Scala example source code file (TreePrinters.scala)
The Scala TreePrinters.scala source code/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2011 LAMP/EPFL * @author Martin Odersky */ package scala.tools.nsc package ast import java.io.{ OutputStream, PrintWriter, StringWriter, Writer } import symtab.Flags._ import symtab.SymbolTable trait TreePrinters { trees: SymbolTable => import treeInfo.{ IsTrue, IsFalse } final val showOuterTests = false /** Adds backticks if the name is a scala keyword. */ def quotedName(name: Name, decode: Boolean): String = { val s = if (decode) name.decode else name.toString val term = name.toTermName if (nme.keywords(term) && term != nme.USCOREkw) "`%s`" format s else s } def quotedName(name: Name): String = quotedName(name, false) /** Turns a path into a String, introducing backquotes * as necessary. */ def backquotedPath(t: Tree): String = t match { case Select(qual, name) => "%s.%s".format(backquotedPath(qual), quotedName(name)) case Ident(name) => quotedName(name) case _ => t.toString } class TreePrinter(out: PrintWriter) extends trees.AbsTreePrinter(out) { protected var indentMargin = 0 protected val indentStep = 2 protected var indentString = " " // 40 def flush() = out.flush() def indent() = indentMargin += indentStep def undent() = indentMargin -= indentStep protected def doPrintPositions = settings.Xprintpos.value def printPosition(tree: Tree) = if (doPrintPositions) print(tree.pos.show) def println() { out.println() while (indentMargin > indentString.length()) indentString += indentString if (indentMargin > 0) out.write(indentString, 0, indentMargin) } def printSeq[a](ls: List[a])(printelem: a => Unit)(printsep: => Unit) { ls match { case List() => case List(x) => printelem(x) case x :: rest => printelem(x); printsep; printSeq(rest)(printelem)(printsep) } } def printColumn(ts: List[Tree], start: String, sep: String, end: String) { print(start); indent; println() printSeq(ts){print}{print(sep); println()}; undent; println(); print(end) } def printRow(ts: List[Tree], start: String, sep: String, end: String) { print(start); printSeq(ts){print}{print(sep)}; print(end) } def printRow(ts: List[Tree], sep: String) { printRow(ts, "", sep, "") } def printTypeParams(ts: List[TypeDef]) { if (!ts.isEmpty) { print("["); printSeq(ts){ t => printAnnotations(t) printParam(t) }{print(", ")}; print("]") } } def printValueParams(ts: List[ValDef]) { print("(") if (!ts.isEmpty) printFlags(ts.head.mods.flags & IMPLICIT, "") printSeq(ts){printParam}{print(", ")} print(")") } def printParam(tree: Tree) { tree match { case ValDef(mods, name, tp, rhs) => printPosition(tree) printAnnotations(tree) print(symName(tree, name)); printOpt(": ", tp); printOpt(" = ", rhs) case TypeDef(mods, name, tparams, rhs) => printPosition(tree) print(symName(tree, name)) printTypeParams(tparams); print(rhs) } } def printBlock(tree: Tree) { tree match { case Block(_, _) => print(tree) case _ => printColumn(List(tree), "{", ";", "}") } } private def symFn[T](tree: Tree, f: Symbol => T, orElse: => T): T = tree.symbol match { case null | NoSymbol => orElse case sym => f(sym) } private def ifSym(tree: Tree, p: Symbol => Boolean) = symFn(tree, p, false) private def symNameInternal(tree: Tree, name: Name, decoded: Boolean): String = { def nameFn(sym: Symbol) = { val prefix = if (sym.isMixinConstructor) "/*%s*/".format(quotedName(sym.owner.name, decoded)) else "" prefix + tree.symbol.nameString } symFn(tree, nameFn, quotedName(name, decoded)) } def decodedSymName(tree: Tree, name: Name) = symNameInternal(tree, name, true) def symName(tree: Tree, name: Name) = symNameInternal(tree, name, false) def printOpt(prefix: String, tree: Tree) { if (!tree.isEmpty) { print(prefix); print(tree) } } def printModifiers(tree: Tree, mods: Modifiers): Unit = printFlags( if (tree.symbol == NoSymbol) mods.flags else tree.symbol.flags, "" + ( if (tree.symbol == NoSymbol) mods.privateWithin else if (tree.symbol.hasAccessBoundary) tree.symbol.privateWithin.name else "" ) ) def printFlags(flags: Long, privateWithin: String) { var mask: Long = if (settings.debug.value) -1L else PrintableFlags val s = flagsToString(flags & mask, privateWithin) if (s != "") print(s + " ") } def printAnnotations(tree: Tree) { val annots = if (tree.symbol.hasAssignedAnnotations) tree.symbol.annotations else tree.asInstanceOf[MemberDef].mods.annotations annots foreach (annot => print("@"+annot+" ")) } def print(str: String) { out.print(str) } def print(name: Name) { print(quotedName(name)) } private var currentOwner: Symbol = NoSymbol private var selectorType: Type = NoType def printRaw(tree: Tree) { tree match { case EmptyTree => print("<empty>") case ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, impl) => printAnnotations(tree) printModifiers(tree, mods) val word = if (mods.hasTraitFlag) "trait" else if (ifSym(tree, _.isModuleClass)) "object" else "class" print(word + " " + symName(tree, name)) printTypeParams(tparams) print(if (mods.isDeferred) " <: " else " extends "); print(impl) case PackageDef(packaged, stats) => printAnnotations(tree) print("package "); print(packaged); printColumn(stats, " {", ";", "}") case ModuleDef(mods, name, impl) => printAnnotations(tree) printModifiers(tree, mods); print("object " + symName(tree, name)) print(" extends "); print(impl) case ValDef(mods, name, tp, rhs) => printAnnotations(tree) printModifiers(tree, mods) print(if (mods.isMutable) "var " else "val ") print(symName(tree, name)) printOpt(": ", tp) if (!mods.isDeferred) { print(" = ") if (rhs.isEmpty) print("_") else print(rhs) } case DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tp, rhs) => printAnnotations(tree) printModifiers(tree, mods) print("def " + symName(tree, name)) printTypeParams(tparams); vparamss foreach printValueParams printOpt(": ", tp); printOpt(" = ", rhs) case TypeDef(mods, name, tparams, rhs) => if (mods hasFlag (PARAM | DEFERRED)) { printAnnotations(tree) printModifiers(tree, mods); print("type "); printParam(tree) } else { printAnnotations(tree) printModifiers(tree, mods); print("type " + symName(tree, name)) printTypeParams(tparams); printOpt(" = ", rhs) } case LabelDef(name, params, rhs) => print(symName(tree, name)); printRow(params, "(", ",", ")"); printBlock(rhs) case Import(expr, selectors) => // Is this selector remapping a name (i.e, {name1 => name2}) def isNotRemap(s: ImportSelector) : Boolean = (s.name == nme.WILDCARD || s.name == s.rename) def selectorToString(s: ImportSelector): String = { val from = quotedName(s.name) if (isNotRemap(s)) from else from + "=>" + quotedName(s.rename) } print("import "); print(backquotedPath(expr)) print(".") selectors match { case List(s) => // If there is just one selector and it is not remapping a name, no braces are needed if (isNotRemap(s)) { print(selectorToString(s)) } else { print("{"); print(selectorToString(s)); print("}") } // If there is more than one selector braces are always needed case many => print(many.map(selectorToString).mkString("{", ", ", "}")) } case DocDef(comment, definition) => print(comment.raw); println(); print(definition) case Template(parents, self, body) => val currentOwner1 = currentOwner if (tree.symbol != NoSymbol) currentOwner = tree.symbol.owner printRow(parents, " with ") if (!body.isEmpty) { if (self.name != nme.WILDCARD) { print(" { "); print(self.name); printOpt(": ", self.tpt); print(" => ") } else if (!self.tpt.isEmpty) { print(" { _ : "); print(self.tpt); print(" => ") } else { print(" {") } printColumn(body, "", ";", "}") } currentOwner = currentOwner1 case Block(stats, expr) => printColumn(stats ::: List(expr), "{", ";", "}") case Match(selector, cases) => val selectorType1 = selectorType selectorType = selector.tpe print(selector); printColumn(cases, " match {", "", "}") selectorType = selectorType1 case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) => print("case ") def patConstr(pat: Tree): Tree = pat match { case Apply(fn, args) => patConstr(fn) case _ => pat } if (showOuterTests && needsOuterTest( patConstr(pat).tpe.finalResultType, selectorType, currentOwner)) print("???") print(pat); printOpt(" if ", guard) print(" => "); print(body) case Alternative(trees) => printRow(trees, "(", "| ", ")") case Star(elem) => print("("); print(elem); print(")*") case Bind(name, t) => print("("); print(symName(tree, name)); print(" @ "); print(t); print(")") case