Scala example source code file (Iteratee.scala)
The Iteratee.scala Scala example source codepackage scalaz package iteratee import Iteratee._ import Id._ trait IterateeFunctions { def iteratee[E, A](s: Step[E, A]): Iteratee[E, A] = iterateeT[E, Id, A](s) /** * Repeats the given iteratee by appending with the given monoid. */ def repeatBuild[E, A, F[_]](iter: Iteratee[E, A])(implicit mon: Monoid[F[A]], F: Applicative[F]): Iteratee[E, F[A]] = { import Iteratee._ def step(acc: F[A])(s: Input[E]): Iteratee[E, F[A]] = s(el = e => iter.foldT[Iteratee[E, F[A]]]( done = (a, _) => cont(step(mon.append(acc, F.point(a)))), cont = k => k(elInput(e)).foldT( done = (a, _) => cont(step(mon.append(acc, F.point(a)))), cont = k2 => cont((in: Input[E]) => for { h <- k2(in) t <- this.repeatBuild[E, A, F](iter) } yield mon.append(acc, mon.append(F.point(h), t))) )), empty = cont(step(acc)), eof = done(acc, eofInput)) cont(step(mon.zero)) } /** * Iteratee that collects all inputs with the given monoid. */ def collect[A, F[_]](implicit mon: Monoid[F[A]], pt: Applicative[F]): Iteratee[A, F[A]] = { fold[A, Id, F[A]](mon.zero)((acc, e) => mon.append(acc, pt.point(e))) } /** * Iteratee that collects all inputs in reverse with the given reducer. * * This iteratee is useful for F[_] with efficient cons, i.e. List. */ def reversed[A, F[_]](implicit r: Reducer[A, F[A]]): Iteratee[A, F[A]] = { fold[A, Id, F[A]](r.monoid.zero)((acc, e) => r.cons(e, acc)) } /** * Iteratee that collects the first n inputs. */ def take[A, F[_]](n: Int)(implicit mon: Monoid[F[A]], pt: Applicative[F]): Iteratee[A, F[A]] = { def loop(acc: F[A], n: Int)(s: Input[A]): Iteratee[A, F[A]] = s(el = e => if (n <= 0) done[A, Id, F[A]](acc, s) else cont(loop(mon.append(acc, pt.point(e)), n - 1)) , empty = cont(loop(acc, n)) , eof = done[A, Id, F[A]](acc, s) ) cont(loop(mon.zero, n)) } /** * Iteratee that collects inputs with the given monoid until the input element fails a test. */ def takeWhile[A, F[_]](p: A => Boolean)(implicit mon: Monoid[F[A]], pt: Applicative[F]): Iteratee[A, F[A]] = { def loop(acc: F[A])(s: Input[A]): Iteratee[A, F[A]] = s(el = e => if (p(e)) cont(loop(mon.append(acc, pt.point(e)))) else done[A, Id, F[A]](acc, s) , empty = cont(loop(acc)) , eof = done[A, Id, F[A]](acc, eofInput) ) cont(loop(mon.zero)) } /** * Iteratee that collects inputs with the given monoid until the input element passes a test. */ def takeUntil[A, F[_]](p: A => Boolean)(implicit mon: Monoid[F[A]], pt: Applicative[F]): Iteratee[A, F[A]] = takeWhile(!p(_)) /** * Produces chunked output split by the given predicate. */ def groupBy[A, F[_]](pred: (A, A) => Boolean)(implicit mon: Monoid[F[A]], pr: Applicative[F]): Iteratee[A, F[A]] = { Iteratee.peek[A, Id] flatMap { case None => done(Monoid[F[A]].zero, Input.Empty[A]) case Some(h) => takeWhile(pred(_, h)) } } } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Iteratee.scala source code file: |
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