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Scala example source code file (ModelFactory.scala)

This example Scala source code file (ModelFactory.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

collection, doctemplateimpl, list, macro, nil, none, nosymbol, option, reflection, some, string, symbol, templateimpl, utilities

The ModelFactory.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler -- Copyright 2007-2013 LAMP/EPFL */

package scala
package tools.nsc
package doc
package model

import base.comment._
import diagram._

import scala.collection._
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import scala.reflect.macros.internal.macroImpl
import symtab.Flags

import io._
import model.{ RootPackage => RootPackageEntity }

/** This trait extracts all required information for documentation from compilation units */
class ModelFactory(val global: Global, val settings: doc.Settings) {
  thisFactory: ModelFactory
               with ModelFactoryImplicitSupport
               with ModelFactoryTypeSupport
               with DiagramFactory
               with CommentFactory
               with TreeFactory
               with MemberLookup =>

  import global._
  import definitions.{ ObjectClass, NothingClass, AnyClass, AnyValClass, AnyRefClass, ListClass }
  import rootMirror.{ RootPackage, RootClass, EmptyPackage }

  // Defaults for member grouping, that may be overridden by the template
  val defaultGroup = "Ungrouped"
  val defaultGroupName = "Ungrouped"
  val defaultGroupDesc = None
  val defaultGroupPriority = 1000

  def templatesCount = docTemplatesCache.count(_._2.isDocTemplate) - droppedPackages.size

  private var _modelFinished = false
  def modelFinished: Boolean = _modelFinished
  private var universe: Universe = null

  def makeModel: Option[Universe] = {
    val universe = new Universe { thisUniverse =>
      thisFactory.universe = thisUniverse
      val settings = thisFactory.settings
      val rootPackage = modelCreation.createRootPackage
    _modelFinished = true
    // complete the links between model entities, everthing that couldn't have been done before

    Some(universe) filter (_.rootPackage != null)

  // state:
  var ids = 0
  private val droppedPackages = mutable.Set[PackageImpl]()
  protected val docTemplatesCache = new mutable.LinkedHashMap[Symbol, DocTemplateImpl]
  protected val noDocTemplatesCache = new mutable.LinkedHashMap[Symbol, NoDocTemplateImpl]
  def packageDropped(tpl: DocTemplateImpl) = tpl match {
    case p: PackageImpl => droppedPackages(p)
    case _ => false

  def optimize(str: String): String =
    if (str.length < 16) str.intern else str

  /* ============== IMPLEMENTATION PROVIDING ENTITY TYPES ============== */

  abstract class EntityImpl(val sym: Symbol, val inTpl: TemplateImpl) extends Entity {
    val name = optimize(sym.nameString)
    val universe = thisFactory.universe

    // Debugging:
    // assert(id != 36, sym + "  " + sym.getClass)
    //println("Creating entity #" + id + " [" + kind + " " + qualifiedName + "] for sym " + sym.kindString + " " +"."))

    def inTemplate: TemplateImpl = inTpl
    def toRoot: List[EntityImpl] = this :: inTpl.toRoot
    def qualifiedName = name
    def annotations = sym.annotations.filterNot(_.tpe =:= typeOf[macroImpl]).map(makeAnnotation)
    def inPackageObject: Boolean = sym.owner.isModuleClass && sym.owner.sourceModule.isPackageObject
    def isType =

  trait TemplateImpl extends EntityImpl with TemplateEntity {
    override def qualifiedName: String =
      if (inTemplate == null || inTemplate.isRootPackage) name else optimize(inTemplate.qualifiedName + "." + name)
    def isPackage = sym.isPackage
    def isTrait = sym.isTrait
    def isClass = sym.isClass && !sym.isTrait
    def isObject = sym.isModule && !sym.isPackage
    def isCaseClass = sym.isCaseClass
    def isRootPackage = false
    def selfType = if (sym.thisSym eq sym) None else Some(makeType(sym.thisSym.typeOfThis, this))

  abstract class MemberImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl) extends EntityImpl(sym, inTpl) with MemberEntity {
    // If the current tpl is a DocTemplate, we consider itself as the root for resolving link targets (instead of the
    // package the class is in) -- so people can refer to methods directly [[foo]], instead of using [[]]
    // in the doc comment of MyClass
    def linkTarget: DocTemplateImpl = inTpl

