Scala example source code file (Either.scala)
The Either.scala Scala example source codepackage scalaz package std import scala.Either.{LeftProjection, RightProjection} import scalaz.Isomorphism._ import scalaz.Tags.{First, Last} sealed trait EitherInstances0 { implicit def eitherEqual[A, B](implicit A0: Equal[A], B0: Equal[B]): Equal[Either[A, B]] = new EitherEqual[A, B] { implicit def A = A0 implicit def B = B0 } implicit def eitherLeftEqual[A, X](implicit A0: Equal[A]): Equal[LeftProjection[A, X]] = new EitherLeftEqual[A, X] { implicit def A = A0 } implicit def eitherRightEqual[X, A](implicit A0: Equal[A]): Equal[RightProjection[X, A]] = new EitherRightEqual[X, A] { implicit def A = A0 } implicit def eitherFirstRightEqual[X, A](implicit A0: Equal[A]): Equal[RightProjection[X, A] @@ First] = First.subst(Equal[RightProjection[X, A]]) implicit def eitherLastRightEqual[X, A](implicit A0: Equal[A]): Equal[RightProjection[X, A] @@ Last] = Last.subst(Equal[RightProjection[X, A]]) implicit def eitherFirstLeftEqual[A, X](implicit A0: Equal[A]): Equal[LeftProjection[A, X] @@ First] = First.subst(Equal[LeftProjection[A, X]]) implicit def eitherLastLeftEqual[A, X](implicit A0: Equal[A]): Equal[LeftProjection[A, X] @@ Last] = Last.subst(Equal[LeftProjection[A, X]]) implicit def eitherFirstLeftSemigroup[A: Semigroup, X]: Semigroup[LeftProjection[A, X] @@ First] = new EitherFirstLeftSemigroup[A, X] {} implicit def eitherFirstRightSemigroup[X, A: Semigroup]: Semigroup[RightProjection[X, A] @@ First] = new EitherFirstRightSemigroup[X, A] {} implicit def eitherLastLeftSemigroup[A: Semigroup, X]: Semigroup[LeftProjection[A, X] @@ Last] = new EitherLastLeftSemigroup[A, X] {} implicit def eitherLastRightSemigroup[X, A: Semigroup]: Semigroup[RightProjection[X, A] @@ Last] = new EitherLastRightSemigroup[X, A] {} implicit def eitherLeftSemigroup[A, X](implicit SemigroupA: Semigroup[A], MonoidX: Monoid[X]): Semigroup[LeftProjection[A, X]] = new EitherLeftSemigroup[A, X] { implicit def A = SemigroupA implicit def X = MonoidX } implicit def eitherRightSemigroup[X, A](implicit MonoidX: Monoid[X], SemigroupA: Semigroup[A]): Semigroup[RightProjection[X, A]] = new EitherRightSemigroup[X, A] { implicit def X = MonoidX implicit def A = SemigroupA } } trait EitherInstances extends EitherInstances0 { implicit val eitherInstance = new Bitraverse[Either] { override def bimap[A, B, C, D](fab: Either[A, B]) (f: A => C, g: B => D) = fab match { case Left(a) => Left(f(a)) case Right(b) => Right(g(b)) } def bitraverseImpl[G[_] : Applicative, A, B, C, D](fab: Either[A, B]) (f: A => G[C], g: B => G[D]) = fab match { case Left(a) => Applicative[G].map(f(a))(b => Left(b)) case Right(b) => Applicative[G].map(g(b))(d => Right(d)) } } /** Right biased monad */ implicit def eitherMonad[L]: Traverse[Either[L, ?]] with MonadError[Either[L, ?], L] with BindRec[Either[L, ?]] with Cozip[Either[L, ?]] = new Traverse[Either[L, ?]] with MonadError[Either[L, ?], L] with BindRec[Either[L, ?]] with Cozip[Either[L, ?]] { def bind[A, B](fa: Either[L, A])(f: A => Either[L, B]) = fa match { case Left(a) => Left(a) case Right(b) => f(b) } def handleError[A](fa: Either[L, A])(f: L => Either[L, A]) = fa match { case a @ Right(_) => a case Left(a) => f(a) } def raiseError[A](e: L) = Left(e) def point[A](a: => A) = Right(a) def traverseImpl[G[_] : Applicative, A, B](fa: Either[L, A])(f: A => G[B]) = fa match { case Left(x) => Applicative[G].point(Left(x)) case