Scala example source code file (IListTest.scala)
The IListTest.scala Scala example source codepackage scalaz import std.AllInstances._ import scalaz.scalacheck.ScalazProperties._ import scalaz.scalacheck.ScalazArbitrary._ import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen} import org.scalacheck.Prop.forAll import syntax.bifunctor._, syntax.foldable._ object IListTest extends SpecLite { // Same laws that hold for List checkAll(equal.laws[IList[Int]]) checkAll(monoid.laws[IList[Int]]) checkAll(monadPlus.strongLaws[IList]) checkAll(bindRec.laws[IList]) checkAll(traverse.laws[IList]) checkAll(zip.laws[IList]) checkAll(align.laws[IList]) checkAll(isEmpty.laws[IList]) checkAll(cobind.laws[IList]) checkAll(order.laws[IList[Int]]) // These tests hold for List, so they had better hold for IList implicit val intBooleanArb: Arbitrary[Int => Boolean] = { val intGen = implicitly[Arbitrary[Int]].arbitrary Arbitrary(Gen.oneOf( Gen.const((_: Int) => true), Gen.const((_: Int) => false), Gen.choose(2, 5).map(n => (a: Int) => a % n == 0), Gen.choose(2, 5).map(n => (a: Int) => a % n != 0), intGen.map(n => (_: Int) > n), intGen.map(n => (_: Int) < n) )) } "intercalate empty list is flatten" ! forAll { (a: IList[IList[Int]]) => a.intercalate(IList[Int]()) must_===(a.flatten) } "intersperse then remove odd items is identity" ! forAll { (a: IList[Int], b: Int) => val isEven = (_: Int) % 2 == 0 a.intersperse(b).zipWithIndex.filter(p => isEven(p._2)).map(_._1) must_===(a) } "intercalate is same as a.intersperse(b).flatten" ! forAll { (a: IList[IList[Int]], b: IList[Int]) => a.intercalate(b) must_===(a.intersperse(b).flatten) } "intersperse vs benchmark" ! forAll { (a: IList[Int], b: Int) => def intersperse[A](value: IList[A], a: A): IList[A] = value match { case INil() => INil() case ICons(x, INil()) => x :: INil() case ICons(h, t) => h :: a :: intersperse(t, a) } a.intersperse(b) must_=== intersperse(a, b) } "foldl is foldLeft" ! forAll {(rnge: IList[IList[Int]]) => val F = Foldable[List] rnge.foldLeft(IList[Int]())(_++_) must_=== F.foldLeft(rnge.toList, IList[Int]())(_++_) } "foldr is foldRight" ! forAll {(rnge: IList[IList[Int]]) => val F = Foldable[List] rnge.foldRight(IList[Int]())(_++_) must_=== F.foldRight(rnge.toList, IList[Int]())(_++_) } "foldLeft1Opt" ! forAll { ns: IList[List[Int]] => ns.foldLeft1Opt(_ ::: _) must_=== ns.toList.reduceLeftOption(_ ::: _) } "foldRight1Opt" ! forAll { ns: IList[List[Int]] => ns.foldRight1Opt(_ ::: _) must_=== ns.toList.reduceRightOption(_ ::: _) } "foldMap1Opt" ! forAll { ns: IList[List[Int]] => ns.foldMap1Opt(identity) must_=== ns.toList.reduceLeftOption(_ ::: _) } "mapAccumLeft" ! forAll { xs: IList[Int] => val f = (_: Int) + 1 xs.mapAccumLeft(IList[Int]())((c, a) => (c :+ a, f(a))) must_=== (xs, xs.map(f)) } "mapAccumRight" ! forAll { xs: IList[Int] => val f = (_: Int) + 1 xs.mapAccumRight(IList[Int]())((c, a) => (c :+ a, f(a))) must_=== (xs.reverse, xs.map(f)) } // And some other tests that List doesn't have "catamorphism" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int]) => ns.foldRight(IList.empty[Int])(ICons(_, _)) must_=== ns } // Functionality borrowed from List is tested in terms of List. Is this ethical? // Should they be collapsed into fewer cases? "++" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], ms: IList[Int]) => (ns ++ ms).toList must_=== ns.toList ++ ms.toList } "++:" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], ms: IList[Int]) => (ns ++: ms).toList must_=== ns.toList ++: ms.toList } "+:" ! forAll { (n: Int, ns: IList[Int]) => (n +: ns).toList must_=== n +: ns.toList } "/:" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], s: String, f: (String, Int) => String) => (s /: ns)(f) == (s /: ns.toList)(f) } ":+" ! forAll { (n: Int, ns: IList[Int]) => (ns :+ n).toList must_=== ns.toList :+ n } "::" ! forAll { (n: Int, ns: IList[Int]) => (n :: ns).toList must_=== n :: ns.toList } ":::" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], ms: IList[Int]) => (ns ::: ms).toList must_=== ns.toList ::: ms.toList } ":\\" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], s: String, f: (Int, String) => String) => (ns :\ s)(f) == (ns.toList :\ s)(f) } "concat" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], ms: IList[Int]) => (ns concat ms).toList must_=== ns.toList ++ ms.toList } "collect" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int]) => val pf: PartialFunction[Int, Int] = { case n if n % 2 == 0 => n + 1 } ns.collect(pf).toList must_=== ns.toList.collect(pf) } "collectFirst" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int]) => val pf: PartialFunction[Int, Int] = { case n if n % 2 == 0 => n + 1 } ns.collectFirst(pf) must_=== ns.toList.collectFirst(pf) } "concat" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], ms: IList[Int]) => (ns ++ ms).toList must_=== ns.toList ++ ms.toList } "containsSlice" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], ms: IList[Int]) => ns.containsSlice(ms) must_=== ns.toList.containsSlice(ms.toList) } "count" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], p: Int => Boolean) => ns.count(p) must_=== ns.toList.count(p) } "distinct" ! forAll { xs: IList[Int] => xs.distinct.toList must_=== xs.toList.distinct } "drop" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], n: Int) => ns.drop(n).toList must_=== ns.toList.drop(n) } "dropRight" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], n: Int) => ns.dropRight(n).toList must_=== ns.toList.dropRight(n) } "dropRightWhile" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], p: Int => Boolean) => ns.dropRightWhile(p).toList must_=== ns.toList.reverse.dropWhile(p).reverse } "dropWhile" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], p: Int => Boolean) => ns.dropWhile(p).toList must_=== ns.toList.dropWhile(p) } "endsWith" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], ms: IList[Int]) => ns.endsWith(ms) must_=== ns.toList.endsWith(ms.toList) } "fill" ! forAll { (a: Byte, b: Int) => IList.fill(a)(b).toList must_=== List.fill(a)(b) } "filter" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], p: Int => Boolean) => ns.filter(p).toList must_=== ns.toList.filter(p) } "filterNot" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: Int => Boolean) => ns.filterNot(f).toList must_=== ns.toList.filterNot(f) } "find" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: Int => Boolean) => ns.find(f) must_=== ns.toList.find(f) } // flatMap and folds are covered by laws "groupBy" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: Int => Int) => ns.groupBy(f).map(_.toList).toList.toMap must_=== ns.toList.groupBy(f) } "groupBy1" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: Int => Int) => ns.groupBy1(f).map(oa => (oa.head :: oa.tail).toList.reverse).toList.toMap must_=== ns.toList.groupBy(f) } "headOption" ! forAll { ns: IList[Int] => ns.headOption must_=== ns.toList.headOption } "index" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], n: Int) => ns.index(n) must_=== ns.toList.lift(n) } "indexOf" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], n: Int) => ns.indexOf(n).getOrElse(-1) must_=== ns.toList.indexOf(n) } "indexOfSlice" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], ms: IList[Int]) => ns.indexOfSlice(ms).getOrElse(-1) must_=== ns.toList.indexOfSlice(ms.toList) } "indexWhere" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: Int => Boolean) => ns.indexWhere(f).getOrElse(-1) must_=== ns.toList.indexWhere(f) } "initOption" ! forAll { ns: IList[Int] => ns.initOption.map(_.toList) must_=== (try Some(ns.toList.init) catch { case e: Exception => None }) } "inits" ! forAll { ns: IList[Int] => ns.inits.map(_.toList).toList must_=== ns.toList.inits.toList } "interleave" ! forAll { (xs: IList[Int], ys: IList[Int]) => val a = xs interleave ys (xs.length + ys.length) must_=== a.length val min = math.min(xs.length, ys.length) Foldable[IList].all(xs.zipWithIndex){ case (x, i) => val index = if(i <= min) i * 2 else (min * 2) + i - min a.index(index) == Some(x) } must_=== true Foldable[IList].all(ys.zipWithIndex){ case (y, i) => val index = if(i < min) (i * 2) + 1 else (min * 2) + i - min a.index(index) == Some(y) } must_=== true xs.interleave(ys).toStream must_=== std.stream.interleave(xs.toStream, ys.toStream) } // intersperse is tested above // isEmpty is tested by empty laws "lastIndexOf" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], n: Int) => ns.lastIndexOf(n).getOrElse(-1) must_=== ns.toList.lastIndexOf(n) } "lastIndexOfSlice" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], ms: IList[Int]) => ns.lastIndexOfSlice(ms).getOrElse(-1) must_=== ns.toList.lastIndexOfSlice(ms.toList) } "lastIndexWhere" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: Int => Boolean) => ns.lastIndexWhere(f).getOrElse(-1) must_=== ns.toList.lastIndexWhere(f) } "lastOption" ! forAll { ns: IList[Int] => ns.lastOption must_=== ns.toList.lastOption } "length" ! forAll { ns: IList[Int] => ns.length must_=== ns.toList.length } // map is tested by functor laws "nonEmpty" ! forAll { ns: IList[Int] => ns.nonEmpty must_=== ns.toList.nonEmpty } "padTo" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], n: Int) => ns.padTo(100, n).toList must_=== ns.toList.padTo(100, n) } "patch" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], a: Int, ms: IList[Int], b: Int) => ns.patch(a, ms, b).toList must_=== ns.toList.patch(a, ms.toList, b) } "prefixLength" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: Int => Boolean) => ns.prefixLength(f) must_=== ns.toList.prefixLength(f) } "reduceLeftOption" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: (Int, Int) => Int) => ns.reduceLeftOption(f) must_=== (try Some(ns.toList.reduceLeft(f)) catch { case e:Exception => None }) } "reduceRightOption" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: (Int, Int) => Int) => ns.reduceRightOption(f) must_=== (try Some(ns.toList.reduceRight(f)) catch { case e:Exception => None }) } "reverse" ! forAll { ns: IList[Int] => ns.reverse.toList must_=== ns.toList.reverse } "reverseMap" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: Int => Int) => ns.reverseMap(f).toList must_=== ns.toList.reverseMap(f) } "reverse_:::" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], ms: IList[Int]) => (ns reverse_::: ms).toList must_=== (ns.toList reverse_::: ms.toList) } "scanLeft" ! forAll { (ss: IList[String], f: (Int, String) => Int) => ss.scanLeft(0)(f).toList must_=== ss.toList.scanLeft(0)(f) ss.scanLeft("z")(_ + _).toList must_=== ss.toList.scanLeft("z")(_ + _) ss.scanLeft(IList.empty[String])(_ :+ _).toList must_=== ss.toList.scanLeft(IList.empty[String])(_ :+ _) } "scanRight" ! forAll { (ss: IList[String], f: (String, Int) => Int) => ss.scanRight(0)(f).toList must_=== ss.toList.scanRight(0)(f) ss.scanRight("z")(_ + _).toList must_=== ss.toList.scanRight("z")(_ + _) ss.scanRight(IList.empty[String])(_ +: _).toList must_=== ss.toList.scanRight(IList.empty[String])(_ +: _) } "slice" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], a: Int, b: Int) => ns.slice(a, b).toList must_=== ns.toList.slice(a, b) } "sortBy" ! forAll { (ss: IList[String], f: String => Int) => ss.sortBy(f).toList must_=== ss.toList.sortBy(f) } "sorted" ! forAll { (ss: IList[String]) => ss.sorted.toList must_=== ss.toList.sorted } "span" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: Int => Boolean) => ns.span(f).umap(_.toList) must_=== ns.toList.span(f) } "splitAt" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], n: Int) => ns.splitAt(n).umap(_.toList) must_=== ns.toList.splitAt(n) } "startsWith" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], ms: IList[Int]) => ns.startsWith(ms) must_=== ns.toList.startsWith(ms.toList) } "tails" ! forAll { ns: IList[Int] => ns.tails.map(_.toList).toList must_=== ns.toList.tails.toList } "tailOption" ! forAll { ns: IList[Int] => ns.tailOption.map(_.toList) must_=== (try Some(ns.toList.tail) catch { case e: Exception => None }) } "take" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], n: Byte) => ns.take(n).toList must_=== ns.toList.take(n) } "takeRight" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], n: Byte) => ns.takeRight(n).toList must_=== ns.toList.takeRight(n) } "takeRightWhile" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: Int => Boolean) => ns.takeRightWhile(f).toList must_=== ns.toList.reverse.takeWhile(f).reverse } "takeWhile" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], f: Int => Boolean) => ns.takeWhile(f).toList must_=== ns.toList.takeWhile(f) } "toEphemeralStream" ! forAll { ns: List[Int] => IList(ns: _*).toEphemeralStream.toList must_=== EphemeralStream(ns: _*).toList } "toList" ! forAll { ns: List[Int] => IList(ns: _*).toList must_=== ns } "toMap" ! forAll { ps: List[(String, Int)] => IList(ps: _*).toMap must_=== ==>>(ps: _*) } "toNel" ! forAll { ns: List[Int] => IList(ns: _*).toNel must_=== Scalaz.ToListOpsFromList(ns).toNel } "toStream" ! forAll { ns: List[Int] => IList(ns: _*).toStream must_=== ns.toStream } "toVector" ! forAll { ns: Vector[Int] => IList(ns: _*).toVector must_=== ns } "toZipper" ! forAll { ns: List[Int] => IList(ns: _*).toZipper must_=== scalaz.std.stream.toZipper(ns.toStream) } // uncons is tested everywhere "updated" ! forAll { (ns: IList[Int], i: Int, n: Int) => if (i < 0 || i >= ns.length) { ns.updated(i, n) must_=== ns } else { ns.updated(i, n).toList must_=== ns.toList.updated(i, n) } } "unzip" ! forAll { (ns: IList[(Int, String)]) => ns.unzip.bimap(_.toList, _.toList) must_=== ns.toList.unzip } // widen is tested by toMap and unzip // zip is tested by zip laws "zipWithIndex" ! forAll { ns: IList[Int] => ns.zipWithIndex.toList must_=== ns.toList.zipWithIndex } checkAll(FoldableTests.anyAndAllLazy[IList]) object instances { def equal[A: Equal] = Equal[IList[A]] def order[A: Order] = Order[IList[A]] def monoid[A] = Monoid[IList[A]] def monadPlus = MonadPlus[IList] def bindrec = BindRec[IList] def traverse = Traverse[IList] def zip = Zip[IList] def align = Align[IList] def isEmpty = IsEmpty[IList] def cobind = Cobind[IList] } } Other Scala examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this Scala IListTest.scala source code file: |
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