    lazy val comment = {
      val documented = if (sym.hasAccessorFlag) sym.accessed else sym
      thisFactory.comment(documented, linkTarget, inTpl)
    def group = comment flatMap ( getOrElse defaultGroup
    override def inTemplate = inTpl
    override def toRoot: List[MemberImpl] = this :: inTpl.toRoot
    def inDefinitionTemplates =
        if (inTpl == null)
          docTemplatesCache(RootPackage) :: Nil
          makeTemplate(sym.owner)::(sym.allOverriddenSymbols map { inhSym => makeTemplate(inhSym.owner) })
    def visibility = {
      if (sym.isPrivateLocal) PrivateInInstance()
      else if (sym.isProtectedLocal) ProtectedInInstance()
      else {
        val qual =
          if (sym.hasAccessBoundary)
          else None
        if (sym.isPrivate) PrivateInTemplate(inTpl)
        else if (sym.isProtected) ProtectedInTemplate(qual getOrElse inTpl)
        else qual match {
          case Some(q) => PrivateInTemplate(q)
          case None => Public()
    def flags = {
      val fgs = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[Paragraph]
      if (sym.isImplicit) fgs += Paragraph(Text("implicit"))
      if (sym.isSealed) fgs += Paragraph(Text("sealed"))
      if (!sym.isTrait && (sym hasFlag Flags.ABSTRACT)) fgs += Paragraph(Text("abstract"))
      /* Resetting the DEFERRED flag is a little trick here for refined types: (example from scala.collections)
       * {{{
       *     implicit def traversable2ops[T](t: scala.collection.GenTraversableOnce[T]) = new TraversableOps[T] {
       *       def isParallel = ...
       * }}}
       * the type the method returns is TraversableOps, which has all-abstract symbols. But in reality, it couldn't have
       * any abstract terms, otherwise it would fail compilation. So we reset the DEFERRED flag. */
      if (!sym.isTrait && (sym hasFlag Flags.DEFERRED) && (!isImplicitlyInherited)) fgs += Paragraph(Text("abstract"))
      if (!sym.isModule && (sym hasFlag Flags.FINAL)) fgs += Paragraph(Text("final"))
      if (sym.isMacro) fgs += Paragraph(Text("macro"))
    def deprecation =
      if (sym.isDeprecated)
        Some((sym.deprecationMessage, sym.deprecationVersion) match {
          case (Some(msg), Some(ver)) => parseWiki("''(Since version " + ver + ")'' " + msg, NoPosition, inTpl)
          case (Some(msg), None) => parseWiki(msg, NoPosition, inTpl)
          case (None, Some(ver)) =>  parseWiki("''(Since version " + ver + ")''", NoPosition, inTpl)
          case (None, None) => Body(Nil)
        comment flatMap { _.deprecated }
    def migration =
        Some((sym.migrationMessage, sym.migrationVersion) match {
          case (Some(msg), Some(ver)) => parseWiki("''(Changed in version " + ver + ")'' " + msg, NoPosition, inTpl)
          case (Some(msg), None) => parseWiki(msg, NoPosition, inTpl)
          case (None, Some(ver)) =>  parseWiki("''(Changed in version " + ver + ")''", NoPosition, inTpl)
          case (None, None) => Body(Nil)

    def resultType = {
      def resultTpe(tpe: Type): Type = tpe match { // similar to finalResultType, except that it leaves singleton types alone
        case PolyType(_, res) => resultTpe(res)
        case MethodType(_, res) => resultTpe(res)
        case NullaryMethodType(res) => resultTpe(res)
        case _ => tpe
      val tpe = byConversion.fold(sym.tpe) (_.toType memberInfo sym)
      makeTypeInTemplateContext(resultTpe(tpe), inTemplate, sym)
    def isDef = false
    def isVal = false
    def isLazyVal = false
    def isVar = false
    def isConstructor = false
    def isAliasType = false
    def isAbstractType = false
    def isAbstract =
      // for the explanation of conversion == null see comment on flags
      ((!sym.isTrait && ((sym hasFlag Flags.ABSTRACT) || (sym hasFlag Flags.DEFERRED)) && (!isImplicitlyInherited)) ||
      sym.isAbstractClass || sym.isAbstractType) && !sym.isSynthetic

    def signature = externalSignature(sym)
    lazy val signatureCompat = {

      def defParams(mbr: Any): String = mbr match {
        case d: MemberEntity with Def =>
          val paramLists: List[String] =
            if (d.valueParams.isEmpty) Nil
            else d.valueParams map (ps => ps map ( mkString ("(",",",")"))
        case _ => ""

      def tParams(mbr: Any): String = mbr match {
        case hk: HigherKinded if !hk.typeParams.isEmpty =>
          def boundsToString(hi: Option[TypeEntity], lo: Option[TypeEntity]): String = {
            def bound0(bnd: Option[TypeEntity], pre: String): String = bnd match {
              case None => ""
              case Some(tpe) => pre ++ tpe.toString
            bound0(hi, "<:") ++ bound0(lo, ">:")
          "[" + => tp.variance + + tParams(tp) + boundsToString(tp.hi, tp.lo)).mkString(", ") + "]"
        case _ => ""

      (name + tParams(this) + defParams(this) +":"+"\\s","") // no spaces allowed, they break links
    // these only apply for NonTemplateMemberEntities
    def useCaseOf: Option[MemberImpl] = None
    def byConversion: Option[ImplicitConversionImpl] = None
    def isImplicitlyInherited = false
    def isShadowedImplicit    = false
    def isAmbiguousImplicit   = false
    def isShadowedOrAmbiguousImplicit = false

  /** A template that is not documented at all. The class is instantiated during lookups, to indicate that the class
   *  exists, but should not be documented (either it's not included in the source or it's not visible)
  class NoDocTemplateImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: TemplateImpl) extends EntityImpl(sym, inTpl) with TemplateImpl with HigherKindedImpl with NoDocTemplate {
    assert(modelFinished, this)
    assert(!(noDocTemplatesCache isDefinedAt sym), (sym, noDocTemplatesCache(sym)))
    noDocTemplatesCache += (sym -> this)
    def isDocTemplate = false

