Scala example source code file (LazyEither.scala)
The LazyEither.scala Scala example source codepackage scalaz /** [[scala.Either]], but with a value by name. */ sealed abstract class LazyEither[+A, +B] { import LazyOption._ import LazyEither._ def fold[X](left: (=> A) => X, right: (=> B) => X): X = this match { case LazyLeft(a) => left(a()) case LazyRight(b) => right(b()) } /** Catamorphism of the constructor chosen. */ def ?[X](left: => X, right: => X): X = fold(_ => left, _ => right) def isLeft = fold(_ => true, _ => false) def isRight = !isLeft def swap: LazyEither[B, A] = fold(lazyRight(_), lazyLeft(_)) def toEither: Either[A, B] = fold(Left(_), Right(_)) def disjunction: (A \/ B) = fold(-\/(_), \/-(_)) def getOrElse[BB >: B](default: => BB): BB = fold(_ => default, z => z) def exists(f: (=> B) => Boolean): Boolean = fold(_ => false, f) def forall(f: (=> B) => Boolean): Boolean = fold(_ => true, f) def orElse[AA >: A, BB >: B](x: => LazyEither[AA, BB]): LazyEither[AA, BB] = ?(x, this) def toLazyOption: LazyOption[B] = fold(_ => lazyNone, lazySome(_)) def toOption: Option[B] = fold(_ => None, Some(_)) def toMaybe[BB >: B]: Maybe[BB] = fold(_ => Maybe.empty, Maybe.just(_)) def toList: List[B] = fold(_ => Nil, _ :: Nil) def toStream: Stream[B] = fold(_ => Stream(), Stream(_)) def map[C](f: (=> B) => C): LazyEither[A, C] = fold(lazyLeft(_), b => lazyRight(f(b))) def bimap[C, D](f: (=> A) => C, g: (=> B) => D): LazyEither[C, D] = fold(a => lazyLeft(f(a)), b => lazyRight(g(b))) /** Run the given function on the left value. */ def leftMap[C](f: (=> A) => C): LazyEither[C, B] = fold(a => lazyLeft(f(a)), lazyRight(_)) def foreach(f: (=> B) => Unit): Unit = fold(_ => (), f) def flatMap[AA >: A, C](f: (=> B) => LazyEither[AA, C]): LazyEither[AA, C] = fold(lazyLeft(_), f) def traverse[G[_]: Applicative, AA >: A, C](f: B => G[C]): G[LazyEither[AA, C]] = fold( left = x => Applicative[G].point(LazyEither.lazyLeft[C](x)), right = x => Applicative[G].map(f(x))(c => LazyEither.lazyRight[A](c)) ) def foldRight[Z](z: => Z)(f: (B, => Z) => Z): Z = fold(left = _ => z, right = a => f(a, z)) def ap[AA >: A, C](f: => LazyEither[AA, B => C]): LazyEither[AA, C] = f flatMap (k => map(k apply _)) def left: LeftProjection[A, B] = new LeftProjection[A, B](this) } private case class LazyLeft[A, B](a: () => A) extends LazyEither[A, B] private case class LazyRight[A, B](b: () => B) extends LazyEither[A, B] object LazyEither extends LazyEitherInstances { /** * Returns the first argument in `LazyLeft` if `value` is `true`, otherwise the second argument in * `LazyRight` */ def condLazyEither[A, B](cond: Boolean)(ifTrue: => A, ifFalse: => B): LazyEither[A, B] = if (cond) lazyLeft(ifTrue) else lazyRight(ifFalse) sealed abstract class LazyLeftConstruct[B] { def apply[A](a: => A): LazyEither[A, B] } def lazyLeft[B]: LazyLeftConstruct[B] = new LazyLeftConstruct[B] { def apply[A](a: => A) = LazyLeft(() => a) } sealed abstract class LazyRightConstruct[A] { def apply[B](b: => B): LazyEither[A, B] } def lazyRight[A]: LazyRightConstruct[A] = new LazyRightConstruct[A] { def apply[B](b: => B) = LazyRight(() => b) } final case class LeftProjection[+A, +B](e: LazyEither[A, B]) { import LazyOption._ def getOrElse[AA >: A](default: => AA): AA = e.fold(z => z, _ => default) def exists(f: (=> A) => Boolean): Boolean = e.fold(f, _ => false) def forall(f: (=> A) => Boolean): Boolean = e.fold(f, _ => true) def orElse[AA >: A, BB >: B](x: => LazyEither[AA, BB]): LazyEither[AA, BB] = e.?