Right(x) => Applicative[G].map(f(x))(Right(_)) } override def foldRight[A, B](fa: Either[L, A], z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B) = fa match { case Left(_) => z case Right(a) => f(a, z) } def cozip[A, B](a: Either[L, A \/ B]) = a match { case Left(l) => -\/(Left(l)) case Right(e)=> e match { case -\/(a) => -\/(Right(a)) case \/-(b) => \/-(Right(b)) } } @scala.annotation.tailrec def tailrecM[A, B](f: A => Either[L, A \/ B])(a: A): Either[L, B] = f(a) match { case Left(l) => Left(l) case Right(-\/(a)) => tailrecM(f)(a) case Right(\/-(b)) => Right(b) } } /** [[scala.Either.LeftProjection]] is isomorphic to [[scala.Either]], when the type parameter `E` is partially applied. */ def LeftProjectionEIso2[E]: LeftProjection[E, ?] <~> Either[E, ?] = LeftProjectionIso2.unlift1[E] /** [[scala.Either.LeftProjection]] is isomorphic to [[scala.Either]], when the type parameter `E` is partially applied. */ def FirstLeftProjectionEIso2[E]: λ[α => LeftProjection[E, α] @@ First] <~> Either[E, ?] = FirstLeftProjectionIso2.unlift1[E] /** [[scala.Either.LeftProjection]] is isomorphic to [[scala.Either]], when the type parameter `E` is partially applied. */ def LastLeftProjectionEIso2[E]: λ[α => LeftProjection[E, α] @@ Last] <~> Either[E, ?] = LastLeftProjectionIso2.unlift1[E] /** [[scala.Either.LeftProjection]] is isomorphic to [[scala.Either]] */ val LeftProjectionIso2: LeftProjection <~~> Either = new IsoBifunctorTemplate[LeftProjection, Either] { def to[A, B](fa: LeftProjection[A, B]) = fa.e def from[A, B](ga: Either[A, B]) = ga.left } /** [[scala.Either.LeftProjection]] is isomorphic to [[scala.Either]] */ val FirstLeftProjectionIso2: λ[(α, β) => LeftProjection[α, β] @@ First] <~~> Either = new IsoBifunctorTemplate[λ[(α, β) => LeftProjection[α, β] @@ First], Either] { def to[A, B](fa: LeftProjection[A, B] @@ First) = Tag.unwrap(fa).e def from[A, B](ga: Either[A, B]) = First(ga.left) } /** [[scala.Either.LeftProjection]] is isomorphic to [[scala.Either]] */ val LastLeftProjectionIso2: λ[(α, β) => LeftProjection[α, β] @@ Last] <~~> Either = new IsoBifunctorTemplate[λ[(α, β) => LeftProjection[α, β] @@ Last], Either] { def to[A, B](fa: LeftProjection[A, B] @@ Last) = Tag.unwrap(fa).e def from[A, B](ga: Either[A, B]) = Last(ga.left) } /** [[scala.Either.RightProjection]] is isomorphic to [[scala.Either]], when the type parameter `A` is partially applied. */ def RightProjectionAIso2[A]: RightProjection[?, A] <~> Either[?, A] = RightProjectionIso2.unlift2[A] /** [[scala.Either.RightProjection]] is isomorphic to [[scala.Either]], when the type parameter `A` is partially applied. */ def FirstRightProjectionAIso2[A]: λ[α => RightProjection[α, A] @@ First] <~> Either[?, A] = FirstRightProjectionIso2.unlift2[A] /** [[scala.Either.RightProjection]] is isomorphic to [[scala.Either]], when the type parameter `A` is partially applied. */ def LastRightProjectionAIso2[A]: λ[α => RightProjection[α, A] @@ Last] <~> Either[?, A] = LastRightProjectionIso2.unlift2[A] /** [[scala.Either.RightProjection]] is isomorphic to [[scala.Either]] */ val RightProjectionIso2: RightProjection <~~> Either = new IsoBifunctorTemplate[RightProjection, Either] { def to[A, B](fa: RightProjection[A, B]) = fa.e def from[A, B](ga: Either[A, B]) = ga.right } /** [[scala.Either.RightProjection]] is isomorphic to [[scala.Either]] */ val FirstRightProjectionIso2: λ[(α, β) => RightProjection[α, β] @@ First] <~~> Either = new IsoBifunctorTemplate[λ[(α, β) => RightProjection[α, β] @@ First], Either] { def to[A, B](fa: RightProjection[A, B] @@ First) = Tag.unwrap(fa).e def from[A, B](ga: Either[A, B]) = First(ga.right) } /** [[scala.Either.RightProjection]] is isomorphic to [[scala.Either]] */ val LastRightProjectionIso2: λ[(α, β) => RightProjection[α, β] @@ Last] <~~> Either = new IsoBifunctorTemplate[λ[(α, β) => RightProjection[α, β] @@ Last], Either] { def to[A, B](fa: RightProjection[A, B] @@ Last) = Tag.unwrap(fa).e def from[A, B](ga: Either[A, B]) = Last(ga.right) } val eitherLeftInstance = new IsomorphismBifunctor[LeftProjection, Either] { def iso = LeftProjectionIso2 implicit def G: Bifunctor[Either] = eitherInstance } val eitherFirstLeftInstance = new IsomorphismBifunctor[λ[(α, β) => LeftProjection[α, β] @@ First], Either] { def iso = FirstLeftProjectionIso2 implicit def G: Bifunctor[Either] = eitherInstance } val eitherRightInstance = new IsomorphismBifunctor[RightProjection, Either] { def iso = RightProjectionIso2 implicit def G: Bifunctor[Either] = eitherInstance } implicit def eitherRightLInstance[L] = new Monad[RightProjection[L, ?]] { def point[A](a: => A) = Right(a).right def bind[A, B](fa: RightProjection[L, A])(f: A => RightProjection[L, B]) = fa.e match { case Left(a) => Left(a).right case Right(b) => f(b) } } implicit def eitherFirstRightLInstance[L]: Monad[λ[α => RightProjection[L, α] @@ First]] = Tags.First.subst1[Monad, RightProjection[L, ?]](Monad[RightProjection[L, ?]]) implicit def eitherLastRightLInstance[L]: Monad[λ[α => RightProjection[L, α] @@ Last]] = Tags.Last.subst1[Monad, RightProjection[L, ?]](Monad[RightProjection[L, ?]]) implicit def eitherLeftRInstance[R] = new Monad[LeftProjection[?, R]] { def point[A](a: => A) = Left(a).left def bind[A, B](fa: LeftProjection[A, R])(f: A => LeftProjection[B, R]) = fa.e match { case Left(a) => f(a) case Right(b) => Right(b).left } } implicit def eitherFirstLeftRInstance[R]: Monad[λ[α => LeftProjection[α, R] @@ First]] = Tags.First.subst1[Monad, LeftProjection[?, R]](Monad[LeftProjection[?, R]]) implicit def eitherLastLeftRInstance[R]: Monad[λ[α => LeftProjection[α, R] @@ Last]] = Tags.Last.subst1[Monad, LeftProjection[?, R]](Monad[LeftProjection[?, R]]) implicit def eitherOrder[A, B](implicit OrderA: Order[A], OrderB: Order[B]): Order[Either[A, B]] = new EitherOrder[A, B] { implicit def A = OrderA implicit def B = OrderB } implicit def eitherLeftOrder[A, X](implicit OrderA: Order[A]): Order[LeftProjection[A, X]] = new EitherLeftOrder[A, X] { implicit def A = OrderA } implicit def eitherRightOrder[X, A](implicit OrderA: Order[A]): Order[RightProjection[X, A]] = new EitherRightOrder[X, A] { implicit def A = OrderA } implicit def eitherFirstLeftOrder[A, X](implicit OrderA: Order[A]): Order[LeftProjection[A, X] @@ First] = First.subst(Order[LeftProjection[A, X]]) implicit def eitherFirstRightOrder[X, A](implicit OrderA: Order[A]): Order[RightProjection[X, A] @@ First] = First.subst(Order[RightProjection[X, A]]) implicit def eitherLastLeftOrder[A, X](implicit OrderA: Order[A]): Order[LeftProjection[A, X] @@ Last] = Last.subst(Order[LeftProjection[A, X]]) implicit def eitherLastRightOrder[X, A](implicit OrderA: Order[A]): Order[RightProjection[X, A] @@ Last] = Last.subst(Order[RightProjection[X, A]]) implicit def eitherFirstLeftMonoid[A, X](implicit MonoidX: Monoid[X]): Monoid[LeftProjection[A, X] @@ First] = new