Scala example source code file (DiagramFactory.scala)
The DiagramFactory.scala Scala example source codepackage scala.tools.nsc.doc package model package diagram import model._ // statistics import html.page.diagram.DiagramStats import scala.collection.immutable.SortedMap /** * This trait takes care of generating the diagram for classes and packages * * @author Damien Obrist * @author Vlad Ureche */ trait DiagramFactory extends DiagramDirectiveParser { this: ModelFactory with ModelFactoryTypeSupport with DiagramFactory with CommentFactory with TreeFactory => import this.global.definitions._ import this.global._ // the following can used for hardcoding different relations into the diagram, for bootstrapping purposes def aggregationNode(text: String) = NormalNode(new TypeEntity { val name = text; val refEntity = SortedMap[Int, (base.LinkTo, Int)]() }, None)() /** Create the inheritance diagram for this template */ def makeInheritanceDiagram(tpl: DocTemplateImpl): Option[Diagram] = { tFilter = 0 tModel = -System.currentTimeMillis // the diagram filter val diagramFilter = makeInheritanceDiagramFilter(tpl) def implicitTooltip(from: DocTemplateEntity, to: TemplateEntity, conv: ImplicitConversion) = Some(from.qualifiedName + " can be implicitly converted to " + conv.targetType + " by the implicit method " + conv.conversionShortName + " in " + conv.convertorOwner.kind + " " + conv.convertorOwner.qualifiedName) val result = if (diagramFilter == NoDiagramAtAll) None else { // the main node val thisNode = ThisNode(tpl.resultType, Some(tpl))(Some(tpl.qualifiedName + " (this " + tpl.kind + ")")) // superclasses val superclasses: List[Node] = tpl.parentTypes.collect { case p: (TemplateEntity, TypeEntity) if !classExcluded(p._1) => NormalNode(p._2, Some(p._1))() }.reverse // incoming implcit conversions lazy val incomingImplicitNodes = tpl.incomingImplicitlyConvertedClasses.map { case (incomingTpl, conv) => ImplicitNode(makeType(incomingTpl.sym.tpe, tpl), Some(incomingTpl))(implicitTooltip(from=incomingTpl, to=tpl, conv=conv)) } // subclasses var subclasses: List[Node] = tpl.directSubClasses.collect { case d: TemplateImpl if !classExcluded(d) => NormalNode(makeType(d.sym.tpe, tpl), Some(d))() }.sortBy(_.tpl.get.name)(implicitly[Ordering[String]].reverse) // outgoing implicit coversions lazy val outgoingImplicitNodes = tpl.outgoingImplicitlyConvertedClasses.map { case (outgoingTpl, outgoingType, conv) => ImplicitNode(outgoingType, Some(outgoingTpl))(implicitTooltip(from=tpl, to=tpl, conv=conv)) } // TODO: Everyone should be able to use the @{inherit,content}Diagram annotation to change the diagrams. // Currently, it's possible to leave nodes and edges out, but there's no way to create new nodes and edges // The implementation would need to add the annotations and the logic to select nodes (or create new ones) // and add edges to the diagram -- I bet it wouldn't take too long for someone to do it (one or two days // at most) and it would be a great add to the diagrams. if (tpl.sym == AnyRefClass) subclasses = List(aggregationNode("All user-defined classes and traits")) val filteredSuperclasses = if (diagramFilter.hideSuperclasses) Nil else superclasses val filteredIncomingImplicits = if (diagramFilter.hideIncomingImplicits) Nil else incomingImplicitNodes val filteredSubclasses = if (diagramFilter.hideSubclasses) Nil else subclasses val filteredImplicitOutgoingNodes = if (diagramFilter.hideOutgoingImplicits) Nil else outgoingImplicitNodes // final diagram filter filterDiagram(InheritanceDiagram(thisNode, filteredSuperclasses.reverse, filteredSubclasses.reverse, filteredIncomingImplicits, filteredImplicitOutgoingNodes), diagramFilter) } tModel += System.currentTimeMillis DiagramStats.addFilterTime(tFilter) DiagramStats.addModelTime(tModel-tFilter) result } /** Create the content diagram for this template */ def makeContentDiagram(pack: DocTemplateImpl): Option[Diagram] = { tFilter = 0 tModel = -System.currentTimeMillis // the diagram filter val diagramFilter = makeContentDiagramFilter(pack) val result = if (diagramFilter == NoDiagramAtAll) None else { var mapNodes = Map[TemplateEntity, Node]() var nodesShown = Set[TemplateEntity]() var edgesAll = List[(TemplateEntity, List[TemplateEntity])]() // classes is the entire set of classes and traits in the package, they are the superset of nodes in the diagram // we collect classes, traits and objects without a companion, which are usually used as values(e.g. scala.None) val nodesAll = pack.members collect { case d: TemplateEntity if ((!diagramFilter.hideInheritedNodes) || (d.inTemplate == pack)) => d } def listSuperClasses(member: MemberTemplateImpl) = { // TODO: