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Scala example source code file (IterateeT.scala)

This example Scala source code file (IterateeT.scala) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Scala by Example" TM.

Learn more about this Scala project at its project page.

Java - Scala tags/keywords

applicative, input, iterateet, monad, stept, unit

The IterateeT.scala Scala example source code

package scalaz
package iteratee

import effect._
import Iteratee._
import Id._

 * A data sink.
 * Represents a value of type `F[StepT[E, F, A]]`
 * @see [[scalaz.iteratee.StepT]]
 * @tparam E The type of the input data (mnemonic: '''E'''lement type)
 * @tparam F The type constructor representing an effect.
 *           The type constructor [[scalaz.Id]] is used to model pure computations, and is fixed as such in the type alias [[scalaz.iteratee.Iteratee]].
 * @tparam A The type of the calculated result
sealed abstract class IterateeT[E, F[_], A] {
  def value: F[StepT[E, F, A]]

  def foldT[Z](
                cont: (Input[E] => IterateeT[E, F, A]) => F[Z]
                , done: (=> A, => Input[E]) => F[Z]
                )(implicit F: Bind[F]): F[Z] =
    F.bind(value)((s: StepT[E, F, A]) => s(cont, done))

   * Run this iteratee
  def run(implicit F: Monad[F]): F[A] = {
    F.bind((this &= enumEofT[E, F]).value)((s: StepT[E, F, A]) => s.fold(
      cont = _ => sys.error("diverging iteratee")
      , done = (a, _) => F.point(a)

  def flatMap[B](f: A => IterateeT[E, F, B])(implicit F: Monad[F]): IterateeT[E, F, B] = {
    def through(x: IterateeT[E, F, A]): IterateeT[E, F, B] =
        F.bind(x.value)((s: StepT[E, F, A]) => s.fold[F[StepT[E, F, B]]](
          cont = k => F.point(StepT.scont(u => through(k(u))))
          , done = (a, i) =>
            if (i.isEmpty)
                cont = kk => kk(i).value
                , done = (aa, _) => F.point(StepT.sdone[E, F, B](aa, i))

  def map[B](f: A => B)(implicit F: Monad[F]): IterateeT[E, F, B] = {
    flatMap(a => StepT.sdone[E, F, B](f(a), emptyInput).pointI)

  def contramap[EE](f: EE => E)(implicit F: Monad[F]): IterateeT[EE, F, A] = {
    def step(s: StepT[E, F, A]): IterateeT[EE, F, A] = s.fold[IterateeT[EE, F, A]](
      cont = k => cont((in: Input[EE]) => k( => f(i))) >>== step),
      done = (a, i) => done(a, if (i.isEof) eofInput else emptyInput)

    this >>== step

   * A generalization of >>== that allows a step function which returns its result in a different, "bigger" monad.
   * The monad for G must perform all the effects of F as part of its evaluation; in the trivial case, of course
   * F and G will have the same monad.
  def advance[EE, AA, G[_]](f: StepT[E, F, A] => IterateeT[EE, G, AA])(implicit MO: G |>=| F): IterateeT[EE, G, AA] = {
    iterateeT(MO.MG.bind(MO.promote(value))(s => f(s).value))

  def advanceT[EE, AA, G[_]](f: StepT[E, F, A] => G[StepT[EE, F, AA]])(implicit MO: G |>=| F): G[StepT[EE, F, AA]] = {
    MO.MG.bind(MO.promote(value))(s => f(s))

   * Combine this Iteratee with an Enumerator-like function.
   * Often used in combination with the implicit views such as `enumStream` and `enumIterator`, for example:
   * {{{
   * head[Unit, Int, Id] >>== Stream.continually(1) // enumStream(Stream.continually(1))
   * }}}
   * @param f An Enumerator-like function. If the type parameters `EE` and `BB` are chosen to be
   *          `E` and `B` respectively, the type of `f` is equivalent to `EnumeratorT[E, F, A]`.
  def >>==[EE, AA](f: StepT[E, F, A] => IterateeT[EE, F, AA])(implicit F: Bind[F]): IterateeT[EE, F, AA] =
    iterateeT(F.bind(value)(s => f(s).value))

  def %=[O](e: EnumerateeT[O, E, F])(implicit m: Monad[F]): IterateeT[O, F, A] =
    (this >>== e[A]).joinI[E, A]

  def &=(e: EnumeratorT[E, F])(implicit F: Bind[F]): IterateeT[E, F, A] =
    this >>== e[A]