EitherFirstLeftMonoid[A, X] { implicit def X = MonoidX } implicit def eitherFirstRightMonoid[X, A](implicit MonoidX: Monoid[X]): Monoid[RightProjection[X, A] @@ First] = new EitherFirstRightMonoid[X, A] { implicit def X = MonoidX } implicit def eitherLastLeftMonoid[A, X](implicit MonoidX: Monoid[X]): Monoid[LeftProjection[A, X] @@ Last] = new EitherLastLeftMonoid[A, X] { implicit def X = MonoidX } implicit def eitherLastRightMonoid[X, A](implicit MonoidX: Monoid[X]): Monoid[RightProjection[X, A] @@ Last] = new EitherLastRightMonoid[X, A] { implicit def X = MonoidX } implicit def eitherLeftMonoid[A, X](implicit MonoidA: Monoid[A], MonoidX: Monoid[X]): Monoid[LeftProjection[A, X]] = new EitherLeftMonoid[A, X] { implicit def A = MonoidA implicit def X = MonoidX } implicit def eitherRightMonoid[X, A](implicit MonoidX: Monoid[X], MonoidA: Monoid[A]): Monoid[RightProjection[X, A]] = new EitherRightMonoid[X, A] { implicit def X = MonoidX implicit def A = MonoidA } implicit def eitherAssociative: Associative[Either] = new Associative[Either] { override def reassociateLeft[A, B, C](f: Either[A, Either[B, C]]): Either[Either[A, B], C] = f.fold( a => Left(Left(a)), _.fold( b => Left(Right(b)), Right(_) ) ) override def reassociateRight[A, B, C](f: Either[Either[A, B], C]): Either[A, Either[B, C]] = f.fold( _.fold( Left(_), b => Right(Left(b)) ), c => Right(Right(c)) ) } implicit def eitherShow[A,B](implicit SA: Show[A], SB: Show[B]) : Show[Either[A,B]] = new Show[Either[A,B]] { override def show(f: Either[A, B]): Cord = f match { case Left(a) => ("Left(" : Cord) ++ SA.show(a) :- ')' case Right(b) => ("Right(" : Cord) ++ SB.show(b) :- ')' } } } object either extends EitherInstances private trait EitherRightEqual[X, A] extends Equal[RightProjection[X, A]] { implicit def A: Equal[A] final override def equal(a1: RightProjection[X, A], a2: RightProjection[X, A]) = (a1.toOption, a2.toOption) match { case (Some(x), Some(y)) => A.equal(x, y) case (None, None) => true case _ => false } } private trait EitherLeftEqual[A, X] extends Equal[LeftProjection[A, X]] { implicit def A: Equal[A] final override def equal(a1: LeftProjection[A, X], a2: LeftProjection[A, X]) = (a1.toOption, a2.toOption) match { case (Some(x), Some(y)) => A.equal(x, y) case (None, None) => true case _ => false } } private trait EitherEqual[A, B] extends Equal[Either[A, B]] { implicit def A: Equal[A] implicit def B: Equal[B] final override def equal(f1: Either[A, B], f2: Either[A, B]) = (f1, f2) match { case (Left(a1), Left(a2)) => A.equal(a1, a2) case (Right(b1), Right(b2)) => B.equal(b1, b2) case (Right(_), Left(_)) | (Left(_), Right(_)) => false } override val equalIsNatural: Boolean = A.equalIsNatural && B.equalIsNatural } private trait EitherFirstLeftSemigroup[A, X] extends Semigroup[LeftProjection[A, X] @@ First] { def append(f1: LeftProjection[A, X] @@ First, f2: => LeftProjection[A, X] @@ First) = if (Tag.unwrap(f1).e.isLeft) f1 else f2 } private trait EitherFirstRightSemigroup[X, A] extends Semigroup[RightProjection[X, A] @@ First] { def append(f1: RightProjection[X, A] @@ First, f2: => RightProjection[X, A] @@ First) = if (Tag.unwrap(f1).e.isRight) f1 else f2 } private trait EitherLastLeftSemigroup[A, X] extends Semigroup[LeftProjection[A, X] @@ Last] { def append(f1: LeftProjection[A, X] @@ Last, f2: => LeftProjection[A, X] @@ Last) = if (Tag.unwrap(f1).e.isLeft) f1 else f2 } private trait EitherLastRightSemigroup[X, A] extends