center:		null

 * ###########################
 * ###########################

	* Manages all internal timers
,	timer = {
		data:	{}
	,	set:	function (s, fn, ms) { timer.clear(s);[s] = setTimeout(fn, ms); }
	,	clear:	function (s) { var; if (t[s]) {clearTimeout(t[s]); delete t[s];} }

	* Alert or console.log a message - IF option is enabled.
	* @param {(string|!Object)}	msg		Message (or debug-data) to display
	* @param {?boolean}			popup	True by default, means 'alert', false means use console.log
	* @param {?boolean}			debug	True means is a widget debugging message
,	_log = function (msg, popup, debug) {
		var o = options;
		if ((o.showErrorMessages && !debug) || (debug && o.showDebugMessages))
			$.layout.msg( +' / '+ msg, (popup !== false) );
		return false;

	* Executes a Callback function after a trigger event, like resize, open or close
	* @param {string}			evtName			Name of the layout callback, eg "onresize_start"
	* @param {?string}			pane			This is passed only so we can pass the 'pane object' to the callback
	* @param {?string|?boolean}	skipBoundEvents	True = do not run events bound to the elements - only the callbacks set in options
,	_runCallbacks = function (evtName, pane, skipBoundEvents) {
		var	paneCB	= pane && isStr(pane)
		,	s		= paneCB ? state[pane] : state
		,	o		= paneCB ? options[pane] : options
		,	lName	=
			// names like onopen and onopen_end separate are interchangeable in options...
		,	lng		= evtName + (evtName.match(/_/) ? "" : "_end")
		,	shrt	= lng.match(/_end$/) ? lng.substr(0, lng.length - 4) : ""
		,	fn		= o[lng] || o[shrt]
		,	retVal	= "NC" // NC = No Callback
		,	args	= []
		,	$P
		if ( !paneCB && $.type(skipBoundEvents) !== 'boolean' )
			skipBoundEvents = pane; // allow pane param to be skipped for Layout callback

		// first trigger the callback set in the options
		if (fn) {
			try {
				// convert function name (string) to function object
				if (isStr( fn )) {
					if (fn.match(/,/)) {
						// function name cannot contain a comma, 
						// so must be a function name AND a parameter to pass
						args = fn.split(",")
						,	fn = eval(args[0]);
					else // just the name of an external function?
						fn = eval(fn);
				// execute the callback, if exists
				if ($.isFunction( fn )) {
					if (args.length)
						retVal = fn(args[1]); // pass the argument parsed from 'list'
					else if ( paneCB )
						// pass data: pane-name, pane-element, pane-state, pane-options, and layout-name
						retVal = fn( pane, $Ps[pane], s, o, lName );
					else // must be a layout/container callback - pass suitable info
						retVal = fn( Instance, s, o, lName );
			catch (ex) {
				_log( options.errors.callbackError.replace(/EVENT/, $.trim(pane +" "+ lng)), false );

		// trigger additional events bound directly to the pane
		if (!skipBoundEvents && retVal !== false) {
			if ( paneCB ) { // PANE events can be bound to each pane-elements
				$P	= $Ps[pane];
				o	= options[pane];
				s	= state[pane];
				$P.triggerHandler('layoutpane'+ lng, [ pane, $P, s, o, lName ]);
				if (shrt)
					$P.triggerHandler('layoutpane'+ shrt, [ pane, $P, s, o, lName ]);
			else { // LAYOUT events can be bound to the container-element
				$N.triggerHandler('layout'+ lng, [ Instance, s, o, lName ]);
				if (shrt)
					$N.triggerHandler('layout'+ shrt, [ Instance, s, o, lName ]);

		// ALWAYS resizeChildLayout after a resize event - even during initialization
		if (evtName === "onresize_end" || evtName === "onsizecontent_end")

		return retVal;

	* cure iframe display issues in IE & other browsers
,	_fixIframe = function (pane) {
		if (browser.mozilla) return; // skip FireFox - it auto-refreshes iframes onShow
		var $P = $Ps[pane];
		// if the 'pane' is an iframe, do it
		if (state[pane].tagName === "IFRAME")
		else // ditto for any iframes INSIDE the pane

	* @param  {string}		pane		Can accept ONLY a 'pane' (east, west, etc)
	* @param  {number=}		outerSize	(optional) Can pass a width, allowing calculations BEFORE element is resized
	* @return {number}		Returns the innerHeight/Width of el by subtracting padding and borders
,	cssSize = function (pane, outerSize) {
		var fn = _c[pane].dir=="horz" ? cssH : cssW;
		return fn($Ps[pane], outerSize);

	* @param  {string}		pane		Can accept ONLY a 'pane' (east, west, etc)
	* @return {Object}		Returns hash of minWidth & minHeight
,	cssMinDims = function (pane) {
		// minWidth/Height means CSS width/height = 1px
		var	$P	= $Ps[pane]
		,	dir	= _c[pane].dir
		,	d	= {
				minWidth:	1001 - cssW($P, 1000)
			,	minHeight:	1001 - cssH($P, 1000)
		if (dir === "horz") d.minSize = d.minHeight;
		if (dir === "vert") d.minSize = d.minWidth;
		return d;

	// TODO: see if these methods can be made more useful...
	// TODO: *maybe* return cssW/H from these so caller can use this info

	* @param {(string|!Object)}		el
	* @param {number=}				outerWidth
	* @param {boolean=}				[autoHide=false]
,	setOuterWidth = function (el, outerWidth, autoHide) {
		var $E = el, w;
		if (isStr(el)) $E = $Ps[el]; // west
		else if (!el.jquery) $E = $(el);
		w = cssW($E, outerWidth);
		$E.css({ width: w });
		if (w > 0) {
			if (autoHide && $'autoHidden') && $E.innerHeight() > 0) {
				$'autoHidden', false);
				if (!browser.mozilla) // FireFox refreshes iframes - IE does not
					// make hidden, then visible to 'refresh' display after animation
		else if (autoHide && !$'autoHidden'))
			$E.hide().data('autoHidden', true);

	* @param {(string|!Object)}		el
	* @param {number=}				outerHeight
	* @param {boolean=}				[autoHide=false]
,	setOuterHeight = function (el, outerHeight, autoHide) {
		var $E = el, h;
		if (isStr(el)) $E = $Ps[el]; // west
		else if (!el.jquery) $E = $(el);
		h = cssH($E, outerHeight);
		$E.css({ height: h, visibility: "visible" }); // may have been 'hidden' by sizeContent
		if (h > 0 && $E.innerWidth() > 0) {
			if (autoHide && $'autoHidden')) {
				$'autoHidden', false);
				if (!browser.mozilla) // FireFox refreshes iframes - IE does not
		else if (autoHide && !$'autoHidden'))
			$E.hide().data('autoHidden', true);

	* @param {(string|!Object)}		el
	* @param {number=}				outerSize
	* @param {boolean=}				[autoHide=false]
,	setOuterSize = function (el, outerSize, autoHide) {
		if (_c[pane].dir=="horz") // pane = north or south
			setOuterHeight(el, outerSize, autoHide);
		else // pane = east or west
			setOuterWidth(el, outerSize, autoHide);

	* Converts any 'size' params to a pixel/integer size, if not already
	* If 'auto' or a decimal/percentage is passed as 'size', a pixel-size is calculated
	* @param  {string}				pane
	* @param  {(string|number)=}	size
	* @param  {string=}				[dir]
	* @return {number}
,	_parseSize = function (pane, size, dir) {
		if (!dir) dir = _c[pane].dir;

		if (isStr(size) && size.match(/%/))
			size = (size === '100%') ? -1 : parseInt(size, 10) / 100; // convert % to decimal

		if (size === 0)
			return 0;
		else if (size >= 1)
			return parseInt(size, 10);

		var o = options, avail = 0;
		if (dir=="horz") // north or south or center.minHeight
			avail = sC.innerHeight - ($Ps.north ? o.north.spacing_open : 0) - ($Ps.south ? o.south.spacing_open : 0);
		else if (dir=="vert") // east or west or center.minWidth
			avail = sC.innerWidth - ($Ps.west ? o.west.spacing_open : 0) - ($Ps.east ? o.east.spacing_open : 0);

		if (size === -1) // -1 == 100%
			return avail;
		else if (size > 0) // percentage, eg: .25
			return round(avail * size);
		else if (pane=="center")
			return 0;
		else { // size < 0 || size=='auto' || size==Missing || size==Invalid
			// auto-size the pane
			var	dim	= (dir === "horz" ? "height" : "width")
			,	$P	= $Ps[pane]
			,	$C	= dim === 'height' ? $Cs[pane] : false
			,	vis	= $.layout.showInvisibly($P) // show pane invisibly if hidden
			,	szP	= $P.css(dim) // SAVE current pane size
			,	szC	= $C ? $C.css(dim) : 0 // SAVE current content size
			$P.css(dim, "auto");
			if ($C) $C.css(dim, "auto");
			size = (dim === "height") ? $P.outerHeight() : $P.outerWidth(); // MEASURE
			$P.css(dim, szP).css(vis); // RESET size & visibility
			if ($C) $C.css(dim, szC);
			return size;

	* Calculates current 'size' (outer-width or outer-height) of a border-pane - optionally with 'pane-spacing' added
	* @param  {(string|!Object)}	pane
	* @param  {boolean=}			[inclSpace=false]
	* @return {number}				Returns EITHER Width for east/west panes OR Height for north/south panes
,	getPaneSize = function (pane, inclSpace) {
			$P	= $Ps[pane]
		,	o	= options[pane]
		,	s	= state[pane]
		,	oSp	= (inclSpace ? o.spacing_open : 0)
		,	cSp	= (inclSpace ? o.spacing_closed : 0)
		if (!$P || s.isHidden)
			return 0;
		else if (s.isClosed || (s.isSliding && inclSpace))
			return cSp;
		else if (_c[pane].dir === "horz")
			return $P.outerHeight() + oSp;
		else // dir === "vert"
			return $P.outerWidth() + oSp;

	* Calculate min/max pane dimensions and limits for resizing
	* @param  {string}		pane
	* @param  {boolean=}	[slide=false]
,	setSizeLimits = function (pane, slide) {
		if (!isInitialized()) return;
			o				= options[pane]
		,	s				= state[pane]
		,	c				= _c[pane]
		,	dir				= c.dir
		,	side			= c.side.toLowerCase()
		,	type			= c.sizeType.toLowerCase()
		,	isSliding		= (slide != undefined ? slide : s.isSliding) // only open() passes 'slide' param
		,	$P				= $Ps[pane]
		,	paneSpacing		= o.spacing_open
		//	measure the pane on the *opposite side* from this pane
		,	altPane			= _c.oppositeEdge[pane]
		,	altS			= state[altPane]
		,	$altP			= $Ps[altPane]
		,	altPaneSize		= (!$altP || altS.isVisible===false || altS.isSliding ? 0 : (dir=="horz" ? $altP.outerHeight() : $altP.outerWidth()))
		,	altPaneSpacing	= ((!$altP || altS.isHidden ? 0 : options[altPane][ altS.isClosed !== false ? "spacing_closed" : "spacing_open" ]) || 0)
		//	limitSize prevents this pane from 'overlapping' opposite pane
		,	containerSize	= (dir=="horz" ? sC.innerHeight : sC.innerWidth)
		,	minCenterDims	= cssMinDims("center")
		,	minCenterSize	= dir=="horz" ? max(, minCenterDims.minHeight) : max(, minCenterDims.minWidth)
		//	if pane is 'sliding', then ignore center and alt-pane sizes - because 'overlays' them
		,	limitSize		= (containerSize - paneSpacing - (isSliding ? 0 : (_parseSize("center", minCenterSize, dir) + altPaneSize + altPaneSpacing)))
		,	minSize			= s.minSize = max( _parseSize(pane, o.minSize), cssMinDims(pane).minSize )
		,	maxSize			= s.maxSize = min( (o.maxSize ? _parseSize(pane, o.maxSize) : 100000), limitSize )
		,	r				= s.resizerPosition = {} // used to set resizing limits
		,	top				= sC.insetTop
		,	left			= sC.insetLeft
		,	W				= sC.innerWidth
		,	H				= sC.innerHeight
		,	rW				= o.spacing_open // subtract resizer-width to get top/left position for south/east
		switch (pane) {
			case "north":	r.min = top + minSize;
							r.max = top + maxSize;
			case "west":	r.min = left + minSize;
							r.max = left + maxSize;
			case "south":	r.min = top + H - maxSize - rW;
							r.max = top + H - minSize - rW;
			case "east":	r.min = left + W - maxSize - rW;
							r.max = left + W - minSize - rW;

	* Returns data for setting the size/position of center pane. Also used to set Height for east/west panes
	* @return JSON  Returns a hash of all dimensions: top, bottom, left, right, (outer) width and (outer) height
,	calcNewCenterPaneDims = function () {
		var d = {
			top:	getPaneSize("north", true) // true = include 'spacing' value for pane
		,	bottom:	getPaneSize("south", true)
		,	left:	getPaneSize("west", true)
		,	right:	getPaneSize("east", true)
		,	width:	0
		,	height:	0

		// NOTE: sC = state.container
		// calc center-pane outer dimensions
		d.width		= sC.innerWidth - d.left - d.right;  // outerWidth
		d.height	= sC.innerHeight - d.bottom -; // outerHeight
		// add the 'container border/padding' to get final positions relative to the container		+= sC.insetTop;
		d.bottom	+= sC.insetBottom;
		d.left		+= sC.insetLeft;
		d.right		+= sC.insetRight;

		return d;

	* @param {!Object}		el
	* @param {boolean=}		[allStates=false]
,	getHoverClasses = function (el, allStates) {
			$El		= $(el)
		,	type	= $"layoutRole")
		,	pane	= $"layoutEdge")
		,	o		= options[pane]
		,	root	= o[type +"Class"]
		,	_pane	= "-"+ pane // eg: "-west"
		,	_open	= "-open"
		,	_closed	= "-closed"
		,	_slide	= "-sliding"
		,	_hover	= "-hover " // NOTE the trailing space
		,	_state	= $El.hasClass(root+_closed) ? _closed : _open
		,	_alt	= _state === _closed ? _open : _closed
		,	classes = (root+_hover) + (root+_pane+_hover) + (root+_state+_hover) + (root+_pane+_state+_hover)
		if (allStates) // when 'removing' classes, also remove alternate-state classes
			classes += (root+_alt+_hover) + (root+_pane+_alt+_hover);

		if (type=="resizer" && $El.hasClass(root+_slide))
			classes += (root+_slide+_hover) + (root+_pane+_slide+_hover);

		return $.trim(classes);
,	addHover	= function (evt, el) {
		var $E = $(el || this);
		if (evt && $"layoutRole") === "toggler")
			evt.stopPropagation(); // prevent triggering 'slide' on Resizer-bar
		$E.addClass( getHoverClasses($E) );
,	removeHover	= function (evt, el) {
		var $E = $(el || this);
		$E.removeClass( getHoverClasses($E, true) );

,	onResizerEnter	= function (evt) { // ALSO called by toggler.mouseenter
		if ($.fn.disableSelection)
,	onResizerLeave	= function (evt, el) {
			e = el || this // el is only passed when called by the timer
		,	pane = $(e).data("layoutEdge")
		,	name = pane +"ResizerLeave"
		timer.clear(pane+"_openSlider"); // cancel slideOpen timer, if set
		timer.clear(name); // cancel enableSelection timer - may re/set below
		// this method calls itself on a timer because it needs to allow
		// enough time for dragging to kick-in and set the isResizing flag
		// dragging has a 100ms delay set, so this delay must be >100
		if (!el) // 1st call - mouseleave event
			timer.set(name, function(){ onResizerLeave(evt, e); }, 200);
		// if user is resizing, then dragStop will enableSelection(), so can skip it here
		else if (!state[pane].isResizing && $.fn.enableSelection) // 2nd call - by timer

 * ###########################
 * ###########################

	* Initialize the layout - called automatically whenever an instance of layout is created
	* @see  none - triggered onInit
	* @return  mixed	true = fully initialized | false = panes not initialized (yet) | 'cancel' = abort
,	_create = function () {
		// initialize config/options
		var o = options;

		// TEMP state so isInitialized returns true during init process
		state.creatingLayout = true;

		// init plugins for this layout, if there are any (eg: stateManagement)
		runPluginCallbacks( Instance, $.layout.onCreate );

		// options & state have been initialized, so now run beforeLoad callback
		// onload will CANCEL layout creation if it returns false
		if (false === _runCallbacks("onload_start"))
			return 'cancel';

		// initialize the container element

		// bind hotkey function - keyDown - if required

		// bind window.onunload
		$(window).bind("unload."+ sID, unload);

		// init plugins for this layout, if there are any (eg: customButtons)
		runPluginCallbacks( Instance, $.layout.onLoad );

		// if layout elements are hidden, then layout WILL NOT complete initialization!
		// initLayoutElements will set initialized=true and run the onload callback IF successful
		if (o.initPanes) _initLayoutElements();

		delete state.creatingLayout;

		return state.initialized;

	* Initialize the layout IF not already
	* @see  All methods in Instance run this test
	* @return  boolean	true = layoutElements have been initialized | false = panes are not initialized (yet)
,	isInitialized = function () {
		if (state.initialized || state.creatingLayout) return true;	// already initialized
		else return _initLayoutElements();	// try to init panes NOW

	* Initialize the layout - called automatically whenever an instance of layout is created
	* @see  _create() & isInitialized
	* @return  An object pointer to the instance created
,	_initLayoutElements = function (retry) {
		// initialize config/options
		var o = options;

		// CANNOT init panes inside a hidden container!
		if (!$":visible")) {
			// handle Chrome bug where popup window 'has no height'
			// if layout is BODY element, try again in 50ms
			// SEE:
			if ( !retry && browser.webkit && $N[0].tagName === "BODY" )
				setTimeout(function(){ _initLayoutElements(true); }, 50);
			return false;

		// a center pane is required, so make sure it exists
		if (!getPane("center").length) {
			return _log( o.errors.centerPaneMissing );

		// TEMP state so isInitialized returns true during init process
		state.creatingLayout = true;

		// update Container dims
		$.extend(sC, elDims( $N ));

		// initialize all layout elements
		initPanes();	// size & position panes - calls initHandles() - which calls initResizable()

		if (o.scrollToBookmarkOnLoad) {
			var l = self.location;
			if (l.hash) l.replace( l.hash ); // scrollTo Bookmark

		// check to see if this layout 'nested' inside a pane
		if (Instance.hasParentLayout)
			o.resizeWithWindow = false;
		// bind resizeAll() for 'this layout instance' to window.resize event
		else if (o.resizeWithWindow)
			$(window).bind("resize."+ sID, windowResize);

		delete state.creatingLayout;
		state.initialized = true;

		// init plugins for this layout, if there are any
		runPluginCallbacks( Instance, $.layout.onReady );