  def mapI[G[_]](f: F ~> G)(implicit F: Functor[F]): IterateeT[E, G, A] = {
    def step: StepT[E, F, A] => StepT[E, G, A] =
        cont = k => scont[E, G, A](k andThen loop)
        , done = (a, i) => sdone[E, G, A](a, i)
    def loop: IterateeT[E, F, A] => IterateeT[E, G, A] = i => iterateeT(f(

  def up[G[_]](implicit G: Applicative[G], F: Comonad[F]): IterateeT[E, G, A] = {
    mapI(new (F ~> G) {
      def apply[A](a: F[A]) = G.point(F.copoint(a))

  def joinI[I, B](implicit outer: IterateeT[E, F, A] =:= IterateeT[E, F, StepT[I, F, B]], M: Monad[F]): IterateeT[E, F, B] = {
    val M0 = IterateeT.IterateeTMonad[E, F]
    def check: StepT[I, F, B] => IterateeT[E, F, B] = _.fold(
      cont = k => k(eofInput) >>== {
        s => s.mapContOr(_ => sys.error("diverging iteratee"), check(s))
      , done = (a, _) => M0.point(a)

    outer(this) flatMap check

   * Feeds input elements to this iteratee until it is done, feeds the produced value to the
   * inner iteratee.  Then this iteratee will start over, looping until the inner iteratee is done.
  def sequenceI(implicit m: Monad[F]): EnumerateeT[E, A, F] =
    new EnumerateeT[E, A, F] {
      def apply[B] = {
        def loop = doneOr(checkEof)
        def checkEof: (Input[A] => IterateeT[A, F, B]) => IterateeT[E, F, StepT[A, F, B]] = k =>
          isEof[E, F] flatMap {
            eof =>
              if (eof) done(scont(k), eofInput)
              else step(k)
        def step: (Input[A] => IterateeT[A, F, B]) => IterateeT[E, F, StepT[A, F, B]] = k =>
          flatMap (a => k(elInput(a)) >>== loop)

  def zip[B](other: IterateeT[E, F, B])(implicit F: Monad[F]): IterateeT[E, F, (A, B)] = {
    def step[Z](i: IterateeT[E, F, Z], in: Input[E]) =
      IterateeT.IterateeTMonadTrans[E].liftM(i.foldT[(Option[(Z, Input[E])], IterateeT[E, F, Z])](
        cont = k => F.point((None, k(in)))
        , done = (a, x) => F.point((Some((a, x)), done(a, x)))
    def loop(x: IterateeT[E, F, A], y: IterateeT[E, F, B])(in: Input[E]): IterateeT[E, F, (A, B)] = in(
      el = _ =>
        step(x, in) flatMap {
          case (a, xx) =>
            step(y, in) flatMap {
              case (b, yy) => (a, b) match {
                case (Some((a, e)), Some((b, ee))) => done((a, b), if (e.isEl) e else ee)
                case _                             => cont(loop(xx, yy))
      , empty = cont(loop(x, y))
      , eof = (x &= enumEofT[E, F]) flatMap (a => (y &= enumEofT[E, F]) map (b => (a, b)))
    cont(loop(this, other))

object IterateeT extends IterateeTInstances with IterateeTFunctions {
  def apply[E, F[_], A](s: F[StepT[E, F, A]]): IterateeT[E, F, A] =

sealed abstract class IterateeTInstances0 {
  implicit def IterateeTMonad[E, F[_]](implicit F0: Monad[F]): Monad[IterateeT[E, F, ?]] =
    new IterateeTMonad[E, F] {
      implicit def F = F0

  implicit def IterateeMonad[E]: Monad[Iteratee[E, ?]] = IterateeTMonad[E, Id]

  implicit def IterateeTMonadTransT[E, H[_[_], _]](implicit T0: MonadTrans[H]): MonadTrans[λ[(α[_], β) => IterateeT[E, H[α, ?], β]]] =
    new IterateeTMonadTransT[E, H] {
      implicit def T = T0

sealed abstract class IterateeTInstances extends IterateeTInstances0 {
  implicit def IterateeTMonadTrans[E]: Hoist[λ[(α[_], β) => IterateeT[E, α, β]]] =
    new IterateeTHoist[E] { }

  implicit def IterateeTHoistT[E, H[_[_], _]](implicit T0: Hoist[H]): Hoist[λ[(α[_], β) => IterateeT[E, H[α, ?], β]]] =
    new IterateeTHoistT[E, H] {
      implicit def T = T0