Semigroup[RightProjection[X, A] @@ Last] { def append(f1: RightProjection[X, A] @@ Last, f2: => RightProjection[X, A] @@ Last) = if (Tag.unwrap(f1).e.isRight) f1 else f2 } private trait EitherLeftSemigroup[A, X] extends Semigroup[LeftProjection[A, X]] { implicit def A: Semigroup[A] implicit def X: Monoid[X] def append(f1: LeftProjection[A, X], f2: => LeftProjection[A, X]) = (f1.toOption, f2.toOption) match { case (Some(x), Some(y)) => Left(Semigroup[A].append(x, y)).left case (None, Some(_)) => f2 case (Some(_), None) => f1 case (None, None) => Right(Monoid[X].zero).left } } private trait EitherRightSemigroup[X, A] extends Semigroup[RightProjection[X, A]] { implicit def X: Monoid[X] implicit def A: Semigroup[A] def append(f1: RightProjection[X, A], f2: => RightProjection[X, A]) = (f1.toOption, f2.toOption) match { case (Some(x), Some(y)) => Right(Semigroup[A].append(x, y)).right case (None, Some(_)) => f2 case (Some(_), None) => f1 case (None, None) => Left(Monoid[X].zero).right } } private trait EitherFirstLeftMonoid[A, X] extends Monoid[LeftProjection[A, X] @@ First] with EitherFirstLeftSemigroup[A, X] { implicit def X: Monoid[X] def zero = First(Right(Monoid[X].zero).left) } private trait EitherLastLeftMonoid[A, X] extends Monoid[LeftProjection[A, X] @@ Last] with EitherLastLeftSemigroup[A, X] { implicit def X: Monoid[X] def zero = Last(Right(Monoid[X].zero).left) } private trait EitherLeftMonoid[A, X] extends Monoid[LeftProjection[A, X]] with EitherLeftSemigroup[A, X] { implicit def X: Monoid[X] def zero: LeftProjection[A, X] = Right(Monoid[X].zero).left } private trait EitherFirstRightMonoid[X, A] extends Monoid[RightProjection[X, A] @@ First] with EitherFirstRightSemigroup[X, A] { implicit def X: Monoid[X] def zero = First(Left(Monoid[X].zero).right) } private trait EitherLastRightMonoid[X, A] extends Monoid[RightProjection[X, A] @@ Last] with EitherLastRightSemigroup[X, A] { implicit def X: Monoid[X] def zero = Last(Left(Monoid[X].zero).right) } private trait EitherRightMonoid[X, A] extends Monoid[RightProjection[X, A]] with EitherRightSemigroup[X, A] { implicit def X: Monoid[X] def zero: RightProjection[X, A] = Left(Monoid[X].zero).right } private trait EitherOrder[A, B] extends Order[Either[A, B]] with EitherEqual[A, B]{ implicit def A: Order[A] implicit def B: Order[B] import Ordering._ def order(f1: Either[A, B], f2: Either[A, B]) = (f1, f2) match { case (Left(x), Left(y)) => A.order(x, y) case (Right(x), Right(y)) => B.order(x, y) case (Left(_), Right(_)) => LT case (Right(_), Left(_)) => GT } } private trait EitherLeftOrder[A, X] extends Order[LeftProjection[A, X]] with EitherLeftEqual[A, X]{ implicit def A: Order[A] import Ordering._ def order(f1: LeftProjection[A, X], f2: LeftProjection[A, X]) = (f1.toOption, f2.toOption) match { case (Some(x), Some(y)) => A.order(x, y) case (None, Some(_)) => LT case (Some(_), None) => GT case (None, None) => EQ } } private trait EitherRightOrder[X, A] extends Order[RightProjection[X, A]] with EitherRightEqual[X, A]{ implicit def A: Order[A] import Ordering._ def order(f1: RightProjection[X, A], f2: RightProjection[X, A]) = (f1.toOption, f2.toOption) match { case (Some(x), Some(y)) => A.order(x, y) case (None, Some(_)) => LT case (Some(_), None) => GT case (None, None) => EQ } } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Either.scala source code file: |
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