		// now run the onload callback, if exists

		return true; // elements initialized successfully

	* Initialize nested layouts - called when _initLayoutElements completes
	* @see _initLayoutElements
	* @return  An object pointer to the instance created
,	_initChildLayouts = function () {
		$.each(_c.allPanes, function (idx, pane) {
			if (options[pane].initChildLayout)
				createChildLayout( pane );

	* Initialize nested layouts for a specific pane - can optionally pass layout-options
	* @see _initChildLayouts
	* @param {string|Object}	evt_or_pane	The pane being opened, ie: north, south, east, or west
	* @param {Object=}			[opts]		Layout-options - if passed, will OVERRRIDE options[pane].childOptions
	* @return  An object pointer to the layout instance created - or null
,	createChildLayout = function (evt_or_pane, opts) {
		var	pane =, evt_or_pane)
		,	$P	= $Ps[pane]
		,	C	= children
		if ($P) {
			var	$C	= $Cs[pane]
			,	o	= opts || options[pane].childOptions
			,	d	= "layout"
			//	determine which element is supposed to be the 'child container'
			//	if pane has a 'containerSelector' OR a 'content-div', use those instead of the pane
			,	$Cont = o.containerSelector ? $P.find( o.containerSelector ) : ($C || $P)
			,	containerFound = $Cont.length
			//	see if a child-layout ALREADY exists on this element
			,	child = containerFound ? (C[pane] = $ || null) : null
			// if no layout exists, but childOptions are set, try to create the layout now
			if (!child && containerFound && o)
				child = C[pane] = $Cont.eq(0).layout(o) || null;
			if (child)
				child.hasParentLayout = true;	// set parent-flag in child
		Instance[pane].child = C[pane]; // ALWAYS set pane-object pointer, even if null

,	windowResize = function () {
		var delay = Number(options.resizeWithWindowDelay);
		if (delay < 10) delay = 100; // MUST have a delay!
		// resizing uses a delay-loop because the resize event fires repeatly - except in FF, but delay anyway
		timer.clear("winResize"); // if already running
		timer.set("winResize", function(){
			var dims = elDims( $N );
			// only trigger resizeAll() if container has changed size
			if (dims.innerWidth !== sC.innerWidth || dims.innerHeight !== sC.innerHeight)
		}, delay);
		// ALSO set fixed-delay timer, if not already running
		if (!["winResizeRepeater"]) setWindowResizeRepeater();

,	setWindowResizeRepeater = function () {
		var delay = Number(options.resizeWithWindowMaxDelay);
		if (delay > 0)
			timer.set("winResizeRepeater", function(){ setWindowResizeRepeater(); resizeAll(); }, delay);

,	unload = function () {
		var o = options;


		// trigger plugin callabacks for this layout (eg: stateManagement)
		runPluginCallbacks( Instance, $.layout.onUnload );


	* Validate and initialize container CSS and events
	* @see  _create()
,	_initContainer = function () {
			N		= $N[0]
		,	tag		= sC.tagName = N.tagName
		,	id		= =
		,	cls		= sC.className = N.className
		,	o		= options
		,	name	=
		,	fullPage= (tag === "BODY")
		,	props	= "overflow,position,margin,padding,border"
		,	css		= "layoutCSS"
		,	CSS		= {}
		,	hid		= "hidden" // used A LOT!
		//	see if this container is a 'pane' inside an outer-layout
		,	parent	= $"parentLayout")	// parent-layout Instance
		,	pane	= $"layoutEdge")		// pane-name in parent-layout
		,	isChild	= parent && pane
		// sC -> state.container
		sC.selector = $N.selector.split(".slice")[0];
		sC.ref		= ( ? +' layout / ' : '') + tag + (id ? "#"+id : cls ? '.['+cls+']' : ''); // used in messages

		$N	.data({
				layout: Instance
			,	layoutContainer: sID // FLAG to indicate this is a layout-container - contains unique internal ID
		var layoutMethods = {
			destroy:	''
		,	initPanes:	''
		,	resizeAll:	'resizeAll'
		,	resize:		'resizeAll'
		// loop hash and bind all methods - include layoutID namespacing
		for (name in layoutMethods) {
			$N.bind("layout"+ name.toLowerCase() +"."+ sID, Instance[ layoutMethods[name] || name ]);

		// if this container is another layout's 'pane', then set child/parent pointers
		if (isChild) {
			// update parent flag
			Instance.hasParentLayout = true;
			// set pointers to THIS child-layout (Instance) in parent-layout
			// NOTE: parent.PANE.child is an ALIAS to parent.children.PANE
			parent[pane].child = parent.children[pane] = $"layout");

		// SAVE original container CSS for use in destroy()
		if (!$ {
			// handle props like overflow different for BODY & HTML - has 'system default' values
			if (fullPage) {
				CSS = $.extend( elCSS($N, props), {
					height:		$N.css("height")
				,	overflow:	$N.css("overflow")
				,	overflowX:	$N.css("overflowX")
				,	overflowY:	$N.css("overflowY")
				var $H = $("html");
				$, {
					height:		"auto" // FF would return a fixed px-size!
				,	overflow:	$H.css("overflow")
				,	overflowX:	$H.css("overflowX")
				,	overflowY:	$H.css("overflowY")
			else // handle props normally for non-body elements
				CSS = elCSS($N, props+",top,bottom,left,right,width,height,overflow,overflowX,overflowY");

			$, CSS);

		try { // format html/body if this is a full page layout
			if (fullPage) {
					height:		"100%"
				,	overflow:	hid
				,	overflowX:	hid
				,	overflowY:	hid
					position:	"relative"
				,	height:		"100%"
				,	overflow:	hid
				,	overflowX:	hid
				,	overflowY:	hid
				,	margin:		0
				,	padding:	0		// TODO: test whether body-padding could be handled?
				,	border:		"none"	// a body-border creates problems because it cannot be measured!

				// set current layout-container dimensions
				$.extend(sC, elDims( $N ));
			else { // set required CSS for overflow and position
				// ENSURE container will not 'scroll'
				CSS = { overflow: hid, overflowX: hid, overflowY: hid }
					p = $N.css("position")
				,	h = $N.css("height")
				// if this is a NESTED layout, then container/outer-pane ALREADY has position and height
				if (!isChild) {
					if (!p || !p.match(/fixed|absolute|relative/))
						CSS.position = "relative"; // container MUST have a 'position'
					if (!h || h=="auto")
						CSS.height = "100%"; // container MUST have a 'height'
				$N.css( CSS );

				// set current layout-container dimensions
				if ( $":visible") ) {
					$.extend(sC, elDims( $N ));
					if (sC.innerHeight < 1)
						_log( o.errors.noContainerHeight.replace(/CONTAINER/, sC.ref) );
		} catch (ex) {}

	* Bind layout hotkeys - if options enabled
	* @see  _create() and addPane()
	* @param {string=}	[panes=""]	The edge(s) to process
,	initHotkeys = function (panes) {
		panes = panes ? panes.split(",") : _c.borderPanes;
		// bind keyDown to capture hotkeys, if option enabled for ANY pane
		$.each(panes, function (i, pane) {
			var o = options[pane];
			if (o.enableCursorHotkey || o.customHotkey) {
				$(document).bind("keydown."+ sID, keyDown); // only need to bind this ONCE
				return false; // BREAK - binding was done

	* Build final OPTIONS data
	* @see  _create()
,	initOptions = function () {
		var data, d, pane, key, val, i, c, o;

		// reprocess user's layout-options to have correct options sub-key structure
		opts = $.layout.transformData( opts ); // panes = default subkey

		// auto-rename old options for backward compatibility
		opts = $.layout.backwardCompatibility.renameAllOptions( opts );

		// if user-options has 'panes' key (pane-defaults), clean it...
		if (!$.isEmptyObject(opts.panes)) {
			// REMOVE any pane-defaults that MUST be set per-pane
			data = $.layout.optionsMap.noDefault;
			for (i=0, c=data.length; i<c; i++) {
				key = data[i];
				delete opts.panes[key]; // OK if does not exist
			// REMOVE any layout-options specified under opts.panes
			data = $.layout.optionsMap.layout;
			for (i=0, c=data.length; i<c; i++) {
				key = data[i];
				delete opts.panes[key]; // OK if does not exist

		// MOVE any NON-layout-options from opts-root to opts.panes
		data = $.layout.optionsMap.layout;
		var rootKeys = $.layout.config.optionRootKeys;
		for (key in opts) {
			val = opts[key];
			if ($.inArray(key, rootKeys) < 0 && $.inArray(key, data) < 0) {
				if (!opts.panes[key])
					opts.panes[key] = $.isPlainObject(val) ? $.extend(true, {}, val) : val;
				delete opts[key]

		// START by updating ALL options from opts
		$.extend(true, options, opts);

		// CREATE final options (and config) for EACH pane
		$.each(_c.allPanes, function (i, pane) {

			// apply 'pane-defaults' to CONFIG.[PANE]
			_c[pane] = $.extend(true, {}, _c.panes, _c[pane]);

			d = options.panes;
			o = options[pane];

			// center-pane uses SOME keys in defaults.panes branch
			if (pane === 'center') {
				// ONLY copy keys from opts.panes listed in: $
				data = $;		// list of 'center-pane keys'
				for (i=0, c=data.length; i<c; i++) {	// loop the list...
					key = data[i];
					// only need to use pane-default if pane-specific value not set
					if (![key] && (opts.panes[key] || !o[key]))
						o[key] = d[key]; // pane-default
			else {
				// border-panes use ALL keys in defaults.panes branch
				o = options[pane] = $.extend(true, {}, d, o); // re-apply pane-specific opts AFTER pane-defaults
				createFxOptions( pane );
				// ensure all border-pane-specific base-classes exist
				if (!o.resizerClass)	o.resizerClass	= "ui-layout-resizer";
				if (!o.togglerClass)	o.togglerClass	= "ui-layout-toggler";
			// ensure we have base pane-class (ALL panes)
			if (!o.paneClass) o.paneClass = "ui-layout-pane";

		// update options.zIndexes if a zIndex-option specified
		var zo	= opts.zIndex
		,	z	= options.zIndexes;
		if (zo > 0) {
			z.pane_normal		= zo;
			z.content_mask		= max(zo+1, z.content_mask);	// MIN = +1
			z.resizer_normal	= max(zo+2, z.resizer_normal);	// MIN = +2

		// DELETE 'panes' key now that we are done - values were copied to EACH pane
		delete options.panes;

		function createFxOptions ( pane ) {
			var	o = options[pane]
			,	d = options.panes;
			// ensure fxSettings key to avoid errors
			if (!o.fxSettings) o.fxSettings = {};
			if (!d.fxSettings) d.fxSettings = {};

			$.each(["_open","_close","_size"], function (i,n) { 
					sName		= "fxName"+ n
				,	sSpeed		= "fxSpeed"+ n
				,	sSettings	= "fxSettings"+ n
					// recalculate fxName according to specificity rules
				,	fxName = o[sName] =
						o[sName]	// options.west.fxName_open
					||	d[sName]	// options.panes.fxName_open
					||	o.fxName	// options.west.fxName
					||	d.fxName	// options.panes.fxName
					||	"none"		// MEANS $.layout.defaults.panes.fxName == "" || false || null || 0
				// validate fxName to ensure is valid effect - MUST have effect-config data in options.effects
				if (fxName === "none" || !$.effects || !$.effects[fxName] || !options.effects[fxName])
					fxName = o[sName] = "none"; // effect not loaded OR unrecognized fxName

				// set vars for effects subkeys to simplify logic
				var	fx		= options.effects[fxName] || {}	// effects.slide
				,	fx_all	= fx.all	|| null				// effects.slide.all
				,	fx_pane	= fx[pane]	|| null				// effects.slide.west
				// create fxSpeed[_open|_close|_size]
				o[sSpeed] =
					o[sSpeed]				// options.west.fxSpeed_open
				||	d[sSpeed]				// options.west.fxSpeed_open
				||	o.fxSpeed				// options.west.fxSpeed
				||	d.fxSpeed				// options.panes.fxSpeed
				||	null					// DEFAULT - let fxSetting.duration control speed
				// create fxSettings[_open|_close|_size]
				o[sSettings] = $.extend(
				,	{}
				,	fx_all					// effects.slide.all
				,	fx_pane					// effects.slide.west
				,	d.fxSettings			// options.panes.fxSettings
				,	o.fxSettings			// options.west.fxSettings
				,	d[sSettings]			// options.panes.fxSettings_open
				,	o[sSettings]			// options.west.fxSettings_open

			// DONE creating action-specific-settings for this pane,
			// so DELETE generic options - are no longer meaningful
			delete o.fxName;
			delete o.fxSpeed;
			delete o.fxSettings;

	* Initialize module objects, styling, size and position for all panes
	* @see  _initElements()
	* @param {string}	pane		The pane to process
,	getPane = function (pane) {
		var sel = options[pane].paneSelector
		if (sel.substr(0,1)==="#") // ID selector
			// NOTE: elements selected 'by ID' DO NOT have to be 'children'
			return $N.find(sel).eq(0);
		else { // class or other selector
			var $P = $N.children(sel).eq(0);
			// look for the pane nested inside a 'form' element
			return $P.length ? $P : $N.children("form:first").children(sel).eq(0);

,	initPanes = function (evt) {
		// stopPropagation if called by trigger("layoutinitpanes") - use evtPane utility 

		// NOTE: do north & south FIRST so we can measure their height - do center LAST
		$.each(_c.allPanes, function (idx, pane) {
			addPane( pane, true );

		// init the pane-handles NOW in case we have to hide or close the pane below

		// now that all panes have been initialized and initially-sized,
		// make sure there is really enough space available for each pane
		$.each(_c.borderPanes, function (i, pane) {
			if ($Ps[pane] && state[pane].isVisible) { // pane is OPEN
				makePaneFit(pane); // pane may be Closed, Hidden or Resized by makePaneFit()
		// size center-pane AGAIN in case we 'closed' a border-pane in loop above

		//	Chrome/Webkit sometimes fires callbacks BEFORE it completes resizing!
		//	Before RC30.3, there was a 10ms delay here, but that caused layout 
		//	to load asynchrously, which is BAD, so try skipping delay for now

		// process pane contents and callbacks, and init/resize child-layout if exists
		$.each(_c.allPanes, function (i, pane) {
			var o = options[pane];
			if ($Ps[pane]) {
				if (state[pane].isVisible) { // pane is OPEN
					// trigger pane.onResize if triggerEventsOnLoad = true
					if (o.triggerEventsOnLoad)
						_runCallbacks("onresize_end", pane);
				else // automatic if onresize called, otherwise call it specifically
					// resize child - IF inner-layout already exists (created before this layout)
				// init childLayout - even if pane is not visible
				if (o.initChildLayout && o.childOptions)

	* Add a pane to the layout - subroutine of initPanes()
	* @see  initPanes()
	* @param {string}	pane			The pane to process
	* @param {boolean=}	[force=false]	Size content after init
,	addPane = function (pane, force) {
		if (!force && !isInitialized()) return;
			o		= options[pane]
		,	s		= state[pane]
		,	c		= _c[pane]
		,	fx		= s.fx
		,	dir		= c.dir
		,	spacing	= o.spacing_open || 0
		,	isCenter = (pane === "center")
		,	CSS		= {}
		,	$P		= $Ps[pane]
		,	size, minSize, maxSize
		// if pane-pointer already exists, remove the old one first
		if ($P)
			removePane( pane, false, true, false );
			$Cs[pane] = false; // init

		$P = $Ps[pane] = getPane(pane);
		if (!$P.length) {
			$Ps[pane] = false; // logic

		// SAVE original Pane CSS
		if (!$"layoutCSS")) {
			var props = "position,top,left,bottom,right,width,height,overflow,zIndex,display,backgroundColor,padding,margin,border";
			$"layoutCSS", elCSS($P, props));

		// create alias for pane data in Instance - initHandles will add more
		Instance[pane] = { name: pane, pane: $Ps[pane], content: $Cs[pane], options: options[pane], state: state[pane], child: children[pane] };

		// add classes, attributes & events
		$P	.data({
				parentLayout:	Instance		// pointer to Layout Instance
			,	layoutPane:		Instance[pane]	// NEW pointer to pane-alias-object
			,	layoutEdge:		pane
			,	layoutRole:		"pane"
			.css(c.cssReq).css("zIndex", options.zIndexes.pane_normal)
			.css(o.applyDemoStyles ? c.cssDemo : {}) // demo styles
			.addClass( o.paneClass +" "+ o.paneClass+"-"+pane ) // default = "ui-layout-pane ui-layout-pane-west" - may be a dupe of 'paneSelector'
			.bind("mouseenter."+ sID, addHover )
			.bind("mouseleave."+ sID, removeHover )
		var paneMethods = {
				hide:				''
			,	show:				''
			,	toggle:				''
			,	close:				''
			,	open:				''
			,	slideOpen:			''
			,	slideClose:			''
			,	slideToggle:		''
			,	size:				'sizePane'
			,	sizePane:			'sizePane'
			,	sizeContent:		''
			,	sizeHandles:		''
			,	enableClosable:		''
			,	disableClosable:	''
			,	enableSlideable:	''
			,	disableSlideable:	''
			,	enableResizable:	''
			,	disableResizable:	''
			,	swapPanes:			'swapPanes'
			,	swap:				'swapPanes'
			,	move:				'swapPanes'
			,	removePane:			'removePane'
			,	remove:				'removePane'
			,	createChildLayout:	''
			,	resizeChildLayout:	''
			,	resizeAll:			'resizeAll'
			,	resizeLayout:		'resizeAll'
		,	name;
		// loop hash and bind all methods - include layoutID namespacing
		for (name in paneMethods) {
			$P.bind("layoutpane"+ name.toLowerCase() +"."+ sID, Instance[ paneMethods[name] || name ]);

		// see if this pane has a 'scrolling-content element'
		initContent(pane, false); // false = do NOT sizeContent() - called later

		if (!isCenter) {
			// call _parseSize AFTER applying pane classes & styles - but before making visible (if hidden)
			// if o.size is auto or not valid, then MEASURE the pane and use that as its 'size'
			size	= s.size = _parseSize(pane, o.size);
			minSize	= _parseSize(pane,o.minSize) || 1;
			maxSize	= _parseSize(pane,o.maxSize) || 100000;
			if (size > 0) size = max(min(size, maxSize), minSize);

			// state for border-panes
			s.isClosed  = false; // true = pane is closed
			s.isSliding = false; // true = pane is currently open by 'sliding' over adjacent panes
			s.isResizing= false; // true = pane is in process of being resized
			s.isHidden	= false; // true = pane is hidden - no spacing, resizer or toggler is visible!