  implicit def IterateeTMonadIO[E, F[_]](implicit M0: MonadIO[F]): MonadIO[IterateeT[E, F, ?]] =
    new IterateeTMonadIO[E, F] {
      implicit def F = M0

  implicit def IterateeTContravariant[F[_]: Monad, A]: Contravariant[IterateeT[?, F, A]] =
    new Contravariant[IterateeT[?, F, A]] {
      def contramap[E, EE](r: IterateeT[E, F, A])(f: EE => E) = r.contramap(f)

trait IterateeTFunctions {
  def iterateeT[E, F[_], A](s: F[StepT[E, F, A]]): IterateeT[E, F, A] = new IterateeT[E, F, A] {
    val value = s

  def cont[E, F[_] : Applicative, A](c: Input[E] => IterateeT[E, F, A]): IterateeT[E, F, A] =

  def done[E, F[_] : Applicative, A](d: => A, r: => Input[E]): IterateeT[E, F, A] =
    StepT.sdone(d, r).pointI

   * An iteratee that writes input to the output stream as it comes in.  Useful for debugging.
  def putStrTo[E](os: s: Show[E]): IterateeT[E, IO, Unit] = {
    def write(e: E) = IO(os.write(s.shows(e).getBytes))
    foldM(())((_: Unit, e: E) => write(e))

   * An iteratee that consumes all of the input into something that is PlusEmpty and Applicative.
  def consume[E, F[_]: Monad, A[_]: PlusEmpty : Applicative]: IterateeT[E, F, A[E]] = {
    def step(e: Input[E]): IterateeT[E, F, A[E]] =
      e.fold(empty = cont(step)
        , el = e => cont(step).map(a => Applicative[A].point(e) <+> a)
        , eof = done(PlusEmpty[A].empty, eofInput[E])


  def collectT[E, F[_], A[_]](implicit M: Monad[F], mae: Monoid[A[E]], pointed: Applicative[A]): IterateeT[E, F, A[E]] = {
    import scalaz.syntax.semigroup._
    def step(e: Input[E]): IterateeT[E, F, A[E]] =
      e.fold(empty = cont(step)
        , el = e => cont(step).map(a => Applicative[A].point(e) |+| a)
        , eof = done(Monoid[A[E]].zero, eofInput[E])


  /**An iteratee that consumes the head of the input **/
  def head[E, F[_] : Applicative]: IterateeT[E, F, Option[E]] = {
    def step(s: Input[E]): IterateeT[E, F, Option[E]] =
      s(empty = cont(step)
        , el = e => done(Some(e), emptyInput[E])
        , eof = done(None, eofInput[E])

  def headDoneOr[E, F[_] : Monad, B](b: => B, f: E => IterateeT[E, F, B]): IterateeT[E, F, B] = {
    head[E, F] flatMap {
      case None => done(b, eofInput)
      case Some(a) => f(a)

  /**An iteratee that returns the first element of the input **/
  def peek[E, F[_] : Applicative]: IterateeT[E, F, Option[E]] = {
    def step(s: Input[E]): IterateeT[E, F, Option[E]]
    = s(el = e => done(Some(e), s),
      empty = cont(step),
      eof = done(None, eofInput[E]))

  def peekDoneOr[E, F[_] : Monad, B](b: => B, f: E => IterateeT[E, F, B]): IterateeT[E, F, B] = {
    peek[E, F] flatMap {
      case None => done(b, eofInput)
      case Some(a) => f(a)

  /**An iteratee that skips the first n elements of the input **/
  def drop[E, F[_] : Applicative](n: Int): IterateeT[E, F, Unit] = {
    def step(s: Input[E]): IterateeT[E, F, Unit] =
      s(el = _ => drop(n - 1),
        empty = cont(step),
        eof = done((), eofInput[E]))
    if (n == 0) done((), emptyInput[E])
    else cont(step)

   * An iteratee that skips elements while the predicate evaluates to true.
  def dropWhile[E, F[_] : Applicative](p: E => Boolean): IterateeT[E, F, Unit] = {
    def step(s: Input[E]): IterateeT[E, F, Unit] =
      s(el = e => if (p(e)) dropWhile(p) else done((), s),
        empty = cont(step),
        eof = done((), eofInput[E]))