UnApply(fun, args) => print(fun); print(" <unapply> "); printRow(args, "(", ", ", ")") case ArrayValue(elemtpt, trees) => print("Array["); print(elemtpt); printRow(trees, "]{", ", ", "}") case Function(vparams, body) => print("("); printValueParams(vparams); print(" => "); print(body); print(")") if (settings.uniqid.value && tree.symbol != null) print("#"+tree.symbol.id) case Assign(lhs, rhs) => print(lhs); print(" = "); print(rhs) case AssignOrNamedArg(lhs, rhs) => print(lhs); print(" = "); print(rhs) case If(cond, thenp, elsep) => print("if ("); print(cond); print(")"); indent; println() print(thenp); undent if (!elsep.isEmpty) { println(); print("else"); indent; println(); print(elsep); undent } case Return(expr) => print("return "); print(expr) case Try(block, catches, finalizer) => print("try "); printBlock(block) if (!catches.isEmpty) printColumn(catches, " catch {", "", "}") printOpt(" finally ", finalizer) case Throw(expr) => print("throw "); print(expr) case New(tpe) => print("new "); print(tpe) case Typed(expr, tp) => print("("); print(expr); print(": "); print(tp); print(")") case TypeApply(fun, targs) => print(fun); printRow(targs, "[", ", ", "]") case Apply(fun, vargs) => print(fun); printRow(vargs, "(", ", ", ")") case ApplyDynamic(qual, vargs) => print("<apply-dynamic>("); print(qual); print("#"); print(tree.symbol.nameString) printRow(vargs, ", (", ", ", "))") case Super(This(qual), mix) => if (!qual.isEmpty || tree.symbol != NoSymbol) print(symName(tree, qual) + ".") print("super") if (!mix.isEmpty) print("[" + mix + "]") case Super(qual, mix) => print(qual) print(".super") if (!mix.isEmpty) print("[" + mix + "]") case This(qual) => if (!qual.isEmpty) print(symName(tree, qual) + ".") print("this") case Select(qual @ New(tpe), name) if (!settings.debug.value) => print(qual) case Select(qualifier, name) => print(backquotedPath(qualifier)); print("."); print(symName(tree, name)) case Ident(name) => print(symName(tree, name)) case Literal(x) => print(x.escapedStringValue) case tt: TypeTree => if ((tree.tpe eq null) || (settings.Xprintpos.value && tt.original != null)) { if (tt.original != null) { print("<type: "); print(tt.original); print(">") } else print("<type ?>") } else if ((tree.tpe.typeSymbol ne null) && tree.tpe.typeSymbol.isAnonymousClass) { print(tree.tpe.typeSymbol.toString()) } else { print(tree.tpe.toString()) } case Annotated(Apply(Select(New(tpt), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), args), tree) => def printAnnot() { print("@"); print(tpt) if (!args.isEmpty) printRow(args, "(", ",", ")") } if (tree.isType) { print(tree); print(" "); printAnnot() } else { print(tree); print(": "); printAnnot() } case SingletonTypeTree(ref) => print(ref); print(".type") case SelectFromTypeTree(qualifier, selector) => print(qualifier); print("#"); print(symName(tree, selector)) case CompoundTypeTree(templ) => print(templ) case AppliedTypeTree(tp, args) => print(tp); printRow(args, "[", ", ", "]") case TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi) => printOpt(" >: ", lo); printOpt(" <: ", hi) case ExistentialTypeTree(tpt, whereClauses) => print(tpt); printColumn(whereClauses, " forSome { ", ";", "}") case SelectFromArray(qualifier, name, _) => print(qualifier); print(".<arr>"); print(symName(tree, name)) case TypeTreeWithDeferredRefCheck() => print("<tree with deferred refcheck>") case tree => print("<unknown tree of class "+tree.getClass+">") } if (settings.printtypes.value && tree.isTerm && !tree.isEmpty) { print("{"); print(if (tree.tpe eq null) "<null>" else tree.tpe.toString()); print("}") } } def print(tree: Tree) { printPosition(tree) printRaw( if (tree.isDef && tree.symbol != NoSymbol && tree.symbol.isInitialized) { tree match { case ClassDef(_, _, _, impl @ Template(ps, emptyValDef, body)) if (tree.symbol.thisSym != tree.symbol) => ClassDef(tree.symbol, Template(ps, ValDef(tree.symbol.thisSym), body)) case ClassDef(_, _, _, impl) => ClassDef(tree.symbol, impl) case ModuleDef(_, _, impl) => ModuleDef(tree.symbol, impl) case ValDef(_, _, _, rhs) => ValDef(tree.symbol, rhs) case DefDef(_, _, _, vparamss, _, rhs) => DefDef(tree.symbol, vparamss, rhs) case