  /** An inherited template that was not documented in its original owner - example:
   *  in classpath:  trait T { class C } -- T (and implicitly C) are not documented
   *  in the source: trait U extends T -- C appears in U as a MemberTemplateImpl -- that is, U has a member for it
   *  but C doesn't get its own page
  abstract class MemberTemplateImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl) extends MemberImpl(sym, inTpl) with TemplateImpl with HigherKindedImpl with MemberTemplateEntity {
    // no templates cache for this class, each owner gets its own instance
    def isDocTemplate = false
    lazy val definitionName = optimize(inDefinitionTemplates.head.qualifiedName + "." + name)
    def valueParams: List[List[ValueParam]] = Nil /** TODO, these are now only computed for DocTemplates */

    def parentTypes =
      if (sym.isPackage || sym == AnyClass) List() else {
        val tps = (this match {
          case a: AliasType => sym.tpe.dealias.parents
          case a: AbstractType => match {
            case TypeBounds(lo, RefinedType(parents, decls)) => parents
            case TypeBounds(lo, hi) => hi :: Nil
            case _ => Nil
          case _ => sym.tpe.parents
        }) map { _.asSeenFrom(sym.thisType, sym) }
        makeParentTypes(RefinedType(tps, EmptyScope), Some(this), inTpl)

   /** The instantiation of `TemplateImpl` triggers the creation of the following entities:
    *  All ancestors of the template and all non-package members.
  abstract class DocTemplateImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl) extends MemberTemplateImpl(sym, inTpl) with DocTemplateEntity {
    assert(!modelFinished, (sym, inTpl))
    assert(!(docTemplatesCache isDefinedAt sym), sym)
    docTemplatesCache += (sym -> this)

    if (settings.verbose)
      inform("Creating doc template for " + sym)

    override def linkTarget: DocTemplateImpl = this
    override def toRoot: List[DocTemplateImpl] = this :: inTpl.toRoot

    protected def reprSymbol: Symbol = sym

    def inSource =
      if (reprSymbol.sourceFile != null && ! reprSymbol.isSynthetic)
        Some((reprSymbol.sourceFile, reprSymbol.pos.line))

    def sourceUrl = {
      def fixPath(s: String) = s.replaceAll("\\" +, "/")
      val assumedSourceRoot  = fixPath(settings.sourcepath.value) stripSuffix "/"

      if (!settings.docsourceurl.isDefault)
        inSource map { case (file, _) =>
          val filePath = fixPath(file.path).replaceFirst("^" + assumedSourceRoot, "").stripSuffix(".scala")
          val tplOwner = this.inTemplate.qualifiedName
          val tplName =
          val patches = new Regex("""€\{(FILE_PATH|TPL_OWNER|TPL_NAME)\}""")
          def substitute(name: String): String = name match {
            case "FILE_PATH" => filePath
            case "TPL_OWNER" => tplOwner
            case "TPL_NAME" => tplName
          val patchedString = patches.replaceAllIn(settings.docsourceurl.value, m => java.util.regex.Matcher.quoteReplacement(substitute( )
      else None

    private def templateAndType(ancestor: Symbol): (TemplateImpl, TypeEntity) = (makeTemplate(ancestor), makeType(, this))
    lazy val (linearizationTemplates, linearizationTypes) =
      (reprSymbol.ancestors map templateAndType).unzip

    /* Subclass cache */
    private lazy val subClassesCache = (
      if (sym == AnyRefClass) null
      else mutable.ListBuffer[DocTemplateEntity]()
    def registerSubClass(sc: DocTemplateEntity): Unit = {
      if (subClassesCache != null)
        subClassesCache += sc
    def directSubClasses = if (subClassesCache == null) Nil else subClassesCache.toList

    /* Implicitly convertible class cache */
    private var implicitlyConvertibleClassesCache: mutable.ListBuffer[(DocTemplateImpl, ImplicitConversionImpl)] = null
    def registerImplicitlyConvertibleClass(dtpl: DocTemplateImpl, conv: ImplicitConversionImpl): Unit = {
      if (implicitlyConvertibleClassesCache == null)
        implicitlyConvertibleClassesCache = mutable.ListBuffer[(DocTemplateImpl, ImplicitConversionImpl)]()
      implicitlyConvertibleClassesCache += ((dtpl, conv))

    def incomingImplicitlyConvertedClasses: List[(DocTemplateImpl, ImplicitConversionImpl)] =
      if (implicitlyConvertibleClassesCache == null)

    // the implicit conversions are generated eagerly, but the members generated by implicit conversions are added
    // lazily, on completeModel
    val conversions: List[ImplicitConversionImpl] =
      if (settings.docImplicits) makeImplicitConversions(sym, this) else Nil

    // members as given by the compiler
    lazy val memberSyms      = => membersShouldDocument(s, this)).toList

    // the inherited templates (classes, traits or objects)
    val memberSymsLazy  = memberSyms.filter(t => templateShouldDocument(t, this) && !inOriginalOwner(t, this))
    // the direct members (methods, values, vars, types and directly contained templates)
    val memberSymsEager = memberSyms.filter(!memberSymsLazy.contains(_))
    // the members generated by the symbols in memberSymsEager
    val ownMembers      = (memberSymsEager.flatMap(makeMember(_, None, this)))

    // all the members that are documentented PLUS the members inherited by implicit conversions
    var members: List[MemberImpl] = ownMembers

    def templates       = members collect { case c: TemplateEntity with MemberEntity => c }
    def methods         = members collect { case d: Def => d }
    def values          = members collect { case v: Val => v }
    def abstractTypes   = members collect { case t: AbstractType => t }
    def aliasTypes      = members collect { case t: AliasType => t }