			// array for 'pin buttons' whose classNames are auto-updated on pane-open/-close
			if (!s.pins) s.pins = [];
		//	states common to ALL panes
		s.tagName	= $P[0].tagName;
		s.edge		= pane;		// useful if pane is (or about to be) 'swapped' - easy find out where it is (or is going)
		s.noRoom	= false;	// true = pane 'automatically' hidden due to insufficient room - will unhide automatically
		s.isVisible	= true;		// false = pane is invisible - closed OR hidden - simplify logic

		// set css-position to account for container borders & padding
		switch (pane) {
			case "north": 	= sC.insetTop;
							CSS.left 	= sC.insetLeft;
							CSS.right	= sC.insetRight;
			case "south": 	CSS.bottom	= sC.insetBottom;
							CSS.left 	= sC.insetLeft;
							CSS.right 	= sC.insetRight;
			case "west": 	CSS.left 	= sC.insetLeft; // top, bottom & height set by sizeMidPanes()
			case "east": 	CSS.right 	= sC.insetRight; // ditto
			case "center":	// top, left, width & height set by sizeMidPanes()

		if (dir === "horz") // north or south pane
			CSS.height = cssH($P, size);
		else if (dir === "vert") // east or west pane
			CSS.width = cssW($P, size);
		//else if (isCenter) {}

		$P.css(CSS); // apply size -- top, bottom & height will be set by sizeMidPanes
		if (dir != "horz") sizeMidPanes(pane, true); // true = skipCallback

		// close or hide the pane if specified in settings
		if (o.initClosed && o.closable && !o.initHidden)
			close(pane, true, true); // true, true = force, noAnimation
		else if (o.initHidden || o.initClosed)
			hide(pane); // will be completely invisible - no resizer or spacing
		else if (!s.noRoom)
			// make the pane visible - in case was initially hidden
		// ELSE setAsOpen() - called later by initHandles()

		// RESET visibility now - pane will appear IF display:block

		// check option for auto-handling of pop-ups & drop-downs
		if (o.showOverflowOnHover)
			$P.hover( allowOverflow, resetOverflow );

		// if manually adding a pane AFTER layout initialization, then...
		if (state.initialized) {
			initHandles( pane );
			initHotkeys( pane );
			resizeAll(); // will sizeContent if pane is visible
			if (s.isVisible) { // pane is OPEN
				if (o.triggerEventsOnLoad)
					_runCallbacks("onresize_end", pane);
				else // automatic if onresize called, otherwise call it specifically
					// resize child - IF inner-layout already exists (created before this layout)
					resizeChildLayout(pane); // a previously existing childLayout
			if (o.initChildLayout && o.childOptions)

	* Initialize module objects, styling, size and position for all resize bars and toggler buttons
	* @see  _create()
	* @param {string=}	[panes=""]	The edge(s) to process
,	initHandles = function (panes) {
		panes = panes ? panes.split(",") : _c.borderPanes;

		// create toggler DIVs for each pane, and set object pointers for them, eg: $R.north = north toggler DIV
		$.each(panes, function (i, pane) {
			var $P		= $Ps[pane];
			$Rs[pane]	= false; // INIT
			$Ts[pane]	= false;
			if (!$P) return; // pane does not exist - skip

				o		= options[pane]
			,	s		= state[pane]
			,	c		= _c[pane]
			,	paneId	= o.paneSelector.substr(0,1) === "#" ? o.paneSelector.substr(1) : ""
			,	rClass	= o.resizerClass
			,	tClass	= o.togglerClass
			,	side	= c.side.toLowerCase()
			,	spacing	= (s.isVisible ? o.spacing_open : o.spacing_closed)
			,	_pane	= "-"+ pane // used for classNames
			,	_state	= (s.isVisible ? "-open" : "-closed") // used for classNames
			,	I		= Instance[pane]
			,	$R		= I.resizer = $Rs[pane] = $("<div></div>")
			,	$T		= I.toggler = (o.closable ? $Ts[pane] = $("<div></div>") : false)

			//if (s.isVisible && o.resizable) ... handled by initResizable
			if (!s.isVisible && o.slidable)
				$R.attr("title","cursor", o.sliderCursor);

			$R	// if paneSelector is an ID, then create a matching ID for the resizer, eg: "#paneLeft" => "paneLeft-resizer"
				.attr("id", paneId ? paneId +"-resizer" : "" )
					parentLayout:	Instance
				,	layoutPane:		Instance[pane]	// NEW pointer to pane-alias-object
				,	layoutEdge:		pane
				,	layoutRole:		"resizer"
				.css(_c.resizers.cssReq).css("zIndex", options.zIndexes.resizer_normal)
				.css(o.applyDemoStyles ? _c.resizers.cssDemo : {}) // add demo styles
				.addClass(rClass +" "+ rClass+_pane)
				.hover(addHover, removeHover) // ALWAYS add hover-classes, even if resizing is not enabled - handle with CSS instead
				.hover(onResizerEnter, onResizerLeave) // ALWAYS NEED resizer.mouseleave to balance toggler.mouseenter
				.appendTo($N) // append DIV to container

			if ($T) {
				$T	// if paneSelector is an ID, then create a matching ID for the resizer, eg: "#paneLeft" => "#paneLeft-toggler"
					.attr("id", paneId ? paneId +"-toggler" : "" )
						parentLayout:	Instance
					,	layoutPane:		Instance[pane]	// NEW pointer to pane-alias-object
					,	layoutEdge:		pane
					,	layoutRole:		"toggler"
					.css(_c.togglers.cssReq) // add base/required styles
					.css(o.applyDemoStyles ? _c.togglers.cssDemo : {}) // add demo styles
					.addClass(tClass +" "+ tClass+_pane)
					.hover(addHover, removeHover) // ALWAYS add hover-classes, even if toggling is not enabled - handle with CSS instead
					.bind("mouseenter", onResizerEnter) // NEED toggler.mouseenter because mouseenter MAY NOT fire on resizer
					.appendTo($R) // append SPAN to resizer DIV
				if (o.togglerContent_open) // ui-layout-open
					$("<span>"+ o.togglerContent_open +"</span>")
							layoutEdge:		pane
						,	layoutRole:		"togglerContent"
						.data("layoutRole", "togglerContent")
						.data("layoutEdge", pane)
						.addClass("content content-open")
						.appendTo( $T )
						//.hover( addHover, removeHover ) // use ui-layout-toggler-west-hover .content-open instead!
				if (o.togglerContent_closed) // ui-layout-closed
					$("<span>"+ o.togglerContent_closed +"</span>")
							layoutEdge:		pane
						,	layoutRole:		"togglerContent"
						.addClass("content content-closed")
						.appendTo( $T )
						//.hover( addHover, removeHover ) // use ui-layout-toggler-west-hover .content-closed instead!
				// ADD

			// add Draggable events

			// ADD CLASSNAMES & SLIDE-BINDINGS - eg: class="resizer resizer-west resizer-open"
			if (s.isVisible)
				setAsOpen(pane);	// onOpen will be called, but NOT onResize
			else {
				setAsClosed(pane);	// onClose will be called
				bindStartSlidingEvent(pane, true); // will enable events IF option is set



	* Initialize scrolling ui-layout-content div - if exists
	* @see  initPane() - or externally after an Ajax injection
	* @param {string}	[pane]			The pane to process
	* @param {boolean=}	[resize=true]	Size content after init
,	initContent = function (pane, resize) {
		if (!isInitialized()) return;
			o	= options[pane]
		,	sel	= o.contentSelector
		,	I	= Instance[pane]
		,	$P	= $Ps[pane]
		,	$C
		if (sel) $C = I.content = $Cs[pane] = (o.findNestedContent)
			? $P.find(sel).eq(0) // match 1-element only
			: $P.children(sel).eq(0)
		if ($C && $C.length) {
			$"layoutRole", "content");
			// SAVE original Pane CSS
			if (!$"layoutCSS"))
				$"layoutCSS", elCSS($C, "height"));
			$C.css( _c.content.cssReq );
			if (o.applyDemoStyles) {
				$C.css( _c.content.cssDemo ); // add padding & overflow: auto to content-div
				$P.css( _c.content.cssDemoPane ); // REMOVE padding/scrolling from pane
			state[pane].content = {}; // init content state
			if (resize !== false) sizeContent(pane);
			// sizeContent() is called AFTER init of all elements
			I.content = $Cs[pane] = false;

	* Add resize-bars to all panes that specify it in options
	* -dependancy: $.fn.resizable - will skip if not found
	* @see  _create()
	* @param {string=}	[panes=""]	The edge(s) to process
,	initResizable = function (panes) {
		var	draggingAvailable = $.layout.plugins.draggable
		,	side // set in start()
		panes = panes ? panes.split(",") : _c.borderPanes;

		$.each(panes, function (idx, pane) {
			var o = options[pane];
			if (!draggingAvailable || !$Ps[pane] || !o.resizable) {
				o.resizable = false;
				return true; // skip to next

			var s		= state[pane]
			,	z		= options.zIndexes
			,	c		= _c[pane]
			,	side	= c.dir=="horz" ? "top" : "left"
			,	opEdge	= _c.oppositeEdge[pane]
			,	masks	=  pane +",center,"+ opEdge + (c.dir=="horz" ? ",west,east" : "")
			,	$P 		= $Ps[pane]
			,	$R		= $Rs[pane]
			,	base	= o.resizerClass
			,	lastPos	= 0 // used when live-resizing
			,	r, live // set in start because may change
			//	'drag' classes are applied to the ORIGINAL resizer-bar while dragging is in process
			,	resizerClass		= base+"-drag"				// resizer-drag
			,	resizerPaneClass	= base+"-"+pane+"-drag"		// resizer-north-drag
			//	'helper' class is applied to the CLONED resizer-bar while it is being dragged
			,	helperClass			= base+"-dragging"			// resizer-dragging
			,	helperPaneClass		= base+"-"+pane+"-dragging" // resizer-north-dragging
			,	helperLimitClass	= base+"-dragging-limit"	// resizer-drag
			,	helperPaneLimitClass = base+"-"+pane+"-dragging-limit"	// resizer-north-drag
			,	helperClassesSet	= false 					// logic var

			if (!s.isClosed)
				  .css("cursor", o.resizerCursor); // n-resize, s-resize, etc

				containment:	$N[0] // limit resizing to layout container
			,	axis:			(c.dir=="horz" ? "y" : "x") // limit resizing to horz or vert axis
			,	delay:			0
			,	distance:		1
			,	grid:			o.resizingGrid
			//	basic format for helper - style it using class: .ui-draggable-dragging
			,	helper:			"clone"
			,	opacity:		o.resizerDragOpacity
			,	addClasses:		false // avoid ui-state-disabled class when disabled
			//,	iframeFix:		o.draggableIframeFix // TODO: consider using when bug is fixed
			,	zIndex:			z.resizer_drag

			,	start: function (e, ui) {
					// REFRESH options & state pointers in case we used swapPanes
					o = options[pane];
					s = state[pane];
					// re-read options
					live = o.livePaneResizing;

					// ondrag_start callback - will CANCEL hide if returns false
					// TODO: dragging CANNOT be cancelled like this, so see if there is a way?
					if (false === _runCallbacks("ondrag_start", pane)) return false;

					s.isResizing	= true; // prevent pane from closing while resizing
					timer.clear(pane+"_closeSlider"); // just in case already triggered

					// SET RESIZER LIMITS - used in drag()
					setSizeLimits(pane); // update pane/resizer state
					r = s.resizerPosition;
					lastPos = ui.position[ side ]

					$R.addClass( resizerClass +" "+ resizerPaneClass ); // add drag classes
					helperClassesSet = false; // reset logic var - see drag()

					// DISABLE TEXT SELECTION (probably already done by resizer.mouseOver)

					showMasks( masks );

			,	drag: function (e, ui) {
					if (!helperClassesSet) { // can only add classes after clone has been added to the DOM
							.addClass( helperClass +" "+ helperPaneClass ) // add helper classes
							.css({ right: "auto", bottom: "auto" })	// fix dir="rtl" issue
							.children().css("visibility","hidden")	// hide toggler inside dragged resizer-bar
						helperClassesSet = true;
						// draggable bug!? RE-SET zIndex to prevent E/W resize-bar showing through N/S pane!
						if (s.isSliding) $Ps[pane].css("zIndex", z.pane_sliding);
					var limit = 0;
					if (ui.position[side] < r.min) {
						ui.position[side] = r.min;
						limit = -1;
					else if (ui.position[side] > r.max) {
						ui.position[side] = r.max;
						limit = 1;
					// ADD/REMOVE dragging-limit CLASS
					if (limit) {
						ui.helper.addClass( helperLimitClass +" "+ helperPaneLimitClass ); // at dragging-limit
						window.defaultStatus = (limit>0 && pane.match(/(north|west)/)) || (limit<0 && pane.match(/(south|east)/)) ? :;
					else {
						ui.helper.removeClass( helperLimitClass +" "+ helperPaneLimitClass ); // not at dragging-limit
						window.defaultStatus = "";
					// won't trigger unless resizer has actually moved!
					if (live && Math.abs(ui.position[side] - lastPos) >= o.liveResizingTolerance) {
						lastPos = ui.position[side];
						resizePanes(e, ui, pane)

			,	stop: function (e, ui) {
					$('body').enableSelection(); // RE-ENABLE TEXT SELECTION
					window.defaultStatus = ""; // clear 'resizing limit' message from statusbar
					$R.removeClass( resizerClass +" "+ resizerPaneClass ); // remove drag classes from Resizer
					s.isResizing = false;
					resizePanes(e, ui, pane, true, masks); // true = resizingDone


		* resizePanes
		* Sub-routine called from stop() - and drag() if livePaneResizing
		* @param {!Object}		evt
		* @param {!Object}		ui
		* @param {string}		pane
		* @param {boolean=}		[resizingDone=false]
		var resizePanes = function (evt, ui, pane, resizingDone, masks) {
			var	dragPos	= ui.position
			,	c		= _c[pane]
			,	o		= options[pane]
			,	s		= state[pane]
			,	resizerPos
			switch (pane) {
				case "north":	resizerPos =; break;
				case "west":	resizerPos = dragPos.left; break;
				case "south":	resizerPos = sC.offsetHeight -  - o.spacing_open; break;
				case "east":	resizerPos = sC.offsetWidth  - dragPos.left - o.spacing_open; break;
			// remove container margin from resizer position to get the pane size
			var newSize = resizerPos - sC["inset"+ c.side];

			// Disable OR Resize Mask(s) created in drag.start
			if (!resizingDone) {
				// ensure we meet liveResizingTolerance criteria
				if (Math.abs(newSize - s.size) < o.liveResizingTolerance)
					return; // SKIP resize this time
				// resize the pane
				manualSizePane(pane, newSize, false, true); // true = noAnimation
				sizeMasks(); // resize all visible masks
			else { // resizingDone
				// ondrag_end callback
				if (false !== _runCallbacks("ondrag_end", pane))
					manualSizePane(pane, newSize, false, true); // true = noAnimation
				hideMasks(); // hide all masks, which include panes with 'content/iframe-masks'
				if (s.isSliding && masks) // RE-SHOW only 'object-masks' so objects won't show through sliding pane
					showMasks( masks, true ); // true = onlyForObjects

	 *	sizeMask
	 *	Needed to overlay a DIV over an IFRAME-pane because mask CANNOT be *inside* the pane
	 *	Called when mask created, and during livePaneResizing
,	sizeMask = function () {
		var $M		= $(this)
		,	pane	= $"layoutMask") // eg: "west"
		,	s		= state[pane]
		// only masks over an IFRAME-pane need manual resizing
		if (s.tagName == "IFRAME" && s.isVisible) // no need to mask closed/hidden panes
				top:	s.offsetTop
			,	left:	s.offsetLeft
			,	width:	s.outerWidth
			,	height:	s.outerHeight
		/* ALT Method...
		var $P = $Ps[pane];
		$M.css( $P.position() ).css({ width: $P[0].offsetWidth, height: $P[0].offsetHeight });
,	sizeMasks = function () {
		$Ms.each( sizeMask ); // resize all 'visible' masks

,	showMasks = function (panes, onlyForObjects) {
		var a	= panes ? panes.split(",") : $.layout.config.allPanes
		,	z	= options.zIndexes
		,	o, s;
		$.each(a, function(i,p){
			s = state[p];
			o = options[p];
			if (s.isVisible && ( (!onlyForObjects && o.maskContents) || o.maskObjects )) {
				getMasks(p).each(function(){; = s.isSliding ? z.pane_sliding+1 : z.pane_normal+1 = "block";

,	hideMasks = function () {
		// ensure no pane is resizing - could be a timing issue
		var skip;
		$.each( $.layout.config.borderPanes, function(i,p){
			if (state[p].isResizing) {
				skip = true;
				return false; // BREAK
		if (!skip)
			$Ms.hide(); // hide ALL masks

,	getMasks = function (pane) {
		var $Masks	= $([])
		,	$M, i = 0, c = $Ms.length
		for (; i<c; i++) {
			$M = $Ms.eq(i);
			if ($"layoutMask") === pane)
				$Masks = $Masks.add( $M );
		if ($Masks.length)
			return $Masks;
			return createMasks(pane);

	 *	createMasks
	 *	Generates both DIV (ALWAYS used) and IFRAME (optional) elements as masks
	 *	An IFRAME mask is created *under* the DIV when maskObjects=true, because a DIV cannot mask an applet
,	createMasks = function (pane) {
			$P		= $Ps[pane]
		,	s		= state[pane]
		,	o		= options[pane]
		,	z		= options.zIndexes
		//,	objMask	= o.maskObjects && s.tagName != "IFRAME" // check for option
		,	$Masks	= $([])
		,	isIframe, el, $M, css, i
		if (!o.maskContents && !o.maskObjects) return $Masks;
		// if o.maskObjects=true, then loop TWICE to create BOTH kinds of mask, else only create a DIV
		for (i=0; i < (o.maskObjects ? 2 : 1); i++) {
			isIframe = o.maskObjects && i==0;
			el = document.createElement( isIframe ? "iframe" : "div" );
			$M = $(el).data("layoutMask", pane); // add data to relate mask to pane
			el.className = "ui-layout-mask ui-layout-mask-"+ pane; // for user styling
			css =;
			// styles common to both DIVs and IFRAMES
			css.display		= "block";
			css.position	= "absolute";
			if (isIframe) { // IFRAME-only props
				el.frameborder = 0;
				el.src		= "about:blank";
				css.opacity	= 0;
				css.filter	= "Alpha(Opacity='0')";
				css.border	= 0;
			// if pane is an IFRAME, then must mask the pane itself
			if (s.tagName == "IFRAME") {
				// NOTE sizing done by a subroutine so can be called during live-resizing
				css.zIndex	= z.pane_normal+1; // 1-higher than pane
				$N.append( el ); // append to LAYOUT CONTAINER
			// otherwise put masks *inside the pane* to mask its contents
			else {
				css.zIndex	= o.maskZindex || z.content_mask; // usually 1, but customizable		= 0;
				css.left	= 0;
				css.width	= "100%";
				css.height	= "100%";
				$P.append( el ); // append INSIDE pane element
			// add to return object
			$Masks = $Masks.add( el );
			// add Mask to cached array so can be resized & reused
			$Ms = $Ms.add( el );
		return $Masks;

