Scala example source code file (ModelFactoryTypeSupport.scala)
The ModelFactoryTypeSupport.scala Scala example source code/* NSC -- new Scala compiler -- Copyright 2007-2013 LAMP/EPFL */ package scala.tools.nsc package doc package model import base._ import diagram._ import scala.collection._ /** This trait extracts all required information for documentation from compilation units */ trait ModelFactoryTypeSupport { thisFactory: ModelFactory with ModelFactoryImplicitSupport with ModelFactoryTypeSupport with DiagramFactory with CommentFactory with TreeFactory with MemberLookup => import global._ import definitions.{ ObjectClass, NothingClass, AnyClass, AnyValClass, AnyRefClass } protected val typeCache = new mutable.LinkedHashMap[Type, TypeEntity] /** */ def makeType(aType: Type, inTpl: TemplateImpl): TypeEntity = { def createTypeEntity = new TypeEntity { private var nameBuffer = new StringBuilder private var refBuffer = new immutable.TreeMap[Int, (LinkTo, Int)] private def appendTypes0(types: List[Type], sep: String): Unit = types match { case Nil => case tp :: Nil => appendType0(tp) case tp :: tps => appendType0(tp) nameBuffer append sep appendTypes0(tps, sep) } private def appendType0(tpe: Type): Unit = tpe match { /* Type refs */ case tp: TypeRef if definitions.isFunctionTypeDirect(tp) => val args = tp.typeArgs nameBuffer append '(' appendTypes0(args.init, ", ") nameBuffer append ") ⇒ " appendType0(args.last) case tp: TypeRef if definitions.isScalaRepeatedParamType(tp) => appendType0(tp.args.head) nameBuffer append '*' case tp: TypeRef if definitions.isByNameParamType(tp) => nameBuffer append "⇒ " appendType0(tp.args.head) case tp: TypeRef if definitions.isTupleTypeDirect(tp) => val args = tp.typeArgs nameBuffer append '(' appendTypes0(args, ", ") nameBuffer append ')' case TypeRef(pre, aSym, targs) => val preSym = pre.widen.typeSymbol // SI-3314/SI-4888: Classes, Traits and Types can be inherited from a template to another: // class Enum { abstract class Value } // class Day extends Enum { object Mon extends Value /*...*/ } // ===> in such cases we have two options: // (0) if there's no inheritance taking place (Enum#Value) we can link to the template directly // (1) if we generate the doc template for Day, we can link to the correct member // (2) If the symbol comes from an external library for which we know the documentation URL, point to it. // (3) if we don't generate the doc template, we should at least indicate the correct prefix in the tooltip val bSym = normalizeTemplate(aSym) val owner = if ((preSym != NoSymbol) && /* it needs a prefix */ (preSym != bSym.owner) && /* prefix is different from owner */ (aSym == bSym)) /* normalization doesn't play tricks on us */ preSym else bSym.owner val link = findTemplateMaybe(bSym) match { case Some(bTpl) if owner == bSym.owner => // (0) the owner's class is linked AND has a template - lovely bTpl match { case dtpl: DocTemplateEntity => new LinkToTpl(dtpl) case _ => new Tooltip(bTpl.qualifiedName) } case _ => val oTpl = findTemplateMaybe(owner) (oTpl, oTpl flatMap (findMember(bSym, _))) match { case (Some(oTpl), Some(bMbr)) => // (1) the owner's class LinkToMember(bMbr, oTpl) case _ => val name = makeQualifiedName(bSym) if (!bSym.owner.isPackage) Tooltip(name) else findExternalLink(bSym, name).getOrElse ( // (3) if we couldn't find neither the owner nor external URL to link to, show a tooltip with the qualified name Tooltip(name) ) } } // SI-4360 Showing prefixes when necessary // We check whether there's any directly accessible type with the same name in the current template OR if the // type is inherited from one template to another. There may be multiple symbols with the same name in scope, // but we won't show the prefix if our symbol is among them, only if *it's not* -- that's equal to showing // the prefix only for ambiguous references, not for overloaded ones. def needsPrefix: Boolean = { if ((owner != bSym.owner || preSym.isRefinementClass) && (normalizeTemplate(owner) != inTpl.sym)) return true // don't get tricked into prefixng method type params and existentials: // I tried several tricks BUT adding the method for which I'm creating the type => that simply won't scale, // as ValueParams are independent of their parent member, and I really don't want to add this information to // all terms, as we're already over the allowed memory footprint if (aSym.isTypeParameterOrSkolem || aSym.isExistentiallyBound /* existential or existential skolem */) return false for (tpl <- inTpl.sym.ownerChain) { tpl.info.member(bSym.name) match { case NoSymbol => // No syms with that name, look further inside the owner chain case sym => // Symbol found -- either the correct symbol, another one OR an overloaded alternative if (sym == bSym) return false else sym.info match { case OverloadedType(owner, alternatives) => return alternatives.contains(bSym) case _ => return true } } } // if it's not found in the owner chain, we can safely leave out the prefix false } val prefix = if (!settings.docNoPrefixes && needsPrefix && (bSym != AnyRefClass /* which we normalize */)) { if (!owner.isRefinementClass) { val qName = makeQualifiedName(owner, Some(inTpl.sym)) if (qName != "") qName + "." else "" } else { nameBuffer append "(" appendType0(pre) nameBuffer append ")#" "" // we already appended the prefix } } else "" //DEBUGGING: //if (makeQualifiedName(bSym) == "pack1.A") println("needsPrefix(" + bSym + ", " + owner + ", " + inTpl.qualifiedName + ") => " + needsPrefix + " and prefix=" + prefix) val name = prefix + bSym.nameString val pos0 = nameBuffer.length refBuffer += pos0 -> ((link, name.length)) nameBuffer append name if (!targs.isEmpty) { nameBuffer append '[' appendTypes0(targs, ", ") nameBuffer append ']' } /* Refined types */ case RefinedType(parents, defs) => val ignoreParents = Set[Symbol](AnyClass, ObjectClass) val filtParents = parents filterNot (x => ignoreParents(x.typeSymbol)) match { case Nil => parents case ps => ps } appendTypes0(filtParents, " with ") // XXX Still todo: properly printing refinements. // Since I didn't know how to go about displaying a multi-line type, I went with // printing single method refinements (which should be the most common) and printing // the number of members if there are more. defs.toList match { case Nil => () case x :: Nil => nameBuffer append (" { " + x.defString + " }") case xs => nameBuffer append (" { ... /* %d definitions in type refinement */ }" format xs.size) } /* Eval-by-name types */ case NullaryMethodType(result) => nameBuffer append '⇒' appendType0(result) /* Polymorphic types */ case PolyType(tparams, result) => assert(tparams.nonEmpty) def typeParamsToString(tps: List[Symbol]): String = if (tps.isEmpty) "" else tps.map{tparam => tparam.varianceString + tparam.name + typeParamsToString(tparam.typeParams) }.mkString("[", ", ", "]") nameBuffer append typeParamsToString(tparams) appendType0(result) case et@ExistentialType(quantified, underlying) => def appendInfoStringReduced(sym: Symbol, tp: Type): Unit = { if (sym.isType && !sym.isAliasType && !sym.isClass) { tp match { case PolyType(tparams, _) => nameBuffer append "[" appendTypes0(tparams.map(_.tpe), ", ") nameBuffer append "]" case _ => } tp.resultType match { case rt @ TypeBounds(_, _) => appendType0(rt) case rt => nameBuffer append " <: " appendType0(rt) } } else { // fallback to the Symbol infoString nameBuffer append sym.infoString(tp) } } def appendClauses = { nameBuffer append " forSome {" var first = true for (sym <- quantified) { if (!first) { nameBuffer append ", " } else first = false if (sym.isSingletonExistential) { nameBuffer append "val " nameBuffer append tpnme.dropSingletonName(sym.name) nameBuffer append ": " appendType0(dropSingletonType(sym.info.bounds.hi)) } else { if (sym.flagString != "") nameBuffer append (sym.flagString + " ") if (sym.keyString != "") nameBuffer append (sym.keyString + " ") nameBuffer append sym.varianceString nameBuffer append sym.nameString appendInfoStringReduced(sym, sym.info) } } nameBuffer append "}" } underlying match { case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) if et.isRepresentableWithWildcards => appendType0(typeRef(pre, sym, Nil)) nameBuffer append "[" var first = true val qset = quantified.toSet for (arg <- args) { if (!first) { nameBuffer append ", " } else first = false arg match { case TypeRef(_, sym, _) if (qset contains sym) => nameBuffer append "_" appendInfoStringReduced(sym, sym.info) case arg => appendType0(arg) } } nameBuffer append "]" case MethodType(_, _) | NullaryMethodType(_) | PolyType(_, _) => nameBuffer append "(" appendType0(underlying) nameBuffer append ")" appendClauses case _ => appendType0(underlying) appendClauses } case tb@TypeBounds(lo, hi) => if (tb.lo != TypeBounds.empty.lo) { nameBuffer append " >: " appendType0(lo) } if (tb.hi != TypeBounds.empty.hi) { nameBuffer append " <: " appendType0(hi) } // case tpen: ThisType | SingleType | SuperType => // if (tpen.isInstanceOf[ThisType] && tpen.asInstanceOf[ThisType].sym.isEffectiveRoot) { // appendType0 typeRef(NoPrefix, sym, Nil) // } else { // val underlying = // val pre = underlying.typeSymbol.skipPackageObject // if (pre.isOmittablePrefix) pre.fullName + ".type" // else prefixString + "type" case tpen@ThisType(sym) => appendType0(typeRef(NoPrefix, sym, Nil)) nameBuffer append ".this" if (!tpen.underlying.typeSymbol.skipPackageObject.isOmittablePrefix) nameBuffer append ".type" case tpen@SuperType(thistpe, supertpe) => nameBuffer append "super[" appendType0(supertpe) nameBuffer append "]" case tpen@SingleType(pre, sym) => appendType0(typeRef(pre, sym, Nil)) if (!tpen.underlying.typeSymbol.skipPackageObject.isOmittablePrefix) nameBuffer append ".type" case tpen => nameBuffer append tpen.toString } appendType0(aType) val refEntity = refBuffer val name = optimize(nameBuffer.toString) nameBuffer = null } // SI-4360: Entity caching depends on both the type AND the template it's in, as the prefixes might change for the // same type based on the template the type is shown in. if (settings.docNoPrefixes) typeCache.getOrElseUpdate(aType, createTypeEntity) else createTypeEntity } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala ModelFactoryTypeSupport.scala source code file: |
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