     * This is the final point in the core model creation: no DocTemplates are created after the model has finished, but
     * inherited templates and implicit members are added to the members at this point.
    def completeModel(): Unit = {
      // DFS completion
      // since alias types and abstract types have no own members, there's no reason for them to call completeModel
      if (!sym.isAliasType && !sym.isAbstractType)
        for (member <- members)
          member match {
            case d: DocTemplateImpl => d.completeModel()
            case _ =>

      members :::=, this))


      for (pt <-; parentTemplate <- findTemplateMaybe(pt.typeSymbol)) parentTemplate registerSubClass this

      // the members generated by the symbols in memberSymsEager PLUS the members from the usecases
      val allMembers = ownMembers ::: ownMembers.flatMap(_.useCaseOf).distinct
      implicitsShadowing = makeShadowingTable(allMembers, conversions, this)
      // finally, add the members generated by implicit conversions
      members :::= conversions.flatMap(_.memberImpls)

    var implicitsShadowing = Map[MemberEntity, ImplicitMemberShadowing]()

    lazy val outgoingImplicitlyConvertedClasses: List[(TemplateEntity, TypeEntity, ImplicitConversionImpl)] =
      conversions flatMap (conv =>
        if (!implicitExcluded(conv.conversionQualifiedName))
          conv.targetTypeComponents map {
            case (template, tpe) =>
              template match {
                case d: DocTemplateImpl if (d != this) => d.registerImplicitlyConvertibleClass(this, conv)
                case _ => // nothing
              (template, tpe, conv)
        else List()

    override def isDocTemplate = true
    private[this] lazy val companionSymbol =
      if (sym.isAliasType || sym.isAbstractType) { match {
          case NoSymbol => NoSymbol
          case s =>
   match {
              case ot: OverloadedType =>
              case _ =>
                // that's to navigate from val Foo: FooExtractor to FooExtractor :)

    def companion =
      companionSymbol match {
        case NoSymbol => None
        case comSym if !isEmptyJavaObject(comSym) && (comSym.isClass || comSym.isModule) =>
          makeTemplate(comSym) match {
            case d: DocTemplateImpl => Some(d)
            case _ => None
        case _ => None

    def constructors: List[MemberImpl with Constructor] = if (isClass) members collect { case d: Constructor => d } else Nil
    def primaryConstructor: Option[MemberImpl with Constructor] = if (isClass) constructors find { _.isPrimary } else None
    override def valueParams =
      // we don't want params on a class (non case class) signature
      if (isCaseClass) primaryConstructor match {
        case Some(const) => const.sym.paramss map (_ map (makeValueParam(_, this)))
        case None => List()
      else List.empty

    // These are generated on-demand, make sure you don't call them more than once
    def inheritanceDiagram = makeInheritanceDiagram(this)
    def contentDiagram = makeContentDiagram(this)

    def groupSearch[T](extractor: Comment => Option[T]): Option[T] = {
      val comments = comment +: linearizationTemplates.collect { case dtpl: DocTemplateImpl => dtpl.comment } orElse {
        Option(inTpl) flatMap (_.groupSearch(extractor))

    def groupDescription(group: String): Option[Body] = groupSearch(_.groupDesc.get(group)) orElse { if (group == defaultGroup) defaultGroupDesc else None }
    def groupPriority(group: String): Int = groupSearch(_.groupPrio.get(group)) getOrElse { if (group == defaultGroup) defaultGroupPriority else 0 }
    def groupName(group: String): String = groupSearch(_.groupNames.get(group)) getOrElse { if (group == defaultGroup) defaultGroupName else group }

  abstract class PackageImpl(sym: Symbol, inTpl: PackageImpl) extends DocTemplateImpl(sym, inTpl) with Package {
    override def inTemplate = inTpl
    override def toRoot: List[PackageImpl] = this :: inTpl.toRoot
    override def reprSymbol = (_.isPackageObject) getOrElse sym

    def packages = members collect { case p: PackageImpl if !(droppedPackages contains p) => p }

  abstract class RootPackageImpl(sym: Symbol) extends PackageImpl(sym, null) with RootPackageEntity

  abstract class NonTemplateMemberImpl(sym: Symbol, conversion: Option[ImplicitConversionImpl],
                                       override val useCaseOf: Option[MemberImpl], inTpl: DocTemplateImpl)
           extends MemberImpl(sym, inTpl) with NonTemplateMemberEntity {
    override lazy val comment = {
      def nonRootTemplate(sym: Symbol): Option[DocTemplateImpl] =
        if (sym eq RootPackage) None else findTemplateMaybe(sym)
      /* Variable precendence order for implicitly added members: Take the variable defifinitions from ...
       * 1. the target of the implicit conversion
       * 2. the definition template (owner)
       * 3. the current template
      val inRealTpl = conversion.flatMap { conv =>
      } orElse nonRootTemplate(sym.owner) orElse Option(inTpl)
      inRealTpl flatMap { tpl =>
        thisFactory.comment(sym, tpl, tpl)

    override def inDefinitionTemplates = useCaseOf.fold(super.inDefinitionTemplates)(_.inDefinitionTemplates)

