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Scala example source code file (Rule.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Rule.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

a, b, b1, b2, b3, c, out2, rule, x, x2

The Rule.scala Scala example source code

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//  Scalax - The Scala Community Library
//  Copyright (c) 2005-8 The Scalax Project. All rights reserved.
//  The primary distribution site is
//  This software is released under the terms of the Revised BSD License.
//  There is NO WARRANTY.  See the file LICENSE for the full text.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

package scalax
package rules

/** A Rule is a function from some input to a Result.  The result may be:
  * <ul>
  * <li>Success, with a value of some type and an output that may serve as the input to subsequent rules.</li>
  * <li>Failure. A failure may result in some alternative rule being applied.</li>
  * <li>Error.  No further rules should be attempted.</li>
  * </ul>
  * @author Andrew Foggin
  * Inspired by the Scala parser combinator.
trait Rule[-In, +Out, +A, +X] extends (In => Result[Out, A, X]) {
  val factory: Rules
  import factory._

  def as(name: String) = ruleWithName(name, this)

  def flatMap[Out2, B, X2 >: X](fa2ruleb: A => Out => Result[Out2, B, X2]) = mapResult {
      case Success(out, a) => fa2ruleb(a)(out)
      case Failure => Failure
      case err @ Error(_) => err

  def map[B](fa2b: A => B) = flatMap { a => out => Success(out, fa2b(a)) }

  def filter(f: A => Boolean) = flatMap { a => out => if(f(a)) Success(out, a) else Failure }

  def mapResult[Out2, B, Y](f: Result[Out, A, X] => Result[Out2, B, Y]) = rule {
    in: In => f(apply(in))

  def orElse[In2 <: In, Out2 >: Out, A2 >: A, X2 >: X](other: => Rule[In2, Out2, A2, X2]): Rule[In2, Out2, A2, X2] = new Choice[In2, Out2, A2, X2] {
    val factory = Rule.this.factory
    lazy val choices = Rule.this :: other :: Nil

  def orError[In2 <: In] = this orElse error[Any]

  def |[In2 <: In, Out2 >: Out, A2 >: A, X2 >: X](other: => Rule[In2, Out2, A2, X2]) = orElse(other)

  def ^^[B](fa2b: A => B) = map(fa2b)

  def ^^?[B](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]) = filter (pf.isDefinedAt(_)) ^^ pf

  def ??(pf: PartialFunction[A, Any]) = filter (pf.isDefinedAt(_))

  def -^[B](b: B) = map { any => b }

  /** Maps an Error */
  def !^[Y](fx2y: X => Y) = mapResult {
    case s @ Success(_, _) => s
    case Failure => Failure
    case Error(x) => Error(fx2y(x))

  def >>[Out2, B, X2 >: X](fa2ruleb: A => Out => Result[Out2, B, X2]) = flatMap(fa2ruleb)

  def >->[Out2, B, X2 >: X](fa2resultb: A => Result[Out2, B, X2]) = flatMap { a => any => fa2resultb(a) }

  def >>?[Out2, B, X2 >: X](pf: PartialFunction[A, Rule[Out, Out2, B, X2]]) = filter(pf isDefinedAt _) flatMap pf

  def >>&[B, X2 >: X](fa2ruleb: A => Out => Result[Any, B, X2]) = flatMap { a => out => fa2ruleb(a)(out) mapOut { any => out } }

  def ~[Out2, B, X2 >: X](next: => Rule[Out, Out2, B, X2]) = for (a <- this; b <- next) yield new ~(a, b)

  def ~-[Out2, B, X2 >: X](next: => Rule[Out, Out2, B, X2]) = for (a <- this; b <- next) yield a

  def -~[Out2, B, X2 >: X](next: => Rule[Out, Out2, B, X2]) = for (a <- this; b <- next) yield b

  def ~++[Out2, B >: A, X2 >: X](next: => Rule[Out, Out2, Seq[B], X2]) = for (a <- this; b <- next) yield a :: b.toList

  /** Apply the result of this rule to the function returned by the next rule */
  def ~>[Out2, B, X2 >: X](next: => Rule[Out, Out2, A => B, X2]) = for (a <- this; fa2b <- next) yield fa2b(a)

  /** Apply the result of this rule to the function returned by the previous rule */
  def <~:[InPrev, B, X2 >: X](prev: => Rule[InPrev, In, A => B, X2]) = for (fa2b <- prev; a <- this) yield fa2b(a)

  def ~![Out2, B, X2 >: X](next: => Rule[Out, Out2, B, X2]) = for (a <- this; b <- next.orError) yield new ~(a, b)

  def ~-![Out2, B, X2 >: X](next: => Rule[Out, Out2, B, X2]) = for (a <- this; b <- next.orError) yield a

  def -~![Out2, B, X2 >: X](next: => Rule[Out, Out2, B, X2]) = for (a <- this; b <- next.orError) yield b

  def -[In2 <: In](exclude: => Rule[In2, Any, Any, Any]) = !exclude -~ this

  /** ^~^(f) is equivalent to ^^ { case b1 ~ b2 => f(b1, b2) }
  def ^~^[B1, B2, B >: A <% B1 ~ B2, C](f: (B1, B2) => C) = map { a =>
    (a: B1 ~ B2) match { case b1 ~ b2 => f(b1, b2) }

