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Scala example source code file (DiagramFactory.scala)

This example Scala source code file (DiagramFactory.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

collection, compiler, contentdiagram, immutable, list, nil, node, nodiagramatall, none, nsc, option, scalapackage, some, templateentity

The DiagramFactory.scala Scala example source code

package model
package diagram

import model._

// statistics

import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap

 *  This trait takes care of generating the diagram for classes and packages
 *  @author Damien Obrist
 *  @author Vlad Ureche
trait DiagramFactory extends DiagramDirectiveParser {
  this: ModelFactory with ModelFactoryTypeSupport with DiagramFactory with CommentFactory with TreeFactory =>


  // the following can used for hardcoding different relations into the diagram, for bootstrapping purposes
  def aggregationNode(text: String) =
    NormalNode(new TypeEntity { val name = text; val refEntity = SortedMap[Int, (base.LinkTo, Int)]() }, None)()

  /** Create the inheritance diagram for this template */
  def makeInheritanceDiagram(tpl: DocTemplateImpl): Option[Diagram] = {

    tFilter = 0
    tModel = -System.currentTimeMillis

    // the diagram filter
    val diagramFilter = makeInheritanceDiagramFilter(tpl)

    def implicitTooltip(from: DocTemplateEntity, to: TemplateEntity, conv: ImplicitConversion) =
      Some(from.qualifiedName + " can be implicitly converted to " + conv.targetType + " by the implicit method "
        + conv.conversionShortName + " in " + conv.convertorOwner.kind + " " + conv.convertorOwner.qualifiedName)

    val result =
      if (diagramFilter == NoDiagramAtAll)
      else {
        // the main node
        val thisNode = ThisNode(tpl.resultType, Some(tpl))(Some(tpl.qualifiedName + " (this " + tpl.kind + ")"))

        // superclasses
        val superclasses: List[Node] =
          tpl.parentTypes.collect {
            case p: (TemplateEntity, TypeEntity) if !classExcluded(p._1) => NormalNode(p._2, Some(p._1))()

        // incoming implcit conversions
        lazy val incomingImplicitNodes = {
          case (incomingTpl, conv) =>
            ImplicitNode(makeType(incomingTpl.sym.tpe, tpl), Some(incomingTpl))(implicitTooltip(from=incomingTpl, to=tpl, conv=conv))

        // subclasses
        var subclasses: List[Node] =
          tpl.directSubClasses.collect {
            case d: TemplateImpl if !classExcluded(d) => NormalNode(makeType(d.sym.tpe, tpl), Some(d))()

        // outgoing implicit coversions
        lazy val outgoingImplicitNodes = {
          case (outgoingTpl, outgoingType, conv) =>
            ImplicitNode(outgoingType, Some(outgoingTpl))(implicitTooltip(from=tpl, to=tpl, conv=conv))

        // TODO: Everyone should be able to use the @{inherit,content}Diagram annotation to change the diagrams.
        // Currently, it's possible to leave nodes and edges out, but there's no way to create new nodes and edges
        // The implementation would need to add the annotations and the logic to select nodes (or create new ones)
        // and add edges to the diagram -- I bet it wouldn't take too long for someone to do it (one or two days
        // at most) and it would be a great add to the diagrams.
        if (tpl.sym == AnyRefClass)
          subclasses = List(aggregationNode("All user-defined classes and traits"))

        val filteredSuperclasses = if (diagramFilter.hideSuperclasses) Nil else superclasses
        val filteredIncomingImplicits = if (diagramFilter.hideIncomingImplicits) Nil else incomingImplicitNodes
        val filteredSubclasses = if (diagramFilter.hideSubclasses) Nil else subclasses
        val filteredImplicitOutgoingNodes = if (diagramFilter.hideOutgoingImplicits) Nil else outgoingImplicitNodes

        // final diagram filter
        filterDiagram(InheritanceDiagram(thisNode, filteredSuperclasses.reverse, filteredSubclasses.reverse, filteredIncomingImplicits, filteredImplicitOutgoingNodes), diagramFilter)

    tModel += System.currentTimeMillis


  /** Create the content diagram for this template */
  def makeContentDiagram(pack: DocTemplateImpl): Option[Diagram] = {

    tFilter = 0
    tModel = -System.currentTimeMillis

    // the diagram filter
    val diagramFilter = makeContentDiagramFilter(pack)

    val result =
      if (diagramFilter == NoDiagramAtAll)
      else {
        var mapNodes = Map[TemplateEntity, Node]()
        var nodesShown = Set[TemplateEntity]()
        var edgesAll = List[(TemplateEntity, List[TemplateEntity])]()