    override def qualifiedName = optimize(inTemplate.qualifiedName + "#" + name)
    lazy val definitionName = {
      val qualifiedName = conversion.fold(inDefinitionTemplates.head.qualifiedName)(_.conversionQualifiedName)
      optimize(qualifiedName + "#" + name)
    def isUseCase = useCaseOf.isDefined
    override def byConversion: Option[ImplicitConversionImpl] = conversion
    override def isImplicitlyInherited = { assert(modelFinished); conversion.isDefined }
    override def isShadowedImplicit    = isImplicitlyInherited && inTpl.implicitsShadowing.get(this).map(_.isShadowed).getOrElse(false)
    override def isAmbiguousImplicit   = isImplicitlyInherited && inTpl.implicitsShadowing.get(this).map(_.isAmbiguous).getOrElse(false)
    override def isShadowedOrAmbiguousImplicit = isShadowedImplicit || isAmbiguousImplicit

  abstract class NonTemplateParamMemberImpl(sym: Symbol, conversion: Option[ImplicitConversionImpl],
                                            useCaseOf: Option[MemberImpl], inTpl: DocTemplateImpl)
           extends NonTemplateMemberImpl(sym, conversion, useCaseOf, inTpl) {
    def valueParams = {
      val info = conversion.fold( memberInfo sym)
      info.paramss map { ps => (ps.zipWithIndex) map { case (p, i) =>
        if (p.nameString contains "$") makeValueParam(p, inTpl, optimize("arg" + i)) else makeValueParam(p, inTpl)

  abstract class ParameterImpl(val sym: Symbol, val inTpl: TemplateImpl) extends ParameterEntity {
    val name = optimize(sym.nameString)

  private trait AliasImpl {
    def sym: Symbol
    def inTpl: TemplateImpl
    def alias = makeTypeInTemplateContext(sym.tpe.dealias, inTpl, sym)

  private trait TypeBoundsImpl {
    def sym: Symbol
    def inTpl: TemplateImpl
    def lo = match {
      case TypeBounds(lo, hi) if lo.typeSymbol != NothingClass =>
        Some(makeTypeInTemplateContext(appliedType(lo, map {_.tpe}), inTpl, sym))
      case _ => None
    def hi = match {
      case TypeBounds(lo, hi) if hi.typeSymbol != AnyClass =>
        Some(makeTypeInTemplateContext(appliedType(hi, map {_.tpe}), inTpl, sym))
      case _ => None

  trait HigherKindedImpl extends HigherKinded {
    def sym: Symbol
    def inTpl: TemplateImpl
    def typeParams =
      sym.typeParams map (makeTypeParam(_, inTpl))
  /* ============== MAKER METHODS ============== */

  /** This method makes it easier to work with the different kinds of symbols created by scalac by stripping down the
   * package object abstraction and placing members directly in the package.
   * Here's the explanation of what we do. The code:
   * package foo {
   *   object `package` {
   *     class Bar
   *   }
   * }
   * will yield this Symbol structure:
   *                                       +---------+ (2)
   *                                       |         |
   * +---------------+         +---------- v ------- | ---+                              +--------+ (2)
   * | package foo#1 <---(1)---- module class foo#2  |    |                              |        |
   * +---------------+         | +------------------ | -+ |         +------------------- v ---+   |
   *                           | | package object foo#3 <-----(1)---- module class package#4  |   |
   *                           | +----------------------+ |         | +---------------------+ |   |
   *                           +--------------------------+         | | class package$Bar#5 | |   |
   *                                                                | +----------------- | -+ |   |
   *                                                                +------------------- | ---+   |
   *                                                                                     |        |
   *                                                                                     +--------+
   * (1) sourceModule
   * (2) you get out of owners with .owner
   * and normalizeTemplate(Bar.owner) will get us the package, instead of the module class of the package object.
  def normalizeTemplate(aSym: Symbol): Symbol = aSym match {
    case null | rootMirror.EmptyPackage | NoSymbol =>
    case ObjectClass =>
    case _ if aSym.isPackageObject =>
    case _ if aSym.isModuleClass =>
    case _ =>

   * These are all model construction methods. Please do not use them directly, they are calling each other recursively
   * starting from makeModel. On the other hand, makeTemplate, makeAnnotation, makeMember, makeType should only be used
   * after the model was created (modelFinished=true) otherwise assertions will start failing.
  object modelCreation {

    def createRootPackage: PackageImpl = docTemplatesCache.get(RootPackage) match {
      case Some(root: PackageImpl) => root
      case _ => modelCreation.createTemplate(RootPackage, null) match {
        case Some(root: PackageImpl) => root
        case _ => sys.error("Scaladoc: Unable to create root package!")

     *  Create a template, either a package, class, trait or object
    def createTemplate(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl): Option[MemberImpl] = {
      // don't call this after the model finished!
      assert(!modelFinished, (aSym, inTpl))

      def createRootPackageComment: Option[Comment] =
        if(settings.docRootContent.isDefault) None
        else {
          import Streamable._
          Path(settings.docRootContent.value) match {
            case f : File => {
              val rootComment = closing(f.inputStream())(is => parse(slurp(is), "", NoPosition, inTpl))
            case _ => None

      def createDocTemplate(bSym: Symbol, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl): DocTemplateImpl = {
        assert(!modelFinished, (bSym, inTpl)) // only created BEFORE the model is finished
        if (bSym.isAliasType && bSym != AnyRefClass)
          new DocTemplateImpl(bSym, inTpl) with AliasImpl with AliasType { override def isAliasType = true }
        else if (bSym.isAbstractType)
          new DocTemplateImpl(bSym, inTpl) with TypeBoundsImpl with AbstractType { override def isAbstractType = true }
        else if (bSym.isModule)
          new DocTemplateImpl(bSym, inTpl) with Object {}
        else if (bSym.isTrait)
          new DocTemplateImpl(bSym, inTpl) with Trait {}
        else if (bSym.isClass || bSym == AnyRefClass)
          new DocTemplateImpl(bSym, inTpl) with Class {}
          sys.error("'" + bSym + "' isn't a class, trait or object thus cannot be built as a documentable template.")

