Scala example source code file (DiagramDirectiveParser.scala)
The DiagramDirectiveParser.scala Scala example source codepackage scala.tools.nsc.doc package model package diagram import model._ import java.util.regex.{Pattern, Matcher} import scala.util.matching.Regex /** * This trait takes care of parsing @{inheritance, content}Diagram annotations * * @author Damien Obrist * @author Vlad Ureche */ trait DiagramDirectiveParser { this: ModelFactory with DiagramFactory with CommentFactory with TreeFactory => import this.global.definitions.AnyRefClass ///// DIAGRAM FILTERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * The DiagramFilter trait directs the diagram engine about the way the diagram should be displayed * * Vlad: There's an explanation I owe to people using diagrams and not finding a way to hide a specific class from * all diagrams at once. So why did I choose to allow you to only control the diagrams at class level? So, the * reason is you would break the separate scaladoc compilation: * If you have an "@diagram hideMyClass" annotation in class A and you run scaladoc on it along with its subclass B * A will not appear in B's diagram. But if you scaladoc only on B, A's comment will not be parsed and the * instructions to hide class A from all diagrams will not be available. Thus I prefer to force you to control the * diagrams of each class locally. The problem does not appear with scalac, as scalac stores all its necessary * information (like scala signatures) serialized in the .class file. But we couldn't store doc comments in the class * file, could we? (Turns out we could, but that's another story) * * Any flaming for this decision should go to scala-internals@googlegroups.com */ trait DiagramFilter { /** A flag to hide the diagram completely */ def hideDiagram: Boolean /** Hide incoming implicit conversions (for type hierarchy diagrams) */ def hideIncomingImplicits: Boolean /** Hide outgoing implicit conversions (for type hierarchy diagrams) */ def hideOutgoingImplicits: Boolean /** Hide superclasses (for type hierarchy diagrams) */ def hideSuperclasses: Boolean /** Hide subclasses (for type hierarchy diagrams) */ def hideSubclasses: Boolean /** Show related classes from other objects/traits/packages (for content diagrams) */ def hideInheritedNodes: Boolean /** Hide a node from the diagram */ def hideNode(clazz: Node): Boolean /** Hide an edge from the diagram */ def hideEdge(clazz1: Node, clazz2: Node): Boolean } /** Main entry point into this trait: generate the filter for inheritance diagrams */ def makeInheritanceDiagramFilter(template: DocTemplateImpl): DiagramFilter = { val defaultFilter = if (template.isClass || template.isTrait || template.sym == AnyRefClass) FullDiagram else NoDiagramAtAll if (template.comment.isDefined) makeDiagramFilter(template, template.comment.get.inheritDiagram, defaultFilter, isInheritanceDiagram = true) else defaultFilter } /** Main entry point into this trait: generate the filter for content diagrams */ def makeContentDiagramFilter(template: DocTemplateImpl): DiagramFilter = { val defaultFilter = if (template.isPackage || template.isObject) FullDiagram else NoDiagramAtAll if (template.comment.isDefined) makeDiagramFilter(template, template.comment.get.contentDiagram, defaultFilter, isInheritanceDiagram = false) else defaultFilter } protected var tFilter = 0l protected var tModel = 0l /** Show the entire diagram, no filtering */ case object FullDiagram extends DiagramFilter { val hideDiagram: Boolean = false val hideIncomingImplicits: Boolean = false val hideOutgoingImplicits: Boolean = false val hideSuperclasses: Boolean = false val hideSubclasses: Boolean = false val hideInheritedNodes: Boolean = false def hideNode(clazz: Node): Boolean = false def hideEdge(clazz1: Node, clazz2: Node): Boolean = false } /** Hide the diagram completely, no need for special filtering */ case object NoDiagramAtAll extends DiagramFilter { val hideDiagram: Boolean = true val hideIncomingImplicits: Boolean = true val hideOutgoingImplicits: Boolean = true val hideSuperclasses: Boolean = true val hideSubclasses: Boolean = true val hideInheritedNodes: Boolean = true def hideNode(clazz: Node): Boolean = true def hideEdge(clazz1: Node, clazz2: Node): Boolean = true } /** The AnnotationDiagramFilter trait directs the diagram engine according to an annotation * TODO: Should document the annotation, for now see parseDiagramAnnotation in ModelFactory.scala */ case class AnnotationDiagramFilter(hideDiagram: Boolean, hideIncomingImplicits: Boolean, hideOutgoingImplicits: Boolean, hideSuperclasses: Boolean, hideSubclasses: Boolean, hideInheritedNodes: Boolean, hideNodesFilter: List[Pattern], hideEdgesFilter: List[(Pattern, Pattern)]) extends DiagramFilter { private[this] def getName(n: Node): String = if (n.tpl.isDefined) n.tpl.get.qualifiedName else n.name def hideNode(clazz: Node): Boolean = { val qualifiedName = getName(clazz) for (hideFilter <- hideNodesFilter) if (hideFilter.matcher(qualifiedName).matches) { // println(hideFilter + ".matcher(" + qualifiedName + ").matches = " + hideFilter.matcher(qualifiedName).matches) return true } false } def hideEdge(clazz1: Node, clazz2: Node): Boolean = { val clazz1Name = getName(clazz1) val clazz2Name = getName(clazz2) for ((clazz1Filter, clazz2Filter) <- hideEdgesFilter) { if (clazz1Filter.matcher(clazz1Name).matches && clazz2Filter.matcher(clazz2Name).matches) { // println(clazz1Filter + ".matcher(" + clazz1Name + ").matches = " + clazz1Filter.matcher(clazz1Name).matches) // println(clazz2Filter + ".matcher(" + clazz2Name + ").matches = " + clazz2Filter.matcher(clazz2Name).matches) return true } } false } } // TODO: This could certainly be improved -- right now the only regex is *, but there's no way to match a single identifier private val NodeSpecRegex = "\\\"[A-Za-z\\*][A-Za-z\\.\\*]*\\\"" private val NodeSpecPattern = Pattern.compile(NodeSpecRegex) private val EdgeSpecRegex = "\\(" + NodeSpecRegex + "\\s*\\->\\s*" + NodeSpecRegex + "\\)" // And the composed regexes: private val HideNodesRegex = new Regex("^hideNodes(\\s*" + NodeSpecRegex + ")+$") private val HideEdgesRegex = new Regex("^hideEdges(\\s*" + EdgeSpecRegex + ")+$") private def makeDiagramFilter(template: DocTemplateImpl, directives: List[String], defaultFilter: DiagramFilter, isInheritanceDiagram: Boolean): DiagramFilter = directives match { // if there are no specific diagram directives, return the default filter (either FullDiagram or NoDiagramAtAll) case Nil => defaultFilter // compute the exact filters. By including the annotation, the diagram is autmatically added case _ => tFilter -= System.currentTimeMillis var hideDiagram0: Boolean = false var hideIncomingImplicits0: Boolean = false var hideOutgoingImplicits0: Boolean = false var hideSuperclasses0: Boolean = false var hideSubclasses0: Boolean = false var hideInheritedNodes0: Boolean = false var hideNodesFilter0: List[Pattern] = Nil var hideEdgesFilter0: List[(Pattern, Pattern)] = Nil def warning(message: String) = { // we need the position from the package object (well, ideally its comment, but yeah ...) val sym = if (template.sym.isPackage) template.sym.info.member(global.nme.PACKAGE) else template.sym assert((sym != global.NoSymbol) || (sym == global.rootMirror.RootPackage)) global.reporter.warning(sym.pos, message) } def preparePattern(className: String) = "^" + className.stripPrefix("\"").stripSuffix("\"").replaceAll("\\.", "\\\\.").replaceAll("\\*", ".*") + "$" // separate entries: val entries = directives.foldRight("")(_ + " " + _).split(",").map(_.trim) for (entry <- entries) entry match { case "hideDiagram" => hideDiagram0 = true case "hideIncomingImplicits" if isInheritanceDiagram => hideIncomingImplicits0 = true case "hideOutgoingImplicits" if isInheritanceDiagram => hideOutgoingImplicits0 = true case "hideSuperclasses" if isInheritanceDiagram => hideSuperclasses0 = true case "hideSubclasses" if isInheritanceDiagram => hideSubclasses0 = true case "hideInheritedNodes" if !isInheritanceDiagram => hideInheritedNodes0 = true case HideNodesRegex(last) => val matcher = NodeSpecPattern.matcher(entry) while (matcher.find()) { val classPattern = Pattern.compile(preparePattern(matcher.group())) hideNodesFilter0 ::= classPattern } case HideEdgesRegex(last) => val matcher = NodeSpecPattern.matcher(entry) while (matcher.find()) { val class1Pattern = Pattern.compile(preparePattern(matcher.group())) assert(matcher.find()) // it's got to be there, just matched it! val class2Pattern = Pattern.compile(preparePattern(matcher.group())) hideEdgesFilter0 ::= ((class1Pattern, class2Pattern)) } case "" => // don't need to do anything about it case _ => warning("Could not understand diagram annotation in " + template.kind + " " + template.qualifiedName + ": unmatched entry \"" + entry + "\".\n" + " This could be because:\n" + " - you forgot to separate entries by commas\n" + " - you used a tag that is not allowed in the current context (like @contentDiagram hideSuperclasses)\n"+ " - you did not use one of the allowed tags (see docs.scala-lang.org for scaladoc annotations)") } val result = if (hideDiagram0) NoDiagramAtAll else if ((hideNodesFilter0.isEmpty) && (hideEdgesFilter0.isEmpty) && (hideIncomingImplicits0 == false) && (hideOutgoingImplicits0 == false) && (hideSuperclasses0 == false) && (hideSubclasses0 == false) && (hideInheritedNodes0 == false) && (hideDiagram0 == false)) FullDiagram else AnnotationDiagramFilter( hideDiagram = hideDiagram0, hideIncomingImplicits = hideIncomingImplicits0, hideOutgoingImplicits = hideOutgoingImplicits0, hideSuperclasses = hideSuperclasses0, hideSubclasses = hideSubclasses0, hideInheritedNodes = hideInheritedNodes0, hideNodesFilter = hideNodesFilter0, hideEdgesFilter = hideEdgesFilter0) if (settings.docDiagramsDebug && result != NoDiagramAtAll && result != FullDiagram) settings.printMsg(template.kind + " " + template.qualifiedName + " filter: " + result) tFilter += System.currentTimeMillis result } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala DiagramDirectiveParser.scala source code file: |
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