   * An iteratee that skips elements until the predicate evaluates to true.
  def dropUntil[E, F[_] : Applicative](p: E => Boolean): IterateeT[E, F, Unit] = dropWhile(!p(_))

  def fold[E, F[_] : Applicative, A](init: A)(f: (A, E) => A): IterateeT[E, F, A] = {
    def step(acc: A): Input[E] => IterateeT[E, F, A] = s =>
      s(el = e => cont(step(f(acc, e))),
        empty = cont(step(acc)),
        eof = done(acc, eofInput[E]))

  def foldM[E, F[_], A](init: A)(f: (A, E) => F[A])(implicit m: Monad[F]): IterateeT[E, F, A] = {
    def step(acc: A): Input[E] => IterateeT[E, F, A] = s =>
      s(el = e => IterateeT.IterateeTMonadTrans[E].liftM(f(acc, e)) flatMap (a => cont(step(a))),
        empty = cont(step(acc)),
        eof = done(acc, eofInput[E]))

   * An iteratee that counts and consumes the elements of the input
  def length[E, F[_] : Applicative]: IterateeT[E, F, Int] = fold(0)((a, _) => a + 1)

   * An iteratee that checks if the input is EOF.
  def isEof[E, F[_] : Applicative]: IterateeT[E, F, Boolean] = cont(in => done(in.isEof, in))

  def sum[E: Monoid, F[_]: Monad]: IterateeT[E, F, E] =
    foldM[E, F, E](Monoid[E].zero)((a, e) => Applicative[F].point(Monoid[E].append(a, e)))

// Type class implementation traits

private trait IterateeTMonad[E, F[_]] extends Monad[IterateeT[E, F, ?]] {
  implicit def F: Monad[F]

  def point[A](a: => A) = StepT.sdone(a, emptyInput).pointI
  override def map[A, B](fa: IterateeT[E, F, A])(f: A => B): IterateeT[E, F, B] = fa map f
  def bind[A, B](fa: IterateeT[E, F, A])(f: A => IterateeT[E, F, B]): IterateeT[E, F, B] = fa flatMap f

private trait IterateeTHoist[E] extends Hoist[λ[(β[_], α) => IterateeT[E, β, α]]] {
  trait IterateeTF[F[_]] {
    type λ[α] = IterateeT[E, F, α]

  def hoist[F[_]: Monad, G[_]](f: F ~> G) = new (IterateeTF[F]#λ ~> IterateeTF[G]#λ) {
    def apply[A](fa: IterateeT[E, F, A]): IterateeT[E, G, A] = fa mapI f

  def liftM[G[_] : Monad, A](ga: G[A]): IterateeT[E, G, A] =
    iterateeT(Monad[G].map(ga)(sdone[E, G, A](_, emptyInput)))

  implicit def apply[G[_] : Monad]: Monad[IterateeTF[G]#λ] = IterateeT.IterateeTMonad[E, G]

private trait IterateeTMonadIO[E, F[_]] extends MonadIO[IterateeT[E, F, ?]] with IterateeTMonad[E, F] {
  implicit def F: MonadIO[F]

  def liftIO[A](ioa: IO[A]) = MonadTrans[λ[(α[_], β) => IterateeT[E, α, β]]].liftM(F.liftIO(ioa))

private trait IterateeTMonadTransT[E, H[_[_], _]] extends MonadTrans[λ[(α[_], β) => IterateeT[E, H[α, ?], β]]] {
  implicit def T: MonadTrans[H]

  def liftM[G[_]: Monad, A](ga: G[A]): IterateeT[E, H[G, ?], A] =
    IterateeT.IterateeTMonadTrans[E].liftM[H[G, ?], A](T.liftM(ga))(T[G])

  def apply[G[_]: Monad]: Monad[IterateeT[E, H[G, ?], ?]] =
    IterateeT.IterateeTMonad[E, H[G, ?]](T[G])

private trait IterateeTHoistT[E, H[_[_], _]] extends Hoist[λ[(α[_], β) => IterateeT[E, H[α, ?], β]]] with IterateeTMonadTransT[E, H] {
  implicit def T: Hoist[H]

  def hoist[M[_]: Monad, N[_]](f: M ~> N) = new (IterateeT[E, H[M, ?], ?] ~> IterateeT[E, H[N, ?], ?]) {
    def apply[A](fa: IterateeT[E, H[M, ?], A]): IterateeT[E, H[N, ?], A] =
      fa.mapI[H[N, ?]](T.hoist[M, N](f))(T[M])

Other Scala examples (source code examples)

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala IterateeT.scala source code file:

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