TypeDef(_, _, _, rhs) => TypeDef(tree.symbol, rhs) case _ => tree } } else tree) } def print(unit: CompilationUnit) { print("// Scala source: " + unit.source + "\n") if (unit.body == null) print("<null>") else { print(unit.body); println() } println() flush() } } /** A tree printer which is stingier about vertical whitespace and unnecessary * punctuation than the standard one. */ class CompactTreePrinter(out: PrintWriter) extends TreePrinter(out) { override def printRow(ts: List[Tree], start: String, sep: String, end: String) { print(start) printSeq(ts)(print)(print(sep)) print(end) } // drill down through Blocks and pull out the real statements. def allStatements(t: Tree): List[Tree] = t match { case Block(stmts, expr) => (stmts flatMap allStatements) ::: List(expr) case _ => List(t) } def printLogicalOr(t1: (Tree, Boolean), t2: (Tree, Boolean)) = printLogicalOp(t1, t2, "||") def printLogicalAnd(t1: (Tree, Boolean), t2: (Tree, Boolean)) = printLogicalOp(t1, t2, "&&") def printLogicalOp(t1: (Tree, Boolean), t2: (Tree, Boolean), op: String) = { def maybenot(tvalue: Boolean) = if (tvalue) "" else "!" print("%s(" format maybenot(t1._2)) printRaw(t1._1) print(") %s %s(".format(op, maybenot(t2._2))) printRaw(t2._1) print(")") } override def printRaw(tree: Tree): Unit = { // routing supercalls through this for debugging ease def s() = super.printRaw(tree) tree match { // labels used for jumps - does not map to valid scala code case LabelDef(name, params, rhs) => print("labeldef %s(%s) = ".format(name, params mkString ",")) printRaw(rhs) case Ident(name) => print(decodedSymName(tree, name)) // target.method(arg) ==> target method arg case Apply(Select(target, method), List(arg)) => if (method.decode.toString == "||") printLogicalOr(target -> true, arg -> true) else if (method.decode.toString == "&&") printLogicalAnd(target -> true, arg -> true) else (target, arg) match { case (_: Ident, _: Literal | _: Ident) => printRaw(target) print(" ") printRaw(Ident(method)) print(" ") printRaw(arg) case _ => s() } // target.unary_! ==> !target case Select(qualifier, name) if (name.decode startsWith "unary_") => print(name.decode drop 6) printRaw(qualifier) case Select(qualifier, name) => printRaw(qualifier) print(".") print(quotedName(name, true)) // target.toString() ==> target.toString case Apply(fn, Nil) => printRaw(fn) // if a Block only continues one actual statement, just print it. case Block(stats, expr) => allStatements(tree) match { case List(x) => printRaw(x) case xs => s() } // We get a lot of this stuff case If( IsTrue(), x, _) => printRaw(x) case If(IsFalse(), _, x) => printRaw(x) case If(cond, IsTrue(), elsep) => printLogicalOr(cond -> true, elsep -> true) case If(cond, IsFalse(), elsep) => printLogicalAnd(cond -> false, elsep -> true) case If(cond, thenp, IsTrue()) => printLogicalOr(cond -> false, thenp -> true) case If(cond, thenp, IsFalse()) => printLogicalAnd(cond -> true, thenp -> true) // If thenp or elsep has only one statement, it doesn't need more than one line. case If(cond, thenp, elsep) => def ifIndented(x: Tree) = { indent ; println() ; printRaw(x) ; undent } val List(thenStmts, elseStmts) = List(thenp, elsep) map allStatements print("if ("); print(cond); print(") ") thenStmts match { case List(x: If) => ifIndented(x) case List(x) => printRaw(x) case _ => printRaw(thenp) } if (elseStmts.nonEmpty) { print(" else") indent ; println() elseStmts match { case List(x) => printRaw(x) case _ => printRaw(elsep) } undent ; println() } case _ => s() } } } /** This must guarantee not to force any evaluation, so we can learn * a little bit about trees in the midst of compilation without altering * the natural course of events. */ class SafeTreePrinter(out: PrintWriter) extends TreePrinter(out) { override def print(tree: Tree) { printPosition(tree) printRaw(tree) } private def default(t: Tree) = t.getClass.getName.reverse.takeWhile(_ != '.').reverse private def params(trees: List[Tree]): String = trees map safe mkString ", " private def safe(name: Name): String = name.decode private def safe(tree: Tree): String = tree match { case Apply(fn, args) => "%s(%s)".format(safe(fn), params(args)) case Select(qual, name) => safe(qual) + "." + safe(name) case