	* Destroy this layout and reset all elements
	* @param {boolean=}	[destroyChildren=false]		Destory Child-Layouts first?
,	destroy = function (evt_or_destroyChildren, destroyChildren) {
		// UNBIND layout events and remove global object
		$(window).unbind("."+ sID);		// resize & unload
		$(document).unbind("."+ sID);	// keyDown (hotkeys)

		if (typeof evt_or_destroyChildren === "object")
			// stopPropagation if called by trigger("layoutdestroy") - use evtPane utility 
		else // no event, so transfer 1st param to destroyChildren param
			destroyChildren = evt_or_destroyChildren;

		// need to look for parent layout BEFORE we remove the container data, else skips a level
		//var parentPane = Instance.hasParentLayout ? $.layout.getParentPaneInstance( $N ) : null;

		// reset layout-container
		$N	.clearQueue()
			.unbind("."+ sID) // remove ALL Layout events

		// remove all mask elements that have been created

		// loop all panes to remove layout classes, attributes and bindings
		$.each(_c.allPanes, function (i, pane) {
			removePane( pane, false, true, destroyChildren ); // true = skipResize

		// do NOT reset container CSS if is a 'pane' (or 'content') in an outer-layout - ie, THIS layout is 'nested'
		var css = "layoutCSS";
		if ($ && !$"layoutRole")) // RESET CSS
			$N.css( $ ).removeData(css);

		// for full-page layouts, also reset the <HTML> CSS
		if (sC.tagName === "BODY" && ($N = $("html")).data(css)) // RESET <HTML> CSS
			$N.css( $ ).removeData(css);

		// trigger plugins for this layout, if there are any
		runPluginCallbacks( Instance, $.layout.onDestroy );

		// trigger state-management and onunload callback

		// clear the Instance of everything except for container & options (so could recreate)
		// RE-CREATE: myLayout = myLayout.container.layout( myLayout.options );
		for (n in Instance)
			if (!n.match(/^(container|options)$/)) delete Instance[ n ];
		// add a 'destroyed' flag to make it easy to check
		Instance.destroyed = true;

		// if this is a child layout, CLEAR the child-pointer in the parent
		/* for now the pointer REMAINS, but with only container, options and destroyed keys
		if (parentPane) {
			var layout ="parentLayout");
			parentPane.child = layout.children[ ] = null;

		return Instance; // for coding convenience

	* Remove a pane from the layout - subroutine of destroy()
	* @see  destroy()
	* @param {string|Object}	evt_or_pane			The pane to process
	* @param {boolean=}			[remove=false]		Remove the DOM element?
	* @param {boolean=}			[skipResize=false]	Skip calling resizeAll()?
	* @param {boolean=}			[destroyChild=true]	Destroy Child-layouts? If not passed, obeys options setting
,	removePane = function (evt_or_pane, remove, skipResize, destroyChild) {
		if (!isInitialized()) return;
		var	pane =, evt_or_pane)
		,	$P	= $Ps[pane]
		,	$C	= $Cs[pane]
		,	$R	= $Rs[pane]
		,	$T	= $Ts[pane]
		// NOTE: elements can still exist even after remove()
		//		so check for missing data(), which is cleared by removed()
		if ($P && $.isEmptyObject( $ )) $P = false;
		if ($C && $.isEmptyObject( $ )) $C = false;
		if ($R && $.isEmptyObject( $ )) $R = false;
		if ($T && $.isEmptyObject( $ )) $T = false;

		if ($P) $P.stop(true, true);

		//	check for a child layout
		var	o	= options[pane]
		,	s	= state[pane]
		,	d	= "layout"
		,	css	= "layoutCSS"
		,	child	= children[pane] || ($P ? $ : 0) || ($C ? $ : 0) || null
		,	destroy	= destroyChild !== undefined ? destroyChild : o.destroyChildLayout

		// FIRST destroy the child-layout(s)
		if (destroy && child && !child.destroyed) {
			child.destroy(true);	// tell child-layout to destroy ALL its child-layouts too
			if (child.destroyed)	// destroy was successful
				child = null;		// clear pointer for logic below 

		if ($P && remove && !child)
		else if ($P && $P[0]) {
			//	create list of ALL pane-classes that need to be removed
			var	root	= o.paneClass // default="ui-layout-pane"
			,	pRoot	= root +"-"+ pane // eg: "ui-layout-pane-west"
			,	_open	= "-open"
			,	_sliding= "-sliding"
			,	_closed	= "-closed"
			,	classes	= [	root, root+_open, root+_closed, root+_sliding,		// generic classes
							pRoot, pRoot+_open, pRoot+_closed, pRoot+_sliding ]	// pane-specific classes
			$.merge(classes, getHoverClasses($P, true)); // ADD hover-classes
			// remove all Layout classes from pane-element
			$P	.removeClass( classes.join(" ") ) // remove ALL pane-classes
				.removeData("autoHidden")	// in case set
				.unbind("."+ sID) // remove ALL Layout events
				// TODO: remove these extra unbind commands when jQuery is fixed
				//.unbind("mouseenter"+ sID)
				//.unbind("mouseleave"+ sID)
			// do NOT reset CSS if this pane/content is STILL the container of a nested layout!
			// the nested layout will reset its 'container' CSS when/if it is destroyed
			if ($C && $ {
				// a content-div may not have a specific width, so give it one to contain the Layout
				$C.width( $C.width() );
				child.resizeAll(); // now resize the Layout
			else if ($C)
				$C.css( $ ).removeData(css).removeData("layoutRole");
			// remove pane AFTER content in case there was a nested layout
			if (!$
				$P.css( $ ).removeData(css);

		// REMOVE pane resizer and toggler elements
		if ($T) $T.remove();
		if ($R) $R.remove();

		// CLEAR all pointers and state data
		Instance[pane] = $Ps[pane] = $Cs[pane] = $Rs[pane] = $Ts[pane] = children[pane] = false;
		s = { removed: true };

		if (!skipResize)

 * ###########################
 * ###########################

,	_hidePane = function (pane) {
		var $P	= $Ps[pane]
		,	o	= options[pane]
		,	s	= $P[0].style
		if (o.useOffscreenClose) {
			if (!$
				$, { left: s.left, right: s.right });
			$P.css( _c.offscreenCSS );

,	_showPane = function (pane) {
		var $P	= $Ps[pane]
		,	o	= options[pane]
		,	off	= _c.offscreenCSS
		,	old	= $
		,	s	= $P[0].style
		$P	.show() // ALWAYS show, just in case
		if (o.useOffscreenClose && old) {
			if (s.left == off.left)
				s.left = old.left;
			if (s.right == off.right)
				s.right = old.right;

	* Completely 'hides' a pane, including its spacing - as if it does not exist
	* The pane is not actually 'removed' from the source, so can use 'show' to un-hide it
	* @param {string|Object}	evt_or_pane			The pane being hidden, ie: north, south, east, or west
	* @param {boolean=}			[noAnimation=false]	
,	hide = function (evt_or_pane, noAnimation) {
		if (!isInitialized()) return;
		var	pane =, evt_or_pane)
		,	o	= options[pane]
		,	s	= state[pane]
		,	$P	= $Ps[pane]
		,	$R	= $Rs[pane]
		if (!$P || s.isHidden) return; // pane does not exist OR is already hidden

		// onhide_start callback - will CANCEL hide if returns false
		if (state.initialized && false === _runCallbacks("onhide_start", pane)) return;

		s.isSliding = false; // just in case

		// now hide the elements
		if ($R) $R.hide(); // hide resizer-bar
		if (!state.initialized || s.isClosed) {
			s.isClosed = true; // to trigger open-animation on show()
			s.isHidden  = true;
			s.isVisible = false;
			if (!state.initialized)
				_hidePane(pane); // no animation when loading page
			sizeMidPanes(_c[pane].dir === "horz" ? "" : "center");
			if (state.initialized || o.triggerEventsOnLoad)
				_runCallbacks("onhide_end", pane);
		else {
			s.isHiding = true; // used by onclose
			close(pane, false, noAnimation); // adjust all panes to fit

	* Show a hidden pane - show as 'closed' by default unless openPane = true
	* @param {string|Object}	evt_or_pane			The pane being opened, ie: north, south, east, or west
	* @param {boolean=}			[openPane=false]
	* @param {boolean=}			[noAnimation=false]
	* @param {boolean=}			[noAlert=false]
,	show = function (evt_or_pane, openPane, noAnimation, noAlert) {
		if (!isInitialized()) return;
		var	pane =, evt_or_pane)
		,	o	= options[pane]
		,	s	= state[pane]
		,	$P	= $Ps[pane]
		,	$R	= $Rs[pane]
		if (!$P || !s.isHidden) return; // pane does not exist OR is not hidden

		// onshow_start callback - will CANCEL show if returns false
		if (false === _runCallbacks("onshow_start", pane)) return;

		s.isSliding = false; // just in case
		s.isShowing = true; // used by onopen/onclose
		//s.isHidden  = false; - will be set by open/close - if not cancelled

		// now show the elements
		//if ($R) $; - will be shown by open/close
		if (openPane === false)
			close(pane, true); // true = force
			open(pane, false, noAnimation, noAlert); // adjust all panes to fit

	* Toggles a pane open/closed by calling either open or close
	* @param {string|Object}	evt_or_pane		The pane being toggled, ie: north, south, east, or west
	* @param {boolean=}			[slide=false]
,	toggle = function (evt_or_pane, slide) {
		if (!isInitialized()) return;
		var	evt		= evtObj(evt_or_pane)
		,	pane	=, evt_or_pane)
		,	s		= state[pane]
		if (evt) // called from to $R.dblclick OR triggerPaneEvent
		if (s.isHidden)
			show(pane); // will call 'open' after unhiding it
		else if (s.isClosed)
			open(pane, !!slide);

	* Utility method used during init or other auto-processes
	* @param {string}	pane   The pane being closed
	* @param {boolean=}	[setHandles=false]
,	_closePane = function (pane, setHandles) {
			$P	= $Ps[pane]
		,	s	= state[pane]
		s.isClosed = true;
		s.isVisible = false;
		// UNUSED: if (setHandles) setAsClosed(pane, true); // true = force

	* Close the specified pane (animation optional), and resize all other panes as needed
	* @param {string|Object}	evt_or_pane			The pane being closed, ie: north, south, east, or west
	* @param {boolean=}			[force=false]
	* @param {boolean=}			[noAnimation=false]
	* @param {boolean=}			[skipCallback=false]
,	close = function (evt_or_pane, force, noAnimation, skipCallback) {
		var	pane =, evt_or_pane);
		// if pane has been initialized, but NOT the complete layout, close pane instantly
		if (!state.initialized && $Ps[pane]) {
			_closePane(pane); // INIT pane as closed
		if (!isInitialized()) return;

			$P	= $Ps[pane]
		,	$R	= $Rs[pane]
		,	$T	= $Ts[pane]
		,	o	= options[pane]
		,	s	= state[pane]
		,	c	= _c[pane]
		,	doFX, isShowing, isHiding, wasSliding;

		// QUEUE in case another action/animation is in progress
		$N.queue(function( queueNext ){
			if ( !$P
			||	(!o.closable && !s.isShowing && !s.isHiding)	// invalid request // (!o.resizable && !o.closable) ???
			||	(!force && s.isClosed && !s.isShowing)			// already closed
			) return queueNext();

			// onclose_start callback - will CANCEL hide if returns false
			// SKIP if just 'showing' a hidden pane as 'closed'
			var abort = !s.isShowing && false === _runCallbacks("onclose_start", pane);

			// transfer logic vars to temp vars
			isShowing	= s.isShowing;
			isHiding	= s.isHiding;
			wasSliding	= s.isSliding;
			// now clear the logic vars (REQUIRED before aborting)
			delete s.isShowing;
			delete s.isHiding;

			if (abort) return queueNext();

			doFX		= !noAnimation && !s.isClosed && (o.fxName_close != "none");
			s.isMoving	= true;
			s.isClosed	= true;
			s.isVisible	= false;
			// update isHidden BEFORE sizing panes
			if (isHiding) s.isHidden = true;
			else if (isShowing) s.isHidden = false;

			if (s.isSliding) // pane is being closed, so UNBIND trigger events
				bindStopSlidingEvents(pane, false); // will set isSliding=false
			else // resize panes adjacent to this one
				sizeMidPanes(_c[pane].dir === "horz" ? "" : "center", false); // false = NOT skipCallback

			// if this pane has a resizer bar, move it NOW - before animation

			if (doFX) { // animate the close
				// mask panes with objects
				var masks = "center"+ (c.dir=="horz" ? ",west,east" : "");
				showMasks( masks, true );	// true = ONLY mask panes with maskObjects=true
				lockPaneForFX(pane, true);	// need to set left/top so animation will work
				$P.hide( o.fxName_close, o.fxSettings_close, o.fxSpeed_close, function () {
					lockPaneForFX(pane, false); // undo
					if (s.isClosed) close_2();
			else { // hide the pane without animation

		function close_2 () {
			s.isMoving	= false;
			bindStartSlidingEvent(pane, true); // will enable if o.slidable = true

			// if opposite-pane was autoClosed, see if it can be autoOpened now
			var altPane = _c.oppositeEdge[pane];
			if (state[ altPane ].noRoom) {
				setSizeLimits( altPane );
				makePaneFit( altPane );

			// hide any masks shown while closing

			if (!skipCallback && (state.initialized || o.triggerEventsOnLoad)) {
				// onclose callback - UNLESS just 'showing' a hidden pane as 'closed'
				if (!isShowing)	_runCallbacks("onclose_end", pane);
				// onhide OR onshow callback
				if (isShowing)	_runCallbacks("onshow_end", pane);
				if (isHiding)	_runCallbacks("onhide_end", pane);

	* @param {string}	pane	The pane just closed, ie: north, south, east, or west
,	setAsClosed = function (pane) {
			$P		= $Ps[pane]
		,	$R		= $Rs[pane]
		,	$T		= $Ts[pane]
		,	o		= options[pane]
		,	s		= state[pane]
		,	side	= _c[pane].side.toLowerCase()
		,	inset	= "inset"+ _c[pane].side
		,	rClass	= o.resizerClass
		,	tClass	= o.togglerClass
		,	_pane	= "-"+ pane // used for classNames
		,	_open	= "-open"
		,	_sliding= "-sliding"
		,	_closed	= "-closed"
			.css(side, sC[inset]) // move the resizer
			.removeClass( rClass+_open +" "+ rClass+_pane+_open )
			.removeClass( rClass+_sliding +" "+ rClass+_pane+_sliding )
			.addClass( rClass+_closed +" "+ rClass+_pane+_closed )
			.unbind("dblclick."+ sID)
		// DISABLE 'resizing' when closed - do this BEFORE bindStartSlidingEvent?
		if (o.resizable && $.layout.plugins.draggable)
				.removeClass("ui-state-disabled") // do NOT apply disabled styling - not suitable here
				.css("cursor", "default")

		// if pane has a toggler button, adjust that too
		if ($T) {
				.removeClass( tClass+_open +" "+ tClass+_pane+_open )
				.addClass( tClass+_closed +" "+ tClass+_pane+_closed )
				.attr("title", // may be blank
			// toggler-content - if exists

		// sync any 'pin buttons'
		syncPinBtns(pane, false);

		if (state.initialized) {
			// resize 'length' and position togglers for adjacent panes

	* Open the specified pane (animation optional), and resize all other panes as needed
	* @param {string|Object}	evt_or_pane			The pane being opened, ie: north, south, east, or west
	* @param {boolean=}			[slide=false]
	* @param {boolean=}			[noAnimation=false]
	* @param {boolean=}			[noAlert=false]
,	open = function (evt_or_pane, slide, noAnimation, noAlert) {
		if (!isInitialized()) return;
		var	pane =, evt_or_pane)
		,	$P	= $Ps[pane]
		,	$R	= $Rs[pane]
		,	$T	= $Ts[pane]
		,	o	= options[pane]
		,	s	= state[pane]
		,	c	= _c[pane]
		,	doFX, isShowing
		// QUEUE in case another action/animation is in progress
		$N.queue(function( queueNext ){

			if ( !$P
			||	(!o.resizable && !o.closable && !s.isShowing)	// invalid request
			||	(s.isVisible && !s.isSliding)					// already open
			) return queueNext();

			// pane can ALSO be unhidden by just calling show(), so handle this scenario
			if (s.isHidden && !s.isShowing) {
				queueNext(); // call before show() because it needs the queue free
				show(pane, true);

			if (o.autoResize && s.size != o.size) // resize pane to original size set in options
				sizePane(pane, o.size, true, true, true); // true=skipCallback/forceResize/noAnimation
				// make sure there is enough space available to open the pane
				setSizeLimits(pane, slide);

			// onopen_start callback - will CANCEL open if returns false
			var cbReturn = _runCallbacks("onopen_start", pane);

			if (cbReturn === "abort")
				return queueNext();

			// update pane-state again in case options were changed in onopen_start
			if (cbReturn !== "NC") // NC = "No Callback"
				setSizeLimits(pane, slide);

			if (s.minSize > s.maxSize) { // INSUFFICIENT ROOM FOR PANE TO OPEN!
				syncPinBtns(pane, false); // make sure pin-buttons are reset
				if (!noAlert &&
				return queueNext(); // ABORT

			if (slide) // START Sliding - will set isSliding=true
				bindStopSlidingEvents(pane, true); // BIND trigger events to close sliding-pane
			else if (s.isSliding) // PIN PANE (stop sliding) - open pane 'normally' instead
				bindStopSlidingEvents(pane, false); // UNBIND trigger events - will set isSliding=false
			else if (o.slidable)
				bindStartSlidingEvent(pane, false); // UNBIND trigger events

			s.noRoom = false; // will be reset by makePaneFit if 'noRoom'

			// transfer logic var to temp var
			isShowing = s.isShowing;
			// now clear the logic var
			delete s.isShowing;

			doFX		= !noAnimation && s.isClosed && (o.fxName_open != "none");
			s.isMoving	= true;
			s.isVisible	= true;
			s.isClosed	= false;
			// update isHidden BEFORE sizing panes - WHY??? Old?
			if (isShowing) s.isHidden = false;

			if (doFX) { // ANIMATE
				// mask panes with objects
				var masks = "center"+ (c.dir=="horz" ? ",west,east" : "");
				if (s.isSliding) masks += ","+ _c.oppositeEdge[pane];
				showMasks( masks, true );	// true = ONLY mask panes with maskObjects=true
				lockPaneForFX(pane, true);	// need to set left/top so animation will work
				$ o.fxName_open, o.fxSettings_open, o.fxSpeed_open, function() {
					lockPaneForFX(pane, false); // undo
					if (s.isVisible) open_2(); // continue
			else { // no animation
				_showPane(pane);// just show pane and...
				open_2();		// continue

		function open_2 () {
			s.isMoving	= false;

			// cure iframe display issues

			// NOTE: if isSliding, then other panes are NOT 'resized'
			if (!s.isSliding) { // resize all panes adjacent to this one
				hideMasks(); // remove any masks shown while opening
				sizeMidPanes(_c[pane].dir=="vert" ? "center" : "", false); // false = NOT skipCallback

			// set classes, position handles and execute callbacks...