      val bSym = normalizeTemplate(aSym)
      if (docTemplatesCache isDefinedAt bSym)
        return Some(docTemplatesCache(bSym))

      /* Three cases of templates:
       * (1) root package -- special cased for bootstrapping
       * (2) package
       * (3) class/object/trait
      if (bSym == RootPackage) // (1)
        Some(new RootPackageImpl(bSym) {
          override lazy val comment = createRootPackageComment
          override val name = "root"
          override def inTemplate = this
          override def toRoot = this :: Nil
          override def qualifiedName = "_root_"
          override def isRootPackage = true
          override lazy val memberSyms =
            ( ++ filter { s =>
              s != EmptyPackage && s != RootPackage
      else if (bSym.isPackage) // (2)
        if (settings.skipPackage(makeQualifiedName(bSym)))
          inTpl match {
            case inPkg: PackageImpl =>
              val pack = new PackageImpl(bSym, inPkg) {}
              // Used to check package pruning works:
              if (pack.templates.filter(_.isDocTemplate).isEmpty && pack.memberSymsLazy.isEmpty) {
                droppedPackages += pack
              } else
            case _ =>
              sys.error("'" + bSym + "' must be in a package")
      else {
        // no class inheritance at this point
        assert(inOriginalOwner(bSym, inTpl), bSym + " in " + inTpl)
        Some(createDocTemplate(bSym, inTpl))

     *  After the model is completed, no more DocTemplateEntities are created.
     *  Therefore any symbol that still appears is:
     *   - MemberTemplateEntity (created here)
     *   - NoDocTemplateEntity (created in makeTemplate)
    def createLazyTemplateMember(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl): MemberImpl = {

      // Code is duplicate because the anonymous classes are created statically
      def createNoDocMemberTemplate(bSym: Symbol, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl): MemberTemplateImpl = {
        assert(modelFinished) // only created AFTER the model is finished
        if (bSym.isModule || (bSym.isAliasType && bSym.tpe.typeSymbol.isModule))
          new MemberTemplateImpl(bSym, inTpl) with Object {}
        else if (bSym.isTrait || (bSym.isAliasType && bSym.tpe.typeSymbol.isTrait))
          new MemberTemplateImpl(bSym, inTpl) with Trait {}
        else if (bSym.isClass || (bSym.isAliasType && bSym.tpe.typeSymbol.isClass))
          new MemberTemplateImpl(bSym, inTpl) with Class {}
          sys.error("'" + bSym + "' isn't a class, trait or object thus cannot be built as a member template.")

      val bSym = normalizeTemplate(aSym)

      if (docTemplatesCache isDefinedAt bSym)
        docTemplatesCache.get(bSym.owner) match {
          case Some(inTpl) =>
            val mbrs = inTpl.members.collect({ case mbr: MemberImpl if mbr.sym == bSym => mbr })
            assert(mbrs.length == 1)
          case _ =>
            // move the class completely to the new location
            createNoDocMemberTemplate(bSym, inTpl)

  // TODO: Should be able to override the type
  def makeMember(aSym: Symbol, conversion: Option[ImplicitConversionImpl], inTpl: DocTemplateImpl): List[MemberImpl] = {

    def makeMember0(bSym: Symbol, useCaseOf: Option[MemberImpl]): Option[MemberImpl] = {
      if (bSym.isGetter && bSym.isLazy)
          Some(new NonTemplateMemberImpl(bSym, conversion, useCaseOf, inTpl) with Val {
            override def isLazyVal = true
      else if (bSym.isGetter && bSym.accessed.isMutable)
        Some(new NonTemplateMemberImpl(bSym, conversion, useCaseOf, inTpl) with Val {
          override def isVar = true
      else if (bSym.isMethod && !bSym.hasAccessorFlag && !bSym.isConstructor && !bSym.isModule) {
        val cSym = { // This unsightly hack closes issue #4086.
          if (bSym == definitions.Object_synchronized) {
            val cSymInfo = ( @unchecked) match {
              case PolyType(ts, MethodType(List(bp), mt)) =>
                val cp = bp.cloneSymbol.setPos(bp.pos).setInfo(definitions.byNameType(
                PolyType(ts, MethodType(List(cp), mt))
          else bSym
        Some(new NonTemplateParamMemberImpl(cSym, conversion, useCaseOf, inTpl) with HigherKindedImpl with Def {
          override def isDef = true
      else if (bSym.isConstructor)
        if (conversion.isDefined)
          None // don't list constructors inherted by implicit conversion
          Some(new NonTemplateParamMemberImpl(bSym, conversion, useCaseOf, inTpl) with Constructor {
            override def isConstructor = true
            def isPrimary = sym.isPrimaryConstructor
      else if (bSym.isGetter) // Scala field accessor or Java field
        Some(new NonTemplateMemberImpl(bSym, conversion, useCaseOf, inTpl) with Val {
          override def isVal = true
      else if (bSym.isAbstractType && !typeShouldDocument(bSym, inTpl))
        Some(new MemberTemplateImpl(bSym, inTpl) with TypeBoundsImpl with AbstractType {
          override def isAbstractType = true
      else if (bSym.isAliasType && !typeShouldDocument(bSym, inTpl))
        Some(new MemberTemplateImpl(bSym, inTpl) with AliasImpl with AliasType {
          override def isAliasType = true
      else if (!modelFinished && (bSym.isPackage || templateShouldDocument(bSym, inTpl)))
        modelCreation.createTemplate(bSym, inTpl)

