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Scala example source code file (LazyEither.scala)

This example Scala source code file (LazyEither.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Scala by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Scala project at its project page.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

boolean, lazyeither, lazyleft, stream, unit

The LazyEither.scala Scala example source code

package scalaz

/** [[scala.Either]], but with a value by name. */
sealed abstract class LazyEither[+A, +B] {

  import LazyOption._
  import LazyEither._

  def fold[X](left: (=> A) => X, right: (=> B) => X): X =
    this match {
      case LazyLeft(a)  => left(a())
      case LazyRight(b) => right(b())

  /** Catamorphism of the constructor chosen. */
  def ?[X](left: => X, right: => X): X =
    fold(_ => left, _ => right)

  def isLeft =
    fold(_ => true, _ => false)

  def isRight =

  def swap: LazyEither[B, A] =
    fold(lazyRight(_), lazyLeft(_))

  def toEither: Either[A, B] =
    fold(Left(_), Right(_))

  def disjunction: (A \/ B) =
    fold(-\/(_), \/-(_))

  def getOrElse[BB >: B](default: => BB): BB =
    fold(_ => default, z => z)

  def exists(f: (=> B) => Boolean): Boolean =
    fold(_ => false, f)

  def forall(f: (=> B) => Boolean): Boolean =
    fold(_ => true, f)

  def orElse[AA >: A, BB >: B](x: => LazyEither[AA, BB]): LazyEither[AA, BB] =
    ?(x, this)

  def toLazyOption: LazyOption[B] =
    fold(_ => lazyNone, lazySome(_))

  def toOption: Option[B] =
    fold(_ => None, Some(_))

  def toMaybe[BB >: B]: Maybe[BB] =
    fold(_ => Maybe.empty, Maybe.just(_))

  def toList: List[B] =
    fold(_ => Nil, _ :: Nil)

  def toStream: Stream[B] =
    fold(_ => Stream(), Stream(_))

  def map[C](f: (=> B) => C): LazyEither[A, C] =
    fold(lazyLeft(_), b => lazyRight(f(b)))

  def bimap[C, D](f: (=> A) => C, g: (=> B) => D): LazyEither[C, D] =
    fold(a => lazyLeft(f(a)), b => lazyRight(g(b)))

  /** Run the given function on the left value. */
  def leftMap[C](f: (=> A) => C): LazyEither[C, B] =
    fold(a => lazyLeft(f(a)), lazyRight(_))

  def foreach(f: (=> B) => Unit): Unit =
    fold(_ => (), f)

  def flatMap[AA >: A, C](f: (=> B) => LazyEither[AA, C]): LazyEither[AA, C] =
    fold(lazyLeft(_), f)

  def traverse[G[_]: Applicative, AA >: A, C](f: B => G[C]): G[LazyEither[AA, C]] =
      left = x => Applicative[G].point(LazyEither.lazyLeft[C](x)),
      right = x => Applicative[G].map(f(x))(c => LazyEither.lazyRight[A](c))

  def foldRight[Z](z: => Z)(f: (B, => Z) => Z): Z =
    fold(left = _ => z, right = a => f(a, z))

  def ap[AA >: A, C](f: => LazyEither[AA, B => C]): LazyEither[AA, C] =
    f flatMap (k => map(k apply _))

  def left: LeftProjection[A, B] =
    new LeftProjection[A, B](this)


private case class LazyLeft[A, B](a: () => A) extends LazyEither[A, B]

private case class LazyRight[A, B](b: () => B) extends LazyEither[A, B]

object LazyEither extends LazyEitherInstances {

   * Returns the first argument in `LazyLeft` if `value` is `true`, otherwise the second argument in
   * `LazyRight`
  def condLazyEither[A, B](cond: Boolean)(ifTrue: => A, ifFalse: => B): LazyEither[A, B] = if (cond) lazyLeft(ifTrue) else lazyRight(ifFalse)

  sealed abstract class LazyLeftConstruct[B] {
    def apply[A](a: => A): LazyEither[A, B]

  def lazyLeft[B]: LazyLeftConstruct[B] = new LazyLeftConstruct[B] {
    def apply[A](a: => A) = LazyLeft(() => a)

  sealed abstract class LazyRightConstruct[A] {
    def apply[B](b: => B): LazyEither[A, B]

  def lazyRight[A]: LazyRightConstruct[A] = new LazyRightConstruct[A] {
    def apply[B](b: => B) = LazyRight(() => b)

  final case class LeftProjection[+A, +B](e: LazyEither[A, B]) {
    import LazyOption._

    def getOrElse[AA >: A](default: => AA): AA =
      e.fold(z => z, _ => default)