	* @param {string}	pane		The pane just opened, ie: north, south, east, or west
	* @param {boolean=}	[skipCallback=false]
,	setAsOpen = function (pane, skipCallback) {
			$P		= $Ps[pane]
		,	$R		= $Rs[pane]
		,	$T		= $Ts[pane]
		,	o		= options[pane]
		,	s		= state[pane]
		,	side	= _c[pane].side.toLowerCase()
		,	inset	= "inset"+ _c[pane].side
		,	rClass	= o.resizerClass
		,	tClass	= o.togglerClass
		,	_pane	= "-"+ pane // used for classNames
		,	_open	= "-open"
		,	_closed	= "-closed"
		,	_sliding= "-sliding"
			.css(side, sC[inset] + getPaneSize(pane)) // move the resizer
			.removeClass( rClass+_closed +" "+ rClass+_pane+_closed )
			.addClass( rClass+_open +" "+ rClass+_pane+_open )
		if (s.isSliding)
			$R.addClass( rClass+_sliding +" "+ rClass+_pane+_sliding )
		else // in case 'was sliding'
			$R.removeClass( rClass+_sliding +" "+ rClass+_pane+_sliding )

		if (o.resizerDblClickToggle)
			$R.bind("dblclick", toggle );
		removeHover( 0, $R ); // remove hover classes
		if (o.resizable && $.layout.plugins.draggable)
			$R	.draggable("enable")
				.css("cursor", o.resizerCursor)
		else if (!s.isSliding)
			$R.css("cursor", "default"); // n-resize, s-resize, etc

		// if pane also has a toggler button, adjust that too
		if ($T) {
			$T	.removeClass( tClass+_closed +" "+ tClass+_pane+_closed )
				.addClass( tClass+_open +" "+ tClass+_pane+_open )
				.attr("title",; // may be blank
			removeHover( 0, $T ); // remove hover classes
			// toggler-content - if exists

		// sync any 'pin buttons'
		syncPinBtns(pane, !s.isSliding);

		// update pane-state dimensions - BEFORE resizing content
		$.extend(s, elDims($P));

		if (state.initialized) {
			// resize resizer & toggler sizes for all panes
			// resize content every time pane opens - to be sure
			sizeContent(pane, true); // true = remeasure headers/footers, even if 'pane.isMoving'

		if (!skipCallback && (state.initialized || o.triggerEventsOnLoad) && $":visible")) {
			// onopen callback
			_runCallbacks("onopen_end", pane);
			// onshow callback - TODO: should this be here?
			if (s.isShowing) _runCallbacks("onshow_end", pane);

			// ALSO call onresize because layout-size *may* have changed while pane was closed
			if (state.initialized)
				_runCallbacks("onresize_end", pane);

		// TODO: Somehow sizePane("north") is being called after this point???

	* slideOpen / slideClose / slideToggle
	* Pass-though methods for sliding
,	slideOpen = function (evt_or_pane) {
		if (!isInitialized()) return;
		var	evt		= evtObj(evt_or_pane)
		,	pane	=, evt_or_pane)
		,	s		= state[pane]
		,	delay	= options[pane].slideDelay_open
		// prevent event from triggering on NEW resizer binding created below
		if (evt) evt.stopImmediatePropagation();

		if (s.isClosed && evt && evt.type === "mouseenter" && delay > 0)
			// trigger = mouseenter - use a delay
			timer.set(pane+"_openSlider", open_NOW, delay);
			open_NOW(); // will unbind events if is already open

		* SUBROUTINE for timed open
		function open_NOW () {
			if (!s.isClosed) // skip if no longer closed!
				bindStopSlidingEvents(pane, true); // BIND trigger events to close sliding-pane
			else if (!s.isMoving)
				open(pane, true); // true = slide - open() will handle binding

,	slideClose = function (evt_or_pane) {
		if (!isInitialized()) return;
		var	evt		= evtObj(evt_or_pane)
		,	pane	=, evt_or_pane)
		,	o		= options[pane]
		,	s		= state[pane]
		,	delay	= s.isMoving ? 1000 : 300 // MINIMUM delay - option may override
		if (s.isClosed || s.isResizing)
			return; // skip if already closed OR in process of resizing
		else if (o.slideTrigger_close === "click")
			close_NOW(); // close immediately onClick
		else if (o.preventQuickSlideClose && s.isMoving)
			return; // handle Chrome quick-close on slide-open
		else if (o.preventPrematureSlideClose && evt && $.layout.isMouseOverElem(evt, $Ps[pane]))
			return; // handle incorrect mouseleave trigger, like when over a SELECT-list in IE
		else if (evt) // trigger = mouseleave - use a delay
			// 1 sec delay if 'opening', else .3 sec
			timer.set(pane+"_closeSlider", close_NOW, max(o.slideDelay_close, delay));
		else // called programically

		* SUBROUTINE for timed close
		function close_NOW () {
			if (s.isClosed) // skip 'close' if already closed!
				bindStopSlidingEvents(pane, false); // UNBIND trigger events - TODO: is this needed here?
			else if (!s.isMoving)
				close(pane); // close will handle unbinding

	* @param {string|Object}	evt_or_pane		The pane being opened, ie: north, south, east, or west
,	slideToggle = function (evt_or_pane) {
		var pane =, evt_or_pane);
		toggle(pane, true);

	* Must set left/top on East/South panes so animation will work properly
	* @param {string}	pane	The pane to lock, 'east' or 'south' - any other is ignored!
	* @param {boolean}	doLock  true = set left/top, false = remove
,	lockPaneForFX = function (pane, doLock) {
		var $P	= $Ps[pane]
		,	s	= state[pane]
		,	o	= options[pane]
		,	z	= options.zIndexes
		if (doLock) {
			$P.css({ zIndex: z.pane_animate }); // overlay all elements during animation
			if (pane=="south")
				$P.css({ top: sC.insetTop + sC.innerHeight - $P.outerHeight() });
			else if (pane=="east")
				$P.css({ left: sC.insetLeft + sC.innerWidth - $P.outerWidth() });
		else { // animation DONE - RESET CSS
			// TODO: see if this can be deleted. It causes a quick-close when sliding in Chrome
			$P.css({ zIndex: (s.isSliding ? z.pane_sliding : z.pane_normal) });
			if (pane=="south")
				$P.css({ top: "auto" });
			// if pane is positioned 'off-screen', then DO NOT screw with it!
			else if (pane=="east" && !$P.css("left").match(/\-99999/))
				$P.css({ left: "auto" });
			// fix anti-aliasing in IE - only needed for animations that change opacity
			if (browser.msie && o.fxOpacityFix && o.fxName_open != "slide" && $P.css("filter") && $P.css("opacity") == 1)

	* Toggle sliding functionality of a specific pane on/off by adding removing 'slide open' trigger
	* @see  open(), close()
	* @param {string}	pane	The pane to enable/disable, 'north', 'south', etc.
	* @param {boolean}	enable	Enable or Disable sliding?
,	bindStartSlidingEvent = function (pane, enable) {
		var o		= options[pane]
		,	$P		= $Ps[pane]
		,	$R		= $Rs[pane]
		,	evtName	= o.slideTrigger_open.toLowerCase()
		if (!$R || (enable && !o.slidable)) return;

		// make sure we have a valid event
		if (evtName.match(/mouseover/))
			evtName = o.slideTrigger_open = "mouseenter";
		else if (!evtName.match(/(click|dblclick|mouseenter)/)) 
			evtName = o.slideTrigger_open = "click";

			// add or remove event
			[enable ? "bind" : "unbind"](evtName +'.'+ sID, slideOpen)
			// set the appropriate cursor & title/tip
			.css("cursor", enable ? o.sliderCursor : "default")
			.attr("title", enable ? : "")

	* Add or remove 'mouseleave' events to 'slide close' when pane is 'sliding' open or closed
	* Also increases zIndex when pane is sliding open
	* See bindStartSlidingEvent for code to control 'slide open'
	* @see  slideOpen(), slideClose()
	* @param {string}	pane	The pane to process, 'north', 'south', etc.
	* @param {boolean}	enable	Enable or Disable events?
,	bindStopSlidingEvents = function (pane, enable) {
		var	o		= options[pane]
		,	s		= state[pane]
		,	c		= _c[pane]
		,	z		= options.zIndexes
		,	evtName	= o.slideTrigger_close.toLowerCase()
		,	action	= (enable ? "bind" : "unbind")
		,	$P		= $Ps[pane]
		,	$R		= $Rs[pane]
		s.isSliding = enable; // logic
		timer.clear(pane+"_closeSlider"); // just in case

		// remove 'slideOpen' event from resizer
		// ALSO will raise the zIndex of the pane & resizer
		if (enable) bindStartSlidingEvent(pane, false);

		// RE/SET zIndex - increases when pane is sliding-open, resets to normal when not
		$P.css("zIndex", enable ? z.pane_sliding : z.pane_normal);
		$R.css("zIndex", enable ? z.pane_sliding+2 : z.resizer_normal); // NOTE: mask = pane_sliding+1

		// make sure we have a valid event
		if (!evtName.match(/(click|mouseleave)/))
			evtName = o.slideTrigger_close = "mouseleave"; // also catches 'mouseout'

		// add/remove slide triggers
		$R[action](evtName, slideClose); // base event on resize
		// need extra events for mouseleave
		if (evtName === "mouseleave") {
			// also close on pane.mouseleave
			$P[action]("mouseleave."+ sID, slideClose);
			// cancel timer when mouse moves between 'pane' and 'resizer'
			$R[action]("mouseenter."+ sID, cancelMouseOut);
			$P[action]("mouseenter."+ sID, cancelMouseOut);

		if (!enable)
		else if (evtName === "click" && !o.resizable) {
			// IF pane is not resizable (which already has a cursor and tip) 
			// then set the a cursor & title/tip on resizer when sliding
			$R.css("cursor", enable ? o.sliderCursor : "default");
			$R.attr("title", enable ? : ""); // use Toggler-tip, eg: "Close Pane"

		// SUBROUTINE for mouseleave timer clearing
		function cancelMouseOut (evt) {

	* Hides/closes a pane if there is insufficient room - reverses this when there is room again
	* MUST have already called setSizeLimits() before calling this method
	* @param {string}	pane					The pane being resized
	* @param {boolean=}	[isOpening=false]		Called from onOpen?
	* @param {boolean=}	[skipCallback=false]	Should the onresize callback be run?
	* @param {boolean=}	[force=false]
,	makePaneFit = function (pane, isOpening, skipCallback, force) {
			o	= options[pane]
		,	s	= state[pane]
		,	c	= _c[pane]
		,	$P	= $Ps[pane]
		,	$R	= $Rs[pane]
		,	isSidePane 	= c.dir==="vert"
		,	hasRoom		= false
		// special handling for center & east/west panes
		if (pane === "center" || (isSidePane && s.noVerticalRoom)) {
			// see if there is enough room to display the pane
			// ERROR: hasRoom = s.minHeight <= s.maxHeight && (isSidePane || s.minWidth <= s.maxWidth);
			hasRoom = (s.maxHeight >= 0);
			if (hasRoom && s.noRoom) { // previously hidden due to noRoom, so show now
				if ($R) $;
				s.isVisible = true;
				s.noRoom = false;
				if (isSidePane) s.noVerticalRoom = false;
			else if (!hasRoom && !s.noRoom) { // not currently hidden, so hide now
				if ($R) $R.hide();
				s.isVisible = false;
				s.noRoom = true;

		// see if there is enough room to fit the border-pane
		if (pane === "center") {
			// ignore center in this block
		else if (s.minSize <= s.maxSize) { // pane CAN fit
			hasRoom = true;
			if (s.size > s.maxSize) // pane is too big - shrink it
				sizePane(pane, s.maxSize, skipCallback, force, true); // true = noAnimation
			else if (s.size < s.minSize) // pane is too small - enlarge it
				sizePane(pane, s.minSize, skipCallback, force, true);
			// need s.isVisible because new pseudoClose method keeps pane visible, but off-screen
			else if ($R && s.isVisible && $":visible")) {
				// make sure resizer-bar is positioned correctly
				// handles situation where nested layout was 'hidden' when initialized
				var	side = c.side.toLowerCase()
				,	pos  = s.size + sC["inset"+ c.side]
				if ($.layout.cssNum($R, side) != pos) $R.css( side, pos );

			// if was previously hidden due to noRoom, then RESET because NOW there is room
			if (s.noRoom) {
				// s.noRoom state will be set by open or show
				if (s.wasOpen && o.closable) {
					if (o.autoReopen)
						open(pane, false, true, true); // true = noAnimation, true = noAlert
					else // leave the pane closed, so just update state
						s.noRoom = false;
					show(pane, s.wasOpen, true, true); // true = noAnimation, true = noAlert
		else { // !hasRoom - pane CANNOT fit
			if (!s.noRoom) { // pane not set as noRoom yet, so hide or close it now...
				s.noRoom = true; // update state
				s.wasOpen = !s.isClosed && !s.isSliding;
				if (s.isClosed){} // SKIP
				else if (o.closable) // 'close' if possible
					close(pane, true, true); // true = force, true = noAnimation
				else // 'hide' pane if cannot just be closed
					hide(pane, true); // true = noAnimation

	* sizePane / manualSizePane
	* sizePane is called only by internal methods whenever a pane needs to be resized
	* manualSizePane is an exposed flow-through method allowing extra code when pane is 'manually resized'
	* @param {string|Object}	evt_or_pane				The pane being resized
	* @param {number}			size					The *desired* new size for this pane - will be validated
	* @param {boolean=}			[skipCallback=false]	Should the onresize callback be run?
	* @param {boolean=}			[noAnimation=false]
,	manualSizePane = function (evt_or_pane, size, skipCallback, noAnimation) {
		if (!isInitialized()) return;
		var	pane =, evt_or_pane)
		,	o	= options[pane]
		,	s	= state[pane]
		//	if resizing callbacks have been delayed and resizing is now DONE, force resizing to complete...
		,	forceResize = o.livePaneResizing && !s.isResizing
		// ANY call to manualSizePane disables autoResize - ie, percentage sizing
		o.autoResize = false;
		// flow-through...
		sizePane(pane, size, skipCallback, forceResize, noAnimation); // will animate resize if option enabled

	* @param {string|Object}	evt_or_pane				The pane being resized
	* @param {number}			size					The *desired* new size for this pane - will be validated
	* @param {boolean=}			[skipCallback=false]	Should the onresize callback be run?
	* @param {boolean=}			[force=false]			Force resizing even if does not seem necessary
	* @param {boolean=}			[noAnimation=false]
,	sizePane = function (evt_or_pane, size, skipCallback, force, noAnimation) {
		if (!isInitialized()) return;
		var	pane	=, evt_or_pane) // probably NEVER called from event?
		,	o		= options[pane]
		,	s		= state[pane]
		,	$P		= $Ps[pane]
		,	$R		= $Rs[pane]
		,	side	= _c[pane].side.toLowerCase()
		,	dimName	= _c[pane].sizeType.toLowerCase()
		,	inset	= "inset"+ _c[pane].side
		,	skipResizeWhileDragging = s.isResizing && !o.triggerEventsDuringLiveResize
		,	doFX	= noAnimation !== true && o.animatePaneSizing
		,	oldSize, newSize
		// QUEUE in case another action/animation is in progress
		$N.queue(function( queueNext ){
			// calculate 'current' min/max sizes
			setSizeLimits(pane); // update pane-state
			oldSize = s.size;
			size = _parseSize(pane, size); // handle percentages & auto
			size = max(size, _parseSize(pane, o.minSize));
			size = min(size, s.maxSize);
			if (size < s.minSize) { // not enough room for pane!
				queueNext(); // call before makePaneFit() because it needs the queue free
				makePaneFit(pane, false, skipCallback);	// will hide or close pane

			// IF newSize is same as oldSize, then nothing to do - abort
			if (!force && size === oldSize)
				return queueNext();

			// onresize_start callback CANNOT cancel resizing because this would break the layout!
			if (!skipCallback && state.initialized && s.isVisible)
				_runCallbacks("onresize_start", pane);

			// resize the pane, and make sure its visible
			newSize = cssSize(pane, size);

			if (doFX && $":visible")) { // ANIMATE
				var fx		= $.layout.effects.size[pane] || $.layout.effects.size.all
				,	easing	= o.fxSettings_size.easing || fx.easing
				,	z		= options.zIndexes
				,	props	= {};
				props[ dimName ] = newSize +'px';
				s.isMoving = true;
				// overlay all elements during animation
				$P.css({ zIndex: z.pane_animate })
				  .show().animate( props, o.fxSpeed_size, easing, function(){
					// reset zIndex after animation
					$P.css({ zIndex: (s.isSliding ? z.pane_sliding : z.pane_normal) });
					s.isMoving = false;
					sizePane_2(); // continue
			else { // no animation
				$P.css( dimName, newSize );	// resize pane
				// if pane is visible, then 
				if ($":visible"))
					sizePane_2(); // continue
				else {
					// pane is NOT VISIBLE, so just update state data...
					// when pane is *next opened*, it will have the new size
					s.size = size;				// update state.size
					$.extend(s, elDims($P));	// update state dimensions


		function sizePane_2 () {
			/*	Panes are sometimes not sized precisely in some browsers!?
			 *	This code will resize the pane up to 3 times to nudge the pane to the correct size
			var	actual	= dimName==='width' ? $P.outerWidth() : $P.outerHeight()
			,	tries	= [{
						   	pane:		pane
						,	count:		1
						,	target:		size
						,	actual:		actual
						,	correct:	(size === actual)
						,	attempt:	size
						,	cssSize:	newSize
			,	lastTry = tries[0]
			,	thisTry	= {}
			,	msg		= 'Inaccurate size after resizing the '+ pane +'-pane.'
			while ( !lastTry.correct ) {
				thisTry = { pane: pane, count: lastTry.count+1, target: size };

				if (lastTry.actual > size)
					thisTry.attempt = max(0, lastTry.attempt - (lastTry.actual - size));
				else // lastTry.actual < size
					thisTry.attempt = max(0, lastTry.attempt + (size - lastTry.actual));

				thisTry.cssSize = cssSize(pane, thisTry.attempt);
				$P.css( dimName, thisTry.cssSize );

				thisTry.actual	= dimName=='width' ? $P.outerWidth() : $P.outerHeight();
				thisTry.correct	= (size === thisTry.actual);

				// log attempts and alert the user of this *non-fatal error* (if showDebugMessages)
				if ( tries.length === 1) {
					_log(msg, false, true);
					_log(lastTry, false, true);
				_log(thisTry, false, true);
				// after 4 tries, is as close as its gonna get!
				if (tries.length > 3) break;

				tries.push( thisTry );
				lastTry = tries[ tries.length - 1 ];

			// update pane-state dimensions
			s.size	= size;
			$.extend(s, elDims($P));

			if (s.isVisible && $":visible")) {
				// reposition the resizer-bar
				if ($R) $R.css( side, size + sC[inset] );
				// resize the content-div

			if (!skipCallback && !skipResizeWhileDragging && state.initialized && s.isVisible)
				_runCallbacks("onresize_end", pane);

