Scala example source code file (scheduler.js)
The scheduler.js Scala example source code// © 2010 EPFL/LAMP // code by Gilles Dubochet function Scheduler() { var scheduler = this; var resolution = 0; this.timeout = undefined; this.queues = new Array(0); // an array of work pacakges indexed by index in the labels table. this.labels = new Array(0); // an indexed array of labels indexed by priority. This should be short. this.label = function(name, priority) { this.name = name; this.priority = priority; } this.work = function(fn, self, args) { this.fn = fn; this.self = self; this.args = args; } this.addLabel = function(name, priority) { var idx = 0; while (idx < scheduler.queues.length && scheduler.labels[idx].priority <= priority) { idx = idx + 1; } scheduler.labels.splice(idx, 0, new scheduler.label(name, priority)); scheduler.queues.splice(idx, 0, new Array(0)); } this.clearLabel = function(name) { var idx = 0; while (idx < scheduler.queues.length && scheduler.labels[idx].name != name) { idx = idx + 1; } if (idx < scheduler.queues.length && scheduler.labels[i].name == name) { scheduler.labels.splice(idx, 1); scheduler.queues.splice(idx, 1); } } this.nextWork = function() { var fn = undefined; var idx = 0; while (idx < scheduler.queues.length && scheduler.queues[idx].length == 0) { idx = idx + 1; } if (idx < scheduler.queues.length && scheduler.queues[idx].length > 0) { var fn = scheduler.queues[idx].shift(); } return fn; } this.add = function(labelName, fn, self, args) { var doWork = function() { scheduler.timeout = setTimeout(function() { var work = scheduler.nextWork(); if (work != undefined) { if (work.args == undefined) { work.args = new Array(0); } work.fn.apply(work.self, work.args); doWork(); } else { scheduler.timeout = undefined; } }, resolution); } var idx = 0; while (idx < scheduler.labels.length && scheduler.labels[idx].name != labelName) { idx = idx + 1; } if (idx < scheduler.queues.length && scheduler.labels[idx].name == labelName) { scheduler.queues[idx].push(new scheduler.work(fn, self, args)); if (scheduler.timeout == undefined) doWork(); } else throw("queue for add is non existant"); } this.clear = function(labelName) { var idx = 0; while (idx < scheduler.labels.length && scheduler.labels[idx].name != labelName) { idx = idx + 1; } if (idx < scheduler.queues.length && scheduler.labels[idx].name == labelName) { scheduler.queues[idx] = new Array(); } } }; Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala scheduler.js source code file: |
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