Everyone should be able to use the @{inherit,content}Diagram annotation to add nodes to diagrams. (pack.sym, member.sym) match { case (ScalaPackage, NullClass) => List(makeTemplate(AnyRefClass)) case (ScalaPackage, NothingClass) => (List(NullClass) ::: ScalaValueClasses) map { makeTemplate(_) } case _ => member.parentTypes map { case (template, tpe) => template } filter { nodesAll.contains(_) } } } // for each node, add its subclasses for (node <- nodesAll if !classExcluded(node)) { node match { case dnode: MemberTemplateImpl => val superClasses = listSuperClasses(dnode) if (!superClasses.isEmpty) { nodesShown += dnode nodesShown ++= superClasses } edgesAll ::= dnode -> superClasses case _ => } mapNodes += node -> ( if (node.inTemplate == pack && (node.isDocTemplate || node.isAbstractType || node.isAliasType)) NormalNode(node.resultType, Some(node))() else OutsideNode(node.resultType, Some(node))() ) } if (nodesShown.isEmpty) None else { val nodes = nodesAll.filter(nodesShown.contains(_)).flatMap(mapNodes.get(_)) val edges = edgesAll.map { case (entity, superClasses) => { (mapNodes(entity), superClasses flatMap { mapNodes.get(_) }) } } filterNot { case (node, superClassNodes) => superClassNodes.isEmpty } val diagram = // TODO: Everyone should be able to use the @{inherit,content}Diagram annotation to change the diagrams. if (pack.sym == ScalaPackage) { // Tried it, but it doesn't look good: // var anyRefSubtypes: List[Node] = List(mapNodes(makeTemplate(AnyRefClass))) // var dirty = true // do { // val length = anyRefSubtypes.length // anyRefSubtypes :::= edges.collect { case p: (Node, List[Node]) if p._2.exists(anyRefSubtypes.contains(_)) => p._1 } // anyRefSubtypes = anyRefSubtypes.distinct // dirty = (anyRefSubtypes.length != length) // } while (dirty) // println(anyRefSubtypes) val anyRefSubtypes = Nil val allAnyRefTypes = aggregationNode("All AnyRef subtypes") val nullTemplate = makeTemplate(NullClass) if (nullTemplate.isDocTemplate) ContentDiagram(allAnyRefTypes::nodes, (mapNodes(nullTemplate), allAnyRefTypes::anyRefSubtypes)::edges.filterNot(_._1.tpl == Some(nullTemplate))) else ContentDiagram(nodes, edges) } else ContentDiagram(nodes, edges) filterDiagram(diagram, diagramFilter) } } tModel += System.currentTimeMillis DiagramStats.addFilterTime(tFilter) DiagramStats.addModelTime(tModel-tFilter) result } /** Diagram filtering logic */ private def filterDiagram(diagram: Diagram, diagramFilter: DiagramFilter): Option[Diagram] = { tFilter -= System.currentTimeMillis val result = if (diagramFilter == FullDiagram) Some(diagram) else if (diagramFilter == NoDiagramAtAll) None else { // Final diagram, with the filtered nodes and edges diagram match { case InheritanceDiagram(thisNode, _, _, _, _) if diagramFilter.hideNode(thisNode) => None case InheritanceDiagram(thisNode, superClasses, subClasses, incomingImplicits, outgoingImplicits) => def hideIncoming(node: Node): Boolean = diagramFilter.hideNode(node) || diagramFilter.hideEdge(node, thisNode) def hideOutgoing(node: Node): Boolean = diagramFilter.hideNode(node) || diagramFilter.hideEdge(thisNode, node) // println(thisNode) // println(superClasses.map(cl => "super: " + cl + " " + hideOutgoing(cl)).mkString("\n")) // println(subClasses.map(cl => "sub: " + cl + " " + hideIncoming(cl)).mkString("\n")) Some(InheritanceDiagram(thisNode, superClasses.filterNot(hideOutgoing(_)), subClasses.filterNot(hideIncoming(_)), incomingImplicits.filterNot(hideIncoming(_)), outgoingImplicits.filterNot(hideOutgoing(_)))) case ContentDiagram(nodes0, edges0) => // Filter out all edges that: // (1) are sources of hidden classes // (2) are manually hidden by the user // (3) are destinations of hidden classes val edges: List[(Node, List[Node])] = diagram.edges.flatMap({ case (source, dests) if !diagramFilter.hideNode(source) => val dests2 = dests.collect({ case dest if (!(diagramFilter.hideEdge(source, dest) || diagramFilter.hideNode(dest))) => dest }) if (dests2 != Nil) List((source, dests2)) else Nil case _ => Nil }) // Only show the the non-isolated nodes // TODO: Decide if we really want to hide package members, I'm not sure that's a good idea (!!!) // TODO: Does .distinct cause any stability issues? val sourceNodes = edges.map(_._1) val sinkNodes = edges.map(_._2).flatten val nodes = (sourceNodes ::: sinkNodes).distinct Some(ContentDiagram(nodes, edges)) } } tFilter += System.currentTimeMillis // eliminate all empty diagrams if (result.isDefined && result.get.edges.forall(_._2.isEmpty)) None else result } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala DiagramFactory.scala source code file: |
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