			// resize all the adjacent panes, and adjust their toggler buttons
			// when skipCallback passed, it means the controlling method will handle 'other panes'
			if (!skipCallback) {
				// also no callback if live-resize is in progress and NOT triggerEventsDuringLiveResize
				if (!s.isSliding) sizeMidPanes(_c[pane].dir=="horz" ? "" : "center", skipResizeWhileDragging, force);

			// if opposite-pane was autoClosed, see if it can be autoOpened now
			var altPane = _c.oppositeEdge[pane];
			if (size < oldSize && state[ altPane ].noRoom) {
				setSizeLimits( altPane );
				makePaneFit( altPane, false, skipCallback );

			// DEBUG - ALERT user/developer so they know there was a sizing problem
			if (tries.length > 1)
				_log(msg +'\nSee the Error Console for details.', true, true);

	* @see  initPanes(), sizePane(), resizeAll(), open(), close(), hide()
	* @param {Array.<string>|string} panes					The pane(s) being resized, comma-delmited string
	* @param {boolean=}				[skipCallback=false]	Should the onresize callback be run?
	* @param {boolean=}				[force=false]
,	sizeMidPanes = function (panes, skipCallback, force) {
		panes = (panes ? panes : "east,west,center").split(",");

		$.each(panes, function (i, pane) {
			if (!$Ps[pane]) return; // NO PANE - skip
				o		= options[pane]
			,	s		= state[pane]
			,	$P		= $Ps[pane]
			,	$R		= $Rs[pane]
			,	isCenter= (pane=="center")
			,	hasRoom	= true
			,	CSS		= {}
			,	newCenter	= calcNewCenterPaneDims()
			// update pane-state dimensions
			$.extend(s, elDims($P));

			if (pane === "center") {
				if (!force && s.isVisible && newCenter.width === s.outerWidth && newCenter.height === s.outerHeight)
					return true; // SKIP - pane already the correct size
				// set state for makePaneFit() logic
				$.extend(s, cssMinDims(pane), {
					maxWidth:	newCenter.width
				,	maxHeight:	newCenter.height
				CSS = newCenter;
				// convert OUTER width/height to CSS width/height 
				CSS.width	= cssW($P, CSS.width);
				// NEW - allow pane to extend 'below' visible area rather than hide it
				CSS.height	= cssH($P, CSS.height);
				hasRoom		= CSS.width >= 0 && CSS.height >= 0; // height >= 0 = ALWAYS TRUE NOW
				// during layout init, try to shrink east/west panes to make room for center
				if (!state.initialized && o.minWidth > s.outerWidth) {
						reqPx	= o.minWidth - s.outerWidth
					,	minE	= options.east.minSize || 0
					,	minW	= options.west.minSize || 0
					,	sizeE	= state.east.size
					,	sizeW	= state.west.size
					,	newE	= sizeE
					,	newW	= sizeW
					if (reqPx > 0 && state.east.isVisible && sizeE > minE) {
						newE = max( sizeE-minE, sizeE-reqPx );
						reqPx -= sizeE-newE;
					if (reqPx > 0 && state.west.isVisible && sizeW > minW) {
						newW = max( sizeW-minW, sizeW-reqPx );
						reqPx -= sizeW-newW;
					// IF we found enough extra space, then resize the border panes as calculated
					if (reqPx === 0) {
						if (sizeE && sizeE != minE)
							sizePane('east', newE, true, force, true); // true = skipCallback/noAnimation - initPanes will handle when done
						if (sizeW && sizeW != minW)
							sizePane('west', newW, true, force, true);
						// now start over!
						sizeMidPanes('center', skipCallback, force);
						return; // abort this loop
			else { // for east and west, set only the height, which is same as center height
				// set state.min/maxWidth/Height for makePaneFit() logic
				if (s.isVisible && !s.noVerticalRoom)
					$.extend(s, elDims($P), cssMinDims(pane))
				if (!force && !s.noVerticalRoom && newCenter.height === s.outerHeight)
					return true; // SKIP - pane already the correct size
				// east/west have same top, bottom & height as center		=;
				CSS.bottom	= newCenter.bottom;
				// NEW - allow pane to extend 'below' visible area rather than hide it
				CSS.height	= cssH($P, newCenter.height);
				s.maxHeight	= CSS.height;
				hasRoom		= (s.maxHeight >= 0); // ALWAYS TRUE NOW
				if (!hasRoom) s.noVerticalRoom = true; // makePaneFit() logic

			if (hasRoom) {
				// resizeAll passes skipCallback because it triggers callbacks after ALL panes are resized
				if (!skipCallback && state.initialized)
					_runCallbacks("onresize_start", pane);

				$P.css(CSS); // apply the CSS to pane
				if (pane !== "center")
					sizeHandles(pane); // also update resizer length
				if (s.noRoom && !s.isClosed && !s.isHidden)
					makePaneFit(pane); // will re-open/show auto-closed/hidden pane
				if (s.isVisible) {
					$.extend(s, elDims($P)); // update pane dimensions
					if (state.initialized) sizeContent(pane); // also resize the contents, if exists
			else if (!s.noRoom && s.isVisible) // no room for pane
				makePaneFit(pane); // will hide or close pane

			if (!s.isVisible)
				return true; // DONE - next pane

			* Extra CSS for IE6 or IE7 in Quirks-mode - add 'width' to NORTH/SOUTH panes
			* Normally these panes have only 'left' & 'right' positions so pane auto-sizes
			* ALSO required when pane is an IFRAME because will NOT default to 'full width'
			*	TODO: Can I use width:100% for a north/south iframe?
			*	TODO: Sounds like a job for $P.outerWidth( sC.innerWidth ) SETTER METHOD
			if (pane === "center") { // finished processing midPanes
				var fix = browser.isIE6 || !browser.boxModel;
				if ($Ps.north && (fix || state.north.tagName=="IFRAME")) 
					$Ps.north.css("width", cssW($Ps.north, sC.innerWidth));
				if ($Ps.south && (fix || state.south.tagName=="IFRAME"))
					$Ps.south.css("width", cssW($Ps.south, sC.innerWidth));

			// resizeAll passes skipCallback because it triggers callbacks after ALL panes are resized
			if (!skipCallback && state.initialized)
				_runCallbacks("onresize_end", pane);

	* @see  window.onresize(), callbacks or custom code
,	resizeAll = function (evt) {
		// stopPropagation if called by trigger("layoutdestroy") - use evtPane utility 

		if (!state.initialized) {
			return; // no need to resize since we just initialized!
		var	oldW	= sC.innerWidth
		,	oldH	= sC.innerHeight
		// cannot size layout when 'container' is hidden or collapsed
		if (!$":visible") ) return;
		$.extend(state.container, elDims( $N )); // UPDATE container dimensions
		if (!sC.outerHeight) return;

		// onresizeall_start will CANCEL resizing if returns false
		// state.container has already been set, so user can access this info for calcuations
		if (false === _runCallbacks("onresizeall_start")) return false;

		var	// see if container is now 'smaller' than before
			shrunkH	= (sC.innerHeight < oldH)
		,	shrunkW	= (sC.innerWidth < oldW)
		,	$P, o, s, dir
		// NOTE special order for sizing: S-N-E-W
		$.each(["south","north","east","west"], function (i, pane) {
			if (!$Ps[pane]) return; // no pane - SKIP
			s	= state[pane];
			o	= options[pane];
			dir	= _c[pane].dir;

			if (o.autoResize && s.size != o.size) // resize pane to original size set in options
				sizePane(pane, o.size, true, true, true); // true=skipCallback/forceResize/noAnimation
			else {
				makePaneFit(pane, false, true, true); // true=skipCallback/forceResize

		sizeMidPanes("", true, true); // true=skipCallback, true=forceResize
		sizeHandles(); // reposition the toggler elements

		// trigger all individual pane callbacks AFTER layout has finished resizing
		o = options; // reuse alias
		$.each(_c.allPanes, function (i, pane) {
			$P = $Ps[pane];
			if (!$P) return; // SKIP
			if (state[pane].isVisible) // undefined for non-existent panes
				_runCallbacks("onresize_end", pane); // callback - if exists

		//_triggerLayoutEvent(pane, 'resizeall');

	* Whenever a pane resizes or opens that has a nested layout, trigger resizeAll
	* @param {string|Object}	evt_or_pane		The pane just resized or opened
,	resizeChildLayout = function (evt_or_pane) {
		var	pane =, evt_or_pane);
		if (!options[pane].resizeChildLayout) return;
		var	$P	= $Ps[pane]
		,	$C	= $Cs[pane]
		,	d	= "layout"
		,	P	= Instance[pane]
		,	L	= children[pane]
		// user may have manually set EITHER instance pointer, so handle that
		if (P.child && !L) {
			// have to reverse the pointers!
			var el = P.child.container;
			L = children[pane] = (el ? : 0) || null; // set pointer _directly_ to layout instance

		// if a layout-pointer exists, see if child has been destroyed
		if (L && L.destroyed)
			L = children[pane] = null; // clear child pointers
		// no child layout pointer is set - see if there is a child layout NOW
		if (!L)	L = children[pane] = $ || ($C ? $ : 0) || null; // set/update child pointers

		// ALWAYS refresh the pane.child alias
		P.child = children[pane];

		if (L) L.resizeAll();

	* IF pane has a content-div, then resize all elements inside pane to fit pane-height
	* @param {string|Object}	evt_or_panes		The pane(s) being resized
	* @param {boolean=}			[remeasure=false]	Should the content (header/footer) be remeasured?
,	sizeContent = function (evt_or_panes, remeasure) {
		if (!isInitialized()) return;

		var panes =, evt_or_panes);
		panes = panes ? panes.split(",") : _c.allPanes;

		$.each(panes, function (idx, pane) {
				$P	= $Ps[pane]
			,	$C	= $Cs[pane]
			,	o	= options[pane]
			,	s	= state[pane]
			,	m	= s.content // m = measurements
			if (!$P || !$C || !$":visible")) return true; // NOT VISIBLE - skip

			// if content-element was REMOVED, update OR remove the pointer
			if (!$C.length) {
				initContent(pane, false);	// false = do NOT sizeContent() - already there!
				if (!$C) return;			// no replacement element found - pointer have been removed

			// onsizecontent_start will CANCEL resizing if returns false
			if (false === _runCallbacks("onsizecontent_start", pane)) return;

			// skip re-measuring offsets if live-resizing
			if ((!s.isMoving && !s.isResizing) || o.liveContentResizing || remeasure || == undefined) {
				// if any footers are below pane-bottom, they may not measure correctly,
				// so allow pane overflow and re-measure
				if (m.hiddenFooters > 0 && $P.css("overflow") === "hidden") {
					$P.css("overflow", "visible");
					_measure(); // remeasure while overflowing
					$P.css("overflow", "hidden");
			// NOTE: spaceAbove/Below *includes* the pane paddingTop/Bottom, but not pane.borders
			var newH = s.innerHeight - (m.spaceAbove - s.css.paddingTop) - (m.spaceBelow - s.css.paddingBottom);

			if (!$":visible") || m.height != newH) {
				// size the Content element to fit new pane-size - will autoHide if not enough room
				setOuterHeight($C, newH, true); // true=autoHide
				m.height = newH; // save new height

			if (state.initialized)
				_runCallbacks("onsizecontent_end", pane);

			function _below ($E) {
				return max(s.css.paddingBottom, (parseInt($E.css("marginBottom"), 10) || 0));

			function _measure () {
					ignore	= options[pane].contentIgnoreSelector
				,	$Fs		= $C.nextAll().not(ignore || ':lt(0)') // not :lt(0) = ALL
				,	$Fs_vis	= $Fs.filter(':visible')
				,	$F		= $Fs_vis.filter(':last')
				m = {
					top:			$C[0].offsetTop
				,	height:			$C.outerHeight()
				,	numFooters:		$Fs.length
				,	hiddenFooters:	$Fs.length - $Fs_vis.length
				,	spaceBelow:		0 // correct if no content footer ($E)
					m.spaceAbove	=; // just for state - not used in calc
					m.bottom		= + m.height;
				if ($F.length)
					//spaceBelow = ( + LastFooter.height) [footerBottom] - Content.bottom + max(LastFooter.marginBottom, pane.paddingBotom)
					m.spaceBelow = ($F[0].offsetTop + $F.outerHeight()) - m.bottom + _below($F);
				else // no footer - check marginBottom on Content element itself
					m.spaceBelow = _below($C);

	* Called every time a pane is opened, closed, or resized to slide the togglers to 'center' and adjust their length if necessary
	* @see  initHandles(), open(), close(), resizeAll()
	* @param {string|Object}	evt_or_panes		The pane(s) being resized
,	sizeHandles = function (evt_or_panes) {
		var panes =, evt_or_panes)
		panes = panes ? panes.split(",") : _c.borderPanes;

		$.each(panes, function (i, pane) {
				o	= options[pane]
			,	s	= state[pane]
			,	$P	= $Ps[pane]
			,	$R	= $Rs[pane]
			,	$T	= $Ts[pane]
			,	$TC
			if (!$P || !$R) return;

				dir			= _c[pane].dir
			,	_state		= (s.isClosed ? "_closed" : "_open")
			,	spacing		= o["spacing"+ _state]
			,	togAlign	= o["togglerAlign"+ _state]
			,	togLen		= o["togglerLength"+ _state]
			,	paneLen
			,	left
			,	offset
			,	CSS = {}

			if (spacing === 0) {
			else if (!s.noRoom && !s.isHidden) // skip if resizer was hidden for any reason
				$; // in case was previously hidden

			// Resizer Bar is ALWAYS same width/height of pane it is attached to
			if (dir === "horz") { // north/south
				//paneLen = $P.outerWidth(); // s.outerWidth || 
				paneLen = sC.innerWidth; // handle offscreen-panes
				s.resizerLength = paneLen;
				left = $.layout.cssNum($P, "left")
					width:	cssW($R, paneLen) // account for borders & padding
				,	height:	cssH($R, spacing) // ditto
				,	left:	left > -9999 ? left : sC.insetLeft // handle offscreen-panes
			else { // east/west
				paneLen = $P.outerHeight(); // s.outerHeight || 
				s.resizerLength = paneLen;
					height:	cssH($R, paneLen) // account for borders & padding
				,	width:	cssW($R, spacing) // ditto
				,	top:	sC.insetTop + getPaneSize("north", true) // TODO: what if no North pane?
				//,	top:	$.layout.cssNum($Ps["center"], "top")

			// remove hover classes
			removeHover( o, $R );

			if ($T) {
				if (togLen === 0 || (s.isSliding && o.hideTogglerOnSlide)) {
					$T.hide(); // always HIDE the toggler when 'sliding'
					$; // in case was previously hidden

				if (!(togLen > 0) || togLen === "100%" || togLen > paneLen) {
					togLen = paneLen;
					offset = 0;
				else { // calculate 'offset' based on options.PANE.togglerAlign_open/closed
					if (isStr(togAlign)) {
						switch (togAlign) {
							case "top":
							case "left":	offset = 0;
							case "bottom":
							case "right":	offset = paneLen - togLen;
							case "middle":
							case "center":
							default:		offset = round((paneLen - togLen) / 2); // 'default' catches typos
					else { // togAlign = number
						var x = parseInt(togAlign, 10); //
						if (togAlign >= 0) offset = x;
						else offset = paneLen - togLen + x; // NOTE: x is negative!

				if (dir === "horz") { // north/south
					var width = cssW($T, togLen);
						width:	width  // account for borders & padding
					,	height:	cssH($T, spacing) // ditto
					,	left:	offset // TODO: VERIFY that toggler  positions correctly for ALL values
					,	top:	0
					// CENTER the toggler content SPAN
						$TC = $(this);
						$TC.css("marginLeft", round((width-$TC.outerWidth())/2)); // could be negative
				else { // east/west
					var height = cssH($T, togLen);
						height:	height // account for borders & padding
					,	width:	cssW($T, spacing) // ditto
					,	top:	offset // POSITION the toggler
					,	left:	0
					// CENTER the toggler content SPAN
						$TC = $(this);
						$TC.css("marginTop", round((height-$TC.outerHeight())/2)); // could be negative

				// remove ALL hover classes
				removeHover( 0, $T );

			// DONE measuring and sizing this resizer/toggler, so can be 'hidden' now
			if (!state.initialized && (o.initHidden || s.noRoom)) {
				if ($T) $T.hide();

	* @param {string|Object}	evt_or_pane
,	enableClosable = function (evt_or_pane) {
		if (!isInitialized()) return;
		var	pane =, evt_or_pane)
		,	$T	= $Ts[pane]
		,	o	= options[pane]
		if (!$T) return;
		o.closable = true;
		$T	.bind("click."+ sID, function(evt){ evt.stopPropagation(); toggle(pane); })
			.css("visibility", "visible")
			.css("cursor", "pointer")
			.attr("title", state[pane].isClosed ? : // may be blank
	* @param {string|Object}	evt_or_pane
	* @param {boolean=}			[hide=false]
,	disableClosable = function (evt_or_pane, hide) {
		if (!isInitialized()) return;
		var	pane =, evt_or_pane)
		,	$T	= $Ts[pane]
		if (!$T) return;
		options[pane].closable = false;
		// is closable is disable, then pane MUST be open!
		if (state[pane].isClosed) open(pane, false, true);
		$T	.unbind("."+ sID)
			.css("visibility", hide ? "hidden" : "visible") // instead of hide(), which creates logic issues
			.css("cursor", "default")
			.attr("title", "");

	* @param {string|Object}	evt_or_pane
,	enableSlidable = function (evt_or_pane) {
		if (!isInitialized()) return;
		var	pane =, evt_or_pane)
		,	$R	= $Rs[pane]
		if (!$R || !$'draggable')) return;
		options[pane].slidable = true; 
		if (state[pane].isClosed)
			bindStartSlidingEvent(pane, true);
	* @param {string|Object}	evt_or_pane
,	disableSlidable = function (evt_or_pane) {
		if (!isInitialized()) return;
		var	pane =, evt_or_pane)
		,	$R	= $Rs[pane]
		if (!$R) return;
		options[pane].slidable = false; 
		if (state[pane].isSliding)
			close(pane, false, true);
		else {
			bindStartSlidingEvent(pane, false);
			$R	.css("cursor", "default")
				.attr("title", "");
			removeHover(null, $R[0]); // in case currently hovered

	* @param {string|Object}	evt_or_pane
,	enableResizable = function (evt_or_pane) {
		if (!isInitialized()) return;
		var	pane =, evt_or_pane)
		,	$R	= $Rs[pane]
		,	o	= options[pane]
		if (!$R || !$'draggable')) return;
		o.resizable = true; 
		if (!state[pane].isClosed)
			$R	.css("cursor", o.resizerCursor)
	* @param {string|Object}	evt_or_pane
,	disableResizable = function (evt_or_pane) {
		if (!isInitialized()) return;
		var	pane =, evt_or_pane)
		,	$R	= $Rs[pane]
		if (!$R || !$'draggable')) return;
		options[pane].resizable = false; 
		$R	.draggable("disable")
			.css("cursor", "default")
			.attr("title", "");
		removeHover(null, $R[0]); // in case currently hovered

