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Scala example source code file (TreeFactory.scala)

This example Scala source code file (TreeFactory.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

collection, compiler, doctemplateimpl, entity, int, invalid, nsc, option, reflection, select, sourcefile, tree, treeentity, treefactory, utilities

The TreeFactory.scala Scala example source code

package doc
package model

import scala.collection._
import scala.reflect.internal.util.{RangePosition, OffsetPosition, SourceFile}

/** The goal of this trait is , using makeTree,
  * to browse a tree to
  * 1- have the String of the complete tree (tree.expression)
  * 2- fill references to create hyperLinks later in html.pageTemplate
  * It is applied in ModelFactory => makeTree

trait TreeFactory { thisTreeFactory: ModelFactory with TreeFactory =>

  val global: Global
  import global._

  def makeTree(rhs: Tree): TreeEntity = {

    val expr = new StringBuilder
    var refs = new immutable.TreeMap[Int, (Entity, Int)] // start, (Entity to be linked to , end)

    rhs.pos match {
      case pos: RangePosition => {
        val source: SourceFile = pos.source
        val firstIndex = pos.start
        val lastIndex = pos.end

        assert(firstIndex < lastIndex, "Invalid position indices for tree " + rhs + " (" + firstIndex + ", " + lastIndex + ")")
        expr.appendAll(source.content, firstIndex, lastIndex - firstIndex)

        val traverser = new Traverser {

          /** Finds the Entity on which we will later create a link on,
           * stores it in tree.refs with its position
          def makeLink(rhs: Tree){
            val start = pos.start - firstIndex
            val end = pos.end - firstIndex
            if(start != end) {
              var asym = rhs.symbol
              if (asym.isClass) makeTemplate(asym) match{
                case docTmpl: DocTemplateImpl =>
                  refs += ((start, (docTmpl,end)))
                case _ =>
              else if (asym.isTerm && asym.owner.isClass){
                if (asym.isSetter) asym = asym.getter(asym.owner)
                makeTemplate(asym.owner) match {
                  case docTmpl: DocTemplateImpl =>
                    val mbrs: Option[MemberImpl] = findMember(asym, docTmpl)
                    mbrs foreach { mbr => refs += ((start, (mbr,end))) }
                  case _ =>
           * Goes through the tree and makes links when a Select occurs,
           * The case of New(_) is ignored because the object we want to create a link on
           * will be reached with recursivity and we don't want a link on the "new" string
           * If a link is not created, its case is probably not defined in here
          override def traverse(tree: Tree) = tree match {
            case Select(qualifier, name) =>
              qualifier match {
                case New(_) =>
                  case _ => makeLink(tree)
            case Ident(_) => makeLink(tree)
            case _ =>


        new TreeEntity {
          val expression = expr.toString
          val refEntity = refs
      case _ =>
        new TreeEntity {
          val expression = rhs.toString
          val refEntity = new immutable.TreeMap[Int, (Entity, Int)]

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala TreeFactory.scala source code file:

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