(e, x) def toLazyOption: LazyOption[A] = e.fold(lazySome(_), _ => lazyNone) def toOption: Option[A] = e.fold(Some(_), _ => None) def toList: List[A] = e.fold(_ :: Nil, _ => Nil) def toStream: Stream[A] = e.fold(Stream(_), _ => Stream()) def map[C](f: (=> A) => C): LazyEither[C, B] = e.fold(a => lazyLeft(f(a)), lazyRight(_)) def foreach(f: (=> A) => Unit): Unit = e.fold(f, _ => ()) def flatMap[BB >: B, C](f: (=> A) => LazyEither[C, BB]): LazyEither[C, BB] = e.fold(f, lazyRight(_)) } } // TODO more instances sealed abstract class LazyEitherInstances { implicit def lazyEitherInstance[E]: Traverse[LazyEither[E, ?]] with Monad[LazyEither[E, ?]] with BindRec[LazyEither[E, ?]] with Cozip[LazyEither[E, ?]] with Optional[LazyEither[E, ?]] with MonadError[LazyEither[E, ?], E] = new Traverse[LazyEither[E, ?]] with Monad[LazyEither[E, ?]] with BindRec[LazyEither[E, ?]] with Cozip[LazyEither[E, ?]] with Optional[LazyEither[E, ?]] with MonadError[LazyEither[E, ?], E] { def traverseImpl[G[_]: Applicative, A, B](fa: LazyEither[E, A])(f: A => G[B]): G[LazyEither[E, B]] = fa traverse f override def foldRight[A, B](fa: LazyEither[E, A], z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B = fa.foldRight(z)(f) def bind[A, B](fa: LazyEither[E, A])(f: A => LazyEither[E, B]): LazyEither[E, B] = fa flatMap (a => f(a)) override def ap[A, B](fa: => LazyEither[E, A])(f: => LazyEither[E, A => B]): LazyEither[E, B] = fa ap f def point[A](a: => A): LazyEither[E, A] = LazyEither.lazyRight(a) def cozip[A, B](a: LazyEither[E, A \/ B]) = a.fold( e => -\/(LazyEither.lazyLeft(e)) , { case -\/(a) => -\/(LazyEither.lazyRight(a)) case \/-(b) => \/-(LazyEither.lazyRight(b)) } ) def pextract[B, A](fa: LazyEither[E,A]): LazyEither[E,B] \/ A = fa.fold(e => -\/(LazyEither.lazyLeft(e)), a => \/-(a)) def raiseError[A](e: E): LazyEither[E, A] = LazyEither.lazyLeft(e) def handleError[A](fa: LazyEither[E, A])(f: E => LazyEither[E, A]): LazyEither[E, A] = fa.left.flatMap(e => f(e)) @annotation.tailrec def tailrecM[A, B](f: A => LazyEither[E, A \/ B])(a: A): LazyEither[E, B] = f(a) match { case LazyLeft(l) => LazyLeft(l) case LazyRight(r) => r() match { case \/-(b) => LazyEither.lazyRight(b) case -\/(a0) => tailrecM(f)(a0) } } } implicit val lazyEitherAssociative: Associative[LazyEither] = new Associative[LazyEither] { def reassociateLeft[A, B, C](f: LazyEither[A, LazyEither[B, C]]) = f.fold( a => LazyEither.lazyLeft(LazyEither.lazyLeft(a)), _.fold( b => LazyEither.lazyLeft(LazyEither.lazyRight(b)), LazyEither.lazyRight(_) ) ) def reassociateRight[A, B, C](f: LazyEither[LazyEither[A, B], C]) = f.fold( _.fold( LazyEither.lazyLeft(_), b => LazyEither.lazyRight(LazyEither.lazyLeft(b)) ), c => LazyEither.lazyRight(LazyEither.lazyRight(c)) ) } implicit val lazyEitherBitraverse: Bitraverse[LazyEither] = new Bitraverse[LazyEither] { override def bimap[A, B, C, D](fab: LazyEither[A, B])(f: A => C, g: B => D) = fab.map(x => g(x)).left.map(x => f(x)) def bitraverseImpl[G[_] : Applicative, A, B, C, D](fab: LazyEither[A, B]) (f: A => G[C], g: B => G[D]): G[LazyEither[C, D]] = fab.fold( a => Applicative[G].map(f(a))(b => LazyEither.lazyLeft[D](b)), b => Applicative[G].map(g(b))(d => LazyEither.lazyRight[C](d)) ) } } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala LazyEither.scala source code file: |
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