	* Move a pane from source-side (eg, west) to target-side (eg, east)
	* If pane exists on target-side, move that to source-side, ie, 'swap' the panes
	* @param {string|Object}	evt_or_pane1	The pane/edge being swapped
	* @param {string}			pane2			ditto
,	swapPanes = function (evt_or_pane1, pane2) {
		if (!isInitialized()) return;
		var pane1 =, evt_or_pane1);
		// change state.edge NOW so callbacks can know where pane is headed...
		state[pane1].edge = pane2;
		state[pane2].edge = pane1;
		// run these even if NOT state.initialized
		if (false === _runCallbacks("onswap_start", pane1)
		 ||	false === _runCallbacks("onswap_start", pane2)
		) {
			state[pane1].edge = pane1; // reset
			state[pane2].edge = pane2;

			oPane1	= copy( pane1 )
		,	oPane2	= copy( pane2 )
		,	sizes	= {}
		sizes[pane1] = oPane1 ? oPane1.state.size : 0;
		sizes[pane2] = oPane2 ? oPane2.state.size : 0;

		// clear pointers & state
		$Ps[pane1] = false; 
		$Ps[pane2] = false;
		state[pane1] = {};
		state[pane2] = {};
		// ALWAYS remove the resizer & toggler elements
		if ($Ts[pane1]) $Ts[pane1].remove();
		if ($Ts[pane2]) $Ts[pane2].remove();
		if ($Rs[pane1]) $Rs[pane1].remove();
		if ($Rs[pane2]) $Rs[pane2].remove();
		$Rs[pane1] = $Rs[pane2] = $Ts[pane1] = $Ts[pane2] = false;

		// transfer element pointers and data to NEW Layout keys
		move( oPane1, pane2 );
		move( oPane2, pane1 );

		// cleanup objects
		oPane1 = oPane2 = sizes = null;

		// make panes 'visible' again
		if ($Ps[pane1]) $Ps[pane1].css(_c.visible);
		if ($Ps[pane2]) $Ps[pane2].css(_c.visible);

		// fix any size discrepancies caused by swap

		// run these even if NOT state.initialized
		_runCallbacks("onswap_end", pane1);
		_runCallbacks("onswap_end", pane2);


		function copy (n) { // n = pane
				$P	= $Ps[n]
			,	$C	= $Cs[n]
			return !$P ? false : {
				pane:		n
			,	P:			$P ? $P[0] : false
			,	C:			$C ? $C[0] : false
			,	state:		$.extend(true, {}, state[n])
			,	options:	$.extend(true, {}, options[n])

		function move (oPane, pane) {
			if (!oPane) return;
				P		= oPane.P
			,	C		= oPane.C
			,	oldPane = oPane.pane
			,	c		= _c[pane]
			,	side	= c.side.toLowerCase()
			,	inset	= "inset"+ c.side
			//	save pane-options that should be retained
			,	s		= $.extend(true, {}, state[pane])
			,	o		= options[pane]
			//	RETAIN side-specific FX Settings - more below
			,	fx		= { resizerCursor: o.resizerCursor }
			,	re, size, pos
			$.each("fxName,fxSpeed,fxSettings".split(","), function (i, k) {
				fx[k +"_open"]  = o[k +"_open"];
				fx[k +"_close"] = o[k +"_close"];
				fx[k +"_size"]  = o[k +"_size"];

			// update object pointers and attributes
			$Ps[pane] = $(P)
					layoutPane:		Instance[pane]	// NEW pointer to pane-alias-object
				,	layoutEdge:		pane
			$Cs[pane] = C ? $(C) : false;

			// set options and state
			options[pane]	= $.extend(true, {}, oPane.options, fx);
			state[pane]		= $.extend(true, {}, oPane.state);

			// change classNames on the pane, eg: ui-layout-pane-east ==> ui-layout-pane-west
			re = new RegExp(o.paneClass +"-"+ oldPane, "g");
			P.className = P.className.replace(re, o.paneClass +"-"+ pane);

			// ALWAYS regenerate the resizer & toggler elements
			initHandles(pane); // create the required resizer & toggler

			// if moving to different orientation, then keep 'target' pane size
			if (c.dir != _c[oldPane].dir) {
				size = sizes[pane] || 0;
				setSizeLimits(pane); // update pane-state
				size = max(size, state[pane].minSize);
				// use manualSizePane to disable autoResize - not useful after panes are swapped
				manualSizePane(pane, size, true, true); // true/true = skipCallback/noAnimation
			else // move the resizer here
				$Rs[pane].css(side, sC[inset] + (state[pane].isVisible ? getPaneSize(pane) : 0));

			if (oPane.state.isVisible && !s.isVisible)
				setAsOpen(pane, true); // true = skipCallback
			else {
				bindStartSlidingEvent(pane, true); // will enable events IF option is set

			// DESTROY the object
			oPane = null;

	* INTERNAL method to sync pin-buttons when pane is opened or closed
	* Unpinned means the pane is 'sliding' - ie, over-top of the adjacent panes
	* @see  open(), setAsOpen(), setAsClosed()
	* @param {string}	pane   These are the params returned to callbacks by layout()
	* @param {boolean}	doPin  True means set the pin 'down', False means 'up'
,	syncPinBtns = function (pane, doPin) {
		if ($.layout.plugins.buttons)
			$.each(state[pane].pins, function (i, selector) {
				$.layout.buttons.setPinState(Instance, $(selector), pane, doPin);


	* Capture keys when enableCursorHotkey - toggle pane if hotkey pressed
	* @see  document.keydown()
	function keyDown (evt) {
		if (!evt) return true;
		var code = evt.keyCode;
		if (code < 33) return true; // ignore special keys: ENTER, TAB, etc

			PANE = {
				38: "north" // Up Cursor	- $.ui.keyCode.UP
			,	40: "south" // Down Cursor	- $.ui.keyCode.DOWN
			,	37: "west"  // Left Cursor	- $.ui.keyCode.LEFT
			,	39: "east"  // Right Cursor	- $.ui.keyCode.RIGHT
		,	ALT		= evt.altKey // no worky!
		,	SHIFT	= evt.shiftKey
		,	CTRL	= evt.ctrlKey
		,	CURSOR	= (CTRL && code >= 37 && code <= 40)
		,	o, k, m, pane

		if (CURSOR && options[PANE[code]].enableCursorHotkey) // valid cursor-hotkey
			pane = PANE[code];
		else if (CTRL || SHIFT) // check to see if this matches a custom-hotkey
			$.each(_c.borderPanes, function (i, p) { // loop each pane to check its hotkey
				o = options[p];
				k = o.customHotkey;
				m = o.customHotkeyModifier; // if missing or invalid, treated as "CTRL+SHIFT"
				if ((SHIFT && m=="SHIFT") || (CTRL && m=="CTRL") || (CTRL && SHIFT)) { // Modifier matches
					if (k && code === (isNaN(k) || k <= 9 ? k.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0) : k)) { // Key matches
						pane = p;
						return false; // BREAK

		// validate pane
		if (!pane || !$Ps[pane] || !options[pane].closable || state[pane].isHidden)
			return true;


		evt.returnValue = false; // CANCEL key
		return false;

 * ######################################
 *	called externally or by initButtons
 * ######################################

	* Change/reset a pane overflow setting & zIndex to allow popups/drop-downs to work
	* @param {Object=}   [el]	(optional) Can also be 'bound' to a click, mouseOver, or other event
	function allowOverflow (el) {
		if (!isInitialized()) return;
		if (this && this.tagName) el = this; // BOUND to element
		var $P;
		if (isStr(el))
			$P = $Ps[el];
		else if ($(el).data("layoutRole"))
			$P = $(el);
				if ($(this).data("layoutRole")) {
					$P = $(this);
					return false; // BREAK
		if (!$P || !$P.length) return; // INVALID

			pane	= $"layoutEdge")
		,	s		= state[pane]

		// if pane is already raised, then reset it before doing it again!
		// this would happen if allowOverflow is attached to BOTH the pane and an element 
		if (s.cssSaved)
			resetOverflow(pane); // reset previous CSS before continuing

		// if pane is raised by sliding or resizing, or its closed, then abort
		if (s.isSliding || s.isResizing || s.isClosed) {
			s.cssSaved = false;

			newCSS	= { zIndex: (options.zIndexes.resizer_normal + 1) }
		,	curCSS	= {}
		,	of		= $P.css("overflow")
		,	ofX		= $P.css("overflowX")
		,	ofY		= $P.css("overflowY")
		// determine which, if any, overflow settings need to be changed
		if (of != "visible") {
			curCSS.overflow = of;
			newCSS.overflow = "visible";
		if (ofX && !ofX.match(/(visible|auto)/)) {
			curCSS.overflowX = ofX;
			newCSS.overflowX = "visible";
		if (ofY && !ofY.match(/(visible|auto)/)) {
			curCSS.overflowY = ofX;
			newCSS.overflowY = "visible";

		// save the current overflow settings - even if blank!
		s.cssSaved = curCSS;

		// apply new CSS to raise zIndex and, if necessary, make overflow 'visible'
		$P.css( newCSS );

		// make sure the zIndex of all other panes is normal
		$.each(_c.allPanes, function(i, p) {
			if (p != pane) resetOverflow(p);

	* @param {Object=}   [el]	(optional) Can also be 'bound' to a click, mouseOver, or other event
	function resetOverflow (el) {
		if (!isInitialized()) return;
		if (this && this.tagName) el = this; // BOUND to element
		var $P;
		if (isStr(el))
			$P = $Ps[el];
		else if ($(el).data("layoutRole"))
			$P = $(el);
				if ($(this).data("layoutRole")) {
					$P = $(this);
					return false; // BREAK
		if (!$P || !$P.length) return; // INVALID

			pane	= $"layoutEdge")
		,	s		= state[pane]
		,	CSS		= s.cssSaved || {}
		// reset the zIndex
		if (!s.isSliding && !s.isResizing)
			$P.css("zIndex", options.zIndexes.pane_normal);

		// reset Overflow - if necessary
		$P.css( CSS );

		// clear var
		s.cssSaved = false;

 * #####################
 * #####################

	// validate that container exists
	var $N = $(this).eq(0); // FIRST matching Container element
	if (!$N.length) {
		return _log( options.errors.containerMissing );

	// Users retrieve Instance of a layout with: $N.layout() OR $"layout")
	// return the Instance-pointer if layout has already been initialized
	if ($"layoutContainer") && $"layout"))
		return $"layout"); // cached pointer

	// init global vars
		$Ps	= {}	// Panes x5		- set in initPanes()
	,	$Cs	= {}	// Content x5	- set in initPanes()
	,	$Rs	= {}	// Resizers x4	- set in initHandles()
	,	$Ts	= {}	// Togglers x4	- set in initHandles()
	,	$Ms	= $([])	// Masks - up to 2 masks per pane (IFRAME + DIV)
	//	aliases for code brevity
	,	sC	= state.container // alias for easy access to 'container dimensions'
	,	sID	= // alias for unique layout ID/namespace - eg: "layout435"

	// create Instance object to expose data & option Properties, and primary action Methods
	var Instance = {
	//	layout data
		options:			options			// property - options hash
	,	state:				state			// property - dimensions hash
	//	object pointers
	,	container:			$N				// property - object pointers for layout container
	,	panes:				$Ps				// property - object pointers for ALL Panes: panes.north,
	,	contents:			$Cs				// property - object pointers for ALL Content: contents.north,
	,	resizers:			$Rs				// property - object pointers for ALL Resizers, eg: resizers.north
	,	togglers:			$Ts				// property - object pointers for ALL Togglers, eg: togglers.north
	//	border-pane open/close
	,	hide:				hide			// method - ditto
	,	show:				show			// method - ditto
	,	toggle:				toggle			// method - pass a 'pane' ("north", "west", etc)
	,	open:				open			// method - ditto
	,	close:				close			// method - ditto
	,	slideOpen:			slideOpen		// method - ditto
	,	slideClose:			slideClose		// method - ditto
	,	slideToggle:		slideToggle		// method - ditto
	//	pane actions
	,	setSizeLimits:		setSizeLimits	// method - pass a 'pane' - update state min/max data
	,	_sizePane:			sizePane		// method -intended for user by plugins only!
	,	sizePane:			manualSizePane	// method - pass a 'pane' AND an 'outer-size' in pixels or percent, or 'auto'
	,	sizeContent:		sizeContent		// method - pass a 'pane'
	,	swapPanes:			swapPanes		// method - pass TWO 'panes' - will swap them
	,	showMasks:			showMasks		// method - pass a 'pane' OR list of panes - default = all panes with mask option set
	,	hideMasks:			hideMasks		// method - ditto'
	//	pane element methods
	,	initContent:		initContent		// method - ditto
	,	addPane:			addPane			// method - pass a 'pane'
	,	removePane:			removePane		// method - pass a 'pane' to remove from layout, add 'true' to delete the pane-elem
	,	createChildLayout:	createChildLayout// method - pass a 'pane' and (optional) layout-options (OVERRIDES options[pane].childOptions
	//	special pane option setting
	,	enableClosable:		enableClosable	// method - pass a 'pane'
	,	disableClosable:	disableClosable	// method - ditto
	,	enableSlidable:		enableSlidable	// method - ditto
	,	disableSlidable:	disableSlidable	// method - ditto
	,	enableResizable:	enableResizable	// method - ditto
	,	disableResizable:	disableResizable// method - ditto
	//	utility methods for panes
	,	allowOverflow:		allowOverflow	// utility - pass calling element (this)
	,	resetOverflow:		resetOverflow	// utility - ditto
	//	layout control
	,	destroy:			destroy			// method - no parameters
	,	initPanes:			isInitialized	// method - no parameters
	,	resizeAll:			resizeAll		// method - no parameters
	//	callback triggering
	,	runCallbacks:		_runCallbacks	// method - pass evtName & pane (if a pane-event), eg: trigger("onopen", "west")
	//	alias collections of options, state and children - created in addPane and extended elsewhere
	,	hasParentLayout:	false			// set by initContainer()
	,	children:			children		// pointers to child-layouts, eg: Instance.children["west"]
	,	north:				false			// alias group: { name: pane, pane: $Ps[pane], options: options[pane], state: state[pane], child: children[pane] }
	,	south:				false			// ditto
	,	west:				false			// ditto
	,	east:				false			// ditto
	,	center:				false			// ditto

	// create the border layout NOW
	if (_create() === 'cancel') // onload_start callback returned false to CANCEL layout creation
		return null;
	else // true OR false -- if layout-elements did NOT init (hidden or do not exist), can auto-init later
		return Instance; // return the Instance object


/*	OLD versions of jQuery only set $.support.boxModel after page is loaded
 *	so if this is IE, use support.boxModel to test for quirks-mode (ONLY IE changes boxModel).
	var b = $.layout.browser;
	if (b.msie) b.boxModel = $.support.boxModel;

 * jquery.layout.state 1.0
 * $Date: 2011-07-16 08:00:00 (Sat, 16 July 2011) $
 * Copyright (c) 2010 
 *   Kevin Dalman (
 * Dual licensed under the GPL (
 * and MIT ( licenses.
 * @dependancies: UI Layout 1.3.0.rc30.1 or higher
 * @dependancies: $.ui.cookie (above)
 * @support:
 *	State-management options stored in options.stateManagement, which includes a .cookie hash
 *	Default options saves ALL KEYS for ALL PANES, ie: pane.size, pane.isClosed, pane.isHidden
 *	@example $(el).layout({
				stateManagement: {
					enabled:	true
				,	stateKeys:	"east.size,west.size,east.isClosed,west.isClosed"
				,	cookie:		{ name: "appLayout", path: "/" }
 *	@example $(el).layout({ stateManagement__enabled: true }) // enable auto-state-management using cookies
 *	@example $(el).layout({ stateManagement__cookie: { name: "appLayout", path: "/" } })
 *	@example $(el).layout({ stateManagement__cookie__name: "appLayout", stateManagement__cookie__path: "/" })
 *	@example myLayout.saveCookie( "west.isClosed,north.size,south.isHidden", {expires: 7} );
 *	@example myLayout.loadCookie();
 *	@example myLayout.deleteCookie();
 *	@example var JSON = myLayout.readState();	// CURRENT Layout State
 *	@example var JSON = myLayout.readCookie();	// SAVED Layout State (from cookie)
 *	@example var JSON = myLayout.state.stateData;	// LAST LOADED Layout State (cookie saved in layout.state hash)
 *	CUSTOM STATE-MANAGEMENT (eg, saved in a database)
 *	@example var JSON = myLayout.readState( "west.isClosed,north.size,south.isHidden" );
 *	@example myLayout.loadState( JSON );

 *	A $.cookie OR $.ui.cookie namespace *should be standard*, but until then...
 *	This creates $.ui.cookie so Layout does not need the cookie.jquery.js plugin
 *	NOTE: This utility is REQUIRED by the layout.state plugin
 *	Cookie methods in Layout are created as part of State Management 
if (!$.ui) $.ui = {};
$.ui.cookie = {

	// cookieEnabled is not in DOM specs, but DOES works in all browsers,including IE6
	acceptsCookies: !!navigator.cookieEnabled

,	read: function (name) {
			c		= document.cookie
		,	cs		= c ? c.split(';') : []
		,	pair	// loop var
		for (var i=0, n=cs.length; i < n; i++) {
			pair = $.trim(cs[i]).split('='); // name=value pair
			if (pair[0] == name) // found the layout cookie
				return decodeURIComponent(pair[1]);

		return null;

,	write: function (name, val, cookieOpts) {
			params	= ''
		,	date	= ''
		,	clear	= false
		,	o		= cookieOpts || {}
		,	x		= o.expires
		if (x && x.toUTCString)
			date = x;
		else if (x === null || typeof x === 'number') {
			date = new Date();
			if (x > 0)
				date.setDate(date.getDate() + x);
			else {
				clear = true;
		if (date)		params += ';expires='+ date.toUTCString();
		if (o.path)		params += ';path='+ o.path;
		if (o.domain)	params += ';domain='+ o.domain;
		if (	params += ';secure';
		document.cookie = name +'='+ (clear ? "" : encodeURIComponent( val )) + params; // write or clear cookie

,	clear: function (name) {
		$.ui.cookie.write(name, '', {expires: -1});

// if cookie.jquery.js is not loaded, create an alias to replicate it
// this may be useful to other plugins or code dependent on that plugin
if (!$.cookie) $.cookie = function (k, v, o) {
	var C = $.ui.cookie;
	if (v === null)
	else if (v === undefined)
		C.write(k, v, o);

// tell Layout that the state plugin is available
$.layout.plugins.stateManagement = true;

//	Add State-Management options to layout.defaults
$.layout.defaults.stateManagement = {
	enabled:	false	// true = enable state-management, even if not using cookies
,	autoSave:	true	// Save a state-cookie when page exits?
,	autoLoad:	true	// Load the state-cookie when Layout inits?
	// List state-data to save - must be pane-specific
,	stateKeys:	"north.size,south.size,east.size,west.size,"+
,	cookie: {
		name:	""	// If not specified, will use, else just "Layout"
	,	domain:	""	// blank = current domain
	,	path:	""	// blank = current page, '/' = entire website
	,	expires: ""	// 'days' to keep cookie - leave blank for 'session cookie'
	,	secure:	false
// Set stateManagement as a layout-option, NOT a pane-option