        // classes is the entire set of classes and traits in the package, they are the superset of nodes in the diagram
        // we collect classes, traits and objects without a companion, which are usually used as values(e.g. scala.None)
        val nodesAll = pack.members collect {
          case d: TemplateEntity if ((!diagramFilter.hideInheritedNodes) || (d.inTemplate == pack)) => d

        def listSuperClasses(member: MemberTemplateImpl) = {
          // TODO: Everyone should be able to use the @{inherit,content}Diagram annotation to add nodes to diagrams.
          (pack.sym, member.sym) match {
            case (ScalaPackage, NullClass) =>
            case (ScalaPackage, NothingClass) =>
              (List(NullClass) ::: ScalaValueClasses) map { makeTemplate(_) }
            case _ =>
              member.parentTypes map {
                case (template, tpe) => template
              } filter {

        // for each node, add its subclasses
        for (node <- nodesAll if !classExcluded(node)) {
          node match {
            case dnode: MemberTemplateImpl =>
              val superClasses = listSuperClasses(dnode)

              if (!superClasses.isEmpty) {
                nodesShown += dnode
                nodesShown ++= superClasses
              edgesAll ::= dnode -> superClasses
            case _ =>

          mapNodes += node -> (
            if (node.inTemplate == pack && (node.isDocTemplate || node.isAbstractType || node.isAliasType))
              NormalNode(node.resultType, Some(node))()
              OutsideNode(node.resultType, Some(node))()

        if (nodesShown.isEmpty)
        else {
          val nodes = nodesAll.filter(nodesShown.contains(_)).flatMap(mapNodes.get(_))
          val edges = {
            case (entity, superClasses) => {
              (mapNodes(entity), superClasses flatMap { mapNodes.get(_) })
          } filterNot {
            case (node, superClassNodes) => superClassNodes.isEmpty

          val diagram =
            // TODO: Everyone should be able to use the @{inherit,content}Diagram annotation to change the diagrams.
            if (pack.sym == ScalaPackage) {
              // Tried it, but it doesn't look good:
              // var anyRefSubtypes: List[Node] = List(mapNodes(makeTemplate(AnyRefClass)))
              // var dirty = true
              // do {
              //   val length = anyRefSubtypes.length
              //   anyRefSubtypes :::= edges.collect { case p: (Node, List[Node]) if p._2.exists(anyRefSubtypes.contains(_)) => p._1 }
              //   anyRefSubtypes = anyRefSubtypes.distinct
              //   dirty = (anyRefSubtypes.length != length)
              // } while (dirty)
              // println(anyRefSubtypes)
              val anyRefSubtypes = Nil
              val allAnyRefTypes = aggregationNode("All AnyRef subtypes")
              val nullTemplate = makeTemplate(NullClass)
              if (nullTemplate.isDocTemplate)
                ContentDiagram(allAnyRefTypes::nodes, (mapNodes(nullTemplate), allAnyRefTypes::anyRefSubtypes)::edges.filterNot(_._1.tpl == Some(nullTemplate)))
                ContentDiagram(nodes, edges)
            } else
              ContentDiagram(nodes, edges)

          filterDiagram(diagram, diagramFilter)

    tModel += System.currentTimeMillis


  /** Diagram filtering logic */
  private def filterDiagram(diagram: Diagram, diagramFilter: DiagramFilter): Option[Diagram] = {
    tFilter -= System.currentTimeMillis

    val result =
      if (diagramFilter == FullDiagram)
      else if (diagramFilter == NoDiagramAtAll)
      else {
        // Final diagram, with the filtered nodes and edges
        diagram match {
          case InheritanceDiagram(thisNode, _, _, _, _) if diagramFilter.hideNode(thisNode) =>

          case InheritanceDiagram(thisNode, superClasses, subClasses, incomingImplicits, outgoingImplicits) =>

            def hideIncoming(node: Node): Boolean =
              diagramFilter.hideNode(node) || diagramFilter.hideEdge(node, thisNode)

            def hideOutgoing(node: Node): Boolean =
              diagramFilter.hideNode(node) || diagramFilter.hideEdge(thisNode, node)

            // println(thisNode)
            // println( => "super: " + cl + "  " + hideOutgoing(cl)).mkString("\n"))
            // println( => "sub: " + cl + "  " + hideIncoming(cl)).mkString("\n"))

          case ContentDiagram(nodes0, edges0) =>
            // Filter out all edges that:
            // (1) are sources of hidden classes
            // (2) are manually hidden by the user
            // (3) are destinations of hidden classes
            val edges: List[(Node, List[Node])] =
                case (source, dests) if !diagramFilter.hideNode(source) =>
                  val dests2 = dests.collect({ case dest if (!(diagramFilter.hideEdge(source, dest) || diagramFilter.hideNode(dest))) => dest })
                  if (dests2 != Nil)
                    List((source, dests2))
                case _ => Nil

            // Only show the the non-isolated nodes
            // TODO: Decide if we really want to hide package members, I'm not sure that's a good idea (!!!)
            // TODO: Does .distinct cause any stability issues?
            val sourceNodes =
            val sinkNodes =
            val nodes = (sourceNodes ::: sinkNodes).distinct
            Some(ContentDiagram(nodes, edges))

    tFilter += System.currentTimeMillis

    // eliminate all empty diagrams
    if (result.isDefined && result.get.edges.forall(_._2.isEmpty))


Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala DiagramFactory.scala source code file:

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