    if (!localShouldDocument(aSym) || aSym.isModuleClass || aSym.isPackageObject || aSym.isMixinConstructor)
    else {
      val allSyms = useCases(aSym, inTpl.sym) map { case (bSym, bComment, bPos) =>
        docComments.put(bSym, DocComment(bComment, bPos)) // put the comment in the list, don't parse it yet, closes SI-4898

      val member = makeMember0(aSym, None)
      if (allSyms.isEmpty)
        // Use cases replace the original definitions - SI-5054
        allSyms flatMap { makeMember0(_, member) }

  def findMember(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl): Option[MemberImpl] = {
    inTpl.members.find(_.sym == aSym)

  def findTemplateMaybe(aSym: Symbol): Option[DocTemplateImpl] = {

  def makeTemplate(aSym: Symbol): TemplateImpl = makeTemplate(aSym, None)

  def makeTemplate(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: Option[TemplateImpl]): TemplateImpl = {

    def makeNoDocTemplate(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: TemplateImpl): NoDocTemplateImpl =
      noDocTemplatesCache getOrElse (aSym, new NoDocTemplateImpl(aSym, inTpl))

    findTemplateMaybe(aSym) getOrElse {
      val bSym = normalizeTemplate(aSym)
      makeNoDocTemplate(bSym, inTpl getOrElse makeTemplate(bSym.owner))

  def makeAnnotation(annot: AnnotationInfo): = {
    val aSym = annot.symbol
    new EntityImpl(aSym, makeTemplate(aSym.owner)) with {
      lazy val annotationClass =
      val arguments = {
        val paramsOpt: Option[List[ValueParam]] = annotationClass match {
          case aClass: DocTemplateEntity with Class =>
            val constr = aClass.constructors collectFirst {
              case c: MemberImpl if c.sym == annot.original.symbol => c
            constr flatMap (_.valueParams.headOption)
          case _ => None
        val argTrees = annot.args map makeTree
        paramsOpt match {
          case Some (params) =>
            params zip argTrees map { case (param, tree) =>
              new ValueArgument {
                def parameter = Some(param)
                def value = tree
          case None =>
            argTrees map { tree =>
              new ValueArgument {
                def parameter = None
                def value = tree

  /** */
  def makeTypeParam(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: TemplateImpl): TypeParam =
    new ParameterImpl(aSym, inTpl) with TypeBoundsImpl with HigherKindedImpl with TypeParam {
      def variance: String = {
        if (sym hasFlag Flags.COVARIANT) "+"
        else if (sym hasFlag Flags.CONTRAVARIANT) "-"
        else ""

  /** */
  def makeValueParam(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl): ValueParam = {
    makeValueParam(aSym, inTpl, aSym.nameString)

  /** */
  def makeValueParam(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl, newName: String): ValueParam =
    new ParameterImpl(aSym, inTpl) with ValueParam {
      override val name = newName
      def defaultValue =
        if (aSym.hasDefault) {
          // units.filter should return only one element
          (currentRun.units filter (_.source.file == aSym.sourceFile)).toList match {
            case List(unit) =>
              // SI-4922 `sym == aSym` is insufficent if `aSym` is a clone of symbol
              //         of the parameter in the tree, as can happen with type parametric methods.
              def isCorrespondingParam(sym: Symbol) = (
                sym != null &&
                sym != NoSymbol &&
                sym.owner == aSym.owner &&
       == &&
              unit.body find (t => isCorrespondingParam(t.symbol)) collect {
                case ValDef(_,_,_,rhs) if rhs ne EmptyTree  => makeTree(rhs)
            case _ => None
        else None
      def resultType =
        makeTypeInTemplateContext(aSym.tpe, inTpl, aSym)
      def isImplicit = aSym.isImplicit

  /** */
  def makeTypeInTemplateContext(aType: Type, inTpl: TemplateImpl, dclSym: Symbol): TypeEntity = {
    def ownerTpl(sym: Symbol): Symbol =
      if (sym.isClass || sym.isModule || sym == NoSymbol) sym else ownerTpl(sym.owner)
    val tpe =
      if (thisFactory.settings.useStupidTypes) aType else {
        def ownerTpl(sym: Symbol): Symbol =
          if (sym.isClass || sym.isModule || sym == NoSymbol) sym else ownerTpl(sym.owner)
        val fixedSym = if (inTpl.sym.isModule) inTpl.sym.moduleClass else inTpl.sym
        aType.asSeenFrom(fixedSym.thisType, ownerTpl(dclSym))
    makeType(tpe, inTpl)

