Scala example source code file (Decode.scala)
The Decode.scala Scala example source code/* ___ ____ ___ __ ___ ___ ** / _// __// _ | / / / _ | / _ \ Scala classfile decoder ** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/ ___/ (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL ** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ |_/_/ http://scala-lang.org/ ** */ // $Id$ package scala.tools.scalap import scala.tools.scalap.scalax.rules.scalasig._ import scala.tools.nsc.util.ScalaClassLoader import scala.tools.nsc.util.ScalaClassLoader.appLoader import scala.reflect.internal.pickling.ByteCodecs import ClassFileParser.{ ConstValueIndex, Annotation } import Main.{ SCALA_SIG, SCALA_SIG_ANNOTATION, BYTES_VALUE } /** Temporary decoder. This would be better off in the scala.tools.nsc * but right now the compiler won't acknowledge scala.tools.scalap * when it's bootstrapping, so the reference has to go from here to there. */ object Decode { private def getAliasSymbol(t: Type): Symbol = t match { case TypeRefType(_, s, _) => s case PolyType(typeRef, _) => getAliasSymbol(typeRef) case _ => NoSymbol } /** Return the classfile bytes representing the scala sig classfile attribute. * This has been obsoleted by the switch to annotations. */ def scalaSigBytes(name: String): Option[Array[Byte]] = scalaSigBytes(name, appLoader) def scalaSigBytes(name: String, classLoader: ScalaClassLoader): Option[Array[Byte]] = { val bytes = classLoader.classBytes(name) val reader = new ByteArrayReader(bytes) val cf = new Classfile(reader) cf.scalaSigAttribute map (_.data) } /** Return the bytes representing the annotation */ def scalaSigAnnotationBytes(name: String): Option[Array[Byte]] = scalaSigAnnotationBytes(name, appLoader) def scalaSigAnnotationBytes(name: String, classLoader: ScalaClassLoader): Option[Array[Byte]] = { val bytes = classLoader.classBytes(name) val byteCode = ByteCode(bytes) val classFile = ClassFileParser.parse(byteCode) import classFile._ classFile annotation SCALA_SIG_ANNOTATION map { case Annotation(_, els) => val bytesElem = els find (x => constant(x.elementNameIndex) == BYTES_VALUE) getOrElse null val _bytes = bytesElem.elementValue match { case ConstValueIndex(x) => constantWrapped(x) } val bytes = _bytes.asInstanceOf[StringBytesPair].bytes val length = ByteCodecs.decode(bytes) bytes take length } } /** private[scala] so nobody gets the idea this is a supported interface. */ private[scala] def caseParamNames(path: String): Option[List[String]] = { val (outer, inner) = (path indexOf '$') match { case -1 => (path, "") case x => (path take x, path drop (x + 1)) } for { clazz <- appLoader.tryToLoadClass[AnyRef](outer) ssig <- ScalaSigParser.parse(clazz) } yield { val f: PartialFunction[Symbol, List[String]] = if (inner == "") { case x: MethodSymbol if x.isCaseAccessor && (x.name endsWith " ") => List(x.name dropRight 1) } else { case x: ClassSymbol if x.name == inner => val xs = x.children filter (child => child.isCaseAccessor && (child.name endsWith " ")) xs.toList map (_.name dropRight 1) } (ssig.symbols collect f).flatten.toList } } /** Returns a map of Alias -> Type for the given package. */ private[scala] def typeAliases(pkg: String) = { for { clazz <- appLoader.tryToLoadClass[AnyRef](pkg + ".package") ssig <- ScalaSigParser.parse(clazz) } yield { val typeAliases = ssig.symbols collect { case x: AliasSymbol => x } Map(typeAliases map (x => (x.name, getAliasSymbol(x.infoType).path)): _*) } } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala Decode.scala source code file: |
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