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Scala example source code file (Main.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Main.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

array, boolean, bytecode, classfile, classpath, compiler, indexedseq, main, nsc, reflection, scalasig, some, string, utilities

The Main.scala Scala example source code

/*     ___ ____ ___   __   ___   ___
**    / _// __// _ | / /  / _ | / _ \  Scala classfile decoder
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/ ___/  (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ |_/_/

package scala
package tools.scalap

import{ PrintStream, OutputStreamWriter, ByteArrayOutputStream }
import scala.reflect.NameTransformer
import scalax.rules.scalasig._
import{ ClassPath, JavaClassPath }
import ClassPath.DefaultJavaContext

/**The main object used to execute scalap on the command-line.
 * @author Matthias Zenger, Stephane Micheloud, Burak Emir, Ilya Sergey
class Main {
  val SCALA_SIG            = "ScalaSig"
  val SCALA_SIG_ANNOTATION = "Lscala/reflect/ScalaSignature;"
  val BYTES_VALUE          = "bytes"

  val versionMsg = "Scala classfile decoder %s -- %s\n".format(Properties.versionString, Properties.copyrightString)

  /**Verbose program run?
  var verbose = false
  var printPrivates = false

  def isScalaFile(bytes: Array[Byte]): Boolean = {
    val byteCode  = ByteCode(bytes)
    val classFile = ClassFileParser.parse(byteCode)

  /**Processes the given Java class file.
   * @param clazz the class file to be processed.
  def processJavaClassFile(clazz: Classfile) {
    // construct a new output stream writer
    val out = new OutputStreamWriter(Console.out)
    val writer = new JavaWriter(clazz, out)
    // print the class

  def isPackageObjectFile(s: String) = s != null && (s.endsWith(".package") || s == "package")

  def parseScalaSignature(scalaSig: ScalaSig, isPackageObject: Boolean) = {
    val baos   = new ByteArrayOutputStream
    val stream = new PrintStream(baos)
    val syms   = scalaSig.topLevelClasses ++ scalaSig.topLevelObjects

    syms.head.parent match {
      // Partial match
      case Some(p) if ( != "<empty>") => {
        val path = p.path
        if (!isPackageObject) {
          stream.print("package ");
        } else {
          val i = path.lastIndexOf(".")
          if (i > 0) {
            stream.print("package ");
            stream.print(path.substring(0, i))
      case _ =>
    // Print classes
    val printer = new ScalaSigPrinter(stream, printPrivates)
    syms foreach (printer printSymbol _)

  def decompileScala(bytes: Array[Byte], isPackageObject: Boolean): String = {
    val byteCode = ByteCode(bytes)
    val classFile = ClassFileParser.parse(byteCode)

    ScalaSigParser.parse(classFile) match {
      case Some(scalaSig) => parseScalaSignature(scalaSig, isPackageObject)
      case None           => ""

  /** Executes scalap with the given arguments and classpath for the
   *  class denoted by `classname`.
  def process(args: Arguments, path: ClassPath[AbstractFile])(classname: String): Unit = {
    // find the classfile
    val encName = classname match {
      case "scala.AnyRef" => "java.lang.Object"
      case _ =>
        // we have to encode every fragment of a name separately, otherwise the NameTransformer
        // will encode using unicode escaping dot separators as well
        // we can afford allocations because this is not a performance critical code
    val cls = path.findClass(encName)
    if (cls.isDefined && cls.get.binary.isDefined) {
      val cfile = cls.get.binary.get
      if (verbose) {
        Console.println(Console.BOLD + "FILENAME" + Console.RESET + " = " + cfile.path)
      val bytes = cfile.toByteArray
      if (isScalaFile(bytes)) {
        Console.println(decompileScala(bytes, isPackageObjectFile(encName)))
      } else {
        // construct a reader for the classfile content
        val reader = new ByteArrayReader(cfile.toByteArray)
        // parse the classfile
        val clazz = new Classfile(reader)
      // if the class corresponds to the artificial class scala.Any.
      // (see member list in class scala.tool.nsc.symtab.Definitions)
      Console.println("class/object " + classname + " not found.")

  object EmptyClasspath extends ClassPath[AbstractFile] {
     * The short name of the package (without prefix)
    def name              = ""
    def asURLs            = Nil
    def asClasspathString = ""

    val context     = DefaultJavaContext
    val classes     = IndexedSeq()
    val packages    = IndexedSeq()
    val sourcepaths = IndexedSeq()

object Main extends Main {
  /** Prints usage information for scalap. */
  def usage() {
    Console println """
      |Usage: scalap {<option>} <name>
      |where <name> is fully-qualified class name or <package_name>.package for package objects
      |and <option> is
      |  -private           print private definitions
      |  -verbose           print out additional information
      |  -version           print out the version number of scalap
      |  -help              display this usage message
      |  -classpath <path>  specify where to find user class files
      |  -cp <path>         specify where to find user class files

  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    // print usage information if there is no command-line argument
    if (args.isEmpty)
      return usage()

    val arguments = Arguments.Parser('-')

    if (arguments contains "-version")
    if (arguments contains "-help")

    verbose       = arguments contains "-verbose"
    printPrivates = arguments contains "-private"
    // construct a custom class path
    val cparg = List("-classpath", "-cp") map (arguments getArgument _) reduceLeft (_ orElse _)
    val path = cparg match {
      case Some(cp) => new JavaClassPath(DefaultJavaContext.classesInExpandedPath(cp), DefaultJavaContext)
      case _        => PathResolver.fromPathString(".") // include '.' in the default classpath SI-6669
    // print the classpath if output is verbose
    if (verbose)
      Console.println(Console.BOLD + "CLASSPATH" + Console.RESET + " = " + path)

    // process all given classes
    arguments.getOthers foreach process(arguments, path)

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Main.scala source code file:

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