  /** ^~~^(f) is equivalent to ^^ { case b1 ~ b2 ~ b3 => f(b1, b2, b3) }
  def ^~~^[B1, B2, B3, B >: A <% B1 ~ B2 ~ B3, C](f: (B1, B2, B3) => C) = map { a =>
    (a: B1 ~ B2 ~ B3) match { case b1 ~ b2 ~ b3 => f(b1, b2, b3) }

  /** ^~~~^(f) is equivalent to ^^ { case b1 ~ b2 ~ b3 ~ b4 => f(b1, b2, b3, b4) }
  def ^~~~^[B1, B2, B3, B4, B >: A <% B1 ~ B2 ~ B3 ~ B4, C](f: (B1, B2, B3, B4) => C) = map { a =>
    (a: B1 ~ B2 ~ B3 ~ B4) match { case b1 ~ b2 ~ b3 ~ b4 => f(b1, b2, b3, b4) }

  /** ^~~~~^(f) is equivalent to ^^ { case b1 ~ b2 ~ b3 ~ b4 ~ b5 => f(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5) }
  def ^~~~~^[B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B >: A <% B1 ~ B2 ~ B3 ~ B4 ~ B5, C](f: (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5) => C) = map { a =>
    (a: B1 ~ B2 ~ B3 ~ B4 ~ B5) match { case b1 ~ b2 ~ b3 ~ b4 ~ b5 => f(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5) }

  /** ^~~~~~^(f) is equivalent to ^^ { case b1 ~ b2 ~ b3 ~ b4 ~ b5 ~ b6 => f(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6) }
  def ^~~~~~^[B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B >: A <% B1 ~ B2 ~ B3 ~ B4 ~ B5 ~ B6, C](f: (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6) => C) = map { a =>
    (a: B1 ~ B2 ~ B3 ~ B4 ~ B5 ~ B6) match { case b1 ~ b2 ~ b3 ~ b4 ~ b5 ~ b6 => f(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6) }

  /** ^~~~~~~^(f) is equivalent to ^^ { case b1 ~ b2 ~ b3 ~ b4 ~ b5 ~ b6 => f(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6) }
  def ^~~~~~~^[B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7, B >: A <% B1 ~ B2 ~ B3 ~ B4 ~ B5 ~ B6 ~ B7, C](f: (B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B6, B7) => C) = map { a =>
    (a: B1 ~ B2 ~ B3 ~ B4 ~ B5 ~ B6 ~ B7) match { case b1 ~ b2 ~ b3 ~ b4 ~ b5 ~ b6 ~b7 => f(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7) }

  /** >~>(f) is equivalent to >> { case b1 ~ b2 => f(b1, b2) }
  def >~>[Out2, B1, B2, B >: A <% B1 ~ B2, C, X2 >: X](f: (B1, B2) => Out => Result[Out2, C, X2]) = flatMap { a =>
    (a: B1 ~ B2) match { case b1 ~ b2 => f(b1, b2) }

  /** ^-^(f) is equivalent to ^^ { b2 => b1 => f(b1, b2) }
  def ^-^ [B1, B2 >: A, C](f: (B1, B2) => C) = map { b2: B2 => b1: B1 => f(b1, b2) }

 /** ^~>~^(f) is equivalent to ^^ { case b2 ~ b3 => b1 => f(b1, b2, b3) }
 def ^~>~^ [B1, B2, B3, B >: A <% B2 ~ B3, C](f: (B1, B2, B3) => C) = map { a =>
   (a: B2 ~ B3) match { case b2 ~ b3 => b1: B1 => f(b1, b2, b3) }

trait Choice[-In, +Out, +A, +X] extends Rule[In, Out, A, X] {
  def choices: List[Rule[In, Out, A, X]]

  def apply(in: In) = {
    def oneOf(list: List[Rule[In, Out, A, X]]): Result[Out, A, X] = list match {
      case Nil => Failure
      case first :: rest => first(in) match {
        case Failure => oneOf(rest)
        case result => result

  override def orElse[In2 <: In, Out2 >: Out, A2 >: A, X2 >: X](other: => Rule[In2, Out2, A2, X2]): Rule[In2, Out2, A2, X2] = new Choice[In2, Out2, A2, X2] {
    val factory = Choice.this.factory
    lazy val choices = Choice.this.choices ::: other :: Nil

Other Scala source code examples

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