    def exists(f: (=> A) => Boolean): Boolean =
      e.fold(f, _ => false)

    def forall(f: (=> A) => Boolean): Boolean =
      e.fold(f, _ => true)

    def orElse[AA >: A, BB >: B](x: => LazyEither[AA, BB]): LazyEither[AA, BB] =
      e.?(e, x)

    def toLazyOption: LazyOption[A] =
      e.fold(lazySome(_), _ => lazyNone)

    def toOption: Option[A] =
      e.fold(Some(_), _ => None)

    def toList: List[A] =
      e.fold(_ :: Nil, _ => Nil)

    def toStream: Stream[A] =
      e.fold(Stream(_), _ => Stream())

    def map[C](f: (=> A) => C): LazyEither[C, B] =
      e.fold(a => lazyLeft(f(a)), lazyRight(_))

    def foreach(f: (=> A) => Unit): Unit =
      e.fold(f, _ => ())

    def flatMap[BB >: B, C](f: (=> A) => LazyEither[C, BB]): LazyEither[C, BB] =
      e.fold(f, lazyRight(_))


// TODO more instances
sealed abstract class LazyEitherInstances {
  implicit def lazyEitherInstance[E]: Traverse[LazyEither[E, ?]] with Monad[LazyEither[E, ?]] with BindRec[LazyEither[E, ?]] with Cozip[LazyEither[E, ?]] with Optional[LazyEither[E, ?]] with MonadError[LazyEither[E, ?], E] =
    new Traverse[LazyEither[E, ?]] with Monad[LazyEither[E, ?]] with BindRec[LazyEither[E, ?]] with Cozip[LazyEither[E, ?]] with Optional[LazyEither[E, ?]] with MonadError[LazyEither[E, ?], E] {

      def traverseImpl[G[_]: Applicative, A, B](fa: LazyEither[E, A])(f: A => G[B]): G[LazyEither[E, B]] =
        fa traverse f

      override def foldRight[A, B](fa: LazyEither[E, A], z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B =

      def bind[A, B](fa: LazyEither[E, A])(f: A => LazyEither[E, B]): LazyEither[E, B] =
        fa flatMap (a => f(a))

      override def ap[A, B](fa: => LazyEither[E, A])(f: => LazyEither[E, A => B]): LazyEither[E, B] =
        fa ap f

      def point[A](a: => A): LazyEither[E, A] =

      def cozip[A, B](a: LazyEither[E, A \/ B]) =
          e => -\/(LazyEither.lazyLeft(e))
        , {
            case -\/(a) => -\/(LazyEither.lazyRight(a))
            case \/-(b) => \/-(LazyEither.lazyRight(b))

     def pextract[B, A](fa: LazyEither[E,A]): LazyEither[E,B] \/ A =
       fa.fold(e => -\/(LazyEither.lazyLeft(e)), a => \/-(a))

      def raiseError[A](e: E): LazyEither[E, A] =

      def handleError[A](fa: LazyEither[E, A])(f: E => LazyEither[E, A]): LazyEither[E, A] =
        fa.left.flatMap(e => f(e))

      def tailrecM[A, B](f: A => LazyEither[E, A \/ B])(a: A): LazyEither[E, B] =
        f(a) match {
          case LazyLeft(l) => LazyLeft(l)
          case LazyRight(r) => r() match {
            case \/-(b) => LazyEither.lazyRight(b)
            case -\/(a0) => tailrecM(f)(a0)

  implicit val lazyEitherAssociative: Associative[LazyEither] = new Associative[LazyEither] {
    def reassociateLeft[A, B, C](f: LazyEither[A, LazyEither[B, C]]) =
        a => LazyEither.lazyLeft(LazyEither.lazyLeft(a)),
          b => LazyEither.lazyLeft(LazyEither.lazyRight(b)),

    def reassociateRight[A, B, C](f: LazyEither[LazyEither[A, B], C]) =
          b => LazyEither.lazyRight(LazyEither.lazyLeft(b))
        c => LazyEither.lazyRight(LazyEither.lazyRight(c))

  implicit val lazyEitherBitraverse: Bitraverse[LazyEither] = new Bitraverse[LazyEither] {
    override def bimap[A, B, C, D](fab: LazyEither[A, B])(f: A => C, g: B => D) = => g(x)) => f(x))

    def bitraverseImpl[G[_] : Applicative, A, B, C, D](fab: LazyEither[A, B])
                                                  (f: A => G[C], g: B => G[D]): G[LazyEither[C, D]] =
        a => Applicative[G].map(f(a))(b => LazyEither.lazyLeft[D](b)),
        b => Applicative[G].map(g(b))(d => LazyEither.lazyRight[C](d))

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala LazyEither.scala source code file:

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