 *	State Management methods
$.layout.state = {

	 * Get the current layout state and save it to a cookie
	 * myLayout.saveCookie( keys, cookieOpts )
	 * @param {Object}			inst
	 * @param {(string|Array)=}	keys
	 * @param {Object=}			cookieOpts
	saveCookie: function (inst, keys, cookieOpts) {
		var o	= inst.options
		,	oS	= o.stateManagement
		,	oC	= $.extend(true, {}, oS.cookie, cookieOpts || null)
		,	data = inst.state.stateData = inst.readState( keys || oS.stateKeys ) // read current panes-state
		$.ui.cookie.write( || || "Layout", $.layout.state.encodeJSON(data), oC );
		return $.extend(true, {}, data); // return COPY of state.stateData data

	 * Remove the state cookie
	 * @param {Object}	inst
,	deleteCookie: function (inst) {
		var o = inst.options;
		$.ui.cookie.clear( || || "Layout" );

	 * Read & return data from the cookie - as JSON
	 * @param {Object}	inst
,	readCookie: function (inst) {
		var o = inst.options;
		var c = $ || || "Layout" );
		// convert cookie string back to a hash and return it
		return c ? $.layout.state.decodeJSON(c) : {};

	 * Get data from the cookie and USE IT to loadState
	 * @param {Object}	inst
,	loadCookie: function (inst) {
		var c = $.layout.state.readCookie(inst); // READ the cookie
		if (c) {
			inst.state.stateData = $.extend(true, {}, c); // SET state.stateData
			inst.loadState(c); // LOAD the retrieved state
		return c;
	 * Update layout options from the cookie, if one exists
	 * @param {Object}		inst
	 * @param {Object=}		stateData
	 * @param {boolean=}	animate
,	loadState: function (inst, stateData, animate) {
		stateData = $.layout.transformData( stateData ); // panes = default subkey
		if ($.isEmptyObject( stateData )) return;
		$.extend(true, inst.options, stateData); // update layout options
		// if layout has already been initialized, then UPDATE layout state
		if (inst.state.initialized) {
			var pane, vis, o, s, h, c
			,	noAnimate = (animate===false)
			$.each($.layout.config.borderPanes, function (idx, pane) {
				state = inst.state[pane];
				o = stateData[ pane ];
				if (typeof o != 'object') return; // no key, continue
				s	= o.size;
				c	= o.initClosed;
				h	= o.initHidden;
				vis	= state.isVisible;
				// resize BEFORE opening
				if (!vis)
					inst.sizePane(pane, s, false, false);
				if (h === true)			inst.hide(pane, noAnimate);
				else if (c === false) (pane, false, noAnimate);
				else if (c === true)	inst.close(pane, false, noAnimate);
				else if (h === false) (pane, false, noAnimate);
				// resize AFTER any other actions
				if (vis)
					inst.sizePane(pane, s, false, noAnimate); // animate resize if option passed

	 * Get the *current layout state* and return it as a hash
	 * @param {Object=}			inst
	 * @param {(string|Array)=}	keys
,	readState: function (inst, keys) {
			data	= {}
		,	alt		= { isClosed: 'initClosed', isHidden: 'initHidden' }
		,	state	= inst.state
		,	panes	= $.layout.config.allPanes
		,	pair, pane, key, val
		if (!keys) keys = inst.options.stateManagement.stateKeys; // if called by user
		if ($.isArray(keys)) keys = keys.join(",");
		// convert keys to an array and change delimiters from '__' to '.'
		keys = keys.replace(/__/g, ".").split(',');
		// loop keys and create a data hash
		for (var i=0, n=keys.length; i < n; i++) {
			pair = keys[i].split(".");
			pane = pair[0];
			key  = pair[1];
			if ($.inArray(pane, panes) < 0) continue; // bad pane!
			val = state[ pane ][ key ];
			if (val == undefined) continue;
			if (key=="isClosed" && state[pane]["isSliding"])
				val = true; // if sliding, then *really* isClosed
			( data[pane] || (data[pane]={}) )[ alt[key] ? alt[key] : key ] = val;
		return data;

	 *	Stringify a JSON hash so can save in a cookie or db-field
,	encodeJSON: function (JSON) {
		return parse(JSON);
		function parse (h) {
			var D=[], i=0, k, v, t; // k = key, v = value
			for (k in h) {
				v = h[k];
				t = typeof v;
				if (t == 'string')		// STRING - add quotes
					v = '"'+ v +'"';
				else if (t == 'object')	// SUB-KEY - recurse into it
					v = parse(v);
				D[i++] = '"'+ k +'":'+ v;
			return '{'+ D.join(',') +'}';

	 *	Convert stringified JSON back to a hash object
	 *	@see		$.parseJSON(), adding in jQuery 1.4.1
,	decodeJSON: function (str) {
		try { return $.parseJSON ? $.parseJSON(str) : window["eval"]("("+ str +")") || {}; }
		catch (e) { return {}; }

,	_create: function (inst) {
		var _	= $.layout.state;
		//	ADD State-Management plugin methods to inst
		 $.extend( inst, {
		//	readCookie - update options from cookie - returns hash of cookie data
			readCookie:		function () { return _.readCookie(inst); }
		//	deleteCookie
		,	deleteCookie:	function () { _.deleteCookie(inst); }
		//	saveCookie - optionally pass keys-list and cookie-options (hash)
		,	saveCookie:		function (keys, cookieOpts) { return _.saveCookie(inst, keys, cookieOpts); }
		//	loadCookie - readCookie and use to loadState() - returns hash of cookie data
		,	loadCookie:		function () { return _.loadCookie(inst); }
		//	loadState - pass a hash of state to use to update options
		,	loadState:		function (stateData, animate) { _.loadState(inst, stateData, animate); }
		//	readState - returns hash of current layout-state
		,	readState:		function (keys) { return _.readState(inst, keys); }
		//	add JSON utility methods too...
		,	encodeJSON:		_.encodeJSON
		,	decodeJSON:		_.decodeJSON

		// init state.stateData key, even if plugin is initially disabled
		inst.state.stateData = {};

		// read and load cookie-data per options
		var oS = inst.options.stateManagement;
		if (oS.enabled) {
			if (oS.autoLoad) // update the options from the cookie
			else // don't modify options - just store cookie data in state.stateData
				inst.state.stateData = inst.readCookie();

,	_unload: function (inst) {
		var oS = inst.options.stateManagement;
		if (oS.enabled) {
			if (oS.autoSave) // save a state-cookie automatically
			else // don't save a cookie, but do store state-data in state.stateData key
				inst.state.stateData = inst.readState();


// add state initialization method to Layout's onCreate array of functions
$.layout.onCreate.push( $.layout.state._create );
$.layout.onUnload.push( $.layout.state._unload );

 * jquery.layout.buttons 1.0
 * $Date: 2011-07-16 08:00:00 (Sat, 16 July 2011) $
 * Copyright (c) 2010 
 *   Kevin Dalman (
 * Dual licensed under the GPL (
 * and MIT ( licenses.
 * @dependancies: UI Layout 1.3.0.rc30.1 or higher
 * @support:
 * Docs: [ to come ]
 * Tips: [ to come ]

// tell Layout that the state plugin is available
$.layout.plugins.buttons = true;

//	Add buttons options to layout.defaults
$.layout.defaults.autoBindCustomButtons = false;
// Specify autoBindCustomButtons as a layout-option, NOT a pane-option

 *	Button methods
$.layout.buttons = {

	* Searches for .ui-layout-button-xxx elements and auto-binds them as layout-buttons
	* @see  _create()
	* @param  {Object}		inst	Layout Instance object
	init: function (inst) {
		var pre		= "ui-layout-button-"
		,	layout	= || ""
		,	name;
		$.each("toggle,open,close,pin,toggle-slide,open-slide".split(","), function (i, action) {
			$.each($.layout.config.borderPanes, function (ii, pane) {
					// if button was previously 'bound', data.layoutName was set, but is blank if layout has no 'name'
					name = $(this).data("layoutName") || $(this).attr("layoutName");
					if (name == undefined || name === layout)
						inst.bindButton(this, action, pane);

	* Helper function to validate params received by addButton utilities
	* Two classes are added to the element, based on the buttonClass...
	* The type of button is appended to create the 2nd className:
	*  - ui-layout-button-pin		// action btnClass
	*  - ui-layout-button-pin-west	// action btnClass + pane
	*  - ui-layout-button-toggle
	*  - ui-layout-button-open
	*  - ui-layout-button-close
	* @param {Object}			inst		Layout Instance object
	* @param {(string|!Object)}	selector	jQuery selector (or element) for button, eg: ".ui-layout-north .toggle-button"
	* @param {string}   		pane 		Name of the pane the button is for: 'north', 'south', etc.
	* @return {Array.<Object>}	If both params valid, the element matching 'selector' in a jQuery wrapper - otherwise returns null
,	get: function (inst, selector, pane, action) {
		var $E	= $(selector)
		,	o	= inst.options
		,	err	= o.errors.addButtonError
		if (!$E.length) { // element not found
			$.layout.msg(err +" "+ o.errors.selector +": "+ selector, true);
		else if ($.inArray(pane, $.layout.config.borderPanes) < 0) { // invalid 'pane' sepecified
			$.layout.msg(err +" "+ o.errors.pane +": "+ pane, true);
			$E = $("");  // NO BUTTON
		else { // VALID
			var btn = o[pane].buttonClass +"-"+ action;
			$E	.addClass( btn +" "+ btn +"-"+ pane )
				.data("layoutName",; // add layout identifier - even if blank!
		return $E;

	* NEW syntax for binding layout-buttons - will eventually replace addToggle, addOpen, etc.
	* @param {Object}			inst		Layout Instance object
	* @param {(string|!Object)}	selector	jQuery selector (or element) for button, eg: ".ui-layout-north .toggle-button"
	* @param {string}			action
	* @param {string}			pane
,	bind: function (inst, selector, action, pane) {
		var _ = $.layout.buttons;
		switch (action.toLowerCase()) {
			case "toggle":			_.addToggle	(inst, selector, pane); break;	
			case "open":			_.addOpen	(inst, selector, pane); break;
			case "close":			_.addClose	(inst, selector, pane); break;
			case "pin":				_.addPin	(inst, selector, pane); break;
			case "toggle-slide":	_.addToggle	(inst, selector, pane, true); break;	
			case "open-slide":		_.addOpen	(inst, selector, pane, true); break;
		return inst;

	* Add a custom Toggler button for a pane
	* @param {Object}			inst		Layout Instance object
	* @param {(string|!Object)}	selector	jQuery selector (or element) for button, eg: ".ui-layout-north .toggle-button"
	* @param {string}  			pane 		Name of the pane the button is for: 'north', 'south', etc.
	* @param {boolean=}			slide 		true = slide-open, false = pin-open
,	addToggle: function (inst, selector, pane, slide) {
		$.layout.buttons.get(inst, selector, pane, "toggle")
				inst.toggle(pane, !!slide);
		return inst;

	* Add a custom Open button for a pane
	* @param {Object}			inst		Layout Instance object
	* @param {(string|!Object)}	selector	jQuery selector (or element) for button, eg: ".ui-layout-north .toggle-button"
	* @param {string}			pane 		Name of the pane the button is for: 'north', 'south', etc.
	* @param {boolean=}			slide 		true = slide-open, false = pin-open
,	addOpen: function (inst, selector, pane, slide) {
		$.layout.buttons.get(inst, selector, pane, "open")
			.attr("title", inst.options[pane].tips.Open)
			.click(function (evt) {, !!slide);
		return inst;

	* Add a custom Close button for a pane
	* @param {Object}			inst		Layout Instance object
	* @param {(string|!Object)}	selector	jQuery selector (or element) for button, eg: ".ui-layout-north .toggle-button"
	* @param {string}   		pane 		Name of the pane the button is for: 'north', 'south', etc.
,	addClose: function (inst, selector, pane) {
		$.layout.buttons.get(inst, selector, pane, "close")
			.attr("title", inst.options[pane].tips.Close)
			.click(function (evt) {
		return inst;

	* Add a custom Pin button for a pane
	* Four classes are added to the element, based on the paneClass for the associated pane...
	* Assuming the default paneClass and the pin is 'up', these classes are added for a west-pane pin:
	*  - ui-layout-pane-pin
	*  - ui-layout-pane-west-pin
	*  - ui-layout-pane-pin-up
	*  - ui-layout-pane-west-pin-up
	* @param {Object}			inst		Layout Instance object
	* @param {(string|!Object)}	selector	jQuery selector (or element) for button, eg: ".ui-layout-north .toggle-button"
	* @param {string}   		pane 		Name of the pane the pin is for: 'north', 'south', etc.
,	addPin: function (inst, selector, pane) {
		var	_	= $.layout.buttons
		,	$E	= _.get(inst, selector, pane, "pin");
		if ($E.length) {
			var s = inst.state[pane];
			$ (evt) {
				_.setPinState(inst, $(this), pane, (s.isSliding || s.isClosed));
				if (s.isSliding || s.isClosed) pane ); // change from sliding to open
				else inst.close( pane ); // slide-closed
			// add up/down pin attributes and classes
			_.setPinState(inst, $E, pane, (!s.isClosed && !s.isSliding));
			// add this pin to the pane data so we can 'sync it' automatically
			// PANE.pins key is an array so we can store multiple pins for each pane
			s.pins.push( selector ); // just save the selector string
		return inst;

	* Change the class of the pin button to make it look 'up' or 'down'
	* @see  addPin(), syncPins()
	* @param {Object}			inst	Layout Instance object
	* @param {Array.<Object>}	$Pin	The pin-span element in a jQuery wrapper
	* @param {string}			pane	These are the params returned to callbacks by layout()
	* @param {boolean}			doPin	true = set the pin 'down', false = set it 'up'
,	setPinState: function (inst, $Pin, pane, doPin) {
		var updown = $Pin.attr("pin");
		if (updown && doPin === (updown=="down")) return; // already in correct state
			o		= inst.options[pane]
		,	pin		= o.buttonClass +"-pin"
		,	side	= pin +"-"+ pane
		,	UP		= pin +"-up "+	side +"-up"
		,	DN		= pin +"-down "+side +"-down"
			.attr("pin", doPin ? "down" : "up") // logic
			.attr("title", doPin ? :
			.removeClass( doPin ? UP : DN ) 
			.addClass( doPin ? DN : UP ) 

	* INTERNAL function to sync 'pin buttons' when pane is opened or closed
	* Unpinned means the pane is 'sliding' - ie, over-top of the adjacent panes
	* @see  open(), close()
	* @param {Object}			inst	Layout Instance object
	* @param {string}	pane	These are the params returned to callbacks by layout()
	* @param {boolean}	doPin	True means set the pin 'down', False means 'up'
,	syncPinBtns: function (inst, pane, doPin) {
		$.each(inst.state[pane].pins, function (i, selector) {
			$.layout.buttons.setPinState(inst, $(selector), pane, doPin);

,	_load: function (inst) {
		var	_	= $.layout.buttons;
		// ADD Button methods to Layout Instance
		// Note: sel = jQuery Selector string
		$.extend( inst, {
			bindButton:		function (sel, action, pane) { return _.bind(inst, sel, action, pane); }
		,	addToggleBtn:	function (sel, pane, slide) { return _.addToggle(inst, sel, pane, slide); }
		,	addOpenBtn:		function (sel, pane, slide) { return _.addOpen(inst, sel, pane, slide); }
		,	addCloseBtn:	function (sel, pane) { return _.addClose(inst, sel, pane); }
		,	addPinBtn:		function (sel, pane) { return _.addPin(inst, sel, pane); }

		// init state array to hold pin-buttons
		for (var i=0; i<4; i++) {
			var pane = $.layout.config.borderPanes[i];
			inst.state[pane].pins = [];

		// auto-init buttons onLoad if option is enabled
		if ( inst.options.autoBindCustomButtons )

,	_unload: function (inst) {
		// TODO: unbind all buttons???


// add initialization method to Layout's onLoad array of functions
$.layout.onLoad.push(  $.layout.buttons._load );
//$.layout.onUnload.push( $.layout.buttons._unload );

 * jquery.layout.browserZoom 1.0
 * $Date: 2011-12-29 08:00:00 (Thu, 29 Dec 2011) $
 * Copyright (c) 2012 
 *   Kevin Dalman (
 * Dual licensed under the GPL (
 * and MIT ( licenses.
 * @dependancies: UI Layout 1.3.0.rc30.1 or higher
 * @support:
 * @todo: Extend logic to handle other problematic zooming in browsers
 * @todo: Add hotkey/mousewheel bindings to _instantly_ respond to these zoom event

// tell Layout that the plugin is available
$.layout.plugins.browserZoom = true;

$.layout.defaults.browserZoomCheckInterval = 1000;

 *	browserZoom methods
$.layout.browserZoom = {

	_init: function (inst) {
		// abort if browser does not need this check
		if ($.layout.browserZoom.ratio() !== false)

,	_setTimer: function (inst) {
		// abort if layout destroyed or browser does not need this check
		if (inst.destroyed) return;
		var o	= inst.options
		,	s	= inst.state
		//	don't need check if inst has parentLayout, but check occassionally in case parent destroyed!
		//	MINIMUM 100ms interval, for performance
		,	ms	= inst.hasParentLayout ?  5000 : Math.max( o.browserZoomCheckInterval, 100 )
		// set the timer
			if (inst.destroyed || !o.resizeWithWindow) return;
			var d = $.layout.browserZoom.ratio();
			if (d !== s.browserZoom) {
				s.browserZoom = d;
			// set a NEW timeout
		,	ms );

,	ratio: function () {
		var w	= window
		,	s	= screen
		,	d	= document
		,	dE	= d.documentElement || d.body
		,	b	= $.layout.browser
		,	v	= b.version
		,	r, sW, cW
		// we can ignore all browsers that fire window.resize event onZoom
		if ((b.msie && v > 8)
		||	!b.msie
		) return false; // don't need to track zoom

		if (s.deviceXDPI)
			return calc(s.deviceXDPI, s.systemXDPI);
		// everything below is just for future reference!
		if (b.webkit && (r = d.body.getBoundingClientRect))
			return calc((r.left - r.right), d.body.offsetWidth);
		if (b.webkit && (sW = w.outerWidth))
			return calc(sW, w.innerWidth);
		if ((sW = s.width) && (cW = dE.clientWidth))
			return calc(sW, cW);
		return false; // no match, so cannot - or don't need to - track zoom

		function calc (x,y) { return (parseInt(x,10) / parseInt(y,10) * 100).toFixed(); }

// add initialization method to Layout's onLoad array of functions
$.layout.onReady.push( $.layout.browserZoom._init );

})( jQuery );

Other Scala source code examples

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