  /** Get the types of the parents of the current class, ignoring the refinements */
  def makeParentTypes(aType: Type, tpl: Option[MemberTemplateImpl], inTpl: TemplateImpl): List[(TemplateEntity, TypeEntity)] = aType match {
    case RefinedType(parents, defs) =>
      val ignoreParents = Set[Symbol](AnyClass, AnyRefClass, ObjectClass)
      val filtParents =
        // we don't want to expose too many links to AnyRef, that will just be redundant information
        tpl match {
          case Some(tpl) if (!tpl.sym.isModule && parents.length < 2) || (tpl.sym == AnyValClass) || (tpl.sym == AnyRefClass) || (tpl.sym == AnyClass) => parents
          case _ => parents.filterNot((p: Type) => ignoreParents(p.typeSymbol))

      /** Returns:
       *   - a DocTemplate if the type's symbol is documented
       *   - a NoDocTemplateMember if the type's symbol is not documented in its parent but in another template
       *   - a NoDocTemplate if the type's symbol is not documented at all */
      def makeTemplateOrMemberTemplate(parent: Type): TemplateImpl = {
        def noDocTemplate = makeTemplate(parent.typeSymbol)
        findTemplateMaybe(parent.typeSymbol) match {
          case Some(tpl) => tpl
          case None => parent match {
            case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) =>
              findTemplateMaybe(pre.typeSymbol) match {
                case Some(tpl) => findMember(parent.typeSymbol, tpl).collect({case t: TemplateImpl => t}).getOrElse(noDocTemplate)
                case None => noDocTemplate
            case _ => noDocTemplate
      } => {
        val templateEntity = makeTemplateOrMemberTemplate(parent)
        val typeEntity = makeType(parent, inTpl)
        (templateEntity, typeEntity)
    case _ =>
      List((makeTemplate(aType.typeSymbol), makeType(aType, inTpl)))

  def makeQualifiedName(sym: Symbol, relativeTo: Option[Symbol] = None): String = {
    val stop = relativeTo map (_.ownerChain.toSet) getOrElse Set[Symbol]()
    var sym1 = sym
    val path = new StringBuilder()
    // var path = List[Symbol]()

    while ((sym1 != NoSymbol) && (path.isEmpty || !stop(sym1))) {
      val sym1Norm = normalizeTemplate(sym1)
      if (!sym1.sourceModule.isPackageObject && sym1Norm != RootPackage) {
        if (path.length != 0)
          path.insert(0, ".")
        path.insert(0, sym1Norm.nameString)
        // path::= sym1Norm
      sym1 = sym1.owner


  def inOriginalOwner(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: TemplateImpl): Boolean =
    normalizeTemplate(aSym.owner) == normalizeTemplate(inTpl.sym)

  def templateShouldDocument(aSym: Symbol, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl): Boolean =
    (aSym.isTrait || aSym.isClass || aSym.isModule || typeShouldDocument(aSym, inTpl)) &&
    localShouldDocument(aSym) &&
    !isEmptyJavaObject(aSym) &&
    // either it's inside the original owner or we can document it later:
    (!inOriginalOwner(aSym, inTpl) || (aSym.isPackageClass || (aSym.sourceFile != null)))

  def membersShouldDocument(sym: Symbol, inTpl: TemplateImpl) = {
    // pruning modules that shouldn't be documented
    // Why Symbol.isInitialized? Well, because we need to avoid exploring all the space available to scaladoc
    // from the classpath -- scaladoc is a hog, it will explore everything starting from the root package unless we
    // somehow prune the tree. And isInitialized is a good heuristic for prunning -- if the package was not explored
    // during typer and refchecks, it's not necessary for the current application and there's no need to explore it.
    (!sym.isModule || sym.moduleClass.isInitialized) &&
    // documenting only public and protected members
    localShouldDocument(sym) &&
    // Only this class's constructors are part of its members, inherited constructors are not.
    (!sym.isConstructor || sym.owner == inTpl.sym) &&
    // If the @bridge annotation overrides a normal member, show it

  def isEmptyJavaObject(aSym: Symbol): Boolean =
    aSym.isModule && aSym.isJavaDefined && => localShouldDocument(s) && (!s.isConstructor || s.owner == aSym))

  def localShouldDocument(aSym: Symbol): Boolean =
    !aSym.isPrivate && (aSym.isProtected || aSym.privateWithin == NoSymbol) && !aSym.isSynthetic

  /** Filter '@bridge' methods only if *they don't override non-bridge methods*. See SI-5373 for details */
  def isPureBridge(sym: Symbol) = sym.isBridge && sym.allOverriddenSymbols.forall(_.isBridge)

  // the classes that are excluded from the index should also be excluded from the diagrams
  def classExcluded(clazz: TemplateEntity): Boolean = settings.hardcoded.isExcluded(clazz.qualifiedName)

  // the implicit conversions that are excluded from the pages should not appear in the diagram
  def implicitExcluded(convertorMethod: String): Boolean = settings.hiddenImplicits(convertorMethod)

  // whether or not to create a page for an {abstract,alias} type
  def typeShouldDocument(bSym: Symbol, inTpl: DocTemplateImpl) =
    (settings.docExpandAllTypes && (bSym.sourceFile != null)) ||
    (bSym.isAliasType || bSym.isAbstractType) &&
    { val rawComment = global.expandedDocComment(bSym, inTpl.sym)
      rawComment.contains("@template") || rawComment.contains("@documentable") }

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