This(qual) => safe(qual) + ".this" case Ident(name) => safe(name) case Literal(value) => value.stringValue case _ => "(?: %s)".format(default(tree)) } override def printRaw(tree: Tree) { print(safe(tree)) } } class TreeMatchTemplate { // non-trees defined in Trees // // case class ImportSelector(name: Name, namePos: Int, rename: Name, renamePos: Int) // case class Modifiers(flags: Long, privateWithin: Name, annotations: List[Tree], positions: Map[Long, Position]) // def apply(t: Tree): Unit = t match { // eliminated by typer case Annotated(annot, arg) => case AssignOrNamedArg(lhs, rhs) => case DocDef(comment, definition) => case Import(expr, selectors) => // eliminated by refchecks case ModuleDef(mods, name, impl) => case TypeTreeWithDeferredRefCheck() => // eliminated by erasure case TypeDef(mods, name, tparams, rhs) => case Typed(expr, tpt) => // eliminated by cleanup case ApplyDynamic(qual, args) => // eliminated by explicitouter case Alternative(trees) => case Bind(name, body) => case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) => case Star(elem) => case UnApply(fun, args) => // eliminated by lambdalift case Function(vparams, body) => // eliminated by uncurry case AppliedTypeTree(tpt, args) => case CompoundTypeTree(templ) => case ExistentialTypeTree(tpt, whereClauses) => case SelectFromTypeTree(qual, selector) => case SingletonTypeTree(ref) => case TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi) => // survivors case Apply(fun, args) => case ArrayValue(elemtpt, trees) => case Assign(lhs, rhs) => case Block(stats, expr) => case ClassDef(mods, name, tparams, impl) => case DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) => case EmptyTree => case Ident(name) => case If(cond, thenp, elsep) => case LabelDef(name, params, rhs) => case Literal(value) => case Match(selector, cases) => case New(tpt) => case PackageDef(pid, stats) => case Return(expr) => case Select(qualifier, selector) => case Super(qual, mix) => case Template(parents, self, body) => case This(qual) => case Throw(expr) => case Try(block, catches, finalizer) => case TypeApply(fun, args) => case TypeTree() => case ValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) => // missing from the Trees comment case Parens(args) => // only used during parsing case SelectFromArray(qual, name, erasure) => // only used during erasure } } private def asStringInternal(t: Tree, f: PrintWriter => TreePrinter): String = { val buffer = new StringWriter() val printer = f(new PrintWriter(buffer)) printer.print(t) printer.flush() buffer.toString } def asString(t: Tree): String = asStringInternal(t, newStandardTreePrinter) def asCompactString(t: Tree): String = asStringInternal(t, newCompactTreePrinter) def newStandardTreePrinter(writer: PrintWriter): TreePrinter = new TreePrinter(writer) def newStandardTreePrinter(stream: OutputStream): TreePrinter = newStandardTreePrinter(new PrintWriter(stream)) def newStandardTreePrinter(): TreePrinter = newStandardTreePrinter(new PrintWriter(ConsoleWriter)) def newCompactTreePrinter(writer: PrintWriter): CompactTreePrinter = new CompactTreePrinter(writer) def newCompactTreePrinter(stream: OutputStream): CompactTreePrinter = newCompactTreePrinter(new PrintWriter(stream)) def newCompactTreePrinter(): CompactTreePrinter = newCompactTreePrinter(new PrintWriter(ConsoleWriter)) def newTreePrinter(writer: PrintWriter): TreePrinter = if (settings.Ycompacttrees.value) newCompactTreePrinter(writer) else newStandardTreePrinter(writer) def newTreePrinter(stream: OutputStream): TreePrinter = newTreePrinter(new PrintWriter(stream)) def newTreePrinter(): TreePrinter = newTreePrinter(new PrintWriter(ConsoleWriter)) /** A writer that writes to the current Console and * is sensitive to replacement of the Console's * output stream. */ object ConsoleWriter extends Writer { override def write(str: String) { Console.print(str) } def write(cbuf: Array[Char], off: Int, len: Int) { write(new String(cbuf, off, len)) } def close = { /* do nothing */ } def flush = { /* do nothing */ } } } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala TreePrinters.scala source code file: |
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